Reno Police Department, Nevada
End of Watch Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Reflections for Police Officer John C. Bohach
John was an extremely dedicated public servant who was relentless in his pursuit of those who caused harm to children. I feel very fortunate to have had the priveledge of working with John in the Sex Crimes/Child Abuse Unit. However, I feel it was an honor to have been able to call John my friend. John's passion for life was like no other I have ever seen and I am grateful God gave me time to get to know him. I just wish we could have had more time together.
John's family has been astonishingly strong during this most difficult time and I wish them well. Linda and Jillian, Colonel Jack and Barbara, Laurie and Linsey, Mark and Shannon, Michael and Jean, you are all in my daily thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all. John, I miss you and you already know how much.
Tom Reid
Detective Tom Reid
Reno Police Department
Dear daddy,
I love you and miss you so much. Reno lost a good police officer a good husband and a good father. I will always think of you when I am going on a boat or a plane. You are my hero and you will be my hero for ever. Everyone you knew and many more miss you and you will be in their hearts for ever write to you soon again.
Dear daddy,
I love you and miss you so much. Reno lost a good police officer a good husband and a good father. I will always think of you when I am going on a boat or a plane. You are my hero and you will be my hero for ever. Everyone you knew and many more miss you and you will be in their hearts for ever write to you soon again.
Love you so much,
Your Daughter Lindsey
John will be remembered by so many children because of his work in child abuse situations. But one that will miss him most is his oldest daughter, Lindsey. She will miss him for the rest of her life. He will also be missed by his first wife, Laurie. They had come to terms this year with a positive future ahead. I didn't know his second wife and daughter but know they feel his loss deeply as will all that knew John. All I can add is that I'm sorry for the the way and timing of John's death. Too young, much too young to be gone from this world and the people who loved him.
John was a good officer. The Reno PD has lost one of its best.
Andrea Williams
Dear John,
I am so sorry that you are not here with us anymore. We shared so much together. We met in the 7th grade and married right out of high school. Our many years together blessed us with a daughter, Lindsey. I thank you everyday for her. Our relationship was stormy, to say the least, but I knew I could count on you for an answer, even if it was not what I wanted to hear. I will do my best to raise her with stong morales and values.
Rest in peace, John. I miss and think of you everyday. Laurie Bohach
Another angel taken. Godspeed and thank you!
I would like everyone to know that my brother, John C. Bohach died a hero on August 22,2001. John put his life on the line everyday for the good citizens of Reno as does every police officer. However, on that sad day, John did it for the last time but his memory will live on forever in our hearts and in our minds. We will always love you and remember you for the good you did for the community and the children.
A special thanks to all my new brothers and sisters at the Reno Police Department. I know now why John loved his job so much. My family and I could never thank you enough for all you have done for us during this most difficult time. A thanks also to the people of Reno whom we know and don't know for all of their support.
I wish justice for John and my family and we will work until we have it.
I love you John.
Jean M. Buckley - Sister
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 is a day none of us will ever forget. What always happened to some other agency finally happened to "US". I will never forget for the rest of my life what I was doing when I heard that you had lost yours, John. You were so good at what you loved the most. You were more of a man, and a professional than I even imagined. But most of all, you are a "Hero". Your passing has left a mood at work like I have never seen. Nothing will ever be the same. We are now all reminded of the fact of how short our lives can actually be. Because it finally happened to "US". Only God knows when we will be coming into this world, and likewise, when we will be going out. We are not in charge. May your passing help to remind us all of how true it is when the Bible says that our lives are but a vapor. That day was your day John. But it still hurts. Good-bye...
Please take a moment to pray for this hero and his family. Officer Bohach was an MP...the best of the best. May God richly bless him.
Jonathan D. Phillips
U.S. Army MP's
I will always think of how you always made me laugh on those hectic days in the office in Detectives.
Blue skies brother.
Allan Fox
Reno PD.
Like any officer who dies in the line of duty it is always tragic, leaving many broken hearts. I had the honor,along with 5 other officers to attend and be a part of Officer John Bohach's memorial. I am a member of LVMPD's Honor Guard. It truely touched my heart in so many ways. I was incredibly touched and humbled by the overwhelming courage Mrs. Bohach displayed by speaking about the man she loved the day of his memorial. My love and prayers to Officer Bohach's family and friends.
Your humbled Brother,
Officer Mike Brambila
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. NV
Rest in Peace Warrior, Rest in Peace.
Officer Jason Woodruff
Gulf Shores, AL Police
Our department recently suffered a great loss also. It was just three weeks ago that we lost our best man. Our department was very honored to have Officers from many other states attend the funeral and honor our fallen brother. We sent three officers to honor you. We wish that we could have sent more.
What a beautiful ceremony it was and I consider it a great privelege and honor to have been there. I know there is nothing that we can say that can take the pain away that your family and friends are feeling.
After hearing so much about you and your sense of humor, I just can't help but feel that you and Joe will be playing all sorts of jokes on the angels in the heavens. They better keep you two separated or somebody is going regret it.
To the men and women of the Reno PD, know that we too grieve your loss and that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Kenny Rose
Lehi City Police (Utah)
My name is Marilyn McMinn. I live in Schurz about 100 miles south of Reno. I heard what happened to John on that very dredfull day and have been following the story since and even watched the services on the news. My husband is an officer of the law also and it really hits home when something like this happens. I was eleven years old when my father was killed in a horrible fire accident in our front yard of our home in California. He was an assistant fire chief of the Santa Cruz fire department and very well known around the United States. He was also killed not to long before my birthday which was very hard for me since I was the only one in the family who's birthday he wouldn't be there for. I feel like I kind of know what you all are going through since I was in a similar situation. We are just lucky that the law enforcement family as well as the fire department family is so supportive because it really helps out in this time of need. I saw you speaking at the services of your husband and couldn't help but think of how strong you were and that your girls are so lucky to have a strong family to rely on. My father's funeral was televised like yours and it was so hard but to know you have people out there that feel for your situation makes it just a little bit easier. Every night I pray for your family because it really hit home with my father and my husband being in law enforcement. I feel so bad for you and your family I wish there was some way I could help ease the pain even if it was only a little bit. I didn't know John at all but from what I have heard he was a wonderful man and will be missed by all. He and the family will have a place in our heart and we will continue to say a prayer for you all and hope that the road you choose to go down will eventually become easier for you all. You are the kind of woman that many people should admire because you are so strong. I wish you and your family all the best and wanted to let you know there are people who care. Thank you for your time and god bless you all! Marilyn McMinn
Marilyn McMinn
All of us within the Chaves County Sheriff's Department wish to express our condolences and deepest sympathy in the death of Officer John Bohach.
Whether it is in the line of duty or from other causes, the death of an officer, friend and loved one is not easy to accept. I hope that knowing that your department and the family of your officer will be remembered in our prayers will be of some comfort in the days to follow.
Sheriff Patrick R. Jennings
Chaves County Sheriff's Dept.
Today I was introduced to you for the first time, but from a distance. God blessed you with extraordinary family and friends. I would like to thank each and every one of them for sharing their memories of you with us today. I only wish I could have learned of your wonderful life under different circumstances. Listening to your friends speak of the incredible dedication you held for your work has only strengthened the decisions I have made for my future. I thank you John, from the depths of my heart. It is my hope that one day I may emulate the gifts you had for helping the innocent.
To officers of the Reno Police Department, Sparks Police Department, Washoe County Sheriff's Office, University of Nevada, Reno Police Department, and remaining area law enforcement:
Please remember there are members of your community who care for you and for your safety more than any words could ever express. It may not always be evident, but indeed we are here. We pray for you in all times- whether it is in your greatest glory or your most devastating heartache. May you find comfort in knowing the sacrifices you make for our community are truly appreciated.
"Our Fallen Brother"
As I held him close, I began to cry
Wondering and hoping our friend would never die
I could see the whites of his eyes, as he held me tight
The wind whisked through his hair, as we saw the light
He cried no more as we fell to the ground
His one single tear, would never be found
Cry not my friend God will take you home
The Angels in Heaven will not be alone
You're safe and well as a child to his mother
You will always be remembered as OUR FALLEN BROTHER
coleen denso
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Officer Bohach. We also want to extend our sympathies to the men and women of the Reno Police Department. We appreciate all of the work you do.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Palumbo
City of Reno
I just want you to know that your work on earth meant something and that you are a hero for laying your life on the line for the good of humanity.
God bless you and your family.
Maury Reichelt, PPO II
NV Parole and Probation
I would like to send my deepest sympathy to Officer Bohach's family and fellow officers. Although I did not know Officer Bohach, I feel that I have lost a brother.
Officer Ezell Ware III
Broken Arrow Police Dept. Okla.
To the family and friends of this fallen hero. Do not mourn his loss, remember him in a way that makes you smile and laugh. Yes it will be hard, but we have all done this sometime in our job. I do not know John Bohach but he is a brother in blue who served the people of Reno, he must be remembered and NEVER FORGOTTEN.....NEVER SAY GOODBYE, just see you later. Rest in peace brother, you are in the arms of God.
PO Michael A Baker
Kansas City Missouri PD
Our hearts go out to Officer Bohach's family and to the Reno, NV. Police Department. I had the chance to visit the Reno Police Department along with several other officers a few months ago and was able to meet a lot of wonderful officers. I do not recall meeting Officer Bohach but hearing about his death really hit home since I was just there. God Bless you all.
Officer Scott E. Oelke
Broken Arrow Police Department
"Last Inspection"
The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
The Policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a Saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
when the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
but if you don't...I'll understand
There was silence all around the throne
Where the Saints had often trod
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."
Author unknown
Sergeant Michael King
California Highway Patrol - Blythe Area
Our prayers and thoughts are with Officer Bohach's family at this time. We are saddened by the loss of a fellow Nevadan and member of the Law Enforcement family. Be proud of his service, and know that his spirit lives on.
With love,
Wife-Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.