Jessamine County Sheriff's Department, Kentucky
End of Watch Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Billy Ray Walls, III
January 15th, 2004
Hey bub. I wanted to let you know that me and Jennie got engaged over Christmas. We also bought a house. You probably already knew all this. I remember the talks we had in your cruiser. I miss those talks. I have thought about you alot lately. I was unpacking yesterday and found a letter you wrote me while I was in Boot Camp. That seems like so long ago. I know that right now you are looking down over all of us. Look down on all of our family and help them through any tough times. Pull everybody up when they start to slip. We all miss you everyday. There are a few family members that right now need to feel you more than ever. I know that you can help out with this. Your daughters Christmas picture was gorgeous. She looks like you in the eyes. But for all the girl aspects she looks like her momma. Be with me this spring as I start to persue my career in Law Enforcement. I know I will have alot of questions and I know you have the answers. We all think about you and miss you more than anything. I will be talking to you in my dreams and prayers. Sleep tight Billy.
Corrections Officer Chris Walls
Hamilton County Sheriff's Department
January 15, 2004
I have not written in a while I just wanted to say hey and I think you know that you are still missed and loved. Keep looking after us.
January 11, 2004
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Billy
January 8, 2004
Not a week goes by that I don't think about Billy and Chuck and the supreme sacrifice that they made. I did not know either one of them, but when I came to work in Central, that did not matter. They taught me more than I could imagine. The ultimate tragedy that took place made me want to do my job to the very best of my ability. When I came to Dispatch, it had only been two short months and the wounds of the county were still very fresh. I learned from those around me who experienced the tragedy, both personally and professionally. I am no longer a part of the Jessamine County team but I hope to be a part of another team very soon in another part of the state. I will take the lessons that I learned there from Mickey and everyone else, with me wherever I go. Whenever I am behind a radio, Billy will be right there in my mind.
Prissy, I feel as if I had known Billy a very long time and I somehow almost feel as if I know you and Kaley. I wish you only the best in your life and in Kaley's. You have been told many times but I will say it are a VERY strong person. May you know that Billy will always be with you and will always be a part of your life. Thank you for sharing him with us.
Patty Baker
Formerly Jessamine County
January 6, 2004
It's 2004 and I was reflecting on what has happened over the past year. I realized that I have not written in a while. I want you to know that a day does not go by that I do not think of you. I try to call or see Prissy and Kaley once a week to make sure they are o.K.. They have a lot of people looking out for them. They both seem to be doing fine. As you know Kaley is growing like a weed. Prissy is not growing like a weed but we are making her eat just like always. She's doing fine also. Well, I guess I will go now. I just want you to know at even that I have not written in a while I will always be thinking of you. You are not easily forgotten. PLease, look out for all of us still walking the beat down here. We miss you.
Officer James P Primm
Paris Police Department
January 1, 2004
December 31, 2003
Dear Billy,
We hope and pray that 2004 will be a year of healing for so many who need it--spiritual, emotional, and physical. We pray that no law enforcement officer will have to give his or her life in 2004 in the course of doing his/her job; the toll is already far too great. We truly do pray for peace in this world of chaos, turmoil, and ugliness; the daily loss of life in the name of "war" is staggering. We pray that 2004 will bring cures for diseases that devastate and kill at a heartbreaking rate. We pray that we can help to meet the needs of so many. We know you want the same things, Billy; we often wonder how "things down here" must appear from your perspective!
Yet, in spite of many moments of pain, grief, sadness, and frustration, we are so thankful for life and health and family and friends. We praise God for His many blessings and continue to depend on Him for strength and guidance in all things. Through it all, our faith in Almighty God provides the indescribable joy of knowing that we will soon be able to spend all eternity with Him and with family and friends such as you! That Promise is the wind beneath our earthly wings until that great day we meet you again at Heaven's Gates.
We miss you very much, Billy. We wish it could have all been so different--but we also know that God's plan is perfect, so we do the best we can in trying to understand and accept. As you can probably see, we need a lot of help. Happy New Year, Billy . . . . . . you are, no doubt, involved in the Celebration of all Celebrations!!
Our love,
Susan & Louis Prater
December 31, 2003
December 27, 2003
As another year ends, you are still in our thoughts, Billy and Prissy and
Kaley. Your death diminshes us all, Billy Ray. Thank you for your
selfless service and sacrifice. It is a long road to healing that lies ahead,
but I know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will extend His mercy
and comfort to all who reach out to Him. There is none greater than He.
We don't get to Heaven based on what we do, but what He did for us!!
AMEN! There is now a huge void that cannot be filled. God be with all
those who mourn and may His promises lift all those with heavy hearts
for many years to come. With love from one coast of America to the
Lynn Kole
Washington State
December 27, 2003
Over the last hour I have read over these reflections and never in my entire life have I ever been so proud to be a part of a community like Jessamine County.
December 24, 2003
Merry Christmas, Billy!!! Many other heroes have joined you there this year and I just wanted to let you know we miss you and think of you often along with the others and their families. Jessamine County just ain't the same without you.
December 23, 2003
December 23, 2003
Dear Billy,
Your third Christmas in Heaven . . . . . . it's unimaginable!! Amidst the mundane activities of our everyday lives and the frenzied activities of the Holidays, you are always on our minds and in our hearts. Your absence is a source of pain every day, but even moreso at Christmas. We miss you and love you, and we wish you a spectacular Christmas!
Susan & Louis Prater
December 23, 2003
Hey Billy, it's been a long time since i have talked to you last and i just wanted to wish you a very merry x-mas, this is the hardest time for me with out you! i love you so much I love your little girl -kaley is so cute! form the big guy to the little girl-love your little cuzmegan
December 14, 2003
Hey Billy it's been a while since I have wrote you.The only thing I do anymore is work out of town.I bought me a house and I think about you because I knew you had your own house at one time and you were a cop.So I definetly look up to you no matter what you did,I always say Billy did it why can't I do it to.I am at work now but it's raining outside there isn't much I can do...I hope you help me out on with that job,which you know what I am talking about...I am following your footsteps.Well take care of everybody up there as you are patrolling the streets,I am glad you looked out for Darby a few months ago.Well take care Billy I'll talk to you later
December 4, 2003
My heart is in so much pain. Without you I am so lost, still after two years I just don't know where and what to do sometimes. When I think that I am doing good, something or someone pushes me back making me second quess myself. Miss you more with every passing day.
November 28, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving, Billy. Today and every day we should give thanks for the special people in our lives so I didn't want to leave you out. It's people, not "things", that are important.
I got to see Kaley on November 13 and she is absolutely precious! I have no doubt that she keeps everyone on their toes! I know you are one proud papa!!!
November 27, 2003
Doesn't seem possible that two years has gone by, you will always be a fond memory that brings a smile, Billy. So many young officers have joined you up there and all the stories break your heart until you realize where you all get to call home! Heaven! Have fun, keep our backs, you will never be forgotten.
KY Peace Officer
Isaiah 40:31
November 20, 2003
Remembering you on the anniversary of your death. May God comfort
all those who are still grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times
and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. God bless!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
November 14, 2003
I am at work as I write this, thinking about the day and the ceremony we had for you earlier today. Lo and behold I answer the phone and some guy asks me for a phone number to the Immigration Service. I did my job and give the guy the info, then think to myself that you somehow were behind that phone call. You know what I am talking about. I really miss you.
Jessamine County 911
November 13, 2003
November 13th, 2003
We'll ever forget you Billy. Your family will be in my thoughts all day today. We all miss you.
Officer Tracy R. Day
FCPS Dept. of Law Enforcement
November 13, 2003
Rest in peace brother, thanks
November 13, 2003
Two years of memories, tears, laughter and more memories....Thank you, Billy, for being willing to lay down your life for the lives of your friends and all of your community. You have truly been an inspiration.
November 13, 2003
It has been two years that you have been gone but you will never be forgotten. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of. Thank you for being such a blessing in so many lives. We love you and miss you very much. Keep watching over Prissy and continue to give her strength. Love Deb
Debbie Stevens
November 12, 2003
November 13, 2003
Dearest Billy,
It's heartbreaking to write this note, and it's shocking to realize that it's been two years since you left us; it often seems like two weeks. We think of you and miss you each and every day that goes by, and we so desperately wish that November 13, 2001 had had a drastically different outcome.
Our lives go on, with all the ups and downs, but we were forever changed on that tragic day. Our perspectives were permanently altered concerning just about everything; "time" took on a brand new meaning; our priorities will never be the same. Our strength is in the Lord, Billy, as yours was. Your death, along with other life-changing circumstances, has brought us much farther along in our spiritual walk, and for that we are grateful. We pray daily for those you left behind, and we have reconciled ourselves to the fact that your absence will be a source of grief and pain for the rest of our days. It's still all so hard to believe. But it's a tremendous comfort to know that your life is now joyful and perfect, that you're forever in God's presence, and we're truly happy for you! We look forward to that great day when we'll see you again; until then, know that you are missed terribly and loved greatly.
Our love,
Susan & Louis Prater
November 12, 2003
So , What da ya think? I know you would be really proud of this room now. I can see you now, smiling & wanting to know what everything does--heck you could probably tell us a thing or two. we're finally looking professional for real now, huh?
I still can't believe you're gone. It'll probably never sink in completely. as you know , you're thought of and forever missed. see ya when it's my time.
October 25, 2003
October 6, 2003
Almost 2 years? NO WAY!!! Seems like only yesterday....Joe & Mickey came in grumbling about playing basketball with you (ha ha) and the next morning they, like everyone else, could not believe you were gone. They thought there would be many more games ahead and chances to get even :) - we all did. The guys have a memorial sticker on the race car in honor of you and Chuck and we know you are there with us cheering them on. You're always on our minds and we miss you. /melody
October 3, 2003