Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Ronald Toney

Beech Grove Police Department, Indiana

End of Watch Friday, September 29, 2000

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Ronald Toney

So happy to have known you, can't believe you're gone.

October 28, 2005

I have learned from all you did in your life here. I have taken both negative and positive things that you did, and it has tought me to be a very good person. Thank you.

October 12, 2005

Toney, rest in peace. Never forgotten.
ILEA 134-98

Sgt. Barbara L. Beland
Monroe Co. Sheriff Dept. Bloomington, IN USA

October 5, 2005

Remembering you today and tomorrow. The weather where I'm at was similar to the day it was that day and nite. I walked into Hallmark tonight to pick up some things and happened to be next to the ones that I would have looked at for you. You know we should be together celebrating our birthdays this weekend. I love you and happy birthday, bill.

September 29, 2005

Bill, five years has past and it seems to have gone so fast. I so fondly remember the times we had together as friends. You are so sadly missed by many. Although I have great memories of Beech Grove, I will always find a deep sadness due to what has happened. A dark cloud is always somewhat over me while I'm there. Rememering those painful hours and days that came after your death. Emptyness, lose, and was tragic! Out of this you have made my life more complete. I try in every way to get the most out of each and every day. So on this tragic date in our history I choose to not be sad...but to live! Live, love, and laugh as I know you would want it!...I deeply miss you and hope you can see me and how I have changed because of our has a flavor the protected will never know!

September 29, 2005

It's funny how this time of year gets to you. And it's funny how people act toward you only this time of year. But then again, who knows what is going through their mind, and also a lot of people don't know what to say. It's just funny how this world turns and works.... how it makes everyone react to things. Everyone is looking for their place, their temporary high, their love, their whatever. And everyone seems to want to make this life so difficult for everyone else because of the hard times they are facing. This life is meant to be lived to the fullest. This life is meant to be lived happy. At the end of the day, we should all say: "Today was a Good Day." We all are so fortunate to have what we have. But so quick to complain about what we don't have.

September 25, 2005

Always remembered.

September 25, 2005

Bill, so many people I think have forgotten!...It's sad but a harsh reality. I think of you daily and you have completely changed the way that I am now. I just wished you were here to share things with. A funny movie, a phone call, or just a laugh...I miss your spirit!...

September 12, 2005

Just remembering you. Every so often you pop into my thoughts. Rest in peace, Bill.

September 8, 2005

Coming up on five years like nothing. This past Sunday I wanted to pick up the phone and call you or Todd to talk about something going on in my life. It's not like that every day or even every other day, just every once in a while. Things are good though. It's wierd though, it seems the wiser that I get day by day, the more hard aches I realize as well. See you guys on the flip side. -Drew-

August 17, 2005

Bill, I'm sure you are proud of Mark. He took out a bad guy! Life has a flavor the protected will never know!

July 14, 2005

It still is so hard to believe!...going on 5 years and it is still so hard to has a flavor the protected will never know!

June 30, 2005

I remember the day that Bill was taken. I was working for IPD when we heard the awful news. I did not personally know Bill, but it takes a special type of person to be a Police Officer and a special type of person to be the wife of a police officer. I speak from experience. Dee Dee my heart goes out to you and the girls. I lost a good friend last year to gunfire...know that it doesn't get just gets different. Your late husband is and always will be a hero, try to find peace with that!

Wife of an IPD Officer

Indianapolis Citizen

June 28, 2005

You know it's celebration time when Ron Sexton, A.K.A. "Kordell Magarret", hits a curve ball. And the same with the Walmart, Wow!!! Unbelievable!! I walked in there about two weeks ago and thought I was in a different place besides the Grove, that's for sure. Like everything else, what in the world are you going to do about it? I say this every time, but where in the world does time go?!?!!? It is so crazy!! These days just run into the other like nothing else. Everyone is doing their own thing- family, themselves, jobs, and whatever else. And I can say that these days are not going to slow down. I've learned through life experiences to live every day and have fun. Cause when you leave this place, you can't take one thing with you. Not any car, not any bill, not your house, and not even your love ones. Sure you have to take care of things as they come up, but really, unless you make stress on yourself- you shouldn't have any. Easier said then done, but this life is so SIMPLE. It's how you make it, but make it easier on yourself, set back and realize things, take a deep breath, and realize that we aren't here for that long for whatever reason, and then realize that we have no control over things that happen.
I do wish you guys were here a lot. I miss conversations that we all had, not always getting along, but the talks that I took for granite then. Since the time of things happening, I have became so wise to everything, every person- younger/older, people trying to take advantage of you. It's funny how I say excatly what is on my mind to whoever about whatever. People don't like to hear things, only because it's the truth. People hate the truth. I take criticism so constructively and build my life and way of thinking through all the mistakes I watch other people make. Not judging othere people on there choices and values in life because judging is not our job. I'm not perfect and or even close to it, but I just learn like I've had no choice to do. People are fuuny, and I act pretty funny a lot of the time too.
If I set here and told you guys that I miss you and cried every day over it and was depressed- well number one, I'd be lying. But at the same time, what in the world would I be doing besides making my life miserable. I have seen a lot through my short journey here, and I can go through the rest of my life with a totally different outlook on life then I'm sure I would if you guys were still here. And again, you guys were taken for whatever reason. And I'm not even going to start to question why you were taken, because that is a waste of my time and a lot of stress to put on yourself. I may not have a lot, but I do have my outlook on life, and it's a pretty good one. It's funny too how much more emotional I am about movies, families that lost someone- beacause I have seen it. But you can't tell that family it's going to be ok, cause they're going to have to find that out themselves through time. I carry you guys with me every other thought that goes through my head. We may or may not meet up again, I really don't know how that works, but keep an eye out if you can. And I know if we do meet again, Todd will be throwing all kinds of junk, A.K.A. "Junk Ball Master". Of course you'll be trying to stop everything at Short(HAAA-HAAA!!!) And myself will be covering Center. I will also take care of myself and your siblings(mom and Beth) Man, Beth just went skinny-dipping in France, you believe that stuff? Crazy business!!! Christmas Eve night at your house with you, Todd, and I always sticks out. Peace my brothers!!!

June 24, 2005

Bill, I hit my first curveball for a clean single this past weekend. Finally stayed back like you told me to. We still don't have a shortstop. That spot belongs to you anyway. I don't know why I still play. I'm as bad as ever but something about being out there reminds me of the good ol' days.

4 kids now. Finally hit a curveball and Beech Grove has a Walmart. Andrew is right...time doesn't stop for anyone.

I want so badly to share a laugh with you again. I know that day will come. I wonder if Todd is throwin' his spitball up in heaven? Save a spot for me on the team up there.

Miss you more everyday.



June 21, 2005

It's a great day to be alive. The weather is beautiful, have a wonderful girl, and I don't have anything to complain about. Who wants to listen to complaints anyways? Time keeps on moving and moving like never before. I can't believe how much time is gone before you say to yourself: "I meant to do this or that or give so and so a call." Before you know it, it's the New Year and everyone always says, where in the world did this year go? For some reason, I don't think that this fast paced reality show we live in is going to slow down any time soon.
What are you going to do about it? The same thing you do about things you can't control, nothing at all. But that's not new for anyone, just a reminder. You have to stay balanced in this life. If your not happy, get happy.
I do miss you fellas like nothing else. Mostly every day is cool, but some days.... I still kind of wonder why? But since all of this, living life is so easy. Ofcourse it's how you make it, but stay care free to an extent, and you will be fine. Love you guys,

P.S. Your other SIBLINGS are doing great, and miss you guys so much as well. Your SIBLINGS are moving on with there lives as anyone else would. And nobody would know how that move on would be unless they traveled down that path that nobody wants to walk down, nor do I wish that on anyone. SIBLING is a funny word.

May 8, 2005

Saw DeeDee today. I'm glad to see that she is moving on with her life. You would want that I'm sure. I hope this marriage and baby will bring joy to her life once again. Like the joy she shared with you. Rest in peace, Bill.

May 5, 2005

I wish I could get over the anger - I'm just so MAD that you're gone. How could you have been taken from us? WHY??

I can't believe it's been 4 1/2 years. You were so GOOD for the department - I hope everyone knows that. And that big grin - did you EVER put it away? I miss you, Bill...I miss the way you way you told a story - I want to cry every time I think of your wife and girls without you, and the pain they must feel. I thank God that they are blessed with such a loving support system. My prayers for Dee Dee have been answered - she has found the strength to get through the nightmare and move on with her life. What a wonderful role model she is for your children.

To everyone that wasn't touched by Bill's life (was there anyone?) - boy, did you miss out! He was a wonderful, charming, and caring man. And man, was he funny!

You know, I could tell 50 stories about Bill, but unless you met him - you just wouldn't get it. He was simply inspiring.

I miss you, Bill.

March 29, 2005

Life has a flavor the protected will never know!...

March 25, 2005

Not a day goes by that we do not think about you, about how much time has passed, about how much hurt we still have in our hearts. Each time an officer is taken from us it is like opening Bob's wound all over again. Please know that you will always be in our thoughts.

I do not believe that I have ever thanked you for the gifts you have given to Bob and I. We are so grateful for Geoff and Steph, their friendship is like no other. And Dude, Buffet concerts rock. Bob and I have not missed one yet since you have been gone. Not even mother nature would keep us from a concert.

You would be so proud of DD. She is so strong. And how about Jessie and Emliy, I know that you live through them. They have grown to be such beautiful young ladies. As for Ryan, well... he has done a damm good job too. I have so much respect for him. He has filled some very big shoes nicely. I believe that he respects DD's need to keep your memory alive. I believe that they both miss you very much.

Tell everyone hello for us, especially the judge. As Bob says... Peace out.

Angie Mercuri

March 8, 2005

So many ifs, if only one day could be spent as a family again, so your mommy could say how much she loves you all. It is so hard to understand why God wants famlies to stay together and be happy, but then takes all of you away from us. So much pain, part of me is so dead it is so hard for me to go on, I can`t even get things done. Every time I start to want to dream or have goals in life something happens to take something else away. This isn`t a pity party, I just need to understand why . God doesn`t give us anymore than we can take, why does he keep thinking I can take all this. I love your girls so much, I know I`m not a good Grammy, I truly want to be. My heart just breaks again every time I see them. I`m not trying to hurt anyone. I just wish people could try to understand how hard it is. Beth and Andrew are such good kids to me, how I am is not fair to them either. I just wait for a call or knock to tell me they are gone,please ask God not to take anyone else. My prayers just don`t seem to be heard. If only again you could really read this or hear me, or just one day with you guys. I`v hit rock bottom and I am trying to get help, I know it won`t happen over night, I want to believe that it will help ease it all. Iv`e driven another love of my life away, yes I caused it all. I have to accept this pain and blame also. I relize there will always be hurt in everyones life, just why does there have to be so much in certain peoples.I don`t mean to seem so self-centered or hurt people ,I just need some help to understand what I can do to be a better person to people I do care so very much about. We had our good times and bad but I believe our love as a family will always live on. Don`t forget Billy Willy or Toddie Phoo that mommy will always love her babies.

February 26, 2005

Sometimes it feels like that you are just away but then when I see the girls I realize that four years have gone by and you aren't returning. You're missed more than you know.

February 9, 2005

On Saturday, January 8, we had to say goodbye to another family member, Brittany. She has been a part of the family for seventeen years and many even thought she would outlive the rest of us who are still living. Although she was a dog, she possessed many characteristics of a true friend who cared for everyone she encountered.
Unlike most dogs, Brittany loved fruit. In fact, instead of being a fruit bat, she was a fruit dog. Her favorite treat was bananas. Hardly anyone could eat a banana without Brittany standing on her back legs, mouth watering begging for a piece. During the summer and fall, she could even be caught in the yard munching on a plum, apple, or even tomatoes from the garden.
Through her seventeen years, she brought loving memories to the family often being seen in family photographs or even being fed from the kitchen table. She even stood guard to protect little ones as well as sick ones. Her presence will be missed but her memories will continue to live. Brittany was laid to rest underneath the neighbor’s apple tree.


January 18, 2005

I know you guys are up there throwing Brittany's "Blue Racket Ball" around to her. She was a good dog, the 17 years she was here. She out lived a lot of people. And I know you guys are taking care of her now. I miss all of you a lot, not a second goes by that I don't matter of fact. Life here is good though, best mom and sister(so strong), and Aleigha- she is the kindest person that I have ever met. She completes me. I know too you guys had a hand in picking her out for me, well you guys and God- and I thank you so much for that. Beech Grove's process starts here on the 29th. I would love to call that my home. Just around everything so familiar. And I know how dedicated I would be to them as well. Nothing will stand in the way of how well of an officer I will be. No deaths, no feelings, nothing, because I know how this life works and how it effects people. I will be be talking to you guys, please watch over all of us.

January 14, 2005

How I love holidays but hate them at the same time. It's not fair to us that actually like them to have horrible ones by the ones who don't!

December 9, 2004

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