Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller

Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998

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Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller

I went to Quartz Hill High School with you. I am now employed as a peace officer in the State of Nevada. I am sorry to hear of your passing and wish your family all the best. My prayers are with you and your family.

Deputy James H. Chandler
Nye County

May 29, 2004

In my Law Enforcement class today, we watched to horrific video of your last act of service to this nation. There really are no words to descride the emotions felt while watching the video. God bless!!!

Patrick Cullen
Salt Lake

May 18, 2004

I watched the video of your final traffic stop lastnight at the police academy I'm attending in central Florida. I want you to know that watching your last stop changed my life forever; as well as everyone else that saw it lastnight. It will always be in the back of my mind when I start making traffic stops. You are a hero, and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace brother.

Steve Sr.
Police Academy

May 9, 2004

Deputy Dinkheller:
It has been almost 5 months since I saw your in-car video at the Alaska Public Safety Academy...and I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to find your page in the last couple of days.
I am 22..the same age you were on that fateful day. I cannot put into words the feelings that I felt as I watched that tape, and I again have those feelings as I write this. A true PROFESSIONAL was taken fom us that day. You exemplified all the traits of a GREAT cop that day.
Rest easy, Brother.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend's" John 15:13

May 2, 2004

As I entered my 2nd week of the academy we watched the video of your last stop. I was overtaken at the outcome and immediately thought of my daughter and wife. It scared me. After reading the reflections left to you,I have a pride among fellow law enforcement officers I have never felt before. We are a family,and I truley felt as if I lost a brother when you fell. You have changed my life,and the lives of every officer that has seen the video. You are a hero to me as to your family.I pray for you and your family,and one day hope to meet you in heaven.

Dy.Micah Berteau
Ascension Parish S/O

April 17, 2004


I was attending class to be a Field Training Officer when I first viewed your tape. I remember that I came into class and my instructor was veiwing the tape prior to the class seeing it. As I began to watch the tape, I thought of myself and my friends that I work with. I can think of numerous times that I have called my buddy on the talk around and said "let me go pull this one over real quick." I must say that I have seen videos that were very sad, but yours has touched my heart in a way like no other. I listen to your radio traffic during the entire tape and think "what a great guy." To think that you were so polite and kept trying to do the right thing makes you a hero. I must tell you that this video made me cry and I have told my family and friends of your battle that day.

Just remember you are the true HERO. May you rest in peace and always be remebered. I know that I will never forget the impact you made on me in my life. God Bless you!

Deputy Roman Jackson
Santa Rosa County Sheriffs Office

March 21, 2004

I watched your video during mandate, and since then I think about you almost every time I get out on a traffic stop. Even though were from different agencys, had I heard you call out I would have been 10-18 to you. Your selfless bravery will always be with us all and always know that you are greatly missed during roll-call.

Eatonton PD

March 19, 2004

Deputy Dinkheller's tragic video has changed me forever. I was able to see via the internet and almost wish I never had. But I did and from what I here alot of other officers in training have seen it also. Out of all the police footage that I've seen over the years Deputy Dinkheller's video stopped me in my tracks. Why God would allow such a terrifying act happen to such a good guy with a family is beyond anyone's comprehension. God must have needed a good man that day. I will never be the same after finding Kyle's story. I hope somehow he knows he did not die in vain. I believe Deputy Dinkheller's video has burned in the minds of many present and future officers minds. Deputy Dinkheller is a true American hero. I never even met Deputy Dinkheller, but is picture and the thought of is wife and children I feel will be with me for the rest of my life. To the wife and children of Deputy Dinkheller stay strong your lucky to have known this wonderful man. His memory lives on. And oh yeah, if you would give god a hug for me Kyle....

Mike Brown - concerned citizen

March 14, 2004

Kyle and Family,
I viewed your video again last night. I use the video in roll call training for all new officers that come to my shift no matter how much experience they have as an officer. Their reaction is always the same as mine is every time I view the tape, absolute silent, shock. and sadness. It is the most powerful video I have seen in my 12 years of law enforcement. As a Swat team leader and firearms-use of force instructor, I take every opportunity to show the video as a valuable training tool. Any officer who views this tape will never, never be the same. I will never be the same after viewing this tape.

I would like to thank your family and fellow officers for making this video available to other officers. It must have taken tremendous courage to allow this terrible, tragic incident to be made public but I have no doubt it is SAVING LIVES! It is obvious where Kyle got his courage. God bless, you will never be forgotten!

Sgt. Jerry Bonsall
Voorhees Twp. Police, NJ

March 10, 2004

My, condolences to the family of Deputy Dinkheller. I have viewed the in car video of this tradjic death during training and I hope the suspect is dead by now in jail.....

Deputy Brian Sudbrink
Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Fla

February 20, 2004

Today seemed like any other normal day.. We had training as usual which is required in order to join this brotherhood of Police Officers across the country. At least i assumed it would be.

That all changed when we watch your last call Kyle... My heart literally sank, my throat clogged, i could feel your pain, your will to survive, making every effort to sustain your life... All because of a simple speeding ticket... I sit here now, fighting back tears because i dont understand why. Why something like that had to happen to someone.. How someone can be so insane, so heartless as that murder was.

I am 22 years old also, and have two little boys of my own. I cant imagine not being able to be there for them... You gave your life doing what you loved, serving the community. I honor you... I think we can all learn alot from this tragic event and keep the memory of you alive forever.

It just really hurts to know that you have to leave in order for us to understand the true danger out there.

I really dont know what else to say, i just wanted to let you and your family know, every stop that i make, every time i put on my uniform, everytime i look at my family and the life i have chosen i will think of you.


Officer J. B. Caddis

Officer Recruit
Tuscaloosa City Police Department

February 4, 2004

We miss you honey and love you so.
Love Carol Bamonte

November 18, 2003

Today, while in the Central NY Police Academy, we watched that tragic video of that terrible day"IN THE LINE OF DUTY". I feel so much pain and sorrow for your family and loved ones. We learned some very valuble lessons from the video, and although it sadden and sickend me, it will make me become more aware when i get out there on the street. Rest in peace brother, you will never be forgotton. My prayers go out to your family, and i am glad to hear that sick person is going away for ever.


October 16, 2003

Dink, Every now and then, I show your tape to one of my classes. Although I was'nt there, it still hits me to here you call 10-78. Why couldn't I get there faster? As hard as we try, sometimes the bad guy's get ahead. THAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY WIN!!!!!!! I think about you all the time. You would be proud to see LCSO ICE TEAM today. They're kicking ass as usual, just as you did. Please look after all our brothers. One day we'll meet again, and tell WAR STORIES. LOVE YA!!!!!!!!


September 4, 2003

I did not personally know Kyle, but I felt compelled to write this. I attended a training class and viewed the video that recorded this brave man losing his life. Even till this day I cannot forget what I saw. Kyle valiantly stood his ground and defended what he believed in and proved himself a true hero. I lost a friend and partner in the line of duty some 9 months ago ( Sgt. Dan Jenkins ) and it was captured on video as well, I cannot bring myself to watch. I choose to remember a different image. I take nothing for granted now, but I tend to take time to enjoy the smaller things in life, such as staring at my wife and kids while they are sleeping or stopping by just out of the blue to say hello to my parents. To Kyle's family especially his wife and children, hold your head up proud and may GOD give you all strength, I am so very sorry for your loss. To Kyle's co-workers, remember nothing can take the memories away. And to Kyle, GOD speed brother !

Lt. David Gregory
Camden County Sheriff's Office, Georgia


I know that you do not know me and to tell you the truth I really do not know you either, but I am from Soperton, Ga., just a few miles from Dublin.  I heard about that terrible day that you lost your life in the line of duty and it was heart breaking.  In my eyes you are a hero.  With me really not knowing you at all, I still sit here and cry knowing that some day you will get your reward for being such a brave officer.  And I give your wife the upmost respect for being by you every step of the way.  You were a brave soul and I pray you got you WINGS.   I will keep your family in my prayers.








Today we wrapped up the two most difficult weeks of our lives. I am sure you were there with us as we sat through the trial and had to listen to all you went through that night. It was hard,in fact intolerable at times, but I stood my ground and tried to be brave just like you were. I hope you are proud. On Friday, January 28th the jury found the man who brutally took you from us GUILTY of murder. On Sunday, January 30th the jury sentenced him to DEATH. Justice prevailed and you did not die in vain. Just like I knew it- you are and will forever be a hero. I suppose now when I tell our children the story of what happened to their daddy it will have a happy ending. I miss you and I love you very much!!! Congratulations baby.

Angela Dinkheller

To Angela...My name is Rose Reyes & I live in Brevard County,Florida. One of our Agents daughters had a severe abdominal injury a couple of months back & my husband & I had a huge garage sale to raise money for their family whom are good friends of ours. Someone from your immediate family brought by items for the garage sale & with it a letter you had placed with the items..I wish I had made a copy of that letter now because it was a letter that brought me down to my knees & had me crying like a baby. And for the past couple of months I could not remember your Husbands name & I felt so ashamed..But I know this must be you & I want to thank you so very much for donating those items (especially the bed) in memory of Kyle. The man who brought the items told me the story of your husbands death & it made me physically sick..I also want to add the family who bought the bed received your Letter in " Memory of Kyle" & I never seen such a sight when that grown man weeped for your husband, too..Of course it left me in tears once again..!! I let several Deputies wives read the letter & they cried, too. We all realized it could & can be @ ant time one our husbands..I am glad you have your children to keep his soul alive & this web site to help all of us remember the ULTIMATE gift your husband gave..HIS LIFE...Thank you again for the Donation. May God watch over your family & keep you forever safe & Kyle's memory alive..Rose Reyes..There are some articles on our web page regarding the Agents daughter if you wish to view..God bless you..Just email me if you wish & I will forwarded it to you..The garage sale raised $1,300.00 & the little girl Kimberly is now home…

Carlos & Rose Reyes
Brevard County Sheriffs Office,Florida

Although I just met you only 45 minutes before you made your final stop, I have grown to know you better all the time through your wife. We try to watch out for her until y'all meet again one day. I wish that you were still here but I wish that not all bad comes out of this tragedy that maybe more awareness of our duties will come out. We miss you and look for you to guide us.

Cpl. Steve Drew
Laurens County Sheriff's Department, GA

These mist covered mountains, are home now for me.
But my home is the lowlands and always will be.
Some day you will return to your valleys and your farms,
and you will no longer burn to be brothers in arms.
Through these fields of desrtuction, babtisms of fire Ive
watched your suffering as the battles raged higher.
And though they did hurt me so bad, you did not desert me my brothers in arms. The moon is riding high, let me bid you farewell, everyman
has to die. But its is written in starlight and on every line on your palm,  you are fools to make war on our brothers in arms!

We will always be there for you Kyle...always!  Your brothers in ARMS!


kyle is my son,and there is not a day that goes by that I dont think about
him.besides him being my son he was my best friend.he loved his job,and his wife and kids,he will be missed by his whole family.i willkeep klye name and memory alive from now and ever.

Kirk Dinkheller


Although I attended your funeral we never actually knew each other. We are about the same age
with the same time in law enforcement. Im my office hangs news paper clippings of the incident.
I use them as a reminder of what could happen to me, but mostly they remind me of why I still
go out everyday. I am very sorry that I could not help you. Even though I work many miles away
from you I felt guilty for not being there when you needed me the most. My thoughts and the
thoughts of my co-workers often are about you. Watch over us brother, we need the help!
10 - 8!


It has been almost 4 months since I lost my husband Deputy Kyle Dinkheller. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about him and how much I miss him. We had a wonderful life together, loving marriage, beautiful daughter, and two days after the funeral I discovered I was pregnant with our second child. I have since found out it is a boy. Kyle would have been so proud! He was my very best friend and I will love him for the rest of my life. He was a great man and I will do everything in my power to let our children know that.

"Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends"

John 15:13

Angela Dinkheller


Today I saw the worst thing that I have ever seen- the tape from your patrol car. My heart dropped! I am so sorry that that man took one of us. I hope that when I get to Heaven, we get to meet. You are so brave for giving your life to protect others. I wish we could have met before this tragedy happened. I promise that you were not taken in vain! I would like also to express my deppest sorrow to your wife and kids. I am also sorry that you will never get to play catch with your son. I think about my son everytime I strap my badge and duty belt on. May God be with you and your family. You will always be part of " The Blue Line "! One other thing, your kids should know that you (even in death) are still people's hero. Thank you for all that you gave.


Officer Mike Davis

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