St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer Robert J. Stanze, II
well when bob and the guys from mobile would stop by central patrol he always was nice to everyone and would joke around but when it was time for them to hit the streets he was all bussiness.and he is one of the best police officers you could ever know and he is truely missed by all.bob you may be gone brother but you will NEVER be forgoten.
custudian james young
former custodian slmpd central patr
April 20, 2006
Hi Bob. I can't believe you have been gone almost 6 years. We are coming up on Dan't 5th anniversary on May 26. And then, Uncle Stu's 2 year anniversay is coming up shortly also. Even though I know it is true, sometimes it still feels like a horrible nightmare. Our family has lost so very much these past 6 years. I surely don't understand it, and I don't even try to anymore. All I know is our hearts are broken in pieces and will never be put back together again. I am looking forward to the day when we will all see you again, and until then, we are trying very hard to go on. We still need help, if you guys can do that for us. In the meantime, know that we love you all so very much and will tell you that in person one of these days!!
Love you all,
April 19, 2006
It's been so long. It seems strange that my heart can steal feel so heavy, so fragile. There are still times where I can feel the initial moments of panic, dread, hopelessness flickering through me. Please know that you will never be forgotten, you will always be loved, and that you will always be a HUGE part of my life. I hope you still think about me too. I wish more than anything that I could have just 5 more minutes with you.
I love you.
April 16, 2006
i mis yoo oncl bob!
March 22, 2006
Remembering you and your life with love, respect, and honor.
Linda Rittenhouse
Proud Mother of Officer Matt Rittenhouse 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W. 9/16/04
March 19, 2006
One of the best memories of all of us is years ago. That was the beginning of one of the best years of our lives. We were all so excited for each other. I wish we would have had more days like that one. I wish we could have had more time together, watching our kids grow up. "That's what I'm talking about."
March 18, 2006
I was surfing the net and happened upon this. I didn't even know it was here. I was incredibly moved to see that people are still sending notes after all this time. I am so happy that people have not forgotten. It says a lot about how you lived.
You and your family should know that you, Michelle, Will, John and Holly are thought about often. I wish you could you be here with them. You have such a great family.
I wanted to tell you that Steph has had a hugh cross to bare, but he has adjusted well to deal with it. Know that he and many more miss you terribly.
Until we meet again
Jim Long
March 14, 2006
I'm thinkin' about ya sweetheart, and I miss you tons. I haven't felt you around lately, and I sure do miss you. Please visit me when you get a chance...there are going to be hard days ahead; the one I've been dreading since the day you were stollen from me. I can't believe it's really coming.
Loving you still
March 12, 2006
i rode with bob for a couple of months. this was after his prob status. this was way before his twins were born before his murder. bob was all business on the street. we got along ok...knowing this was only temporary and that we would be moved or split when new recruits would come out. the split time came and i was transferred but bob stayed and worked for tony. when bob was killed i was told by a mutual friend and my knees buckled...for a long time after bob was killed...i would see a similiar suv like his and think it might be took me a long time to realize that it wasn't him. bob was a great man and will always be so in my heart. i will never forget him..
p.o glennon oleary
February 24, 2006
It means the world to know people still think about you. You were too good of a person for people to forget. Everyone who knew you were truly blessed to have you in their life for as we did. I wish it could have been longer.
February 16, 2006
In Valor there is Hope. I hope that the many prayers have sustained your family over the years.
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Author Unknown
P.O. Chris Welby
Bridgeton, Mo Pd
February 15, 2006
I was just thinking about you and wanted to stop by to look at your picture and say Hi! Please keep everyone safe. We all miss you so much.
February 9, 2006
Miss you here. I was just remebering your laugh and goofy grin. There are so many things that have happened these past few years that would have made you laugh! I wish I could hear that again!
January 27, 2006
Hey Bob! Keep an eye on Dad this weekend and make sure he takes it easy & recuperates quickly! I know you were with him on Wednesday and Thursday watching over him.
Love you!!!!
January 13, 2006
Now that I am gone,
remember me with smiles and laughter.
And if you need to cry,
cry with your family and friends
who walk in grief beside you.
And when you need me,
put your arms around someone
and give to them what you need to give to me.
There are so many who need so much.
I want to leave you something --
something much better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I've known
or helped in some special way.
Let me live in your heart
as well as in your mind.
You can love me most
by letting your love reach out to our loved ones,
by embracing them and living in their love.
Love does not die, people do.
So, when all that's left of me is love,
give me away as best you can.
Always remember that you can clutch the past so tightly to your chest,
that it leaves your arms too full
to embrace the present.
Live in the's what I want for you.
January 11, 2006
Brother Stanze,
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
You’re Brothers in Blue
Untouchables LE Motorcycle Club
January 9, 2006
Happy New Year!!!! Hopefully this will be the year that will bring us all peace. Please give me a sign to let me know you are watching over us and things will be okay.
January 2, 2006
Not sure there is anything different to say...just find peace in coming here... you know we all say it over and over again...we don't understand, we miss you, we love you and things will never ever be the same without you for any of us. There is a hole so big in all of our hearts that will never be repaired. Please help things get easier for each and every one of us, somehow...Happy New Year Bob!
December 30, 2005
I guess you know it was a rough few days leading up to Christmas. I could really feel you close during those days, which was great, because as time passes sometimes you feel out of my reach. I don't want to forget even one memory.
I hope you like the tree I made for you. I decided to do something different this year. I know you are a proud father, and want to show off the kids. They are really starting to understand what they are missing by not having you here, and it makes them feel good to know that you want to show them off to your freinds in heaven.
As I always I miss you. I thought alot about the year we met, and coming home to find a big beautiful bunch of roses from you on Christmas Eve. I had butterflys in my stomach, as I called Lisa B. to tell her, and we screamed in the phone with excitment like a bunch of teenage girls. Our first Christmas together...I love you and miss you.
December 27, 2005
Merry Christmas!
December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas Bob!
We miss you,and will be thinking of you this week-end! Wish we could see you with your santa hat on one more time.
December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas bob! I'll have a beer for you!! love and miss you always!
December 24, 2005
I keep thinking about my past Christmas' with you and how much fun we would always have. I miss looking for a tree with you and Mom. I never thought I would say that. It would always take so long and we could never agree. Mom and I would finally let you pick the tree you wanted just because we would be so cold. Then when we (you) finally got the tree up it would lean to one side. I remember the Christmas you came home from school and we put the tree up for Mom--in between watching the Simpsons. I have never laughed so hard. I hate that all I have left of you are my memories and we will never have another Christmas together or anything for that matter. Sometimes it still doesn't seem real and then other times it hurts so bad. You have been gone so long I feel like you are fading and that really scares me. I am having trouble remembering the sound of your voice or your laugh. It is bad enough you had to be taken away but I can't believe this is happening. Well, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and let you know you are always in my thoughts. As usual Dad's won't be the same tonight without you. Keep Michael company this weekend--he had to work and he will be all alone. Of course, knowing Mike he couldn't ask for a better Christmas. I know I never said it enough when you were I alive, but I do love you I couldn't have asked for a better brother and friend. Thanks for always being there for me. I wish I could have been there for you.
December 24, 2005
I sure miss this time of year (Christmas always being your favorite time of year) when we would Christmas shop together a couple times. I will never forget the last time. How about joining me at the mall this weekend!!
December 13, 2005
Christmas is right around the corner and while I can't believe it has been this many Xmas' without you...I know how much you enjoyed this holiday and how sad you would be if we weren't enjoying it too.
We continue to live every day missing you, but celebrating your life, not your death. While we are sad, we keep trying to remind each other, that you would never want us to be depressed or unhappy, moping and would hate that.
So in your honor, because of you, we will all try very, very hard ,to have a Merry Xmas.
Please say a prayer for us and smile down on us this holiday and help us all have a day filled with love and laughter...just like you would have wanted.
We all Love and Miss you very, very much!
December 8, 2005