Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 1999
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Dana Denise Shaw
Although I didn't know her, I know how happy she made a good friend of mine. That means a lot to me and says a lot about her.
My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family, as well as her friends and mine. John 3:16
Shannon ~ Friend of a Friend
The Monument
I never dreamed it would be me
My name for all eterinty
Recorded here at this hallowed place
Alas,my name, no more my face.
"In the line of duty",I hear them say
My family now the price will pay
My folded flag stained with their tears
We only had those few short years.
The badge no longer on my chest
I sleep now in eternal rest
My sword I pass to those behind
And I pray they keep this thought in mind.
I never dreamed it would be me
And with heavy heart and bended knee
I ask for all here from the past
Dear God, let my name be the last.
Submitted Anonymously
Not only was Dana a hell of a cop, she was also a hell of a friend...I didn't know her very long, but her friendship with my best friend and roommate Dwight, led to what would have been the type of friendship that most people only dream of.
I know that if there truly are "Holes in The Floor of Heaven", then she is smiling down on us all, and will be with us for all eternity.
A Friend,
TJ Kelley
KICKS 101.5, Atlanta
I didn't know Dana for very long. But I'm glad I had the honor of knowing this wonderful person even though it was for a very short period of time. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. God Bless.
Dwight D. Philpott, Jr.
"A Deputy Sheriff's Prayer"
Lord, I ask for courage ---
Courage to face and conquer my own fears ---
Courage to take me where others will not go.
I ask for strength ---
Strength of body to protect others --
Strength of spirit to lead others --
I ask for dedication ---
Dedication to my job, to do it well --
Dedication to my community, to keep it safe --
Lord, give me concern ---
Concern for those who trust me --
Compassion for those who need me --
And please, Lord, through it all
Be by my side.
Auth. Unknown
My friend Dana -- God brought you into my life as an unbelievable blessing. I realized very quickly that you would be my friend for life. At a time when I was not sure of my career choice, you came along like a tornado of fresh air -- bringing new life to me. You always tried to find the good in everyone and you quick to defend others. Our friendship was instantaneous. Your sense of humor kept me laughing. Your trust in me did not go unnoticed. You are a true friend, in need and in deed. As my friend, I love you; as my partner, I respected you; as a fellow officer, I admire you. To your family: Danisa - she is so very proud of how far you have come; Jeremy -- she loves you very much and told me you are becoming a fine young man; Kayleigh - you are the sunshine in her life. Thank you -- my friend Dana.
Dana I have known since I was a little girl you were like my sister. I miss you so very much. Every time my phone would ring late at night I figured it was you. I know you are in a better place now but we all still miss you and always will.
You & your sister were like my sisters we played & fought all the time as we grew up. I know you are watching us and see that we all miss you, so every once in awhile send us a little sign to say hello and we will never forget you. I would say goodbye to my special friend but that means I would never see you again so instead I say see ya later my friend and I will catch you on the flipside. I will always love you like my sister even after you are gone.
Renee Wilson
My dearest Angel,
There are no words to describe how much I miss you. However, I know how lucky I am. I spent seventeen years with you, still not enough. I am left to remember all the times we shared, weddings, children, deaths, and many celebrations. I still wait every morning for your phone call, your laughter, and words of encouragement. I wander around in a daze because your not here. I try to think of all the wonderful words you would say if you were here. You would tell me to only remember the good times, to carry one in the fight we loved without you, and to remember you are with our Lord. I sit and think of all the times we would go places and people ask us if we were twins. Remember the time I messed up when we were telling that guy at Jimmy Macs we were twins and I told him we were three months apart instead of three minutes. You told me I always messed up the routine. You laughed about the confused look on his face for years. I loved your laughter, and it will ring in my !
memory forever.
I feel so selfish because I am so lost without you. I have not had a tragedy that you were not there to hold me and love me through it. This world is such a lonely place without you. I know I have to let you go, but I don't know how. Your last words to me were "don't worry, every thing will be okay, I love you". How bad those words hurt right now because nothing is okay without you.
I know you are happy now, shining down on us from heaven. You are finally with your mother and brother. But I miss you, angel. And I love you so very much. I know only weeks ago I told you what you meant to me. I want to make sure you never forget. You taught me to love, to live and to survive. You fought for me and protected me when you believed I couldn't do it myself. You took me and my children in your home after Steve left without a second thought. I always told you I could not live without you and here you go, set on proving me wrong again. You changed my life and made it better. You were always the bright light when everything seemed gray. I can not remember a time you were not there for me, even when I didn't need it. You never missed an opportunity to tell people you loved them and you told me all the time!
I want everyone to know how wonderful you are!! There are not many angels here on earth and I am glad I had you. I know it was your time to go home and know you go with my love.
I love you, babygirl, always. Until we meet again, all my love. Your twin, Tanya
Cpl. Tanya Smith
Cherokee County Sheriffs Office
In this honorable profession of law enforcement the one thing you adopt is a very large family. When one of our family members is lost the loss is felt deeply. To Dana's children I would like to say that even though I did not know your mom personally from the messages I have read she was an amazing woman. And how proud you must have been of her to serve her community as a police officer.
I am so sorry that you have lost your mom on this earth, but the one place she will always remain is in your heart and she will forever be there. May God bless you and keep you in the days to follow and on behalf of all the law enforcement agencies here in Kitsap County, Washington our deepest sympathies.
Valerie Endicott
Washington State Chapter of COPS
Oh Dana - Where do I begin? I am so proud of you. I have always looked up to you. How do I live without you? I keep thinking I need to call you or e-mail you. I remember your first night out on the road by yourself. You were more worried about leaving me at home alone than you were about yourself. And it wasn't no time before you were knee deep in mud. Dana, I miss you. It was hard when we lost mom but this is even harder. In promise to take care of Kay bug and Jeremy. They will never forget what a wonderful person you are. You will always be with us. Tell our mom and our brother that I love them.
I Love You
Always and All ways,
your sister,
Danitia Dean
Well girl.....I NEVER thought I would have to say goodbye to you like this! I knew you 17 years and it only seems like yesterday when I first met you. I have never hurt so much in my life! I miss you....I miss talking to you on the phone about my brother and about our kids or just talking about our lives. I want to say that I love you and will continue to always love you! I just only hope that you knew this before this horrible accident. I promise you that I will always be a part of your kids life! They mean the world to me and I know they love me too. You would be real proud of them.....they were troopers during all of it! Dana you were my best friend and I miss not having you here....the pain is so deep. I don't know how to deal with this....but I promise you that I am going to make sure I am re-united with you again real soon. I want to be there with you when it becomes my time and the Good Lord calls me home. My kids want you to know they love you. Or at least that is what hayleigh says....Keely is just included in this. I love you girl! I am sending hugs your way. It was such a honor to have known you and to be your friend.
Dana Norrell
My heart goes out to her personal family, as well as her professional family. Ya'll are in my prayers and thoughts.
Cpl. Joy Gellatly
Savannah Police Department
We were very sad to here the news about Officer Shaw. We have lost another sister. We might not have known her but we are a big family in Law Enforcement. She is in a better place now god will take care of her. She is home now with are father. May she rest in peace.
Officer in Training Joshua Rumbaugh
Columbia County Sheriff's Dept
Hey little one, I know we didn't grow very close in the time we served...but losing you hurts so deeply. I know I have seen my pain in the faces of so many others. Your shift carried you, Mike helped too since he was there first that night. I know you were watching. Joe told me you had requested bagpipes after Sgt. Reeves funeral, he made sure they had been arranged. Losing you has made me truly appreciate how precious all our lives are. I now know that everyday is a gift and those days are sweetened by those we love. Go with God little one, we love you.
I had hoped to say goodbye to a fallen friend whom I had spoken with only thirty minutes prior to the accident that claimed Dana's life. I was one of her Fto's, Her supervisor, and her friend. She confided in me on many occasions and I came to know her well. She left behind two kids, a sister, a father, and a friend whom she thought to be her twin sister removed from birth. I only knew her for a short time and have gone through so many different emotions and feelings as I was one of the first to respond to the scene. Of all the emptiness and lack of understanding I feel from the tragic ending of her precious life, I know she is in a far better place. My reflection on her life is that she touched many peoples' lives' and may one day she will know and see the actual difference she made and the void that was created when she left us. She is greatly missed.
***Dana, I plan on attending that party you promised, just keep it going till I get there to join ya'.
Dana Denise Shaw- Well girlfriend, I only really knew you for six months and that was not nearly enough time with someone as amazing as you. A lifetime wouldn't be enough. My heart is broken in a million pieces right now and I don't know how to begin piecing it all back together. There are so many unanswered questions. I got a phone call at 4:37am on Sunday morning that told me you were hurt real bad in a car accident. I got another phone call 15 minutes later that told me you were gone. How could it be...I was talking to you at 2:30 that morning?!? You were singing "Far Behind" and told me it was the song that you played at your mom's funeral. We all met at the range and talked that morning. That was very tough to do. Many memories were shared and many tears were shed. Why did something so terrible have to happen to our Tiny 211? The next day I put on my mourning badge & uniform and went to see you. Kayleigh and Jeremy were such troopers. They are so!
much like their momma in strength, determination and courage. Dana, they are going to be so well taken care of...we promise you that. We laid you to rest in the company of about 1,000 people at a beautiful site. I miss you so much Dana. I jump everytime my phone rings thinking it's you. I check my email everyday looking for your address to come up. I wait for the back door at 911 to ring and see your tiny self standing there. But it doesn't happen anymore. I can't wait to talk to you again. I'll be up there with you some day and we'll sing our songs and dance our dances...but until that day comes Dana-I'll miss your smile, your laugh, your phone calls, your singing, your friendship, and your love. But I hold onto all those things in my heart and in my soul. Let us know you are Code 4 once in a while, ok? Thank you for you love and friendship. I love you Dana.
~*~Love Always, Kristen~*~
Communications Officer K.R. Murphy
Cherokee County 911
My thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and coworkers of Deputy Shaw. We, at the International Association of Women Police, honor her memory and recognize Deputy Shaw as an inspiration to those who will come after her. Godspeed, Dana!
Officer D.C. Hillier
Purdue University Calumet Police Department Hammond, IN
Dearest Dana - It is fast approaching Mothers Day and National Police week. We will not be atedning this year but we will be honoring you in our hearts! We all miss you so much. People just don't know how much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. You are still such a part of our lives. When ever one of the kids do something my first thought is of calling you and telling you...but I can't. I do get comfort from the fact that you are watching us from heaven with mom and Wayne. One day I will be with you mom and our brother. I can't wait to see you again. David and I bought Kayleigh a horse. I wish you were here to watch her. She reminds me so much of you sometimes. She has your laugh and sometimes I swear I can hear you when she says something! Belive it or not Jeremy has all a's and b's. They miss you so much it breaks my heart. I love you so much. Till we meet agian... Your sister Danitia
May GOD bless this wonderful woman and mother and bless her children and family on this difficult day and forever more. She is there waiting for us, guys, where there is no more pain & sorrow. It is left to us to live good and productive lives so that we can see her and all of our loved ones again when we too go home. Until then ...
From a Florida deputy sheriff and former resident of DeKalb County, Georgia
August 8, 2003
Deputy Sheriff
Polk County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Dear Dana,
It has been four years today. I miss ya'. I am no longer over at Hickory Flat nor on Morning Watch. I got promoted to the ADC where I now teach and supervise new hires and rookie officers. I have your picture on my desk in the memorial from the wall and it reminds me how much I need to teach these new guys. There's a couple that have your same spirit and passion for L.E. but they're not the same. You should have some company. Another brother in brown, Wayne Woodard, joined you a few days ago. He too only served but a couple of years and just come out to the road, in our old precinct and shift. He was in hurry to respond to a 'messed up dispatched call' and lost control on the roadway. I lost contact with Danitia and the kids. I have her picture from the bike ride fundraiser. I have told so many people about you this past week, about how important it is to be careful and not violating rule #1, I'm sure your ears were burning. Dana, I know that you are our heavenly angel watching and guiding over us at work, thank you for helping me keep the real things in life priority #1, Family and the Lord. Sometimes, I feel that I am putting work first due to the new shift hours and responsibilities, but I remember some our conversations about the kids and needing to make time for them. I remember how important that was to you and your insisting that I take time off for family leave when Faith was born. I hope I have not let you down, tiny 211. I can still see your sweet smile and peacefull expression four years ago that I know you're waiting for the rest of us to join you in Heaven. Till then, keep watching over us and guiding us,
your old friend, Steve.
Sgt Hite
Cherokee County S. O.
Well my little but older sister - it's so lonely with out you here. There are so many times I have needed you here with me to tell me what to do, what you would dobut I knowyou and mom are the ones who quietly let me know what is right. All my life you have been the one to protect me, to guide me, to fix all the things I have such a tendency to mess up. I'm hanging in there though. Dad has been such a help and so has David. I couldn't have made it this far without David. Mark has been doing his best to help as have Mike, Cindy and some others. Tonya got married. Kayleigh was in the wedding. I know you were there though, watching and shining down your heavenly light. I am doing my best with your babies. You would be soooo proud of how they are growing up. I know now though why you used to call me with such frustatraion in your voice!!!!!! Girl I never knew I'd miss you so very much! It is a physical ache. One day... until then I will always and all ways miss you and love you. I will keep you alive in our thoughts, our memories, and our actions! Your sister D
danitia dunkerton
To our sister in blue may you rest in peace. Your daughter, family, friends, and co workers are forever in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless
Officer D. Johns
Georgia Perimeter College Police Department
Well baby girl, I still think about you every day when I am getting ready for work. Your picture is on the back of my badge so I never forget. I think about all the times we shared and how much fun we had in the short time I was blessed to be your friend. I wish you were here now to see how much things have changed. I got married to Tim. We have a baby girl named Gracie Lana. She will be 1 in November. I wish you could see her Dana. Now I know what you meant when you tried to describe the love a mom has for her child. She is the best thing I've ever done.
Me and Lisa are both cops now. Melissa is in TEU. Tanya went to APD. It's just not he same without you. I miss you just as much today as I did 3 years ago. You left a hole in my life and I wish to God that you were still here. I still do not understand why you had to go. Someday we will all meet again. Until then, I will still think about you and miss you everyday. You are our guardian angel watching us and keeping us safe and probably laughing at us half the time! I miss ya kiddo.
Love ya!
Officer Kristen Smith
Woodstock Police Department
Well Dana it has been over three years now since your accident. It seems like it was just yesterday when Andrea from the switchboard called me about 0600 in the morning to tell me what had happened. I still have the last e-mail you sent me at work. It freaked me out becuase you had sent it the day before your accident and I didn't get it until the day after.
I was in a class this past week and there were some people in it who you worked with in Bartow County. They miss you as much as we miss you here. Dana we miss you and will never forget you!! Take care Tiny 211!
Deputy Sheriff Melissa Harris
Cherokee County Sheriff's Office
You left me in a rush but you left really tough!! You mean so much to me and I know your in a better place but, to me things would be better with you still here!! I have dreams often that you come back and then you have to die again!! I hate it so bad because it's like losing you twice!!I must say that I have not yet experienced you dying in any of my dreams! I hope I never do because it would hurt!!
I hate you not being here cause I can't go to you about any problems, except my prayers and dreams!! But is's not the same that way!! Me and Jena haven't been getting along lately and it's buggin me!!
But, anyway Tanya's getting married and moving to a new house!! I wish you could be here to see all of it!! I bet you'd tell her he's not the right one just to get on her nerves!! ButI really think he's the one!! Some how or another please be there for her!!
I also wanted to mention your poems!! They are so good! Why didn't you ever show me?? I cried when I read the one about me! It was so beautiful! Someday I'll have the best ones published! I hope anyway.
Dylan's gotten so big and handsome!! I wish you were here to watch him grow!! Jeremy's been doing pretty good in school if you ask me!! But I have to!! I love you sooooo much!! Love you always and forever!!
#1 mommy goes to...
Deputy Dana Shaw < My Mom >
Your daughter Kayleigh