Beech Grove Police Department, Indiana
End of Watch Friday, September 29, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer William Ronald Toney
I had the privelage of attending the Indiana law Enforcement Academy with Bill (98-134). Bill was given the task of telling the joke of the day by Lt. Randy Davis and he fulfilled his position well. Bill brought good spirits to those around him and was a wonderful person. I attended his memorial service and was truly moved by the caring support shown by the officers who were there as well as the numerous citizens of Beach Grove who lined the streets as the procession filed through. My heart goes out to his family and fellow officers.
Officer Jon Bales
Richmond Indiana Police Dept.
I have never met Officer Toney, or any of the officers listed on this memorial page but I am very saddened to hear about each of their deaths.
I hope to become a police officer and would be honored just to have the same occupation as these fine officers. All police officers always remember I hope that there are always citizens who do care about the sacrifices that they make.
I will be praying for the family and collegues of Officer Toney and police officers everywhere. Stay safe.
I had the pleasure of serving as a counselor during Officer Toney's three-month training period at the law enforcement academy. He was a true public servant! He had the interest and well-being of the people he served at heart. He truly wanted to help and make a difference, not only as a police officer, but as a person. He did! Officer Toney will be missed most of all by his wife and kids because they were his life. Thank you Officer Toney for being a positive example to all of us in law enforcement of what a police officer should be!! We won't forget YOU or forget about your FAMILY!
Tommy L. Walker Jr.
Indiana State Police
My deepest sympathy goes to your family, especially your young children. I have 2 girls approximately the same age and my greatest fear in life is leaving them so needlessly. We do what we do because it is what we know is right without hesitation and mostly without thanks. Well thank you. You will never be forgotten and will live on in your children forever.
Detroit Police Department
I have tried to leave a relfection on this page for the last seven months, but I could never seem to put into words how much the girls and I miss Bill. There is not a moment that goes by any day that I do not think of my loving, wonderful husband. He was everything to me and a terrific father to our girls.
I want to thank each of you for the tremendous outpour of support we have been given. I am still amazed daily of the number of people we have in our lives who love and care about us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Dee Dee Toney
Dee Dee Toney
We miss you
We love you
We are being well taken care of
We are rebuidling our lives
We will always carry you in our hearts
Dee Dee
Tears are not enough
I've been put through too much
I'm so young
But yet I've experiences mre than two lives together
I'm strong, independent, and determined
To do things my way
And much differently than those before me
I will success and
Will not be held back
I love life even with all the flaws
There's so much to be learned
In so little time
Often we don't take in
All the riches around us
We don't appreciate teh
The small things
or even the expereinces
We take life for granted
And then it's over in a flash
Billy, Jessica turns 7 tomorrow. I can’t believe how she is growing. What a beautiful, wonderful, lovely, good daughter you have. Jessica tries so hard to please everyone. She learned to ride her bike and won 2 softball trophies this summer. She loves to read and write stories. Jess will be spending her birthday at Kings Island with many friends. Emily just turned 4 years old; however she says she is almost 5. Emmie is just as wonderful, beautiful and loving. She has your spirit. Emily is funny and loves to play. They are both such a joy to be around. We miss you. Keep watching over them. I know you are.
Mamaw Pam
It doesn't do me a bit of good to leave any thing here and I realize that, but at the same time it gives me some what of a release to write what I feel and hopefully people read this and realize that they still have their brother, or brothers, dads, and other family members to sit down and talk to or call when they want to, or just simply say "hey, what's up?" There are so many times that I want to pick up the phone and tell Bill or Todd what is on my mind or tell them about the new person I have in my life. But I know they see me and continously let me know through certain things that they are still here with me. No matter how much I talk to friends or whoever about death when it comes up, it may sink in for that moment, but like every thing else, you have to experience it to know it, and maybe even to understand it. What so many people do not realize is that no matter what loss you are experiencing in life-whether money problems, death, or even stress about something little, there is always--always someone some where worse off then you. So the next time you cry about something you want or think you need, or feel sorry for yourself because of what ever, some one somewhere just lost their whole family at once. We are here and gone before we can do anything about it. Sure death is sad, matter of fact, it's real sad. People need to be thankful for the people they have and realize that things happen for a reason or they wouldn't happen at all.
I am 24 years old now. I lost my dad at 13, Bill at 21, and Todd at 23. I have been through so much in life also besides people being taken from me, that sometimes I can't believe I haven't lost my mind. But that right there should show everyone how much mind control we have. I would be lying if I said I didn't hurt sometimes from things- I'm allowed too, besides we are all human. I look at my losses and thank God every single day for the wisdom and strength I have gained from my losses, and thank him so much for what I have now and what I will continue to gain and be blessed with in this short eternity we call life. If you walk down the left side of the road- you are fine, if you walk down the right side-you are fine, but if you continue to walk down the middle of the road- eventually, your done for.
I will continue to enjoy every day of my life as I do and continue to love my family and friends as they should be. I will see you guys when I get there, and I know that things will work out for the best for everyone- how they are supposed
#8 -Andrew- #99
Bill, it's been 2 1/2 years since you were taken from us. I'm one that knows and understands the price and the chance we take for our careers in law enforcement. Yet I find myself daily saying I can't believe what has happened! I deeply miss talking to you and look forward to the day I speak with you again and tell of the many things I've done in life because of you showing me how precious each and every moment is!
THE POLICEMAN SQUARED his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a Saint. I've had to
work most Sundays, and at times my talk was rough, and sometimes I've been
violent because the streets are awfully tough. But I never took a penny that
wasn't mine to keep, though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills just
got to steep. And I never passed a cry for help, though times I shook with
fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept many unmanly tears. I know I
don't deserve a place among the people here, they never wanted me around
except to calm their fear. If you've a place for me Lord, it needn't be so
grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don't, I'll understand."
There was silence all around the throne where the Saints had often trod. As
the policeman waited quietly, for the judgement of his God. "Step forward
now, policeman, you've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on Heaven's
streets, you've done your time in hell."
Bill, I never knew you or meet you for that matter, but you impacted my life alot. I'm in my second semester at Vincennes as a Law Enforcement major. Before I really never new what I wanted to do with my life but after september of 2000, it was clear and I have you to thank. I will never forget you and you and your family are always in my prayers.
Jeremy Service Student
Vincennes Law enforcement Program
The urgent calling of nature longs to be tested, seeks to be challenged beyond itself. The warrior within us beseeches Mars, the god of War, to deliver us to that crucial battlefield that will redeem us into the terrifying immediacy of the moment. We want to face our Goliath so we may be reminded that the warrior David is alive, in us. We pray to the war gods to guide us to the walls of Jerrico so we may dare the steadfastness and strength of our trumpet call. We aspire to be defeated in battle by powers so much greater than ourselves, so that the defeat itself will have made us larger than when we arrived. We long for the encounter that will ultimately empower us with dignity and honor....Be not mistaken: the longing is there and it's terrible and beautiful and tragic. (From In Search of the Warrior Spirt by Richard Heckler) You are thought of daily...and missed eternally!
Well, I have to say that life has dealt us some kind of hand. But I will just play the game how it's supposed to be played- win or lose. People say to me that I am the man in the family now- no matter how true that is, I don't know where to start sometimes. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know what direction I am going in life right now. I am just living life day to day trying to involve people that I only trust or care about. But that is even hard sometimes because of the way life works. Every day I up with the attitude that I think every one should carry. "Who Cares". (you know) If I dwell on anything, it just drags me down. Just like this war stuff going on-we can't do a dang thing about it or control what's going to happen, so why worry about it. If so and so are supposed to pass away tomorrow, then they are going to pass away. Nothing can be done about it. The only fear I really carry on my shoulders is how my closest friends, my mom, and my sister are going to feel after I am taken away from here, but even then I will be in a better place.
I am not any better then anyone nor would I ever judge any one. But I do analyze people like it's my job. People are just so clueless to the obvious. There are so many people that are selfish and careless about everything. If everyone would only realize that they should love the one there with because more then likely, your're not going to find another person like the one you have. But I can't control what everyone else does.
I thank God for all that he blesses me with and thank him for all that is here for us to enjoy. I know he takes things away for a reason or it wouldn't happen. I also know he has a plan for everyone. What that plan is for me, I am not quite sure yet- but I think I have some what of an idea.
I really do miss you guys and can't wait for the day that we all reunite.
I love you guys
Bill, be there for Sheryl she'll need you....Mark
Marion County Sheriff Department
i attended todds funeral and i want to say thank you for the strength your family displayed. the words in the letter you wrote were such an inspiration. the entire service has made me stop and analyze things i might not have before. take care of your family you are all amazing.
melissa(your neighbor)
bill--there are 3 toneys looking down on us now..and im sorry, but i know you are with him..and he is with his big brother and dad.
andrew-i am so sorry,please be strong, you are the man of the family...take care of your mother and sister, and most importantly yourself...this world needs you.
beth-dont give up
joanne-as a mother i couldnt heart is broken for you. please keep god with you, you still have so much here, 2 wonderful kids,2 beautiful grand daughters. and you have 3 wonderful men looking down on you..your strenght amazes me, i praise you for the job you have done with your family. it makes me so happy that andrew calls you his best friend, you have done well.
i will always think of your family and smile, you are all very special.
RIP..Ron,Bill,Todd.....we miss you...
You have a great brother to be proud of and I'll bet that you are. Keep an eye on him, cause I know he misses you!
Well, myself and the rest of my classmates made it. We graduate on January 9th, 2003. Wow- 2003!?!? Where in the world does time go? They always say the older you get the faster time goes. Well, they are right. I started the academy June 4th and it's pretty much over now. I made new friends within the academy and learned so much. I thought that I was ready for certain things then, but something or someone rather, showed me I wasen't. I owe that certain person so much. He knows what's to be expected and he showed me, and I am 100% sure I learned what it's all about now. I still have things to learn however, but who doesn't?
Well, they say secrets don't leave Cancun, but after Shea got back home at the end of October, I guess I kind of proved that little saying wrong. It's funny dude, just when you think you have everything going for you-Bam, blows up in your face. She did make me weak and sure I loved her, but that's nothing when someone does you like she did me. I know too, you have to find things out the hard way.
Mom has been the best man. I talk to her about 3-4 times a day. So she gets to hear all my problems, all my stories about whoever or whatever, and she ofcourse is always right about everything. It's pretty weird how she knows everything about me. She is easily my bestfriend.
Todd is doing great man. Him and I talk pretty much every day. Dude, he is for sure on top of his game and every one elses. He is so much more concentrated and his delivery of his material is amazing. As you knew, he has what it takes to take him anywhere he wants to go. I know he is done with everything in the past, I just wish certain people could and would realize that. But like every else, they'll just have to wait and see.
Beth is doing great. She is almost done with school and then it's off to teaching. Wow, our little sister that we used to sqeeze mustard in her mouth is going to be a teacher. Her and I don't always get along, but I am so proud of her.
Man you wouldn't believe the girls. Jessica is so precious, and ask for Emily, she's real funny. They are growing up so fast- I can't believe it. Christmas is coming up in a few days. I was just talking to some friends of mine the other day about how you, Todd, and I would leave moms Christmas Eve. Those were some times I sure as heck will never forget. Well, to tell you the truth, there are so many times I won't forget and I would wish for more times, but you can't do nothing about the past. Like I said last time I left something here, there's not a minute that goes by that you don't enter my head. I think about things all the time. Since all that has happened, not trying to sound selfish here, but I am so much of a better person. I don't mad about things I use too, I may still get a little frustrated at times, but who doesn't.?.? I just wish everyone could realize what they have in their families instead of taking advantage of things.
The past 6 1/2 months through the academy, I have to say I found who the real Andrew Toney was. I found out who my true friends are, who I can trust, who really cares about me- I just got a lot of thinking done and things accomplished. I owe a lot of my gratitude to you. You have pushed me through everything here in th past few months like you did when you were here, and I thank you. I miss you a lot man, and it doesn't change day to day. I would wish for you to be back, but i can't , so what's the use.
It's kind of hard how we are drifting slowly but surely from Dee-Dee and stuff. I would say it will probably end up like dad's side of the family, but then there are the two little girls that just get to me every time I see them. I know Dee-Dee is doing well though. And ask for Fields, she starts that academy in January. I know you will be with her through that, like you are everyone else.
I am pretty sure that I am going to apply for Marion County in April. I really want to do it and I know I have the heart and the desire to do it. We will just have to see how it goes and hope for the best. I know you and dad will be with me, like every thing else. Well dude, I will be talking to you and I will definitely see you and dad when I get there.
I love you brother and I miss you dearly,
-Andrew- "8" (keep em' coming)
andrew-what a wonderful reflection! im sure bill is so proud of was nice to see your post..i wish i had your email have been through so have to know that with the impact ron and bill had on those who knew them that they will NEVER be forgotten..i think being a officer is a wonderful brother is on county and they would be lucky to have you serve with them...follow your dreams...
Two years it has been and it's still so hard to beleive you are gone. So many things have changed but you are thought of daily and missed eternally! "Life has a flavor the protected will never know" are missed my friend!
When dad was taken from us, I saw how you reacted and I kind of understood at age 13. When you were taken from us, I really understood at 21. I've seen a lot of things in my life and I've had to grow up very quickly. Now, at age 23, I'm headed down a road that has endless possibilities. I really want to do this. There is nothing in my way except a police department telling me no. But, that's not even going to stop me because I will just keep trying.
It's just weird dude without you here. Since you've been gone, I'm so much more emotional toward the littlest things. That's another thing I saw in you and wondered after dad. People don't realize man, you don't know what you have till it's gone. I appreciate the littlest things, thank God for everything and just take it easy all the time.
Even though there's so much to say- well people think that talking all the time or thinking they have to prove something is going to get them somewhere. You know exactly what I'm talking about. That's why I talk low and soft, and don't say much at all. People are just so two faced, so scared to tell people what they really think, so worried about what so-and-so did last week with whoever,and so concerned with what other people think about what they wear, say, or do--who cares. Like we use to talk all the time- If they would just love everyone and worry about themselves, then everything would be cool. It's just plain cruel how this place is. You knew it, and it was only a matter of time before I got older and realized everything-the way this place works. Instead, you had to be taken away for me to realize all that I do now- and it's tough. I'm not asking anyone to feel sorry for me, but it's all like a ton of bricks hitting me at once. I mean man, you've been gone 2 years. That's life I guess. People are like, "how do you do it, you've lost so much in your life." What they don't realize is, that if the same things happened to them, then they would know how I do it. Two paths to be taken. One, your depressed all the time and don't know what to say or think and become crazy from it. Two, the path I walk down-I am here one time, I live every day laid back, except when things have to be done. God tests me out every day, some days I fail those tests and other days I pass. I know one thing, I will see you and dad when all this crap on earth is said and done with a "BIG TONEY SMILE."
As you knew, friends are hard to come by. I have a few good friends that I can really trust and depend on, and then I have those friends that I am cool with-you know. I have become closer with mom and a lot closer with Dee-Dee.
I see that you had good friends too. Matter of fact, after I graduate from this academy, I owe everything to Mike. I have learned a lot about myself, law enfocement, a lot about responsibility, along with many-many other things that are important in life.
Shea and I have just recently started talking again. Man, I hurt her pretty bad. She is willing to give me another chance and I am taking it. I've obvisouly lost a lot in life, and she's something I've lost, and seems to be the only thing that I love that I can have back. I am going to treat her like a queen- she deserves it plus.... She is a wonderful loving person that I'm going to hold on too. She makes me very happy-she breaks down all of my defenses.
I'm so weak when I see her and hold her-you know? I'm like wow!(I'm like "5")hah-hah!
Dee-Dee is in good hands with one of those friends of mine that I can trust with my life. I without a doubt know that Ryan will be the best to her. I wouldn't tell you that if I didn't mean it or think you wouldn't think so either. She is in very good place with him and I love them both very much.
There of couse isn't a minute that goes by that you don't enter my head. I can see everything that happened that night like it was in front of my face. The court room was very hard. Matter of fact, I can't even come up with a word for it. I apoligize for going back and fourth with Ritchie in there. I just was so messed up that he was actually in the same room as us. I can't wait until I get to put hevins like him in jail. I won't treat them any certain way, but you know.
Make sure you and dad watch over me in my pursuit toward law enfocement. I believe a process for County starts in April. That's what I want to do and I'm ready for it, and will be even more ready for it then.
I Love You Brother,
-Andrew- #8(keep 'em coming)
you are still in our hearts bill...i think of you often...and i pray for your family...its almost as if i still cant believe it..or maybe i just dont want comforts me to know you are watching over us told me one time you would watch over my house in beech grove and "keep an eye on things" for me..that was my first house and i felt safer knowing you were in the over the house up there because one day we will all come to see you...
Today they found him guilty and he will die for what he did. Your wife has been so strong and you would be so proud of her. You are missed Bill.. Watch over all of us.