Metro Nashville Police Department, Tennessee
End of Watch Saturday, December 8, 2001
Reflections for Police Officer Candace Renee Ripp
Hi Candy,
I was just thinking about you. I am filled with joy at this moment. Joy from having known you. Joy from having you there through some really tough times. Joy form seeing you practice your karate. You were so funny.
Just wanted to say thanks for being such an angel.
In His service, your friend,
chandra thomas
You gave the ultimate sacrifice. You may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten. We are all family in this job, sometimes we are the only family each other has. In pace requiescat, Rest in peace! Keep a watch on the rest of us as we go on shift each day.
I was at work when it happened. I remember talking to the Troopers and Metro guys. I had only been on the force for a year when you were taken. Eventhough I didnt know you, you are still a sister and a friend in my family of law enforcement.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world will cry and you will rejoice." (American Indian Prayer)
Isaiah 40:31
Officer Kimberly Moses
MTSU Campus PD, TN
Happy birthday Candace. You are in my thoughts each day, and always will be. (4/29/03)
Happy Birthday Candace.... Your thought of everyday.
I found out about your passing on April 11, 2003. I am trying to process my feelings. I smile, I cry, and I just feel empty, yet filled by your spirit at the same time.
I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And for those of you who had the great priveledge to have worked alongside her, and have her in your lives as I did, I know that she touched you all in a marvelous way.
Candy, may you rest in peace. Thank you for allowing me to be Blessed by you love and your life.
Chandra Thomas
officer chandra thomas
nevada dept of corrections
I knew Candy at Sam Houston State University. We went through the Department of Corrections Academy together. We became very good friends. We laughed and cried together. Over the years we drifted in different directions. I moved to Nevada, and she went to Nashville. Candy always wanted to be a police officer. She had a special place in my heart and I tried contacting her over the years. I learned from her mother that she was in Nashville. I even saw her on night court tv one time. I screamed with excitement ot see her doing her police thing. I was like "you go girl". Tonight I happened to be on line looking for some information about the Texas prison system. I ran across a site about an officer's memorial. I went to the site not expecting anything really. About 5 names into the list I saw Candy's name. I gasped and shook with shock. My heart hurts now as I write this. Candy I love you. I think you knew that. I always told you I loved you. I have missed you over the years. I have not forgotten our brief times together. We laughed and cried and sometimes we just hung out and talked till the cows came home. I'm so sorry to hear that you are gone from"This" place, but I know that you are still smiling, laughing and crying in a "higher" place. That's what angels do. Save me a place and I'll be seeing you sweetie.
I love you,
chandra thomas
nevada dept of corrections
We love you and miss you so much, not a day goes by we don't think of you...
Candace, Mommy misses you so much. She cries for you when she is home alone with me sometimes. She talks about you often with a bright smile and she even has a big picture of you hanging in her living room. She wishes that she could see you again and talk to you again, and I believe that she will someday. She also says that she dreams about you from time to time and that it is very hard on her because it seems so real and then she realizes that it was just a dream. Your memory is still very much alive in our house and always will be. You are still a part of our family.
1/4/03 - I miss you Baby. Love, Mother
Mother of a Hero
Candace, It has been almost a year now, and I still think about you EVERY day. I miss you so much. I think back on times we spent together, and wish you were still here to share them with me. Thank-you for your friendship, for listening, and for setting me straight on occasion, and most of all, for the memories that will stay with me all my life. You will always be a part of me, now and forever.
It's coming up on a year now and I think of you everyday, I remember, and I miss you so much. Life is on going but will never be the same without you. Thank you for the memories and I look forward to the day I see you again.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you, still. I have been talking to others and we have all been sharing memories, some make us laugh and others make us cry. I love doing that because it keeps your memory alive, and keeps you in my heart. Sometimes I feel like you are watching over me and I wouldn't have it any other way! Many things have happened since you left us, and I wish I could talk them over with you, but somehow I think you know! I will always miss you.
I miss you Candace.
Hi Candy!!!!
Your nephews and I just got done talking about you...AGAIN!!!! and we wanted to write you a note and tell you how much we miss you and how proud we are of you. The boys are so proud of their Aunt Candycane and Joseph aspires to follow in your footsteps. What more of a legacy could you ask for. If nothing else you have left the boys with a sense of pride, honor and respect. Not a day goes by they don't talk about you, say a prayer for you, and look at your photo. Your brother misses you all too much to. We sometimes can't understand the reality of you being gone, but we have to go on. We will say a prayer every night and keep coming by to see us! The boys know you do, and so do I. Thanks for sending the smiles, and we will try not to be angry anymore. God bless you Candy, may you stand strong in God's arms. We love and miss you!
PS... We are keeping your Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Nashville close. God Bless them.
Kathy Ripp
Austin, Texas
To know Candace is to love Candace,She was the most caring individual I have had the pleasure to know.I will miss her bright smile and light up a room eyes.Candace this is not good bye but I know someday I will get to walk the beat with you in heaven.
PO II Harold R. Taylor
Metro/Nashville Police Dept.
Dear Candy,
It's been almost four months since you began your patrol to the Pearly Gates of Heaven, Four months. It seems much longer than that, an eternity almost. It hasn't gotten easier for any of us Candy, and I know it never will either. I sure miss you Sis, that sweet laugh of yours that always made me smile. I miss the meaningless long distance conversations we often shared, ofwhich the majority of time was spent laughing and reminiscing over silly things we did as kids, that Mom and Dad never found out about. I miss the stiff competition on the basketball and tennis court. The card games, golfing, and late night laughs with a cold beer on the porch at Mom and Dads. I have so many fun memories of time spent with you, and with each new picture that Mom or Laurel send me, or when I'm chattin with Dad or Jay, another one always comes to mind. You know somethin Sis? Many people say that there isn't anything perfect in this world. Know what I say? They're wrong, way wrong. Obviously these people have never seen the Dress Blue uniform of the Unites States Marine Corps, or have tasted Moms chicken fried steak and broccoli and cheese casserole. Sure, not many things in this world are worthy of being characterized as "perfect", but one thing is certain, you have always been a PERFECT sister Candycane. So they're all wrong you see? Some things in life are perfect... On this, your Thirty-seventh Birthday know this. We all love you Candy, and we miss you more than can be expressed in words. Happy Birthday Candace Renee, our Ripp family Hero.
your brother,
SSgt Brett F. Ripp
U.S. Marine Corps
Congratulations on 'Ripp Parkway'. I believe that it is a more than deserved memorial and a way for the citizens of Nashville to say Thank You and We Miss You. Candace's years of service to our community have not gone unnoticed and will never be forgotten. As I learn more and more about Candace from her very close friends, I can easily see why she had so many friends and was so well-liked by everyone. She seemed to have an outstanding sense of humor and was very lovable. It is clear to me that Candace touched many lives in many different ways. She has made a difference in so many lives and no one had the chance to properly thank her for that and the wonderful memories that she left us with. I pray that she now understands her true value and worth to those left behind. Although she is no longer with us on earth, she will continue to feel the love in our hearts-maybe now more than ever. My wish is peace for Candace and may God continue to comfort her family and friends.
Metro Police Civilian
Metro Nashville Police
Sissy, if you could only read what everyone is saying about you, you might finally believe how special you are. How many times did I have to tell you that you had beautiful hazel eyes and a beautiful smile and how many times did I hear you say "I look stupid". I am so proud of you. I've always been proud of you and proud to be your little sissy. Most of the time I just feel like you are still on patrol. It's only when I think about talking to you that I realize I'm the only one that can do the talking now. I miss hearing your voice. I miss the silly laughs we shared together. You are so goofy and I loved to laugh at the goofy things you would say and do. The last time we were in Nashville for Thanksgiving and you met us at Jay's for breakfast, I hated to leave. You followed us out on the interstate and when you exited off and we were waving to each other I had such a pain in my heart. I didn't understand why I hated to say goodbye to you. Now I know, that was the last time I ever saw you alive in uniform. I think about that moment a lot now. I know I will see you again, I love you sissy.
Laurel Trosclair, sister
To my beautiful daughter, we are so proud of you and what you stood for. We love you and miss you. Mother and Dad
Gyna Ripp, Mother
Dear Family & Friends of Officer Ripp,
Your loss and pain are felt and shared by many. May you get through this most difficult time by holding each other up by Love and Faith. She is now loving and protecting you from above.
My prayers are with you,
Ann Becker Alexandrino
Dtr/Det. Hugo Becker, Hialeah PD-EOW 1966
Ann Becker Alexandrino
Hialeah Police Dept.
My deepest condolences go to Officer Ripp's family, Metro Police and to the citizens of Nashville. May God bless you and keep you.
In Christ,
Ptl. Lee Knight
Ptl. Lee Knight
UT Medical Center Police
I have known Candace for about 2 years. When I came to the day shift off of evenings my confidence level in my dispatching was not very good though I was still a good dispatcher I did not believe it. Candace instilled confidence in me everyday telling me how wonderful I was and that I was her favorite dispatcher. She always called me "MeMe" on the radio after she found out my 5yo niece called me that because she could not pronounce my first name. We became really good friends fairly quickly. She was there for me when I really needed someone to listen. I was very lost at one point and she helped me find new direction. She made me a better person, a better dispatcher, a better friend, a better daughter to my parents. She made a difference in so many ways. I could never begin to express how much I loved Candace. She was the best sister I ever had. That was exactly what I considered her to very own sister. Not having a sister growing up she filled a huge void. I will always be greatful to Candace for all she did for me. I will never forget her. I will always continue to dispatch the way she always loved me to dispatch, with confidence, with diligence, but always with fun. She so loved to cut up on the radio. I am making a promise to honor her by continuing to do my very best to always strive to do better to make her proud. I will never forget all the fun times I shared with her, the rides on her motorcycle, swimming in her pool, watching movies while playing with "mickey" , and sitting on the back of her tailgate of her truck talking and laughing. She wasn't just an officer I worked with, she was my friend, my sister. She had the best smile of anyone I have ever known. I will never forget the day she was killed and I am positive she was with me in spirit that day because at the time of her death I was working another radio and got a code 3000 (baricaded subject with a gun)and I have never been so focused in all my life and I know that is how she would have wanted me to be. I knew I could not break down until I was done, I knew for her I had to continue on to ensure that no one got hurt on the situation I was working on. Through tears I still performed my duties just as she would have wanted me to. This was the hardest day of my life and I will never forget it, but I will always be greatful to her for giving me that confidence to be able to go on despite tragedy. She is my hero! God bless you Candace!
To her family, thank you for Candace. Thank you for your support at the funeral home and at East Station following her funeral. The love I felt from you on that day will forever be in my heart.
I will always love you Candace!
Melissa Cotnoir "MeMe"
Candaces favorite East dispatcher
Metro Nashville Police Communications
Melissa Cotnoir
Metro Nashville Police Communications
You are my best friend and you will always be. I love you and miss you very badly. You are my heroine, and I will honor your name til the day I die. You will always be remembered. We love you,
Valen- your daughter, Rylee- your grand daughter, Rodney- your son-in-law.
Gyna,Farrell Ripp
Valen Ripp Midkiff
Daughter of Candace Renee Ripp
Candace was a loyal, professional, and compassionate Police Officer, and I have no doubt those same traits would have defined her career as an attorney. She was also a loving, giving friend to me, and I will miss her so. My life was forever changed for the better when she stepped into it, and I will always be grateful that she chose me to be one of her many friends. She was, is, and always will be my hero, and I will carry her in my heart all the days of my life, and strive to make her proud. I would like to thank Candace's family for sharing her with all of us here in Nashville who loved her, and we promise you, we will never forget her.