Jerome County Sheriff's Department, Idaho
End of Watch Wednesday, January 3, 2001
Reflections for Corporal Phillip Charles Anderson
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gone but not forgotten
January 3, 2005
In the simple performance of duty,
he pinned on a badge,
checked his gear with a practiced eye,
and kissed his loved ones good-bye.
In the simple performance of duty,
he reported for work,
joked with his buddies at roll call,
and made his last trip down the squadroom hall.
In the simple performance of duty,
he answered the call
to help the helpless, to find the lost,
no matter the danger or how great the cost.
In the simple performance of duty,
he lay down his life,
for those in peril he tried to save,
our brave friend went to his grave.
In the simple performance of duty,
we honor his deed,
as we carry him to rest in a flag-draped casket,
long after the world has forgotten, we shall never forget.
Never judge or regret, what he did, In the simple performance of duty.
Cadet Greg Sant
College Of Southern Idaho
August 28, 2004
thank you so much god bless you and your family.
" when god made peace officers"
when the lord was creating peace officers he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "you're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
and the lord said ,have you read the spec on this order? A peace officer has to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter homes the health inspector would'nt touch, and not wrinkle thier uniform.
they have to be able to sit in an undearcover car all day on a steakout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witness , and testify in court the next day.
they have to be in top physical condition at all times running on black coffee and half eaten meals. And theyt have to have six pairs of hands.
the angel shook her head slowly and said "sixpairsof way"
"Its not the hands that are causing me the problems,"
said the lord "its the three pairs of eyes an officer has to have."
that's on the standard modle? said the Angle.
The lord nodded. one pair that sees through a budlge in a pocket before he asks "May i see what's in there sir." ( when they already know and wish they had taken the accounting job.)Another pair here in the side of thier head for the partners' safety. and another pair of eyes in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, "you'll be alright ma'am, when they know it isnt so."
"lord," said the angle, touching his sleeve," rest and work tomorrow."
"i can't" said the lord, " I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on civil service paycheck."
the angle circled the model of the peace officer very slowly, "can it think?" she asked.
" you bet," said the lord " it can tell you elements of a hundred crimes, recite miranda warnings in its sleep; detain, invetigations , search, and arrest a gang member on the street in less time then it takes five judges to debate the legality of the stop...and still it keeps it's sense of humor.
this officer also has phenomenal personal control. they can deal with crime scenes painted in hell,coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victims family' and then read in the daily paper how law enforcement isnt sensitive to the right of criminal suspects.
finally the angel bent over and ran her fingers across the cheek of the peace officer. "theres a leak," she pronounced . "i told you thwt you where trying to put to much into this modle."
"thats not a leak," said the lord "its a tear."
"whats the tear for?" asked the angle.
the lord looked sober " i didnt put it there," he said.
thank you agian your brother in blue.
CSI law enforcement
Cadet Andy McClure
csi law enforcement
April 28, 2004
On behalf of the Connecticut Police Work Dog Association, I would like to express our deepest regards and sympathy to the family, friends and fellow officers of Corporal Phillip Anderson. You gave the ultimate sacrifice. Phillip, you may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten. Rest in peace blue angel and thank you for your service.
James A. Cortina
Connecticut Police Work Dog Association
February 12, 2004
Dec. 20,2003
My heart is heavy with your pain and sadness. May God comfort all
those who are grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times
and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. Thank you for your service,
dedication and mostly, your sacrifice, Cpl. Anderson. We ache from
missing you.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
December 19, 2003
Thank you for your dedication, example and sacrifice. Our honor gaurd attended your services, I still think of you both often. You are not forgotten... We will all someday meet our maker. I only hope that, like you, I can say I made a difference.
Box Elder Metro S.W.A.T. Utah
August 30, 2003
I had the privilege of working with Jim and Phil at Jerome County and on the Tri County Swat Team. They were the most professional people I have known, but most of all we all shared a lot of laughs. I will never forget them!
It’s usually so quiet
Cops just drive around.
Or talk to the kids
Out on the playground.
The officers called out
To Eden didn’t fear.
Just a routine service
And then they would clear.
Things went very wrong
In a small town that day.
I’ll miss them too much
To forget what to say.
To lose a good friend
You can’t say enough.
But to lose two
It had to be tough.
Good officers both
Very gallant and brave.
We shed many tears
That day by the grave.
Three shots in the air
Taps playing loud.
I’ll never forget
How you boys made me PROUD!!
To the Officer’s families I would like to say thank you.
Deputy Connie Burrell
Blaine County Sheriff
August 27, 2003
new york state courts
I'm a 23 year old officer from San Diego. Reading about the death of Corporal Anderson chilled me to the core. But do not be mistaken, Corporal Anderson died with absolute honor. Young officers are very idealistic. I would rather live a short, honorable life that meant something to me than a long one that was meaningless. Let's not feel sorry for Coporal Anderson. Let's honor him for the hero he was and the life of honor he lead.
Police Officer A.J.F.
San Diego Police Department
I would like to express my condolences to the family, friends, and co-workers of Cpl. Anderson. It is very sad to loose a fellow officer in the line of duty, especially when the officer is so young. Like Cpl. Anderson, I too am 23 years old, with 2 years of experience. This tragic event makes me think of how that no matter the age of the officer, we all have a possiblity of making the Ultimate Sacrifice, and to these 2 officers who did, thank you for everything you did. Although you made the ultimate sacrfice, you may be gone but not forgotten. I would like to let my brother and sister officers in Jerome County that my thoughts and prayers are with each of you and the families of Cpl. Anderson and Cpl. Moulson. May God Be With Each of you.
J. Hoskins
Texas Police Officer
I didn't know Phillip ot James, but I know we would have been friends. Why do so many K9 cops wind up on SWAT?, guess we all love the action and love what we do. Therefore I'm sure both Phillip and James paid the ultimate sacrafice doing something they loved to do. God rest your souls, my brothers, some day we'll get to meet. My heart goes out to the families of both officers, may god watch over you all.
Just Another K9 Cop
My fiance, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. He died the same day you did, only two years later. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Phillip be the be the last to die this way.
Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Corporal Anderson's family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all. Just know that my thoughts are with you.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that Phillip is part of huge law enforcement family. From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain Phillip was well respected and well loved. Thank you for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please take care of my fiance Dennis.
Peace, Love, Luck, and Happiness!
Jocelyne Brar (Drakesville, IA)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)
To the family of Corporal Anderson, you have my utmost graditude for raising a son, who took a career that most of us would never take. I am also 23yrs of age, and I to know the feeling of losing a partner, in just my five years of service I have experienced all the emotions you are feeling now, but know that not one day goes by that I regret the decision to become a Police Officer
May the years ease your sorrow, may the fact of knowing that so many people love and respect him.
Police Officer
Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
Corporal Anderson, may you rest in peace. " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his own life for his friends". John 15:13
Police Oficer James J. Blount
Chesapeake Police Dept
Phil was a great guy with a smile always on his face. I miss you Phil coming over to our house to just sit and talk. How I miss hearing you and Jim laugh together. I know both of you are up there now laughing and having a great time. I think about you both all the time. I am so proud of you two for being so brave that night. God sure has his hands full with you two together! Know I miss you and think of you often.
Amy Moulson
Wife of Corporal James Moulson
Anderson was my friend and helped me in my first few months as a Patrol Deputy. He was a great man that gave his life to make Idaho a better place to live. The incident that took his life will always be in my heart and will forever leave a tear in my soul.
Cpl. Anderson was an honerable Deputy and the kind of person you would always want to back you on scene. My world is a lonely place with Anderson gone.
I miss you every day Phil, Turbo
Phil, you were the greatest brother anyone could ever have. I am very sad that you are gone but in everyones eyes you are a hero. Someday I will meet up with you again to let you know how much I love and miss you. I may be a little prejudice but for only having two years of police experience I think you were the best cop out on the street. We all love and miss you and someday we will all be together as a family again. I love you Phil.
Michele Schlabach
I miss you Phil. Your wonderful smile, your kind heart, you. I will see you again, until then, I know you will be added to my guardian angel list! Until we meet again...
Deputy Lorraine Hamrick
Jerome County Sheriff
God must have needed another angel in heaven the night He took Corporal Anderson from this earth. May my thoughts and prayers be with Corporal Anderson's family and friends.
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