Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Eugene Walters

Riverside Police Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, November 13, 1974

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Eugene Walters

Merry Christmas, Dad. You are never forgotten.

Love, Tamela

December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas, Dad. Miss you.

December 25, 2005

Hi Dad,
Trey was here to visit with his four boys so yesterday we took all our kids over to see your brother, Uncle Wayne. It was really a nice visit. We took the kids' picture with him. As I looked at the picture later I couldn't help thinking that it should have been you sitting there with your grandkids; although you and Uncle Wayne look so much alike he's the next best thing to seeing you. Miss you and love you always..........

November 26, 2005

To the family and friends of Officer Larry Walters, his fellow officers, and most especially to Officer Walters:

Although this is the thirty-first anniversary of your tragic death, please know that you are not forgotten. Your valor and dedication are still remembered and your memory honored. Rest in Peace, Officer Walters.

May your family continue to be comforted by their law enforcement family, and other police survivors.
It is so nice to see that your children log onto this site, and honor your memory. I have a friend who is now a medically retired police officer who began his career in law enforcement in Riverside before transferring to the Bay Area. Your father mentored my friend, including helping him prepare for the hiring tests. He has many fond memories of him and his brother Wayne.

My son was killed in the line of duty when he was fatally shot on April 23, 2005. My grandson Cody was born 2 1/2 months after my son Larry was murdered.
It is so important to all of us that Larry's memory stay alive and that Cody knows his father through those memories. The reflections left by Officer Walters' children lets me know that can happen. God bless all of you, and your precious father.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Officer Walters gave to his community, and the citizens of California, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on November 13, 1974.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater
Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05

November 13, 2005

Hi Dad,
Today marks 31 years since you died. As I logged on I noticed another officer was killed today. Sadly, I'll be sharing this day with yet another family. I miss you and love you. What gets me though the days is knowing I'll see you again. I get so excited when I think of sitting on your lap again! The kids are doing great. I tell then all about you.
Love you,

November 13, 2005

Happy Birthday, Dad! I know in heaven you're celebrating in ways we can't even imagine. I'm not going to the cemetery today because I was just there last week singing at a funeral. That was tough; singing at a gravesite while yours was just yards away. I left you some beautiful flowers. I'm sure by now you've met Baby, our sweet poodle. We had to say goodbye to her last week after 17+ years. Will you please let her know that you're my dad so she'll have someone to hang out with? Alexandra starts highschool tomorrow. Is it possible that I'm old enough to have a highschooler? Chelsea starts middle school and Zachary is in 3rd grade. I've been blessed with a wonderful husband and 3 absolutely incredible kids. You'd be so proud, just as they are of you. Take care, Dad. I'll write later.
All my love,

August 28, 2005

To the Walters family; I was a police officer in Riverside for seven years. I now work for another agency; however, I just want you to know that a picture of your father is posted in the roll call room along with the other heroes who gave their lives for the citizens of Riverside. I used to stare at his picture every day before work. He was a lucky man to have such a wonderful family. God Bless!

police officer

July 9, 2005

I was touched by the reflections left by Officer Walters' children. He must be so proud of them.

Deputy Sheriff

July 6, 2005

To Officer Walters and Family,

I just wanted to let you guys know that I have never met Larry. However, I am very thankful of the great sacrafice he made. I am sure he was proud to wear the uniform but the Riverside Police Department should be more proud to have him wear their uniform. I will say a prayer for your family tonight in that you continue to heal from your loss. I am a christian and I truly know that we will all meet in heaven again so as long as you believe and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. Take Care and remember that no matter what anyone says, The good guys will win in the end! God Bless, Officer Douglas. †††

P.O. Chris Douglas
Washington Police Department, MO

June 1, 2005

Hi Dad,
How nice for somebody who doesn't even know you to leave a reflection. That's very touching for us, your family. If anybody is reading this that has any memories of you, it would mean so much for them to leave a reflection of that memory. We were so young when you died, 5,8 and 11. It would mean so much to hear from others who knew you. Well, next weekend Mom will be 60 and we're throwing her a suprise party. She's loved by a lot of people. I'm going to have a housefull! You're Aunt Mary and cousin Linda will be there, the only people from your side of the family. It's so unfortunate... that whole situation. It's funny, Mom's 60 and you're still 31 in my memory. I love you and wish you were here to celebrate with us.
Love and miss you,

May 19, 2005

I just came across the memorial for Officer Larry Eugene Walters. As tragic as that was it is very evident by the reflections from his children that he would be very proud of them. He obviously was a great father as well as police officer.
I thank God continuously for policemen such as Officer Walters, that they would be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow man.
I've known quite a few officers that were killed in the line of duty and it is only by the grace of God that I sit here today. They did not die in vein. They were appointed by Him...Romans 13:1-5.
To the children of Officer Walters I want them to know that there are a lot of folks across this country that care deeply...even old retired cops in Texas that never met their dad. Some of these days we'll all go HOME and sit down beside our Jesus and rest a little while.

Patrolman Doug Hutchison
Irving Police Department, Texas, retired.

April 25, 2005


I woke up early this morning on January 1st, 2005, to say goodbye to Taryn and her family as they headed back to California. She and Mom are the closest things I have to you. Saying goodbye to her is so difficult. She's my best friend and you'd love to hear her sing. Taryn showed me this site and as hard as it is to read through the reflections, I continue to learn so much more about you. Since I was only 5 when I lost my daddy, the only memories I have of you are good ones. I've clung to those memories with my life and share them with my husband and children. My favorite animal is still a skunk because of the camping trip we took just before you died. I have your class ring and just polished it up this week. My kids often ask questions and I share the stories of my dad, the hero. I'll never forget how you used to come to my preschool on your motorcycle to show it off for my friends, or the time that our house had be broken into and you were to the first one on the scene. Although my memories are few, they've been kept alive through Mom, who loved you so much, and through the Walters' side of the family. I have kept in touch with Uncle Don and his family, which keeps me close to you. Everyone says I look just like you, what an honor that is for me. I graduated from college and became a school teacher. I could do that because of the scholarship in your honor. I hated that I had the scholarship. People would tell me how lucky I was to have it, but my response was, I'd much rather have my dad. I'm thankful though, that it allowed me the opportunity to get a higher education and make a difference on this earth, just as you did. I have a beautiful husband whom I know you'd be so blessed to know how much he adores me and takes care of me. We serve the Lord together and my motto in life is, "I'm not a human being having a tempory spiritual experience, but a spirtitual being having a temporary human experience." My children seek to follow Jesus and that's the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. I asked Christ into my heart when I was 11. I kept trying to fill a huge void in my life because I needed you, but Christ came into my life and let me know that I have 2 fathers in Heaven waiting with open arms until the day we can be together again. I know I'm being watched over by, Jesus, you, and a legion of angels, who could ask for more? Dad, someday we'll be together in eternity, until then, God has a plan for me down here to raise these precious grandchildren of yours. Just know how much I love you, know how much I miss you, and know that I can't wait to run into your arms and spend an eternity with you. Until then.....

Your loving daughter,

Tamela Verlare (aka Tami Walters)
Your Loving Daughter

January 1, 2005

Merry Christmas, Dad. Boy would I like to be where you are right now. I'm sure God's throwing one big birthday party for His son. We're leaving tomorrow, on Christmas day, for Colorado to spend some time with Trey and Tami and their families. It's so beautiful there. I call it God's country. I imagine heaven to be kind of like Colorado. Well... another Christmas goes by without you. I'm trying to look at it as one more Christmas closer to seeing you again. Love and miss you........

December 24, 2004

Hi Dad,
Today is 30 years since you died. "I miss you" doesn't begin to describe the depth of my pain. I ache for you. I ache for my children to know you. I ache for a hug from you. 30 years has not "eased" anything. It has only intensified our loss. With each milestone my children make, I grieve for you all over again.... wishing you could be here to see them grow and blossom. You'd be proud.
Love you,

November 13, 2004

To the family of Officer Walters,

I was only two when Ofc. Walters was taken from you, and also 3,000 miles away. Chances are, our paths probably would never have crossed.

But the funny thing is, we're still family. A law enforcement family, that still is saddened by those tragic events so many years ago.

There may not be a lot of "memories" under Ofc. Walter's reflection page, but rest assurred there are many thoughts and prayers being said for him and his family....even if you can't read them.

To his daughter, I find inspiration in your strength, and especially your forgiveness. I don't know if I could be that way.......

Glassboro PD, NJ

November 6, 2004

I read this website at least weekly and most often daily. I always feel the pain of the ones left behind but Officer Walters' reflections left by his daughter were especially hard for me. I just want her to know that, while we cannot know the depth of her loss, we grieve for her loss and miss him too. Thank you Taryn, for sharing your innermost thoughts with us. May God Bless you and your family. I cannot wait to meet your Dad someday; He must've been a heck of a man. Take care. Al.

Sgt. Al Whitney
Yuma County Sheriff's Office, Yuma, AZ

November 6, 2004

Happy Birthday Dad. Today you'd be 61. You've been gone almost as long as you were alive. I was going to go to the cemetery today but mom went this morning. I'd rather wait until next weekend, that way you'll have flowers two weeks in a row. I took the kids to the beach this week. We are all so sunburnt. It reminds of the time that you and Mom took us to Dodger Stadium on a hot summer day. We felt the affects of that for at least a week! The Dodgers are still my favorite team. I can't hear Vin Scully's voice and not think of you. :) God, I wish you were here. How different life would have been... for all of us. I miss you so much Dad.
All my love forever,

August 28, 2004

God bless you PO Walters, and your family. Your ultimate sacrifice was made on the same day as my birth. You Will Never BE Forgotten! God Bless!

PO J Lemos

July 30, 2004

Hi Dad,
What a great summer we've had. Getting 10 of your grandkids together was wonderful. I smiled when I thought of how proud you must be looking down on them. Trey and Tami and I are doing our best to make sure our kids know you like they would if you were here. They'll never know your beautiful smile or how you used to roll your cigarettes up in you t-shirt sleeve or listen to the Dodgers with your earpiece and transister radio, but they'll know how much you would have loved them and enjoyed them. I love you Dad and miss you deperately.
All my love,

July 26, 2004

Happy Father's Day Dad. Love you and miss you.

June 20, 2004

I'm very sorry to hear of Office Walters' death. He will never be forgotten by his fellow officers, and caring citizens. I personally hope to serve on an honor guard when I am an officer, because the fallen officers must always be remembered and given recognition by their department. His sacrifice is an example that life isn't fair, but he was one of the few who at least tried to make right the wrong things that he could while he was here. God bless his family.

Baltimore, MD

May 30, 2004

Dear Grandpa Larry,
I love you so much. I have your badge in my hand right now. I hope you see this message so keep your eyes peeled for this letter. I love you. Your number on your badge is 45 Police Riverside. It is an eagle badge. I hope you see this message. Please see this letter. Mommy talks about you a lot. My dad's a police just like you. I am in Cubscouts. I figure stuff out, and I am in karate. When I get to heaven, I'll show you my kata. Kata is a lot of moves put together. I'm in first grade, now. You're the best grandpa in the world. And Poppy, too. I have to go now. I love you.

Zachary Ontiveros
Your Grandson

April 2, 2004


I read a reflection you left for an Officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1919 where you stated that nonbody who gave their lives in the line of duty should have a blank reflection. Needless to say, I was deeply touched by your comments and felt compelled to write a reflection for your heroic Father. While I never knew your Dad and served in another state I do know the bond that we all share. Having served in a motor unti myself, I am certain that your Dad was proud to have worn the wings and truly loved his job.

Your Dad death was not in vain as he now serves with a higher authority and remains a beacon of light for his family and for his brother and sister officers. Time will never dull your sense of loss but you must know that he is looking down from above and smiling at the warm and loving family he raised. I am sure he is very proud of you.

While I do not always leave reflections, I read this page daily and am very grateful to Chris and his staff for maintaining a memorial that so many of us visit and find comfort and honor in. The strength of families such as yours (many names come to mind, like Terry Miyares, widow of Emilio Miyares, Joey Cushman's family and many others) serve as an inspiration and reminder that we are all part of a family that no criminal can ever tear apart.

Always in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Ian Roberts - Retired Police Officer

March 10, 2004

Missing you.


March 2, 2004

I was young when Larry died. He and his family lived across the street from my family for many years. I was good friends with his daughter, Taryn. My older brother was friends with his son, we knew the family well. I remember Larry as being very kind. Funny, too. He would make me laugh....and my mom, also, recounted a story when she was out driving about when a motor cop pulled her over. She couldn't figure out what she had done wrong! But smiled when she realized it was Larry on his way home. He was going to swing by the pet store and wondered if we were in need of Hamster food! (both our families were raising hamsters at the same time!) She got a good laugh about it afterwards. I still remember the funeral. All the police officers....there were hundreds of people, I recall. The helicopter coming overhead, "Goodbye, Larry, Say hello to God". Jeez, I was only 8 or so.....did I remember it correctly? It seems not so long ago. It was things like this that I remembered. I'm sure my parents could say many more things if they were still alive. Still love this family, even though I don't get to see them as often as I used to. Wish I could have known Larry better.....well, there is always eternity to do that, right?

Friend, Marla Cenatiempo Windish

February 27, 2004

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