Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Matt Herzog

Whatcom County Sheriff's Office, Washington

End of Watch Thursday, September 13, 2001

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Matt Herzog

Saw this on another site and thought
it was worth repeating. LK

Police Officer Robert J. Stanze II
St. Louis Police Department
Tuesday, August 8, 2000

Over the past five painful years...

I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in
your life that counts.

I've learned that it's not what happens to people that's important. It's what they do about it.

I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I've learned that learning to forgive takes practice.

I've learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it.

I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but
that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned that people you aren't related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren't biological.

I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.

I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you
too soon.

I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It
may be the last time you see them.

I've learned that five years seems like an eternity without your smile,
laugh and goofy jokes.

I've learned that without you Bobby, our family is never, ever going to be
the same again.

We love you, miss you and think about you every single day! Please continue to watch over all of us.
God Bless You...

March 14, 2006

I pray Jesus will wrap His loving arms around your loved ones since
you are not here to do it. God bless
each and every one!
John 8:12: "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not
walk in darkness, but have the light
of life."

Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA

December 20, 2005

My old friend, this song's for you
Cause a few simple verses
Was the least that I could do
To tell the world that you were here
'Cause the love and the laughter
Will live long after
All of the sadness and the tears
We'll meet again, my old friend

December 9, 2005

I never got to know or work with Matt but from the fond memories and stories I have heard since coming to the Office, Whatcom County and the world lost an outstanding Deputy and individual. May you rest in peace.

Undersheriff Carey James
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office

November 29, 2005

I will never forget receiving the call from 4A113 that you had been in the crash. Many people talk about where they were when they heard that Kennedy had been assasinated or when the Challenger exploded. For me, it is where I was when I heard that Matt Herzog had been fatally injured. It has never seemed right to me that one of the best was called away so early. When I did my internship at WCSO, you were always great about answering questions I had and, though you didn't know it, you served as one of the finest examples of a professional law enforcement officer for a young, impressionable intern. I thank God that I was fortunate enough to have known you, and not a day on the road goes by that I don't think of you and the lasting impression you've left upon our profession.

Officer Eric Bunday
St. Helens Police Department

October 8, 2005

I recieved a call from my parents while on duty of my friend killed in action. I haven't seen Matt in years but he has always been a brother to me. I sure have missed his sense of humor, playing soccer in his back yard and all of the band trips. I pray his family is doing better, Matt is in our Heavenly Fathers hands. I will always remember you.

firefighter Marcus Lazzar
N Tooele County Fire

September 28, 2005

A hero is remembered today.

I have thought about your family today Matt, I will probly see them Sat. and im emailing them too, and have said some prayers for them. We wopnt forget you and we wont let you be forgotton.


Emory - Ephrata, WA
brother of Ferry County WA Undersheriff Matthew J. Lane, EOW 5/30/03

September 13, 2005

Well Matt, it's the 13th now. I just wanted you and your family to know-you are NOT forgotten. We sang "Amazing Grace" and remembered you, laughed some, cried some. You were an exemplary person in ALL ways and you are still sorely missed. God bless you and keep your brothers and sisters safe!!

Dispatcher Michelle Race

September 13, 2005

While checking the ODMP today I read about a deputy who died just 2
weeks before Matt. No matter how much time passes, Matt time does not diminish your sacrirfice to your family, your co-workers, your friends and your community. LK

This is a reflection left for D.S.

Deputy Sheriff Hagop Jake Kuredjian
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Friday, August 31, 2001

Another badge fell to the ground today.
Another star shines in heaven I pray.
Another Police Officer taken from this world we all know.
Another man risen so heaven could grow.
Another hero is born I see.
Another man's sacrifice a lesson to me.
Another brother paves the way.
Another back-up I call on my day.
Another family with shattered dreams.
Another widow sits crying in streams.
Another time I ponder life.
Another time I kiss my wife.
Another wish my Father above.
Please wrap this man in your heavenly love.

I was saddened to hear of the death of Deputy Kuredjian. I am not much of a poet, but these words I wrote to honor him. In my 16 years as a Police Officer I have seen, heard and taken my fair share of critisism. Those who taunt us and criticise us, will never understand the true heroism of every law officer that may face this reality some day. We must honor those like Deputy Kuredjian who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the community he served so valiantly.
Sgt. Jeff Jones
Lancaster, PA.

Sgt. Jeffrey D. Jones
Manheim Township Police

September 12, 2005

We can be left with nothing greater
than gentle memories
of one who has touched many lives in many ways.

When we gather happy memories
and hold them close to our hearts
the gentle spirit of peace will touch us

And as we go on celebrating the time we had together,
we'll find the treasure of remembering
and the comfort of believing
that each life is indeed a gift

to be held in our hearts forever ......

Remembering you ~

September 12, 2005

You and your family are in constant thought and prayer.


September 12, 2005

Officer Golden was shot when responding to a domestic violence
call. He died on Monday the 29th of
August in Huntsville, AL. I found this
on his website and thought it was
worth sharing. God bless all law
enforcement officers who put their
lives on the line everyday, on duty or
off. They don't get enough appreciation. LK

Golden was always the first to consider other officers...making sure we got our lunch break...making sure we had an assist, no matter the call...making sure we were okay when the call was especially difficult. He was not only a great officer who was greatly respected by his peers, but a great friend who was loved by the people who knew him best, as well as those who had the blessing to live in his presence. I can't say enough about the man he was...words do not do him justice.
In March of 2005 Golden gave me a copy of this only begins to describe the officer...the man he was.
You Don't Remember Me, Do You...
By Tim Lindsey, Lamar County MS Sheriff's Dept.
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who unlocked your car
after you accidently locked the keys and your baby up at the mall.
I was the one who gave you a ride to the gas station
when you ran out of gas on that backroad.
I was the one who changed your tire
becasue you couldn't figure out how to work the stupid scissor jack.
I was the one who directed you safely through that busy intersection
when the traffic signals weren't working.
I was the one who gave you a jump start
after you left your lights on.
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who found the item
that identified the guy who raped your daughter.
I was the one who spent my off days in court
to testify and help convict the man who beat your son so badly.
I was the one who located your grandmother in the woods
that night it was 22 degrees
and she had wandered away from the nursing home.
I was the one who loaned you the raincoat
the night we stood and watched your house burn.
I was the one who talked with you for two hours
about your son running away from home.
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who held your hand,
wiped the blood out of your eyes, and calmed you down
while the Fire Department cut you out of what was left of your car.
I was the one who called you at 2 a.m.
to come pick up your 16 year old daughter
because she had been drinking too much.
I was the one who knocked on your door at 4 a.m.
to let you know your 16 year old daughter
would never be coming home again.
I was the one who did CPR on your 3 year old
after you found him in the pool.
I was the one who helped deliver your new baby
when you didn't quite make it to the ER
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who got the snake out of your bathroom
around midnight.
I was the one who got my knees and elbows scraped up
fighting with the shoplifter with your cartoon of cigarettes.
I was the one who took your son for a "ride-along"
so he could see what it was really like.
I was the one who gave you the right directions
so you wouldn't miss that business meeting.
I was the one who stopped you
to let you know your right tire was going flat.
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who escorted your son's funeral procession
from the church to the cemetary
and cried behind my sunglasses because he was my friend, too.
I was the one who watched over your place
while you were on vacation.
I was the one who worked for you on Christmas Day
so you could be off with your family.
I was the one who joked around with you
after your truck go hit by a train
and you walked away without a scratch.
I was the one who was able to talk your husband
into going into counseling with you.
You don't remember me, do you...
I was the one who got shot when I pulled over a car
for a traffic violation and the driver turned out to be an escaped convict
who had sworn he would never go back to prison.
Oh, by the way, my memorial service is at 2 p.m.
Will you remember me now?
You Will ALWAYS be remembered Golden. WE love you.

Officer C. McDaniel
Huntsville Police Department

August 31, 2005

The tide recedes,
But leaves behind
Bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down,
But gentle warmth
Still lingers on the land.
The music stops,
And yet it echoes on
In sweet refrains.
For every joy that passes,
Something beautiful remains

Thinking of you today, Matt, just for the sake of thinking of you ........

July 18, 2005

Matt, I met your mother and father today at the Law Enforcement Memorial Service in Washington DC. I was honored to be able to spend some time with them and hear your story.

I wish you could have been standing next to them; I would like to have met you too. Until the day when my work is finished here on earth and we are able to meet, keep walking the beat on heaven’s streets. Rest in peace, my brother.

Sgt. Rick Doll
Minneapolis Park Police (MN)

May 15, 2005

Thinking of you on your birthday, today and always. You are missed more than you know.

April 30, 2005

Happy Birthday, Matt.

April 30, 2005

I saw this on another site and thought it was worth sharing. God
bless you, Matt and all who hold you
close to their hearts. LK

I cruised the freeways, far and near,
and patrolled the highways long.
I assisted those in need of help,
and tried to right the wrongs.

I knew my job put me at risk,
thus faith came into call;
I never drove without the Lord.
He was with me through it all.

I didn't want to leave you,
but God said that I must go.
So, I held your love inside me,
and let my spirit flow.

Tell my family, and my friends,
that everything's okay;
Up here a deputy uses wings,
to cruise the Great Highway.

And you, dear wife,
remember, please
that true love never dies.
What lives today, within the heart,
lives on in Paradise.

Author: Janice Winslow Harper

April 26, 2005

I just saw this on another site and wanted to share it. LK

Unanswered questions at times have questioned my faith,
Pieces to the puzzle i never could fit into place,
But a voice deep within says, "Child,trust me and be of good cheer,
Heaven waits to explain it
And to make it all clear."
Heaven holds all the answers
We'll never know 'til we're there,
All of the reasons for our trials, our burdens, and cares.
In the presence of Jesus we'll know and understand well,
Heaven holds all the secrets that time will never tell.
Doors that won't open, storms, and painful Good-Byes,
Fill my mind with confusion, my mouth with the words, "Dear Lord, WHY?"
Then He whispers "My Child, hold My hand and keep following Me!"
Someday Heaven will focus the picture that now you can't see!"

April 7, 2005

When I am gone, release me,
Let me go.
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn't tie yourself
To me with tears.
Be happy that we had
A few good years.
I gave you my love,
You can only guess
How much you gave to me
In happiness.
I thank you for the love
You each have shown,
But now it's time
I traveled alone.
So grieve a while for if grieve
You must
Then let your grief be comforted
By trust.
It's only for a while
That we must part.
So bless the memories
Within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on
So if you need me, call
And I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me,
I'll be near
And if you listen with your heart,
You'll Hear
All of my love around you
Soft and clear.
And when you must
Come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile
And say, "Welcome Home!"

March 30, 2005

Happy Easter, Matt from your sister
saint! :) Lynn

March 26, 2005

I do not need a special day
To bring you to my mind.
The days I do not think of you
Are very hard to find.
Each morning when I awake
I know that you are gone.
And no one knows the heartache
As I try to carry on.
My heart still aches with sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What is meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
My thoughts are always with you,
Your place no one can fill.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear.
But alwasys a precious memory
Of the days when you were here.
If tears could make a staircase,
And heartaches make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
And bring you home again.
I hold you close within my heart,
And there you will remain,
To walk with me throughout life
Until we meet again.

March 19, 2005

Scott M. Baird tragically died on Feb.
12, 2001 at the age of 23. Below is
a reflection left by his mother on his
memorial page. Gone, but not
forgotten. In loving memory of those
taken too soon.

Dear Scott,
Not a moment goes by without thinking of you, thank you for letting me know you are still with me. I wrote this poem for you a few months ago, I hope you like it.

The Etching On My Heart

Never had I dreamed
I'd hear your name called aloud

A hero I heard them say
A man for whom we are proud

To stand above all-
to honor, protect and serve

Your life ended swiftly
so much more did you deserve

Your name etched on a wall
for all of those to see

A fellow officer touches it
down on bended knee

They hand me your medal of honor
proudly which I display

Although it comes with sad reminders of how my heart was broken that day

But we shall be together again
I give you my solemn vow

I had to let you go
for you sleep with the angels now

The Roll Call of Heroes is over,
memorial services done

But forever you live in my heart
My angel, my hero, my son.

With all my love,
I cherish you


March 1, 2005


January 16, 2005

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while an leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
-- Anonymous

January 11, 2005

Happy New Year, Matt. We're one
step closer to joining you. Can't
wait till I'm home. LK

December 31, 2004

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