Florence County Sheriff's Office, South Carolina
End of Watch Wednesday, April 9, 1997
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joseph C. Rodgers
You are still an inspiration to us all. Thank you for caring.
Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department
June 1, 2005
May 25, 2005
Hello. As I have read thru the reflections I can feel the love you and Joey shared. If I may I am going to use you as my inspiration. You seem to me to be an amazing woman. It has been 8 years fro you and you seem quite strong and quite proud. Thank you.
Joey, you have a wonderful woman down here that I know you are watching over.
My hugs to you,
Michele Shirey
Love- Deputy Gene Wright II
Berkeley County Sheriff's Department
EOW 11-19-2002
Michele Shirey
May 24, 2005
I just wanted to thank you for leaving your reflection on my brother's memorial page. I remember when Joey was taken from you. I lived on 3rd Loop Rd. in Florence in Deerfield Apts. during that time and remember my mom, my brother, and I looking at the helicopter flying over looking for that killer. Soon after, I heard about Joey. I think it is great that after 8 years, you are still just as dedicated to Joey as you were then. I truly believe that my brother's fiancé will remain as true to Keith as you have to Joey. Thank you for your words to her. I only have a small understanding of what you have gone through over the past 8 years. God bless you.
Kevin Cannon
Brother of Deputy Keith Cannon EOW 5/4/05
May 20, 2005
I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to the family, coworkers, and friends of Deputy Rodgers. Many of our brothers and sisters are gone, but none are ever forgotten. May you rest in peace.
Mike G.
Federal Law enforcement Agency
May 20, 2005
Dear Dana,
You are such an inspiration to me. The love you and Joey shared is such a precious love that will be with you always. I am so thankful to have met you, even though the circumstances in which we met are tragic. Know that Joey is with you every day, as his memory lives on in your heart. Although I did not know him, it is obvious that he was a wonderful man, and loved deeply. Joey is a hero in my book; he made the ultimate sacrafice as he gave his life, while protecting others---I can think of nothing more honorable than that. Dana, know that I pray for you each and every day. Continue to be strong...your testimony is an encouragement to so many. I'm sending you my love, support, and hugs.
Love & prayers,
"Josh's Kelly"
Kelly Gillain
Sig. Other to Deputy Sheriff Joshua E. Blyler EOW 5.2.04
April 28, 2005
It has now been eight years since you were taken from us. I want you to know that I went to the bridge dedication at the Sheriff's Office in Florence. I remember getting a little worried that they may spell your name wrong on the sign, and wouldn't you know they told me it was wrong but was fixed before the ceremony. All I could do was laugh because I always worry about crazy things like that. I remember the year after you left us I worried myself sick over the possibilty of your name being misspelled on the memorial wall in Wash. D.C. I suppose that's just me being overprotective of you. I will tell you that I think going to the dedication was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I saw so many faces that I haven't seen in such a long time. It was really nice to see your family and some of your friends. Everyone seemed to be doing very well. Your nephews are such goodlooking kids and you would really be proud. I had the opportunity to speak to some of your really close friends and they were all very nice. Joey, you were very lucky to have Marion and Jody in your life. They were truly good friends and I believed they loved you very much. I will say that I avoided one particular person who you never really approved of his behavior (you know who I'm talking about). I always knew who your close friends were and you could tell at the dedication because they were the ones who stayed to the very end and walked your family, and loved ones out. It took everything I had not to break down and cry when I saw everyone. I can't remember ever feeling that way. It was a mixture of happiness, pain, and uneasiness. I think I just miss you and everyone else so much that it hurts. It still amazes me the people who don't speak because they just don't know what to say. I happened to see one of your so-called friends in passing this Saturday (April 9th)and it still makes me chuckle at his behavior. I always laugh to myself when he ignores me and says to everyone that you and he were so close. Kinda funny isn't it that he had no idea that you were just a really good guy who excepted him for whatever reasons. I always just think to myself where was he when you got shot and why was I the one who had to call and wake him up? If I'm not mistaken I think he was supposed to be at work early that day. Joey, I know that everyone tells me to go on with my life and I do. I just can't forget the promise I made to you in the hospital. Joey, You were my first love and that is something that no one ever forgets. I am sick and tired of making excuses for remembering you eight years later. Heck, everyone else still remembers you then why can't your fiancee'. I will say that I am very happy that I got to see your parents, sister-in-law, nephews, family, and close friends. Everyone looked really great and I just wanted us all to be happy again with you by our side. Sheriff Boone was at the ceremony and was very good to me and your family. I expressed to him that maybe the department could think of attending Police Week again in your memory. I'm very happy to see that Florence County now has a leader that is so supportive and caring when it comes to survivor issues. I just wish more departments understood how important their role is after the of an officer. The way a department handles the family and loved ones after a can effect the survivor for the rest of their life. I also spoke to Priscilla and she seems to be doing well. I know your really played a hard toll on her. My heart goes out to Priscilla but she is the only person I would have wanted to be with you that day. I believe God put Priscilla in that position because she is a mother and that's the kind of person you needed to comfort you. Joey, We all miss you so much but I know that you look down on us. Please be with me, your family, and friends and always be our guardian angel. I can never express to anyone how much you meant to me and everyone who knew you. I still believe that you were an angel put on this earth for a short time to teach us all about love. Sweetheart, I LOVE YOU and I will always be there to remember you. Thank you for being in my life then, now, and forever.
Rest in peace my love,
April 12, 2005
Deputy Rodgers,
I remember you today.
Although I have not had the pleasure of meeting you personally, I know you were a great man and a hero amoung us.
You took the hand of the angels and were lifted into the heavens and you now guard and keep the golden streets of heaven safe.
Although you we taken from this world much too soon you will be remembered forever.
Thank you for keeping the watch from heaven and keeping us safe.
May Dana, and your family, the family in blue and all those that love you feel your warmth and love and rest in the fond memories of you.
Deputy Rodgers thank-you for your service on earth and we anxiously wait the day until we see you again.
Significant Others group member
April 9, 2005
On the 8th anniversary of your death, we pause to remember.
Know that your memory lives on in the hearts of those you left behind.
Next month as I join the hundreds of police motors making their way to the Memorial, you will be remembered.
Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police
April 9, 2005
Tonight I am sitting here trying to believe that it has been almost eight years since you were taken from me. It still seems like yesterday that we were planning the wedding and talking about spending the rest of our lives together. Joey, I want you to know that you are missed so much but I know you are in a much better place. Last night I went to a memorial for Jeff Hewitt who was killed last year. His wife Tracy and stepson Taylor are just beginning the battle and it breaks my heart to know what they will have to go through. Joey if you see Jeff please tell him how wonderful it has been to for me to meet his family. Tracy has become such a great friend to me and I am so fortunate to know her. I guess with every tragedy there is a blessing. Sweetheart I love and miss you so much. Please know you are in my thoughts every single day. Please be with me this week and I will write you daily.
Love Always,
Fiance' of Deputy Joey Rodgers
April 5, 2005
i hope you don't mind me leaving you this message. i happened to run across a message you had left for another fallen officer's fiancee. thank you for what you wrote and for bringing just a bit of comfort to my heart. my fiancee was killed after only 4 months at his department. he was the youngest killed in 2003 at the terribly young age of 20. your fiancee was young, too, and so i really look up to you and the advice you so freely give. it has been a little over a year and a half since cole was taken, and it still hurts so deeply. i was wondering if we might keep in touch and if you might share your own story with me. if you don't mind, please leave a message on officer cole martin's page. i check it often. thank you so very much. please know that you will remain in my thoughts and prayers from now on. God bless you.
jessi garger
Jessi Garger
fiancee of officer cole martin e.o.w. 4/25/03
January 5, 2005
Deputy Rodgers,
I have just finished reading all of the reflections left for you by your fiancee and by others. It is apparent that you made a "difference" in a number of lives. Thank you for your sacrifice. You will not be forgotten. Please say "hello" to my fiance Dennis should you run into him.
Thank you for leaving a reflection on my late fiance's webpage. It meant a lot that you took the time to remember Dennis and to reach out to me. From reading Joey's reflections he sounded like an amazing guy. I'm sure he wouldn't have chosen you to spend the rest of his life with if you weren't equally as great. The dedication and love you've shown for your fiance, even years after his passing, shows just how much love you had for him. We should all be loved as much. Thank you for helping to keep the memory of Joey and Dennis alive and thank you again for reaching out to me. I would love to sit and talk with you sometime. Please feel free to contact me anytime. The Davis County Law Center will always know how to reach me should you ever need anything.
Peace, love, luck, health, and happiness!
Jocelyne :)
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancee of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)
December 12, 2004
I saw one of your reflections on another officer's website and stumbled across Joey's page. I, like you, am a fiancee of a fallen officer (Officer Daniel Starks EOW 10.25.03). It has been a year since my fiancee passed away. He was killed in a car accident on his first night as an officer and he was 21. Some days I don't think I will ever be able to survive such pain and heartache. Other days are a breeze. The dedication you show to your fiancee even after six years is very remarkable. I find it comforting to know that others never forget their one true love, as I will never forget mine. Your dedication to your fiancee was obviously genuine and very real. I hope that he has met my Daniel and is happy. Even though we have lost so much, I find comfort in knowing I was truly in love, for some people search their whole life for that one right person. How blessed we were to find that person early on. Only God knows why they were taken. I hope someday to find out.
Take Care -
Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Police Officer Dan Starks
Ft Myers Police Dept, FL
EOW 10.25.03
December 5, 2004
Sheriff Rodgers,
You must truly be a remarkable man to warrant such love and devotion after all these years from your fiancée. Great men are hard to find and when they're taken suddenly they leave behind a whole that can never be fully filled.
I lost my fiancée 2 years ago. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss and think of him.
I, like Dana, find this board as a place to communicate with the one I love.
You're an inspiration to all fiancées out there. Thank You!
Monica Verdusco
Fiancée Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit
Love Never Dies!!!!
September 28, 2004
It's seems so strange that writing this e-mail every now and then truly helps. I suppose I imagine that you have an internet connection in heaven. Well Joey I guess you know I've been going through some hard times recently. It brings me strenghth to know that you are with me in spirit. When times get tough I always miss you more. I suppose it's because you always made everything right. I can't help but remember the days when we were first dating with not a care in the world. I so wish we could go back there again. I would go through all the heartache of losing you for just one more minute in your arms. I think back to the day I lost you and that seems to be the day my world crumpled around me. Since that day I feel I've been walking straight up a mountain but never reaching the top. Please know that it brings me comfort to know you are with me. Joey, I hope you are watching over me because I need you now more than ever.
Love you always,
August 18, 2004
Today is the forth of July and I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. With everyone celebrating I couldn't help but think of you. I love you sweetheart.
Fiancee' of Joey Rodgers
July 5, 2004
The policeman stood and faced his God,which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman. How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?
The policeman squared his shoulders and said.
"No, I guess I ain't because those of us who carry a badge can't always be a Saint."
I've had to work most Sundays
and at times my talk is rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny that wasn't mine to keep...
though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help
though at times I shook with fear,
and sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here.
They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much, but if you don't...I'll understand"
There was a silence all around the throne where the Saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman.
You've borne you burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets.
You've done your time in Hell"
June 9, 2004
I saw a reflection you left for another officer & was glad to see that you are still around & remembering those who have been killed in the line of duty. I know you still miss Joey and wish you could go back in time....I feel the same way about Calvin. Yes I know they would want us to be happy but it's so hard to be happy when part of your heart has been ripped away & can never be replaced. Hope you are doing well. I touched Joey's name on the wall when I was up there again this past Easter. He will never be forgotten.
Survivor of Calvin E. Taylor NCSHP
June 8, 2004
Well honey it was another year at Police week in Washington D.C and it still seems like the first time I went. I still get so nervous to go up to the wall and see your name. I suppose it's the reality that you're really gone. You would be so amazed by the turnout of officers that come from across the country to pay tribute. I hope that you are able to look down on us from heaven and smile knowing that we haven't forgotten about you and never will. I try everyday to go on with my life but it's hard to find a good man when you had the best. I know you would want me to be happy and I try to remind myself of that everyday. You were such an angel and I was so blessed to have you for the time that I did. Joey, You will always be in my heart. I love you sweetheart.
Fiancee' of Joey Rodgers
May 25, 2004
I did not know Officer Rodgers. I can only imagine the grief and pain that his oved ones have had to experience at his passing. In having spoken to Dana he must have been a exceptional person and honorable member of the law enforcement community.
Dana, your dedication in Joey's honor is SO admirable and please know that your efforts are noticed and appreciated. You are a true example of support for all of us. May GOD bless you. You will be in our prayers....as is joey.
Staff Sergeant
New Jersey State Police
April 26, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 4, 2004
You informed me of this website tonight at Red Rock Cafe, and I wanted to check it out. I am touched on the way you support Deputy Rodgers, he must have been a great person. Again thanks for sharing this web site.
Officer Heavner
December 8, 2003
It is going on three years now and I miss you more than ever. You are a true hero and you died doing what you love. We are so proud of you and will never let your memory die. Joey, you were the one who made me smile and the one that made me laugh. You will always be the my one true love.
The ones that loved him.
In the simple performance of duty, he pinned on a badge, checked his gear with a practiced eye, and kissed his loved ones good-bye.
In the simple performance of duty, he reported for work, joked with his buddies at roll call, and made his last trip down the squadroom hall.
In the simple performance of duty, he answered the call to help the helpless, to find the lost, no matter the danger or how great the cost.
In the simple performance of duty, we honor his deed, as we carry him to rest in a flag-draped casket, long after the world has forgotten, we shall never forget.
Never judge or regret, what he did, In the simple performance of duty.
Author: Oscar R. Thomass
We shall always remember the sacrifice Joey made to his fellow man. He will forever be etched in our hearts and minds.
Fellow Officers from South Carolina
Behind every good police officer is a good woman. They are the true backbone of a policeman's career. It's not easy being a cop's wife with all the late nights and missed holidays. I do not know how I would make it without my wife and little girl. They keep me grounded. I have been in some serious situations in the line of duty and the only thing I could think about was that I might not get to go home and see my wife and little girl and I was going to do whatever it took to make that happen. If I die today I can promise that my wife and kid will be the last thing on my mind. Dana I promise you that you were the last thing on Joey's mind that day. God bless you for your dedication to him. It is my personal prayer that you and this fine officers family have peace in your lives.
Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC