Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, New York
End of Watch Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Reflections for Police Officer George Gerard Howard
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I just wanted to let the Howard family know you are often thought of.
November 16, 2007
You are not and will never be forgotten. You and the other brothers we lost that day are HEROES and will be remembered forever! Rest high on the streets of Heaven!
Deputy Brant Pewitt
Williamson Co. Sheriff's Dept TN.
September 11, 2007
Dear George:
As you kept your oath to "protect and serve", I keep my oath to you and everyone else who sacrificed everything that day. Sir Winston Churchill once spoke of the valor and courage that his fellow comrades in arms displayed during the Battle of Britain. He said, "This will be our finest hour". And it was. On 11 September 2001, you displayed to the world, American lawmen's "finest hour".
Americans need to be reminded, (unfortunately), of your heroic acts and valor, not once, but TWICE. Both times, off duty you responded to the World Trade Center, savings lives both times. Lawmen in this great nation of ours, will hopefully never again have to make the sacrifice that you did. But if they are called upon to respond as you did, I am certain that they too, will not hesitate...like you.
What you did that horrible day, serves notice that we police officers are NEVER off duty. And it serves notice to everyone in the world, that as committed as this great nation is to live free, so are this nation's police officers committed to give our very lives, if necessary, to help achieve that end.
A man of your character and fiber has been taken away from us by an act of cowardice, committed by a group of animals not worthy of mention on this sacred site. But your service, dedication, bravery and valor cannot be eradicated or diminished. May you rest in peace with the knowledge that you helped so many others survive, and truly lived, "Our finest hour". God bless you, your family, and God Bless America. Amen
Detective Ron Tomassi
Palm Beach Sherif's Office-Florida
February 9, 2007
To the family and loved ones of Officer George Howard and his fellow officers with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department and most especially to George:
Mere words seem insignificant to honor your heroism and courage which will never be forgotten. On this the fifth anniversary week of the tragic devastation wreaked upon our nation, those brave men and women who lost their lives safeguarding others are remembered and revered.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect and gratitude for the distinquished service George gave to his community and country, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 11, 2001.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Department, CA; eow 4/24/05
September 19, 2006
It has been five years since the Terroist Attacks of 9/11/2001. I want to thank you and all of your fellow officers that paid the ultimate price for the freedoms that I have today. Thank all of you for your heroism on that fateful day.
Daughter of an AL Sheriff
September 13, 2006
a hero lives forever.....
September 12, 2006
Thinking of you and your loved ones on this tragic day in history. You will never be forgotten and will be forever a hero.
Nicole Burdette
Wife of Deputy Alex Burdette EOW 3-12-05
September 11, 2006
Never Forgotten
August 9, 2006
HERO! Rest in peace, Sir! You are not forgotten.
Police Officer
July 25, 2006
Law enforcement officers are, indeed, a special breed of people. Ask anyone on the street and they will tell you that they would not have our jobs for anything in the world. It takes something special to do what we do and at the same time be able to even contemplate retirement. We try to be optimists. Unfortunately, there are a few of us who will never make that date with retirement. By the very nature of our job, we are at risk everyday of losing our lives, either at the hand of some deranged individual or in some other situation that we, by virtue of our occupation, may be unable to avoid. Some people have recognized the hazardous duties we involve ourselves in, the risks we take, and the pride we take in accomplishing that job. There is National Law Enforcement Week, dedicated to us who gladly accept the responsibility of protecting the citizens in our respective jurisdictions. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Day is dedicated to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. These are but a two examples of remembrances specifically for law enforcement personnel. Remembrances that come but once a year. We should remind fellow officers of another type of remembrance, one that will last a lifetime. Sooner or later, a doctor will pronounce us dead. It is inevitable. Regardless of whatever happens, death is the end we will all have to face.
Author Unknown
Jim Moore
New Orleans P.D., Retired
November 10, 2004
The Howard family will always be in my heart and mind.
god bless you all......
John Mullarkey
police officer
April 12, 2004
There are but two persons who protect the sinful human race from destroying itself. One is God's Holy Spirit. The other is the Peace Officer. Without them, we would all perish at each other's hands.
You were called into this profession and our Lord and Savior has blessed you because:
According to Romans 13.1-5...
God ordains the Peace Officer’s profession.
The Peace Officer is sent by God.
The Peace Officer is vested with God's authority to enforce the law.
A Peace Officer's badge is to be honored by us, because God honors it.
You gave the ultimate sacrifice, your life for your fellow man, while serving, defending, and protecting others in your community.
Thank you for your service to America. Your efforts saved thousand that horrible day.
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends. You will be in our hearts forever.
September 11, 2001---Gone, but Never Forgotten.
Marti Ingle (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 6, 2004
I tried to attend as many funerals as I could during these darkest of days as my way of showing respect to families and coworkers of all of my brother and sister Officers and Firefighters. I cannot find the words to say how sorry I am that we have lost these great heroes. I cannot express my thanks enough for your bravery and sacrifice. My prayers are with you and all of your families......................AC
Pennsylvania State Police
September 15, 2003
on behalf of my family, i would like to thank everyone for sending in their reflections...
Sgt Pat Howard
I wear the bracelet to remember Officer Howard and the tragedy of Sept. 11. My thoughts are with his family, friends, and coworkers. How great a sacrifice he made in the line of duty. To all others who do this job,...be safe.
I just finished writing a research paper about police work and Officer Howard came up while I was doing research. What he did was absolutley incredible, proof of what police officers are for.
Andrew Hershman
Your death will be avenged and your heroism, bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten!
Your death will be avenged and your heroism, courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten!
My Prayers are with all the friends and family of all the officers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
I lost my brother tragically, Det. David Taylor, Greensboro PD, On August 7, 2001. I was in NY for my fiancee's Mother's funeral the first of Sept. I was stranded there for 3 weeks due to this atrocity. As I watched the events on TV, I cried for all those who lost their lives. But was especially emotional about the Police Officers and the Firefighters and their families, as I had just recently suffered a tragic loss myself. As I walked through the streets in the days following the attack, I cried with pride as I saw the officers on duty on all the corners in the city. I knew how hard it was for them, knowing they had lost their friends. On the Sat. following the attack I was at St. Patrick's for mass. The last 2 people to go up and take communion were 2 NYPD officers, again I cried. I hope all of you are getting the support that my family and I got when we needed it, from the Deparment. I know the comforting words and even the funny stories the officers tell us about my brother helps. I know that our loved ones who are gone from here, had a higher calling and are happy and at peace in Heaven. Hopefully we can all feel that same peace one day! God bless All of you! And God bless America!
Tracy Taylor
Thomasville, NC
Sister of Greensboro Det.David L Taylor
EOW 8/7/01
After reading that Officer Howard was off duty and rushed to the scene to help, the first thought in my mind was, "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." I pray for the family and friends left behind in this horrible tragedy.
Cheri Chavers, officer's wife
Anchorage Police Department
Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
God I don't know what to say. I intend to post this message for each and everyone of you heroes so Officer, Detective, Agent, Whatever,... I thank you. You swore to serve and to protect. Well your days of protecting us are over. But you will forever be in service. Your eternal service... the inspiration you and your fellow bothers and sisters have re-enforced in my heart, will live so long as I do. Though I will not always carry your name in the front of my mind, not in my duties as a soldier or as the police officer I plan to become when I get home, I will still always carry with me the knowledge of your sacrifice... of your heroism, of your selflessness... I will carry a samll piece of you everywhere I go. Be it with an M-16 in my hands in a strange land, or a badge on my chest in my own back yard... long after the flags come down and the nation carries on... until the day I die... you will continue to serve... as my inspiration. God bless you. God bless your family. God bless your agency. God bless FDNY. God bless all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guardsmen, and marines. God bless New York City. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Thank you my brothers and sisters. I love you.
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