Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998
Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller
From Officer to Officer Gob Bless your family and you will not be forgotton.
Dink, I think about you all the time, I will never forget when you passed that truck on I-16, we were on ch.2, the last thing you said was, "Let's see what he's doing", I arrived on the scene, and felt like someone had kicked me in stomach. How could this happen? We were on the radio 10 minutes ago! I've attended several officer survival courses over the years, and when they show your tape, I leave crying. One of the other officers in the class asked what was wrong, and I told them how difficult it is to see your friend murdered. I am now out of law Enforcement, but whenever I see a Laurens County car, the sticker "S.O 37 in memory of Dink", I can remember of all the talks we had in the jail, and especially in the medians on I-16. REST EASY BROTHER, your killer was brought to justice, to me justice won't be served till they put the needle in his arm
although time has passed since you were killed, we still mourn your death. although I didnt know you, the pain of loosing a fellow brother hurts. this week we lost a Deputy, Stephen Sorenson, gunned down in the line of duty,I worked with him,this happended not far from where you went to school.May we never forget the ultimate sacrifice you have made. May your children be told that there father was a hero and that he choose to be police officer. God Bless your family
Ret Deputy sheriff
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools" said I,"You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.
I was there when we buried a friend.
Warner Robins PD
Although our bagdes are different, we are all the same. To have have your life taken in the line of duty is a sacrafice that no one in the general public can give.
I watch the video of your traffic stop in roll call. It's scary to thing we still patrol areas were people like that live.
You will always remain in my mind throughout all the traffic stops I do daily
Officer Brown (Pacific Div. L.A.P.D.)
Officer Brown, Rennick
Kyle, (07/08/03)
Today is my birthday, I just turned 22 today. The same age you was when you was murdered. I just finished police academy March 21. While I was in the academy we viewed your car video tape, the following day we had one to quit, and a few others to have second thoughts. I just want you to know that your video has really made me look at all my traffic stops a little different now. May God bless you and your family..
Patrolman Michael Gore
Ranburne Police Department
Officer Dinkeheller,
I really don't know where to start. I never knew you my friend, but I feel like you are indeed a brother to us all. I met you for the first time in a classroom, on May 15, 2003 during a training session. And like the other 12 officers there, when I left, I felt as if I had known you as a brother all my life. The loss and mixed emotions I experienced changed my life forever. I can't explain even now, two weeks later how you have touched me and my fellow co-workers. I can't seem to put it in words. But I will leave this reflection, feeling some better that I have told you that I just wish God could have put me there with you, and that I know you are by the good Lords side smiling down on your family as I type this. I pray for you and your Children Mrs. Dinkheller, and all of your family that lost such a professional brother to us all. May God bless you all!
Wise Police Dept.
I want to thank you for reaching out to me the other day and for sharing your story with me. I only wish we could've met under different circumstances.
In reading some of the reflections left on Kyle's page I can tell that Kyle was definitely well respected, well loved, and very much missed. It's apparent that he made a difference in your life and in all the lives that he touched. Kyle was a great man and as they say ... "behind every great man is a great woman". I'm certian that you two would've had a great future together.
I've been given all sorts of advice since my fiance Dennis passed. But I think the best advice I've gotten is to remember all the good times you two shared. One day you will meet up with Kyle again and he'll welcome you with open arms and a big smile and you'll be able to spend eternity together. Until then, use all the love he gave you as strength to move on with your life. Kyle can no longer live his life, but you can. Live your life in his honour/memory.
I wish you all the best in life. Please pass on my condolences to Kyle's family, friends, and fellow Law Enforcement Officers. Take care of yourself and keep in touch.
Jocelyne Brar
Dennis McElderry's fiancee - E.O.W. (01/03/03)
I just saw your story during our le refresher course. In the line of duty showed your heroism, your kindness, your courage and your fall. Thank you for your bravery.
My thoughts and prayers go to your family and your colleagues.
As you walk heavens beat may your light shine on your wife, your child and your family...keep them safe and may you help shelter those of us still fighting from harm
Rest in peace brother in blue!
US Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service Kennesaw GA
In your death, many will live. You will be remembered not as a man who lost his life, but a man who will save many in the years to come. I remember seeing you when you worked in the jail. Our department houses it prisoners there. My partners and I attended your funeral. I am a grown man who cried like a child, but the the clouds broke and a ray of sunlight beamed down. I truly believe it was GOD. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of GOD." I think of you everytime I pull the straps tight on my vest. Thank you for your help.
The training video of Kyle's last stop was played in our in-service training today. My very deepest condolences go out to his family, friends, and co-workers.
It has been a long time since his death but know that other law-enforcement officers will learn from him in years to come. In doing so, they will see that he was a hero who went down fighting.
Kyle will be in my prayers tonight.
God Bless!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton PD (NY)
I just found out about Deputy Dinkheller's death after visiting his department's website. I've very sorry to hear about his death, and I hope his family has been doing well over the years. I wish there was more I could do to keep his memory and that of other fallen officers alive. It must be hard to lose someone so young, that gave so much. I hope you are able to focus mainly on the good memories you have of him, and feel comforted knowing that his killer was brought to justice. God bless you all, and I know you will be reunited with him one day. He lived a short life, but he helped others more than most people will in their lifetime. He fought the good fight.
Baltimore County Police Explorer, Maryland
It has been 3 weeks since I watched the video of your murder during a training class. It has been burned into my memory forever. I am so sorry for what you endured that day, but thank God there are people like you who are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to protect us all.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (KJV)
I am so glad that I found this site. It allows me to say to your wife and children the things that I would like for them to know. I am training officer at my agency. I teach firearms, defensive tactics, ect. I also teach at several regional academies. I have seen the tape of your traffic stop more times than I care to but I will continue for the sake of those that might benefit from the situation you encountered.
Mrs. Dinkheller,
I never met your husband. I have never met you. But I burried my best friend in 1994 to a line of duty death and since I know the pain that I still suffer, it shows me that I can't possibly understand the pain that you suffer.
I promise you that as long as I have influence on the law enforcement field, as long as I teach the officers of tommorow, as long as I can use that tape to save lives, I will not let Kyle's name vanish from the hearts and minds of Georgia's Officers.
You and your children will never cease to be in my prayers.
Sgt. Jamie Newsome Polk County S.O.
Sgt. James Newsome
Polk County Sheriff's Office
12/06/02 DS Dinkheller- My academy class recently watched the video of the shooting as part of our officer safety training. I had to fight back tears. You were so young to be taken and I pray for your family and children. Their father IS a true HERO! Thank you to your family for letting other officers view the tape in hopes to save future lives. I hope they know that their father, son, husband, brother and friend is NOT forgotten and never will be.
Montgomery County, Maryland
Today while travelling with my wife back from Atlanta, we stopped at the site where you were taken. As I stood there, I could smell the gun powder and hear the rounds going off. I stood there with my eyes closed and pictured the video of that dreadful day. I stood there and prayed! I have been a police officer for two years now and everytime I get ready to go to work, I am scared. Scared not that I may never return. But scared that my kids will grow up without me there. I know that you were scared. Heck, I was not there and I was scared. But as I stood there and read your name on the plaque attached to the fence, I knew your fear was gone. GOD took that fear from you. HE was there with you that day. HE did not want you to be alone, so HE came to be with you. When I started to get back in my car, my wife said that it felt strange to stop where you were killed. But I told her that it did not feel strange to me because I needed to pay my respects to a fallen brother. I think that I needed closure ever since I saw the tape from your car. I pray that your killer will be put in front of GOD for what he did. I cannot judge him. Only GOD can. I hate him for the pain that he caused to you and your family. In closing, as I left that spot, I looked in the mirror and said one last prayer: As I leave this spot behind GOD, NEVER let me forget what this man did. He laid is life down for strangers. If it ever comes down to doing the same for me, May I be as strong as Kyle was! And to your family, we as officers grieve with you for the loss of your loved one. May his wife and children know that Kyle was part of our family, too. He wore his badge proud just like us. And now, may we all keep his courage and dedication with us forever.
With all my heart, May GOD comfort you and know that one day you will be with him again. And Mrs. Dinkheller, remind your children that their father is a hero not only to them- but to many of us who never even knew him. May GOD bless everyone that does this for a living. And may Kyle rest forever and now walk that beat in Heaven because he walked his beat here in Hell! AMEN
Ofc. Michael Davis
Brunswick Police Dept.
Kyle, I recently viewed the events that occured on the last day of your life. There are no words to describe the way I felt or feel now. My deepest sympathy goes out to your family. You will always be with us bro, I wish I could of been by your side, but I know you are riding with all of us now. God Bless my friend.
Patrolman Tom Cocco#65
Voorhees Twp Police NJ
Last night my partners and I watched the video of your death. As we sat there afterward, we each looked at each other, and as we fought back the tears, I knew that you had just made a difference in the way each of us would approach our job in the future. I can only hope that the memory of that video doesn't fade for any of us. Please watch over all of us, so we can carry on in the fight.
Box Elder County Sheriff's Dept, Utah
I am a criminal justice major, planning to be a police officer in the near future. I watched the tape of your killing in my criminal investigations class this past week. Tears just came flowing out of my eyes and it took everything I have inside of me to stay inside the class and continue watching the video. I had second thoughts about being a police officer after watching that video. You truly died a hero and doing something you loved. I know you are in a great place now and I hope I have the honor to meet you one day. When I do become a police officer I will remember you, and not take one day for granted. God bless you and keep you.
I just watched your video tape the other day in a officer survival class and words cannot describe how I felt inside. Just like a reflection I read earlier I could not get the sounds of that tape out of my head for days. Even though I did not know you, inside I felt like I had a tight bond with you while watching the tape. God bless you in heaven and rest in peace brother.
Trooper David W. Steward Jr.
Alabama State Troopers
Kyle, I don't know you, but I feel for you. I am about to enter the law enforcement field and am very excited. The words that have been spoken about you are all beautiful. You did what you wanted and loved what you did. There is no greater joy than to be able to spend your life doing what makes you happy. To you, your family and your many brothers in us, God Bless.
LEO Recruit
God bless you Deputy Dinkheller and your family, friends and agency. I saw the video today in a training class. It is a terrible reminder of how dangerous a job we have.I will not put my uniform on again and not be reminded of what I saw today. God be with us all.
Trooper K.W.G
Florida highway patrol
I did not know you personally but I loved you. You were part of my family. I am 20 years old and have been in Law Enforcement for 2 years now, I have been certified for a little over 9 months. Not a day goes by that I don't think about our brothers and sisters that have given their lives for the Blue Line. I just completed an Officer Survival Course at Clayton Regional Law Enforcement Academy and it was hard. While clearing a building I got shot 5 time 2 would have been deadly. I was lucky they were only paintballs but one day they could be real. At any moment in time we can be face with your situation and we ask ourselves "what would we do" but we don't know. I "knew" what I would do when faced with a perp in a building but under stress I didn't do what I thought I would, whatever I could. I can't watch your video, it makes me mad, sad and scared all at once. Justice was granted in the court and a small amount of comfort was given, but you along with so many other HERO'S are gone. You gave your life but not without putting up a fight. I only hope that I can be as brave as you were if ever the time were to come.
To Kyles Family:
You have been faced with the hard situation in life, the death of a son, husband, brother, father and a friend. I know Kyle is watching over you all, like you watch over him when he was growing up. Kyle died a hero and will be remembered that way forever.
To Kyles friends and Co- workers:
I can't even begin to think about losing an officer that I work with and hopefully I will never have to. Keep on serving and keep on protecting Kyles memory.
God Bless You All
My love to Kyle, his family and friends
Deputy Brenda Houston
Fayette County Sheriff Department
I just returned from a firearms instructor school where 60 experienced law enforcement officers watched the video of Kyle's murder as a training tool. 61 hearts dropped to the floor while watching this video. A pin drop could have been heard afterwards while we all listened to Kyle's background story.
I will use Kyle's memory to always assure myself of why I became a cop. To Kyle's family, you surely know that Kyle did not leave us in vein, this has touched us all and we are all stronger from him. God bless you and your children, and may they also grow to be strong from this.