Riverside Police Department, California
End of Watch Wednesday, November 13, 1974
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Eugene Walters
Hi Dad,
What a beautiful day it is outside today. I was just imagining how much more beautiful it must be in heaven. I wish you could see your grandkids. They are so beautiful. Chelsea looks just like the Walters side of the family. They would have loved you so much. They know so much about you. As much as I can remember, I share with them. Trey has four sons. Can you believe it? All of them to carry on the Walters name. Tami was only five when you died and doesn't remember a whole lot. I put together a beautiful photo album of your life for all of our kids to see and have to show their children. My husband takes good care of me, Dad. You would have really liked him. We've been married going on 17 years, now. He's a sergeant with the Sheriff's Department. People ask me how I could marry a law enforcement officer after losing you the way I did. I think God knows I couldn't go through it twice in one lifetime. I have peace with his job. Peace and a lot of faith. You'd be really proud of us kids, I think. All three of us graduated from college thanks to the Alan Patee Scholarship that sends children of slain officers to any University in California. We're all happily married with great kids. You have 11 grandkids! What a proud grandpa you would have been. Mom was never the same again after you died. How could she be? She was a 29 year-old widow with three small children. She got married two years after you died. We had a wonderful stepdad. I was never able to call him "Dad" because of my loyalty to you, but he loved us with all his heart. And he loves your grandkids with all his heart. We've been truly blessed, Dad, in our lives, but the one true blessing I have so greatly missed is the blessing of my daddy watching me grow up. Miss you so much......... Love, Taryn
January 11, 2004
Dear Taryn:
Ive been reading what you have been writing to your dad and I was deeply touched. What a wonderful way to honor his memory.. What an amazing person your father must of been to have such a devoted daughter.
I just wanted to let you know that I have learned a lot especially about forgiveness reading your entries. Keep on writing I know he is listening somehow.
May God Bless you and your family!!!
Beverly Humphries
citizen Richmond Va
December 28, 2003
Hi Dad,
I wish there were more reflections for you. I'd love to read of other people's memories of you. I know they haven't forgotten, but I guess life just goes on and people get back to their routines. Everybody, that is, except for the family that's left behind. It's still so fresh. When I read of other officer's deaths, it's heart-wrenching to think of the children who will have to grow up without their daddies. I love this site because I feel like I can talk to you. I know you can hear me. I wish I could hear your voice. We didn't have videos then like we do today, so I don't have any way of hearing your voice. What I wouldn't give for just a minute with you. Maybe you'll visit me in my dreams tonight. I love you Daddy. Give Penny a scratch behind the ears for me.
Love and miss you always,
Taryn (Your Buda-chelle)
Taryn Walters Ontiveros
December 13, 2003
Dad, It was years before I understood that anything good could possibly come from losing you. I was always very bitter and angry that your death was the result of someone else's pitiful choices. However, as I grew older, it was apparent to me that the only person my anger was hurting was me, since the man who killed you was also killed. God showed me that He was ready for you to go home with Him that day and that I needed to forgive the gunman for shooting you. I struggled with this revelation for some time because I felt forgiveness would mean betraying you, but I couldn't be a victim to this man's actions any longer. I knew you wanted more for me than that. Since I have been able to give that over to God, my heart has changed. And because of your sacrifice, so many people have come to know the true love of God and will see heaven some day. Not only will they thank God for sending His son, Jesus, but I think they will thank you that your sacrifice opened up their eyes to God's love. After all, if God can change a girl's heart enough to forgive the man that killed her father, what kind of miracles could He perform in their lives? This lifetime is but a blink of an eye compared to the eternity we'll spend together. I love you Dad.
Taryn Walters Ontiveros
November 23, 2003
Rest in peace Brother Larry, you are a true hero and will never be forgotten.
Son of G. Truman Wortham EOW 7/15/73
Assistant Chief Carl Wortham
Sand Springs Police Dept. Okla
November 21, 2003
Dad, I'm 29 years closer to seeing you again. Save a place for me!
Taryn Walters Ontiveros
November 13, 2003
Larry was a fellow motorcycle officer who I had ridden with and been freinds with for several years. The one thing I most remember about Larry was his love and devotion to his wife and especially his children. I will never forget the morning of the incident and the many difficult days that followed for his family and his family at the Riverside Police Dept. The department and the comminity of Riverside lost a very good officer. After 27 years I often think of Larry and still miss his smile, his freindship. I know his children do. Take care, Larry
Gary R. Davis K9 Handler
BNSF Rail Road Police
Wow! Has it really been almost 29 years? It just seems like yesterday that I was that little 8 year old girl who was just told that her "daddy died". Whoever would have thought that I'd grow up to marry a deputy sheriff and have 3 children of my own?
It's so strange, in my mind my dad will always be 31 and yet I surpassed that age 6 years ago. I missed his love, participation and involvement in my life. I thought the pain might ease as I grew older, only now I miss his involvement in my children's lives. I guess the pain never goes away, we 're just forced to find ways to live with it.
I miss your smile, Dad. I miss camping and fishing with you, and going with you to the cleaners to pick up your uniforms. I'm so grateful for the 8 years I had with you, but honestly, just a few more would have been great! Can't wait to see you again!
Taryn Walters Ontiveros