St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer Robert J. Stanze, II
"Mary,Mary" well, I guess that's all of the quote I can do :)
December 21, 2008
Hey bob - Love you!! Merry Christmas!
December 18, 2008
Bob your favorite Holiday is only one week away today and there is snow on the ground
December 18, 2008
Merry Christmas Bobby!!!
December 15, 2008
Merry Christmas Bob
I watched one of your favorite Holiday movies last night “It's a Wonderful Life” …Your impression of Jimmie Stewart was the best…… ha, ha, ha, My mouth’s bleeding Bert! My mouth’s bleeding!! Zuzu’s petals We miss you Bob!!!
December 14, 2008
This was always your favorite time of the year....Christmas and being with family.... Merry Christmas Bob
December 13, 2008
Merry Christmas Bob!
Instill some of that good ole Christmas Cheer you always had so much of, on all of us!
Remind us all that we still need to Believe and that you would want us to celebrate your favorite holiday with a laugh, a smile and a beer, not sadness and tears!
Miss you...
December 12, 2008
Hey bob. I went by your Highway sign again today on the way to see mom. It made me smile and cry at the same time. I haven't received any signs recently and could really use one.
You are going to be a Detective in a Book soon! I'm so excited to read your name in the book -- This summer/fall and winter have been really bad for some reason. I really have missed you alot more this year than I thought would be possible. You were a great person, brother and so many people are still finding that out :) Look out for Chris as she still works on getting her house set up & look over Lisa as her "man hand" still heal :)
I'm rambling - I know - but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and miss you so much. love you.
December 7, 2008
hi bob
bye bob
December 4, 2008
My mom and dad talk about you all the time.It is Christmas
time now. Do you know we have a real tree now? we are still
putting are decorations now. So watch over us now and send
December 3, 2008
I'm trying to remember my favorite holiday memories with you...right before our wedding...when you and Michelle gave us that frog calender...when you had on your Santa hat at your house playing Star Wars Trivia Pursuit, only you and Mark knew any answers (dorks)...of course when the famous ACK picture was taken...Wil and Molly's first Christmas...there are so many and they seem to all blend together now. I really wish I would have taken the time to enjoy every second of those times. I used to make fun of Michelle for taking so many pictures and documenting everything, who knew?! We miss you...
November 30, 2008
It's the week of Thanksgiving and I can still remember all those times the night before Thanksgiving when you would come out and help your Dad with the smoker. I think it may have been one of those times that a neighbor complained about the light shining in their window all night and came over in his robe!! Those were fun times.
We went to the Blues game last night and we're talking to our friends about Guns and Hoses. It will be good to see the McEntee's and Sloan''s been a while. On the way home I saw the sign on the highway dedicated to you. I was so proud, but so sad at the same time.
Time has passed but the cherished memories are still there. I'm so glad I can still see your face, hear your laugh and still smile when I think of you and Mike and your Dad making those crazy videos and tearing up the house!!
Miss you us through another holiday season without you.
November 22, 2008
To Robert Stanze & Family
I never knew Officer Stanze,but I saw him daily. Driving the Neighborhood. I would always admire how nice he was.In a Community that was once so nice.
It has been almost 9 years and I still think about Mr. Stanze. His fellow Officers came to his aid. But it was to late. I heard the Gunfire. Looked down the street and was in shock to see and Officer Down.
To the Stanze Family ,Robert Stanze was a true Hero. Please understand that the community still feels for the Stanze Family. Officer Stanze the Marcus area Community Love you.
November 11, 2008
This is my dad and I miss him a lot. I wish he was still here with us. My mom says he is realy nice and I bet he is realy nice. I have so many pictures of him and before I started to right this I was looking at a picture of him and I started to cry but I feel beter now. He had a nice partner and I know his partner. My dad and his partner were nice to the people they caught some were nice back but not all of them were nice back. We have a lot of his stuff and I get to see it a lot and I think that is all I have to say.
November 2, 2008
Well I didn't get a chance to drop you a note on your birthday, but me and the kids made you some cupcakes (not red velvet...sorry), and sang to you after dinner. On Friday, the kids all went out for Halloween, and it kinda reminded me of Wil's first Halloween when it was so hot, and he was sweating in his dinosaur costume, and you were sweating carrying him around. Had a dream about you last night. Dreamed you came home from your secret undercover mission, and I got to see you again and talked to you. Nice. Love Ya.
November 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Bob!
DSN 4212
October 28, 2008
What a's your birthday? I thought we were celebrating LN's (LOL). We miss you. Today we are feeling low, the memories are starting to fade and we hate that. Going to pop in our "Bob" video, it's just not the same. Wish we could all celebrate together, like we did every milestone.
October 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Bob!!!! You are truly missed and thank you for smiling down on everyone
October 28, 2008
I know how you loved celebrating your birthday, we miss celebrating with you, hearing your dumb jokes and the way you always left us smiling. Toasting one for you today Bob. You will never be forgotten! Happy Birthday
October 27, 2008
We should be out at a Blues game and toasting your 38th birthday. We'll never forget you buddy!
October 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Bob!
October 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Bob !!!!! you are missed so much and not a day goes by that you are not on my mind......getting to be a few candles on that cake... love and miss you!
October 27, 2008
It's late, can't sleep and as often happens, I'm drawn to this site. I sure could use a hug and one of your smiles. Love and miss you!
October 14, 2008
Where are you? We need you so much....please ask God to help us...
September 23, 2008
Just thinking about you. Thanks for hanging around so much lately. Miss you and love you.
September 19, 2008