Lubbock Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Friday, July 13, 2001
Reflections for Sergeant Kevin Dale Cox
As a distant relative and just hearing of this tragedy..I would like to extend my heartfelt sympathies to all of Kevin's family and friends....
Cherry Miller Smith
I am a former Explorer from Lubbock, and I remember talking to you, and your wisdom, thank you for all of your help, and for the great job you did protecting us. When my day comes, if I can only hope to be half the officer you are.
Co-Op Eric Moore
Spokane PD
Kevin, you once told me, tongue in cheek, that you certainly hoped you would make sergeant some day, because then your working days would be over, as sergeants didn’t have to do much. Well, it seems you finally got your wish. Your new duty assignment up there should be an easy one, since the bad guys are supposedly sent in the other direction! However, if any of them do happen to slip through the Pearly Gates, I am sure that you will know how to handle them! Thanks for continuing to patrol your beat, and for watching over us.
William P. Cox, Jr.
Kevin’s (and Tonya’s, and Heather & Hunter’s) uncle
William P. Cox, Jr.
"Don't ever hide your tears. They are drops of
love, straight from your very soul"
The last time I saw Kevin Cox was at his sister, Karen's wedding. I was so happy to see what a wonderful young man, husband and father he had become. It was obvious that he loved his job, he wore his uniform with such pride.
Our family had met the Ernie Cox family in the early 80's in Ma'adi,(Cairo) Egypt. Ernie and my husband, Tony, worked for Amoco/Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company. While we were overseas, we were all one big "Amoco family." We were all so far away from our home country, family and friends. We supported one another, as best we could, and our friendships remain in our hearts as precious memories of a time that we all shared with one another in Egypt. We watched our friends kids grow up, graduate from Cairo American College (K-12) and fly off to their homeland to attend college and begin the process of "molding" their lives as adults with jobs, families and responsibilities.
I will never forget the first time I met Tonya. Kevin had brought her to Egypt to visit his dad, mom and sister's. Of course, he had to introduce her to our "Amoco family" and we were all anxious to meet "Kevin's sweetheart." We were at Ernie and Fredia's house (I think for a "hot" English pub dart game), but perhaps, just to meet Tonya. Our team, Halls/Goff's and the Cox/Corsiglia (if I remember right) team were set for our usual battle for the championship of the Ma'adi Couples Dart League. You could see how much Kevin and Tonya were "in love" with one another. Both were so shy and were so unaware that the glow of their young love filled the room and brought back remembrances of "our first loves" many years gone past. The memory of that evening has stayed with me all these years, especially after my beloved husband, Tony, passed away 10 years ago. My heart cried out when we heard of Kevin's passing. I was only 45 when my Tony died and, I thank God that our children were all grown and out on their own. My daughter, Marci, and I were on an airplane, returning from the Czech Republic, when I received the call telling me of Kevin's death. It was devastating to Marci & I. I called my sons in Florida and Texas with the horrific news. We were all so stunned. Here we were returning from a wonderful holiday and we get a call in mid air, somewhere over the Atlantic telling us that Kevin Cox had been killed doing what he loved so much. Our rememberances of Kevin as a cute, red cheeked, well mannered teen in Egypt were poignant and filled with tears. Our whole family was truely crushed! One of our "Amoco kids" was gone.....
I was not aware of this site to honor Kevin until today. Fredia told me about it when she replied to an email I sent her yesterday, regarding a write up in the Cairo American College Alumni page that paid tribute to Kevin.
After the loss of their grandson, Matthew, 3 years ago, Fredia and Ernie have struggled to understand and cope with God's plan for their little Matthew. Their whole family was devastated by his ilness and ultimate passing. Now, for the past 7 months they have had to bravely face life without their beloved son, Kevin and wonder WHY God chose to take him home, too. Maybe God knew that little Matthew needed a companion, encouragement, hugs or a little TLC that only his beloved Uncle Kevin could give him, thus he was chosen "for a new duty station." Our families hearts and hands are extended to the entire Cox family, Ernie, Fredia, Karen, Kathy, Kristi, their spouses and children and, of course, Tonya and her two precious children and other family members that I have never met. I have read so many wonderful remembrances of Kevin. His family was truely blessed by the way he lived his life and loved his family, his God and his chosen profession. From the Goff family and the entire "old Amoco" friends and family network from Egypt, Houston, Denver, etc., I send my love and prayers.
Myrna Goff
Estes Park, CO
Myrna Goff
Family friend of Kevin's family
Kevin was a wonderful Christian family man, as well as a terrific police officer. He was a joy to know and be around and he had the most wonderful sense of humor. I am so thankful I got to know him. He was a great role model and father to his children and a loving, sweet husband to Tonya.
To Kevin, I know you are in heaven with your Lord and Saviour and I look forward to seeing you again one day! I miss you giving me a hard time and your wonderful smile and the mischievous twinkle in your eyes. I also miss watching you with Tonya and the kids and seeing what a great example you were as a Christian and a family man. Enjoy your rewards my friend! You have earned them!
Friend/LPD officer's wife, Laurie Garcia
To the friends and family of Kevin,
I know the pain of losing a friend to accidental gunfire. So many thoughts of how it might have NOT happened run through your head. The thought that it was an ACCIDENT -something that goes wrong because a detail was overlooked - seems so much worse than dying while actively fighting a criminal. In June I lost Corporal Joey Cushman of the Arlington PD in Texas. There was an accident while training new officers for school shootings. The truth is, Joey's dying saved a life of a young kid who will someday be involved in a school shooting. Whether knowingly or not, Joey sacrificed his life to save another. I can safely say it was heroic because, had Joey been standing in a situation where it was him or a student, he would have gladly stepped up to pass on. Police officers really are heros - think of all the chaos there is WITH them, can you imagine a world without them? Every thunderstorm leaves a rainbow and curses can be blessings. We just have to remember that Kevin and Joey are so insanely happy that it's beyond the conception of the human mind. My prayers are with you.
Casey 9.7.01.
I send my condolences to the family for the loss of their loved one. I lost my husband July 10, 2001, his name is Sgt.Daniel R. Starnes,Morgan County Indiana. The pain the family is suffering through is difficult, I know on a personal level. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless the family, the law enforcement and all his friends.
Janice Starnes
wife of murdered Sgt. Daniel R. Starnes
Martinsville IN 46151
Kevin, you are my buddy and my friend. I miss you. I'll always believe in my heart that I was your "favorite" as I am sure Mary Jo will too. No matter what, we'll watch over Tonya and the kids for you until you return with our Lord and Savior.
Linda, Sister-in-Law
Amarillo, Tx
I had the pleasure of knowing Kevin and his family when we lived in Cairo. I also had the privilege of attending his High School graduation from Cairo American College. Although I have not seen him since then, his Mom has always kept me updated with his life, as well as that of his sisters. For Fredia to pick up the phone to tell me this news must have been one of the hardest things in the world. I have been reading about Kevin on different websites. He turned out to be the kind of man I hope my son will be. My heart aches for his wife and children, his parents and all his family. Fredia, Ernie, Karen, Kathy, Kristi, Tonya and kids, you are all being remembered and prayed for by many people here in Florida. May God be with you always.
Frances Corsiglia
Frances Corsiglia
friend of Kevin's parents
Kevin was not only my son, but my best friend. We shared many good times and I looked forward to so many more.
Kevin, I love you and am so proud of you. I miss you so much and I feel that part of me is gone.
Ernie Cox-Dad
In remembrence of my nephew...I am so very proud of you for all the wonderful things you accomplished. I never got the chance to tell you how proud I am of you. My eyes light up every time I spoke with anyone who knew you or had met you. I loved bragging on you and enjoyed all the good things I have heard about you. You have touched so many lives in way that I never thought any one person could. And all while just being the good hearted guy you always were. A genuine person. I will miss your laugh and your smile. You will always be in my heart.
Denise Daniel - Aunt
I sit here in tears, reading all the wonderful things people are saying about my brother. How can one person, touch the lives of so many? Kevin has managed to do just that. Growing up with kevin as my big brother, was great. Always looking out for his little sisters and making sure we were safe, Always making sure he teased us non-stop, everyday, as well! Two years ago, I lost my son, Matthew, 16 months old. Kevin delivered his euology, and during the eulogy he mentioned something about me getting mad at him for giving Matthew a bath. Well, he was right. I did get very upset that day, matthew was too sick to sit up in a bathtub,I thought, and when i found out Kevin gave him a bath, I was soooooo upset. One thing he did mention, though, was that he enjoyed the time spent with Matthew, giving him that bath. I can only hope, that right now, Kevin is teaching him how to play baseball,and afterwards i hope he gets so dirty, kevin gives him a bath..and I hope they take good care of each other, and know how much they are loved and missed. Kevin,I I miss you. You are gone from my life, but not from my heart. I love you.
Kristi Dudgeon
sister of Kevin Cox
I would like to say that Kevin was the absolute best brother in the world;it's hard to put into words. He always watched after me and my other sisters, and I believe he will continue to do so from up above. I don't think I've heard so many wonderful and moving comments about one person in my life. I am extremely proud that he is my brother.
I love you Kevin and miss you very very much. I'll see you again one day...
Sister, Karen
Sgt. Cox, your watch is over and our department salutes you and your tour. May you watch over the gates of heaven, as you watched over the citizens of Lubbock, Texas.
Deputy J.
Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department, Texas
I am quite touched by the wonderful comments from all over the world that have been left on Kevin's page. I have lost not only a brother police officer but my oldest nephew. I had the privilege and honor of watching Kevin grow not only as a police officer, but more importantly as a devoted Christian and father. His time in this world was well spent; he was a good and faithful son and servant. We'll miss you, Kevin. We love you. God bless.
Reserve Officer David Cox
Bixby, Oklahoma PD
To All of Those Near and Dear to Sergeant Kevin Cox,
It is with great sadness that we learned of the tragic death of another of our brothers in the business of "protecting and serving."
Our comfort and strength, especially at this time, but always comes from the Lord as we trust in Him to keep us and provide His best for us.
We pray the loving protection and provision for all of you that only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can give.
In His Name,
Chaplain Jack H. Lanier, Jr.
Longview Police Department (TX)
Longview Police Department (TX)
I just recently graduated from an Academy in May. I currently work in the jail, but my goal is to make it to the streets on patrol. I always remind myself of the duty and dangers of the job. I offer my condolences to Sgt. Cox's family and pray that the family will make it through this tough time. it is a sad loss when another officer is lost doing the duty that we all love. Godspeed Sgt. Cox, you will be missed by all.
Jail Officer Ray Francis
Tom Green County Sheriff's Dept.
On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge#1, our deepest heartfelt condolences on this tragic loss. We will always remember your dedication, bravery, and ultimate sacrifice in protection our Nation and your community. This service was not in vain, for it displayed uncommon valor in this collective effort to make our Nation free from the evil that exists in our world today.
"The Lord is a refuge for the oppresed, a sronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you Lord have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:9-10
John D. Sainz, Chaplain
Tucson Police Department
On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge#1,
our deepest heartfelt condolences on this tragic loss. We will always remember your dedication, bravery, and ultimate sacrafice in protecting our Nation, and your community. This service was not in vain, for it displayed uncommon valor in this collective effort to make our Nation free from the evil that exists in our world today.
"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:9-10
John D. Sainz, Chaplain
Tucson Police Department
Rest in Peace Brother. You will not be forgotten, God Bless you & your family. You are a true hero.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept.
God Bless your family.... Serg. is walking the beat on Gods streets now.....
Academy Officer Burchfield
Academy Recruit And Sheriffs Explorer
My heart goes out to Officer Cox's family... May God hold them in the palm of his hand. Instead of wearing a badge, he now wears wings.
Peter Brown - Lubbock Citizen
from: DET 1 HHC 3/144 scout platoon Tyler TX
TO: family and friends and fellow comrades
on behalf of my scouts in tyler I want to let you all know we are keeping each and everyone of you in our prayers and the front line of our thoughts. we to understand loss from a comrade and its not easy and there is a long road ahead of you and through the lord you will make it.
specialist steve merritt
Texas Army National Guard
May God Always Watch Over, and Bless His Family.
Public Safety Officer
Mills College
"A Police Officer's Prayer"
When I am needed for duty God,
and someone has to call,
give me strength to save a life,
or soften someone's fall.
If neighbours need a helping hand
or just a friendly pat,
fill my heart with love—
so I can give them that.
God, stay by my side
with your holy light
and guide my footsteps so that
I may do all things right.
I want to fill my calling
and give the best in me,
to guard my every neighbour
and protect his property.
At the end of each day
let me look back and fined,
that I fulfilled my job proudly
with a satisfied mind.
And if, according to my fate,
I am to lose my life;
please bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.
New Zealand Police