Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer James B. Gilbert

Norfolk Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Friday, September 28, 2001

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Reflections for Police Officer James B. Gilbert

I just want to say YOU ARE MISSED BY MANY..You left an impression on everyone who met you. I am one of those lucky people !!. We shared many thoughts together that I will always hold dear. I may not have known you long, but I knew you well. I MISS YOU..and miss you stopping by at night for a cup of coffee.I think of you everyday. I hope your family is well. I must admit after you passed I lost touch with everyone. I think of everyone all the time and it brings a smile to my face. You rest in peace my dear friend. and keep looking over us all.


Hey James,
I am sorry I haven't written you in almost a year. Well I am 13 now and in the 8th grade. When I heard about another officer Officer being killed my mom and I eyes were tearing up. My dad and mom are doing fine. So are my sisters. We miss you alot, more than alot. I made my school cheerleading team last year. We won every game execpt for two. I knew we were good because you were looking down on them, and me. Tiffany and Logan are doing real good.
I miss you!!!!!!!

R.I.P James

Kayla Chilcott McDermott
Norfolk Police Officers Daughter

We’ve had to experience another. Virginia Beach lost one of their finest to a gun toting manic this past Monday who decided that it was easier to commit armed robbery than it was to get a job and once again it occurred on the night shift. I guess the saying is true, the freaks do come out at night. My heart goes out to his family and co-workers, because their future has been altered by a man that had no regard for his life, let alone anyone else’s. This officer has a 9 month old son that will never get to know his father and the only memories that he will have, will be those that his mother will tell him because he is too young to remember. The saddest part of all this, the now dead suspect should not have been out of jail. He had six felony convictions at the age of 21. That’s 2 a year since he turned 18, and not to mention the almost obvious record that he had as a juvenile that can not be published. What is wrong with this world when judges, magistrates and lawyers have to take into consideration the rights and freedoms of criminals? This suspect FTA’d for charges against him for felony assault on a police officer, that occurred last December, he was also wanted on probation violation, but I guess it wouldn’t have been politically correct to have kept him in jail; the justice system may have hurt his feelings and could have been construed as offense to his young and easy impressionable mind. I guess his 2nd amendment right was far more important than that Officer’s right to live was. One day when there are no more police officers alive to protect us from the evil doers that are every where in society, someone will take a step back and realize that law enforcement only worked for those that respect and abided by the laws and the animal like criminals should have been treated with an entirely different set of rules.
I know that you and Sheila were waiting at the gates to welcome Officer Rodney Pocceschi through, and the three of you will now be patrolling the golden streets of heaven, but maybe one day the three of you will no longer have to welcome anyone else through. Take care my friend, I miss you greatly.

Always REMEMBERING and NEVER forgetting.
Your Friend,
Dyan McDermott

I love you Daddy!!

Logan Gilbert

Dear James,

I love and miss you so very much. It happened all over again early this morning when another Officer at the Beach was shot and killed. When is it going to stop? What makes a criminal think he can tear a family apart like this? Our society is filled with so much greed that these criminals have no regard for human life, as long as they can try and get away. They don't care who they hurt or kill in the process or who they shoot and the lives that they shatter along they way as long as it's not there husband, father or son.

The pain of losing you again brings back all the emotions as if it were the day you too were called to heaven on September 28, 2001. I am so sad and upset that my heart aches for his family too. I can't stop crying as I keep praying for his wife and children. They too will have to go through all the pain like us. It's just not fair. It makes me so angry. I feel it all over again. They must have gotten that knock on their door at 6:00 in the morning like I did. You're in such disbelief and shock that it does'nt seem to sink in. You feel like your in a dream and can't wake up.

I pray everyday that another family will not have to go through this. I still ask God to find it in my heart to forgive the animal that killed you and I just can not do it!!! I am still filled with so much anger and hatred towards that coward, that I wonder if the pain will ever go away or get any easier.

You have another brother in blue up in heaven with you. God Bless his family and all those in blue. Please watch over them and know that they are in our prayers. The line just keeps getting thinner and thinner.

I will never forget you or any of our Officers killed!
All my love forever!


we miss you god bless metro tac officers



Dear James
Yesterday we honored you and all of the Fallen Police Officers. I must tell you again how proud I am to of had you as my husband and proud to of been your wife. You were the greatest father to Logan and she speaks of you often while she's telling her stories of all the things you did with her. I miss you so very much that at times it's unbearable. There is not a moment in an hour that I do not stop to think of you and how special you always made us feel. All the phone calls still stand out in my mind. You'd call just to say I love you in your little baby voice as you worked part-time. I miss that. I miss everything about you. I miss your scent, I miss your smile, but most of all I miss you. I wish for one minute I could tell you how much my heart still aches for you. You were my entire life and my soulmate. Two families that were once one were torn apart the day you died. You were the glue that always held everything together. All I can say, is I will forever honor your name with the dignity that you deserve and would want and I will cherish all of our special memories we have together. Thank you for all your beautiful miracles you have done over the past 8 months. I still feel you with me and I am so greatful to have loved you and been loved by you...
All my love forever,

Tiffany Gilbert

I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you. Hope you are doing well and I'll give you a call soon. Hope Logan is doing well also. Has she been enjoying the pool? Take care & good luck if I don't talk to you in the next few months!

With love,
Survivor of Calvin E. Taylor NCSHP

Dear James,
It seems like just yesterday God picked you to join him and watch over us. We went to visit you this past saturday to honor you and your day of birth. I wish that we all could be there with you to celebrate your 30th! I look back a couple of years ago to my 30th and remember you razzin' me and having a great time. Then I see the pictures and laugh! If you only knew how much fun people had being around you! That laughter of yours will never be forgotten! I also remember you made up that song in Edisto about the piggly wiggly! I find it hilarious when I think about that and it usually brings a tear or 2 of happiness. We all miss you, yet know that both Jesus and you are constantly watching over all of us throughout the thick and thin. Your volleyball net is still set on the beach and is ready for summer. It hasn't had much use since your leaving, yet I know that I'm not the only one that sees it as a type of shrine to all the great times we've all had with family and friends there. Maybe you can help me with my playing this year! I know that you get a kick out of watching us trying to pretend that we know what we're doing out on the court! By the way, D.E. JR won for you again yesterday! I could almost hear you're hooting and laughs about it! Bro, we all miss you and think of you quite a bit. We're all busy with everything that life tosses at us, but we've yet to not be able to find the time to remember you! Please say hello to all of our family and friends that are up there with you and let them know that we miss all of you! Thanks for always dropping the In-Law that followed BRO. I'm proud to have been apart of your family and friends and and to have shared in so many great times! You're always a true Brother and Friend! Love ya and miss ya BRO! GTT

Tim Harkins

Dear James,
Happy 30th Birthday! Another milestone has come and gone, ones that people say get easier with time, and somehow I think they are lying. Yesterday wasn’t any easier than any other important day that we haven’t got to share with you. There were the same amount of tears shed, as the day that gutless coward took you from us. You can still see the heartache in our eyes, hear the sadness in our voices and feel the grief in our hearts as we thought about what we should have been doing, instead of what we had to do. It is never easy to go see you, all the things missed resurface, and that horrific day is relived again. But almost at the same time it is calming. We know that you are in a place were there is no hurt, no sadness and no grief and in that we find comfort. Knowing that you are always watching and protecting those that mean the most to you, is a blessing that we all have and we couldn’t ask for a better gift. I was at the 2nd a few weeks ago, and saw for the first time that “wonderful” plaque that hangs in the hallway. As I stood there and stared, I saw what I thought were smudge marks on your picture, I was about to wipe them off when it dawned on me, they weren’t smudge marks, they were fingerprints. Fingerprints obviously left by many officers, as they touched your picture, asked you to watch over them as they head out the door to protect the dangerous streets of Norfolk. Seeing all those fingerprints made me realize, that you are not forgotten, everyone remembers you in their own way. As I walked away, I couldn’t help but think of how many people’s lives that you touched while living, and how many more you touched when you were taken from us. James, you are truly one of a kind, and we miss you deeply. May you rest in peace my friend, till we meet again.

“Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid... He is the hero, he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor, by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world.”
Author Unknown

Remembering ALWAYS and NEVER forgetting
Your Friend,
Dyan McDermott

I did not know Officer Gilbert; but attended his memorial services out of respect for a fallen brother in blue. I rode the 250 miles with the police unity tour to honor him. Mrs. Gilbert spoke to us at our send off ceremony with Logan at her side. That is something I will never forget. Just the other day a lady ordered 10 unity tour braclets w/ Officer Gilberts name on them. I just wanted Tiffany to know that James's memory has not faded and his candle burns bright. He will be with all of us forever. My heart goes out to you and Logan. He will be remembered always.

MPO T.S. Logan

I came to this page a bit late, but I just wanted to say that the words left by everyone is very touching, and I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure he's watching over you all.

Brian Jacks
Virginia Resident

James -
Everytime someone logs on as an ODO @ Super K Mart
It reminds me of you brother - I remember giving you the ODO call sign of '255' & everytime you logged on to work P/T there , you would try to get that call sign. :) I still remember the good time down @ the Bayou Boogaloo at Waterside !
- Just wanted you to know that you will never be

Dispatcher Christopher R Smith
Norfolk EOC

Dear James,

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I think it is because the racing season has started, and we keep waiting for the phone to ring and hear you hollering on the other end to tell us what Jr. had done this week. The sad realization, the phone will never ring again with you on the other end. We are going to the drag races in Bristol soon; I sure do wish that you could go with us. I’ll never forget the day that we all went to Dinwiddie. The look on your face when they fired up those cars and went flying down the track was priceless, and with a cheesy grin on your face, you turned to Bert and Buzz and said, “They don’t do that in NASCAR.” I’m so glad that we all we able to spend that day together, it was miserable hot, but we all had a great time, and who knew that 6 weeks later we would get the phone call that changed all of our lives. It’s been almost 17 months since we last saw you, it seems like a lifetime ago, but then it also only seems like yesterday we were on the phone plotting the Ole Man’s birthday. I have said it a million times, but if I had known that would be the last time that I would talk to you I would have said so much more. I would have thanked you for being such a good friend not only to Bert and me, but to the girls as well, they really do love you. I would have thanked you for being Bert’s partner; I never worried about him when I knew he would be with you and Buzz. And I would have thanked you for being the person that you were. You weren’t perfect, and you never claimed to be, you were just James and that is what makes losing you that much harder. I hope that you have finally found peace and tranquility, and may you find comfort in knowing not a day goes by that we don’t think about you, talk about you or talk to you. We miss you deeply and even after all this time has passed there is still an empty unfilled void that has been left, the day that you were taken from us. May you find peace in your final slumber my friend, and I will see you again.

Remembering ALWAYS and NEVER forgetting.
Your Friend,
Dyan McDermott


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

Anonymous Poem

Tiffany Gilbert

Dear James,

Today is Valentines Day and I am thinking about you as I always do. I remember our last Valentines Day together. You were so cute and sweet when you walked into my office at work with 12 long stem carnations that were so beautifully wrapped. You also had a card, balloons and a gift certificate for a day at the spa for me to have a facial, massage and get my nails done. I was so proud that you had put all that effort into showing me how much you loved me. I remember I was so shocked and surprised that tears kept rolling down my face. You just laughed and called me your Po Pie and then proceded to tell me how sweet you were. It was funny! I loved that in you. I remember hugging you five or ten times before you left as you wiped my happy tears from my face. All the girls in the office couldn't beleive how good looking you were and yet so sweet. I had finally got to show you off for that hour you were there. I was so proud to call you my husband. You were always doing sincere and special things for me. You knew how much I loved carnations and hated roses because they don't last very long. I remember, most of the time you'd go grocery shopping, you and Logan would always bring me back flowers. I'll never forget that.

I am going to your grave today to make you feel as special as you made me feel that day. I will lay beautiful flowers on your grave as you shine down on us. Logan will leave you her special present and bring you balloons. She always says a prayer and talks to you when she releases them. Last time we were at your grave she got on her knees and prayed to you. It was so very sweet.

Please know that I love you so very much and miss all the little things you did to show me how much you loved me. You are the best husband and father anyone could ever want. I will love you forever and thank you for loving me the way you did. You are forever in my heart.

I love you and will cherish all our memories forever.

Tiffany Gilbert

I am truly sorry this had to happen him, his wife and child, and to all his family & friends. For doing his job he loved. He lost his life here on earth. But his soul is with Angels above. He will never be forgotten.
Feb 2003

Andrew W. Perkins
Norfolk Base Police Dept.

James--I still remember meeting Logan at the end of the serives for you--she is a beautiful girl, and she reminded me so much of my daughter, who is two years older. I thought about her and Tiffany again, as we said farewell to Shiela Herring last week. Though you probably never met her, you two epitomize the courage and sacrifice that make this profession the great life's calling that it is. You live on in all of us, who look to your example as we continue the mission. May we honor your life with hours. Thank you.

Cpl. Michael Canny
Hampton, VA Police

Dear Daddy,

I miss you and love you very much. I sometimes cry for you and mom always gives me a huge hug and says it's all the way from you in heaven. It always makes me feel better. I wish you were here with all of us. I still say my prayers and you are always the first one I tell God I love. I know God took you to heaven to be my special angel and watch over me. Mom tells me you are watching me from heaven all the time, including when I'm at school and sleeping. Everyone says I look just like you. Mom always says I have your good looks and beautiful smile. I just smile and laugh.

I color you pictures all the time. I always draw an angel above your head, so they will keep you safe. I used to put special things on your grave until someone took your "I Love My Dad" Budweiser shot glass I bought for you with my allowance. But that's ok, because mom says maybe they needed it more than you. Gerald gave me a signed poster from Earnhardt Jr., and I put it on my wall. It always reminds me of you. I made you a special Valentine's Day Gift too. I hope you'll like it. It's a pillow you can lay on in heaven.

Thank you for the pretty flowers you sent me at my school from heaven. My friends thaught I had a secret boyfriend or something. Do you remember when you would put my hair in a pony tail after I took a bath. We'll Rodney tries to put my hair up just like you always did, but he never gets it tight enough. He reminds me of you because he helped me to ride a bike and always reads to me and helps me with my homework. He always watches Scooby Doo with me like we always did together. We always talk about you and look at all your 4-wheelin pictures. He bought me one just like yours for my birthday (He said it was from you too). Mom always gets nervous when I ride it because I always wreak or hit a tree. She said I can't ride again it till I get older.

I said a prayer for you, Grandpa Jimmy, Scooby and Officer Herring at school the other day. I prayed you would all love each other. I miss you, but I know that you miss me even more. I love you Daddy and please don't be sad.

I love you forever XOXO.

Logan Gilbert
7 Year Old Daughter of James B. Gilbert


I can't believe it! We had to say goodbye to another officer this week. I know you were waiting at heaven's gate to give Sheila a big hug and to show her around. There isn't a day that I don't think of you and how much trouble you, Buzz and Bert used to cause on night shift. The Second Precinct has not been the same since we lost you.


I am sorry that I have not written to you in a while. It has been very tough because another officer was shot and killed. It just reminded me when you died. Tiffany and Logan are doing great. Rodney is taking good care of them. He is doing fine himself. My mom is doing great. My dad is doing fine. Kayla and Stephanie are dong fine as well. I am fine. We stayed the night at Tiffany's house a couple of months ago. We had a girls night and when Rodney came home, we were upstairs and he came in and scared all of us. We went to Logan's birthday party and had a blast. My birthday has passed and I am 11. I wish you could have been there. I got vans from all of you. Well I got to go. I will talk to you later.
Love always,
Kristen Chilcott McDermott

Kristen Chilcott McDermott
Norfolk Police Officers Daughter

Rest in peace, brother, we will Charlie Mike--Continue the Mission.

Norfolk PD

I miss you James, I am sure that from where your sitting you know all to well that we are getting ready to say goodbye to another Norfolk Police Officer. It reopens the scars that were left when you were taken from us. I still keep you in my heart, and thank you for uncontrolable laughter that sometimes pours out of me when I think of the stupid things we used to do in Junior High. Remeber the incident on the bus to Washington D.C.? You should of taken us up on our offer to go on vacation to Hatteras, but of course only you and the Spencer brothers see the humor in that. Very few days go on that I dont think about you and thank you for a priceless gift of brotherhood you left behind for us. An anonymous writer once said " Honorable men pay the ultimate price for freedom in every corner of the globe so that the gutless cowards that surround us can feel uncomfortable in their hearts forever." May God grant your soul peace James I hope to see you again one day brother.

Norfolk Police Dept

Dear James,
Here we go again. I can not believe we have to say good-bye to another one of our officers tomorrow. When is this madness going to stop? Just when we where able to start telling stories and sharing memories about you with a smile instead of a tear, we were hit with it again, and all those memories were brought right back to the surface. I think it is time for people to wise up and realize Norfolk isn’t what they think. It is a dangerous place and it is time to give our officers the tools needed to do the job and have a fighting chance of going home at the end of 8 hours. I’m tired of going to funerals, pressing the Class A’s, ordering flowers, seeing flags at half staff, and most of all of shrouding the badge. As with your passing, we are all asking ourselves why? Why would God put us all through this pain all over again, wasn’t once good enough? Why did he have to leave yet another child without a parent? But it isn’t for us to question, but to cope, and to survive yet another horrible ordeal. James, I know your standing at the gates waiting for Sheila, I just hope she is the last one, I don’t think that we would be able to handle another. As for those of us that are left behind, may we find great comfort in knowing the golden streets of heaven and being patrolled by two very special angels.

Remembering ALWAYS and NEVER forgetting.
Your Friend,
Dyan McDermott

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