Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II Filberto Henry Cuesta, Jr.

Los Angeles Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, August 9, 1998

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Reflections for Police Officer II Filberto Henry Cuesta, Jr.

Hi Fil;

It's me. Somehow I feel that if I write to you, you hear me. Im a little bummed out today. Sam and Sierra are going to be babtized on Sunday. During worship Pastor Chris mentioned they would be having babtisms and both of the girls leaned over and said they were ready to get babtized . I am so happy for them. I'm happy because they love God. They are turning out to be wonderful young girls. I will miss you there Filly. I wish you were there standing beside them. I hate doing things without you. Your mom and dad will be there to support us. Sierra is learning how to play knocking on Heavens Doors on her guitar just for you. I miss you buddy!

Love Sylvia

Sylvia Cuesta

January 15, 2010



August 20, 2009

11 Years and you are not forgotton. Continue to watch over us Fil. May God continue to bless Sylvia and the girls.

police officer garcia

August 8, 2009

Hey Cousin Its Lil Ray I just wanted to say that there isnt a day that goes by that i dont see a police car and think of you I think about all the good times we had as kids. You were a great older cousin who i looked up to a lot. You were always the best you could be no matter what it was. I think about cutting that St Augustines grass in the front yard. Or marching around the front yard carrying that American flag. Whatever it was we were doing I always had fun. You were a great cousin and friend and man. You have a beautiful family and i love looking at the expressions of your girls . They make the same faces you did as a kid. Being older now I really miss you Wish we could have had more time together with our families. You will always be looked up to by me. I love you Lil Fil

Ray Blanco
First cousin

August 7, 2009

To my favorite cousin Fil:
I can't believe it's almost been 11 years since your end of watch. It has been a long journey for your wife, kids, mom and dad but God is finally bringing them peace day by day slowly but surely. It amazes me that you have impacted so many lives in your short 26 years of life. I miss our talks that we used to share at our family gatherings. Every time we hear the song"knocking on heavens door" we think of you. One year on your birthday I went to the gravesite with your mom and dad and we ate chili dogs(I hear those were your favorite) and your mom had us sing happy birthday to you. Last year my son had to make a poster about a hero and he made it about you. Our cousins Ray, Mikey and Joseph have your name tatooed on their arms. As you can see your memory has never been forgotten. I'm sure you're having a party up in heaven with my grandma,grandpa,uncle Jessie and my dad!
love and always in my heart,
cousin Patsy

Patsy Barajas/Blanco

August 6, 2009

I am leaving this reflection quite early but it had to come out tonight. Fil was a great friend, someone in the locker always playing practical jokes. At work in the car side by side still joking but being aware. We saw the call come out for loud gang party we thought we were right accross from the street so we rolled up to the fence got out and asked where cat was you know them they wont give him up not knowing that in 5 minutes kat will kill one of us and he did.

We waited called a CODE ALPHA get all gang units to our location now. Units respond and took charge. We rescued Fil out of the drivers side door and pulled him down Du Ray but there is some much to miss about this guy not the way he went out. Look what he did he was able to touch his wifes hand when she belived she was holding a conversation with him and i believe it as well.

Fil we all miss you. Miaa seeing you in the lockerroom or at A&F miss ya brotha


August 4, 2009

My Dearest Fil,

Can you believe our little girl graduated from 6th grade today? I did not realize how difficult it would be to stand there and watch our Sammy without you. I think besides her fist day of Kindergarten...this was the second hardest thing to do without you. Fil you were supposed to be there today. I felt so sad without you today. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness for you today.You would have been so happy and proud of your Sammy. I know you were watching from heaven. You are her guardian Angel. I'm so sorry someone took this day away from you. This father's day really hit us hard. You were a wonderful father and I will never stop reminding the girls of how much you loved them! I miss you buddy. You were my best friend. Thank you for being so wonderful to me. I showed Sam, Sierra,Aaron and Jacob the place after our college finals that you asked me out for the first time.I know you are in heaven rejoicing in God's Holy prescence. I will continue to rejoice in our Lord for the time we had together.
I just had to talk to you today...(ps) Don't you just love Sierra peace and panda thing she has going on??? Hahahaha.
Love Sylvia

Sylvia Cuesta

June 26, 2009

I am deeply shock to the way this officer died his kids will not get to know their dad but he is a hero in my books they should look up to him and I wish all the best for his family and work mates.

Phillip Brock
Security Officer in Australia

March 1, 2009

Officer Cuesta, I know we have never met before, however after reading all of your tributes, I am sad that I never got to meet you, as I have visited the LA area often. I want to thank you for your service and ensure you that you will never be forgotten/ Rest in Peace.

Lt. Stephen A. Joy #980
Prince George's County Police, Md.

February 24, 2009

I think of you often. You and I became instant friends during our academy class. Actually, you were a friend to everyone and the nicest guy in our class. Our study sessions and visits to Rally Burger helped get me through the academy. I laugh when I think about our Spanish classes and how you knew the Spanish phrase for “Stay outside” so well because you said that is what your mom always said to you when you were a kid. I also remember admiring your devotion to your family and loved ones. I remember how upset you were after a falling out you had with your dad, and how happy you were when the quarrel was resolved. Every time I saw you in the Academy locker room I could not help but notice the picture you posted of your beloved Sylvia and the picture of you both together. You loved her so very much.

The last time I talked to you was when you were on bonding leave after the birth of Sierra. We had a great conversation and you tried to talk me into joining you at CRASH but I laughed about it. We both had the dream of someday riding motors together; I wish you were here to join the squad.

I remember after the tragic accident of our classmate, Kevin Esnault, you informed me of the news and encouraged me to visit him in the hospital. This allowed me the opportunity to say goodbye. How I wish I would have had the same opportunity to say goodbye to you. You were a great friend and are a true hero.

Police Officer II Duncan

January 29, 2009

My Dearest Fil,

I can not believe that 10 years have gone by. We were only 26 years old and had 2 children. You have no idea how much I have struggled to write to you. My heart aches beyond belief. I started going back to church. God has been healing me. I wish I had gone back sooner. I just could not sit in church and see all of the families. I finally realized that Sam, Sierra and I are a family. Our girls are soooo wonderful. They always seem to know how to cheer me up. Sammy has your sweet personality. She is so calm and patient. She has your bug eyes ( smiling ).Can you believe she read all 4 Twilight books in a month? Sierra is our little "nature lover" you were right in naming her Sierra. She loves animals,rocks, trees and wears the Peace emblems. They are growing up so quickly. Sam is about my height. We have the same shoe size. Sierra is a little tiny thing, with a heart of a Lion! Your mom and dad spent Christmas with us and brought the girls so many gifts. They were so happy. I bought them a neat electric scooter. I knew it would be something you would have bought them. I still want to get them barbies. Fil you will never be forgotten. You were my Best Friend and I miss you greatly. I thought I could never be happy without you. God has brought peace to my heart. I loved hearing your laugh. You were so handsome. You were so kind. You were so loving. When I saw you there dying, I asked God that if he was going to take you....I asked him to please take care of the Girls and I. He has kept his promise. Your wonderful partners have been so caring towards us. We are truly blessed. We held a party in your memory at the house and all of your friends was so much fun. Gary brought some photos I had never seen of you. It was wonderful! You would be so proud of the girls. They get Honor Roll every time. Just when I think I have shared every story about you with the girls...something happens and I remember something else about you. One of the days I will show the girls the video you made for me in case you were to pass away. My dad found it in the garage. I loved how you called heaven a ..."Baseball field in the sky."Now I stop and think how you would always say to me..."Buddies to the end, no one else is worth it,Until death do us part." I just had to talk to you today my Filly. Until we see you again my love...

With all our love and admiration,
Your girls
Sylvia, Samantha and Sierra Cuesta

Sylvia Cuesta

December 28, 2008


Today your name came up in general conversation. Brought back memories of not how it ended but the goodtimes we shared as a unit. Our 2nd roll-calls at Overland Cafe or the day we were laughing when your rock-n-roll photos were displayed in roll call. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of. Like Gary I wear your braclet everyday as a goodluck charm. You are the glue that held our unit together. I still can't believe it has been 10 years since that day. I miss you with my heart & soul and know we will all be together one day probably laughing at the same dumb jokes, making fun of Bruce or Freddy.


September 9, 2008

Remembering you today Fil. We lifted up your family, and community and especially Syliva and the girls, in prayer at church this morning. May Peace be with all who are grieving.

Mary Jane Cundiff Boyer
Wife of LAPD Ofc. John Cundiff #30754 End of Watch:12-13-98

August 10, 2008

Dear Officer Cuesta: Today is the tenth anniversary of your loss. I remember that day clearly and sadly. I was struck by the violent, senseless way you were murdered and it made me sad to think such a dedicated young protector had to be taken from us. You were obviously loved by your colleagues and family. I'm just an ordinary citizen, but I am proud of the extraordinary work you officers do every day and the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. I am thankful and grateful for officers like you who are willing to protect me. Walk your beat in heaven and keep your fellow officers down here safe.

God bless you and your family, your new "aunt"
Aunt LoVae

LoVae Pray Martines, Law Enf. Liaison
Law Enforcement Liaison, MADD-San Bernardino County

August 9, 2008

Today is the 10th anniversary of your death. I can't believe that it has been that long. I continue to pray for your family and hope that they are doing well. Continue to watch over us. You are missed every day.

Officer L. Garcia

August 9, 2008

On the 10th anniversary of Officer Cuesta's death, we honored his service in our patrol briefing by reading his entry from ODMP. Each day, we honor one fallen officer on the anniversary of their death so as to keep them in our thoughts, and also to remind us of the dangers inherent in our job. Officer Cuesta is not forgotten.

Agent Zach Perron
Palo Alto (CA) Police Department

August 9, 2008

Tio foom, i came across this site on a google search of your name. It made me sad reading how you impacted so many lives.We all miss you. I just turned 18 and graduated high school. Im going to Fullerton College and going to play water polo there, then'd be proud of me. Everyone is doing good Samantha and Sierra are so big and think there teenagers. Everyone in the family is making sure there safe.

Aaron Aguirre

July 17, 2008

The night you came to Cedars I met you in the hallway when the Surgeons were rushing you to the CAT scan. They asked me to accompany them and apply pressure to your wound. We did not know the extent of the injury at the time and even though it was catastrophic we hoped that you would recover so we acted by doing all the procedures to diagnose the injury and to plan the care. I wish you had recovered and returned to good health so that you could enjoy your family and see them grow. And for them to have you grow old and see a long life of happiness. It was an honor and a privilege to try to help you and to try to comfort you. You were deeply unconscious but that does not mean that you were unaware of all of the officers who went down the hall with you and returned to the SICU. That does not mean that you could not hear or feel the concern of so many that you recover. And that your last hours on earth you swere surrounded by your wife - Sylvia - and I recall the children and so many other family and friends who were there. You were never alone and never without loving caring people. We should all be so fortunate when we die to have that. May God Bless you and your family. I am glad to have met you.

Ronald Hennes RN

July 2, 2008

What's up partner. It's been nearly 10 years now. Nepo and I are going out to D.C. this year in your honor. I see your dad at all the memorials and sierra looks just like you. I think of you all the time especially when I see South Park on T.V. I remember you really liked that show. I see the guys from our unit and they have all done well promoting and becoming big city detectives and sgts. I wonder what you would be doing if you were still with us. I wear a bracelet with your name on it. I dont leave home without it. Its kinda like a good luck charm. Watch over us as we continue to do God's work.

Police Officer Copeland

April 20, 2008

I can't believe it has been almost 10 years since we lost our beloved cousin Fil. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and how special you were to our family.
We lost our beloved father, Robert in 2004, your "Uncle Bob". In the weeks before he died, he would share with me stories about you, all the jokes he would play on you when you were a child, and all the good times you all shared. You were the son he never had. One thing that brought him such peace, was knowing that when he arrived at the gates of heaven, you would be the first person to welcome him; it brought a smile to his face. I never shared this with anyone until now. I know you are both in Heaven watching over all of us. I am so proud to be Robert Marquez's daughter, and it is safe to say that your two beautiful daughters are proud of their daddy, who is a hero to all of us. You both are in our hearts forever. In memory of Fiberto Henry Cuesta Jr. August 9, 1998 and Robert Marquez April 22, 2004..I love you cuz...Debbie

Debbie Marquez

April 10, 2008

Officer Cuesta,

Thank you for your service and dedication to the citizens of Los Angeles. May God continue to bless and comfort your family and friends always.


February 25, 2008

"Final Call"

An Angel In The Sky Must Leave His Place Of Rest,
Gently Tucking His Wings Beneath His Armored Vest.
For Duty Has Called, There Is Much Work To Do
Little Did He Know, This One Is Dressed In Blue.

Arriving On The Scene, He Knows Just What To Say,
"Follow Me, Fallen Brother, I'll Show You The Way."
"Your Duty Has Ended, Your Work Is Now Through."
"Come Hang Your Hat Beside Mine, I'm A Cop, Too."


February 20, 2008

I traveled to Los Angeles to attend the Delinquency Control Institute at the University of Southern California in September 1998. One of my classmates from the LAPD arranged for me to go on a ride-along at which time I was assigned to ride with your Sgt. Your tragic death was obviously still formost on the minds of your peers. Your Sgt showed me the location of the tragedy and explained how the events that night transpired. I've never forgotten that your Sgt. shared that information with me, and I've never forgotten you either. God bless you for your sacrifice.

Captain Rick Frye
Loudoun County Virginia Sheriff's Office

December 13, 2007

It has been over 7 years, and yet I can never forget the night you were tragically taken from us. While being in Southwest for the past eight years I always followed in your footsteps. I always cleaned up your memorial area before I went out into the field and completed all the work you started. I never met you but you affected my life forever. Thank you for looking out for Kristina, and reminding us you are always watching over us. I met your parents and family, they are extremely proud of you and share your life with us , as your Brothers and sisters. Thank You for you showing me the way.


December 4, 2007

I have not forgotten you at all. Our birthday just passed, and you would have been 36 years old. I have seen you parents a few times over the years and they are very proud of how your girls are growing up. Sierra looks totally like you. I will never forget you Fil.


November 20, 2007

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