St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Reflections for Police Officer Robert J. Stanze, II
Never forget.....
DSN 4212
August 8, 2009
Thinking of you and your family on this unfortunate anniversary. Keep watch over your family - they miss you dearly - and you are never forgotten.
Jayne McEntee
August 7, 2009
I will be thinking and praying for the Stanze family tomorrow. God bless you all.
Kathy McEntee
Bill's sister
August 7, 2009
Hey, if you're not to busy to travel, we could sure use a visit from you, or at least a sign. We all miss you still.
Love Ya
August 7, 2009
Hey Bob,
Michelle posted some great pictures of you on facebook. Those were some good times. I miss you!
August 2, 2009
Tomorrow Steve gets married! Can you believe it? Please ask God to bless them with love, good health and a long Happy life. Wish you were here to join always you will be missed and are always thought of and loved.
July 31, 2009
Just heard, "The Dance" on the radio and then saw a moving truck that said "Uncle Bob" on the side :)
May 15, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today, Police Officer Memorial Day. You have not been forgotten nor will those that love you ever let that happen. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2009
Hey Uncle Bob. We all really miss you and I wish you were still here. Although its comforting to think that every time I trip over my own feet that maybe you have something to do with it instead of me being just plain clumsy. You think you could maybe help the Blues make it to the 2nd round next season? Always thinking of you.
Love, Alex
May 10, 2009
Your sisters could both use your help Bob. Please watch out for them and send them a sign to let them know everything will be ok.
Happy Easter
We love and miss you.
April 11, 2009
Hey Bob, I could really use your humor to get me out of this funk I'm in. I know you'd make fun of me until I "got over it"
it seems like everything happens at once. a sign would be nice - a visit even better.
I think of you everyday and miss you so much.
March 29, 2009
So tomorrow our kids turn 10. Can you believe it? That day really forever linked us four together. The calls back and forth between you and Mark, from St. Johns to St. Josephs. The crazy turn of events that had us delivering on the same day. Was this all part of the "plan." From that day forward, the four of us made so many plans together, watching Wil and Molly crawl and then walk. Sitting on the couch, talking about their wedding, wondering what we would look like. It really stinks that you are not here No offense Bini :). They both have turned out to be really sweet, loving kids. I'd like to think you had a part in that. If so, can you send a bit Lilly's way? If you're not too busy saving the world, try to show Wil a really awesome sign for his birthday. If you see my uncle, tell him I'm thinking of him today.
March 17, 2009
I think of you often Bob. Every time I go by little brennen rd I think about that day you and I had a head on crash, carried the guy up the hill in the snow, then sled of the road and walked to Pasta house. Sat there in that snow storm and laughed are heads off. Miss you buddy.......
Ron g
March 15, 2009
Thanks for your sign today at Hood's, that's made my day!!
March 11, 2009
I'm in a funk. Snap me out of this will ya! You always did know how to make me laugh!
March 8, 2009
It's late and I'm up thinking about how different life should be. Miss you and the way you made us all feel.
February 17, 2009
My Love, you are strong and you will do well in life. I love you and my children deeply - today and tomorrow, let each day grow and grow. You keep smiling and never give up when things get you down. So in closing, my love, tonight - tuck my kids in warmly, tell them I love them, hug them for me and give them a big kiss goodnight for daddy! (From 'Black Hawk Down').
For you and all those who have been taken from us in the Line of Duty.
Cindy Ballman
Wife of P.O. Tom Ballman, 282
January 17, 2009
still missing you so much! I could use a sign or visit.
January 16, 2009
just thinking of you
January 14, 2009
A new year...9 years, so hard to believe. Please bring us all a new year filled with happiness and good health. We miss and love you. Happy New Year!!
January 1, 2009
Happy New Year Bob
December 31, 2008
I had a dream about you last night. I'm struggling trying to remember it. I know it felt good to talk to you and your voice sounded nice. Happy New Year!
December 31, 2008
Bob - Thinking about you and your family this Christmas. I will be by to see you, Bill and Nick soon.
Kathy McEntee, Bill's sister
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Bob! I can still see you hanging lights and that big smile of yours. Miss you
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Bob! I can still see you in your Santa hat!!
December 23, 2008