Torrance Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, December 22, 1968
Reflections for Officer Gary Elton Rippstein
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I did not know Gary, but I found his story while researching my family tree. I think he was my 5th cousin. I just wanted to say that he is not forgotten by distant relatives over here in the UK. RIP Cousin
Stuart Reader
January 17, 2022
I was a Freshman at Torrance High School back in the Fall of 1955.
I had started learning to play the trombone a year earlier at Hillside Elementary school, so when I got to high school I enrolled in the high school marching band. That's where I met Gary.
I can't recall now if he was a Junior or a Senior at the time, but he was tre section leader of the trombones.
As members of the band we were allowed to "brown-bag" our lunch in the band-room. Maybe fifteen or so were of us band members chose that option as lunchtime regulars, and that included Gary.
I was investigating joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the time, and often our friendly lunchtime chats drifted towards religion. I remember another band member, George Simon often sat there right next to Gary and also took an important part in the religious discussions we had, (Important, to me, at least) .
I later learned that George's grandfather was the Stake Patriarch)
Gary always was soft-spoken but rational when it came to explaining the Mormon point-of-view in our luncheon chats. And had a very deep part in making is desirable to join the Church a few years later. His clear and rational answers to my many questions I had as an investigator helped to clear some of the questions I had..
But, in these daily lunch-time "get-togethers."
We drifted all over the board in hourly Noon-time chats and I grew to admire and respect Gary.
And as a fellow trombonist, there was anther bond I had with him.
He was super friendly and always decent and cordial to us underclassmen.
He ha great sense of humor, and he never went"'off color" or inappropriate in anything he ever said.
And whenever he teased us (hey, he was still a teenager then, too), he always laughed with us, and not at us.
Gary was just he kind of person one likes to be around.
I only had that one year with the Torrance High Marching band because the next year I was transferred off to the [then] new South Torrance High school.
I only saw Gary after that, infrequently, after that usually LDS-sponsored events.
But to those of you who were to remember him, Or, who said above you never had the opportunity to meet him, I can say it was an honor and a privilege to have been a close school mate with him for that one year of my life. To those of you who ever played in high school bands there was a lot more than the daily practices.
It's also the trips to athletic events and extra practices for Fall and Spring concerts. Heading off to UCLA or the USC Colosseum for band-day weekend events. Or often riding back and forth to school with George Meyers or Gary Burgeon in his old hatch-back Hudson.
I was home for Christmas in 1968 when I heard of Gary's passing. I went to his funeral, but what I remember most were the hundreds of police cars an what seemed to be an endless procession with their mounted squad car tops flashing on-and-off in what seemed to me an appropriate mournful farewell to a Fallen Office, from his funeral in the Redondo Beach Stake stake center near Alhambra Park to his final resting place.
I never heard an ill word or a jealous snide remark about Gary...(Officer Rippstein)
He was a great guy to me and.... now, more than fifty years later, as I write I have a huge lump in my throat and tears of both love and sorrow rolling down by cheeks.
Gary, I never had a real chance to tell you that due to a lot of your influence, I joined the Church in 1959,
I went on a mission to Germany in 1961 (to early 1964). I attended BYU-Provo (beginning in the Fall of 1960) just after my mission, I took out a year to attend the [then] Church College of Hawaii where I met my wife Margaret Butler from Spokane) and after receiving my doctorate in 1973 from the University of Oregon, I went back to Hawaii, to teach anthropology, sociology and geography at BYU -Hawaii from 1971 to 2006.
My wife and I were married in the Salt Lake City Temple in December 1969 ad we have three sons and a daughter (from age 40 to 48 today). And to you Gary's children and family, he was highly instrumental in putting me on the road that has been my guiding path until today.
If either Officers Mike Watts or Larry Caudill might recall (high school mates of mine from South High School) also, after graduation, of the Torrance Police Department. I had to clear my name for a Federal security clearance from the Torrance PD, And with them standing there behind the desk directly in front or me to clear some teenage mischievous pranks that I got in before I attended high school.
They guffawed and slapped each other on their backs, because when the knew me in high school, Here I was the classical 'goody-goody' nerd standing in front of them, trying to clearing clearing my police record. Thet liiked it ovewre and with a acussing smilke tget just saim all thie ghappened when you werer a minor. We cah do what is called "Hanfling it within the Depertment. And as KI walked out Officer called out. "Hey Max, ow tat you are ab adllt be suer ]re the keeop your nose clean from now n. I looked back and said something to the s effecxt
Thanks guys Glad to see you again and thanks for the warning." We all laughed and I walked away with a two thousand albatross removed from my shoulders.
A few years before my friend, Gary Rippstein had already turned me around in those daily band-room lunch-time chats. And, for now....the right person at the right time.... at the crucially very right time, Your father, Gary Rippstein was a person who caught my attention has a great part to play in setting me back on the tack.
A track that I a cynically wisecracking fifteen year-old kid had no idea I could follow, even want to follow. But trombone-playing always nice kid with the big toothy smile, saw something in me and help and set me on a track I will lever live to regret.
Max Stanton
High school friend
June 22, 2020
I was a Freshman at Torrance High School back in the Fall of 1955.
I had started learning to play the trombone a year earlier at Hillside Elementary school, so when I got to high school I enrolled in the high school marching band. That's where I met Gary.
I can't recall now if he was a Junior or a Senior at the time, but he was tre section leader of the trombones.
As members of the band we were allowed to "brown-bag" our lunch in the band-room. Maybe fifteen or so were of us band members chose that option as lunchtime regulars, and that included Gary.
I was investigating joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the time, and often our friendly lunchtime chats drifted towards religion. I remember another band member, George Simon often sat there right next to Gary and also took an important part in the religious discussions we had, (Important, to me, at least) .
I later learned that George's grandfather was the Stake Patriarch)
Gary always was soft-spoken but rational when it came to explaining the Mormon point-of-view in our luncheon chats. And had a very deep part in making is desirable to join the Church a few years later. His clear and rational answers to my many questions I had as an investigator helped to clear some of the questions I had..
But, in these daily lunch-time "get-togethers."
We drifted all over the board in hourly Noon-time chats and I grew to admire and respect Gary.
And as a fellow trombonist, there was anther bond I had with him.
He was super friendly and always decent and cordial to us underclassmen.
He ha great sense of humor, and he never went"'off color" or inappropriate in anything he ever said.
And whenever he teased us (hey, he was still a teenager then, too), he always laughed with us, and not at us.
Gary was just he kind of person one likes to be around.
I only had that one year with the Torrance High Marching band because the next year I was transferred off to the [then] new South Torrance High school.
I only saw Gary after that, infrequently, after that usually LDS-sponsored events.
But to those of you who were to remember him, Or, who said above you never had the opportunity to meet him, I can say it was an honor and a privilege to have been a close school mate with him for that one year of my life. To those of you who ever played in high school bands there was a lot more than the daily practices.
It's also the trips to athletic events and extra practices for Fall and Spring concerts. Heading off to UCLA or the USC Colosseum for band-day weekend events. Or often riding back and forth to school with George Meyers or Gary Burgeon in his old hatch-back Hudson.
I was home for Christmas in 1968 when I heard of Gary's passing. I went to his funeral, but what I remember most were the hundreds of police cars an what seemed to be an endless procession with their mounted squad car tops flashing on-and-off in what seemed to me an appropriate mournful farewell to a Fallen Office, from his funeral in the Redondo Beach Stake stake center near Alhambra Park to his final resting place.
I never heard an ill word or a jealous snide remark about Gary...(Officer Rippstein)
He was a great guy to me and.... now, more than fifty years later, as I write I have a huge lump in my throat and tears of both love and sorrow rolling down by cheeks.
Gary, I never had a real chance to tell you that due to a lot of your influence, I joined the Church in 1959,
I went on a mission to Germany in 1961 (to early 1964). I attended BYU-Provo (beginning in the Fall of 1960) just after my mission, I took out a year to attend the [then] Church College of Hawaii where I met my wife Margaret Butler from Spokane) and after receiving my doctorate in 1973 from the University of Oregon, I went back to Hawaii, to teach anthropology, sociology and geography at BYU -Hawaii from 1971 to 2006.
My wife and I were married in the Salt Lake City Temple in December 1969 ad we have three sons and a daughter (from age 40 to 48 today). And to you Gary's children and family, he was highly instrumental in putting me on the road that has been my guiding path until today.
If either Officers Mike Watts or Gary Caudill might recall (high school mates of mine from South High School) also, after graduation, of the Torrance Police Department. I had to clear my name for a Federal security clearance from the Torrance PD, And with them standing there behind the desk directly in front or me to clear some teenage mischievous pranks that I got in before I attended high school.
They guffawed and slapped each other on their backs, because when the knew me in high school, Here I was the classical 'goody-goody' nerd standing in front of them, trying to clearing clearing my police record. Thet liiked it ovewre and with a acussing smilke tget just saim all thie ghappened when you werer a minor. We cah do what is called "Hanfling it within the Depertment. And as KI walked out Officer called out. "Hey Max, ow tat you are ab adllt be suer ]re the keeop your nose clean from now n. I looked back and said something to the s effecxt
Thanks guys Glad to see you again and thanks for the warning." We all laughed and I walked away with a two thousand albatross removed from my shoulders.
A few years before my friend, Gary Rippstein had already turned me around in those daily band-room lunch-time chats. And, for now....the right person at the right time.... at the crucially very right time, Your father, Gary Rippstein was a person who caught my attention has a great part to play in setting me back on the tack.
A track that I a cynically wisecracking fifteen year-old kid had no idea I could follow, even want to follow. But trombone-playing always nice kid with the big toothy smile, saw something in me and help and set me on a track I will lever live to regret.
Max Stanton
High school friend
June 22, 2020
Having very tender feelings today 51 years since my dad Gary Rippstein died as a Torrance police officer. I don’t remember him at all so I enjoy the memories that people share. My mom, brother and sister are all active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so we know we will see him again and we know he is also very much still involved in our lives. Its so amazing to me that people from so long ago still think about him. God must have needed him pretty bad.
His family and posterity is growing and the Lord has taken care of all of us! Love to read the memories about him! Thanks to all who write.
Teri Rippstein Christensen
December 22, 2019
51 years ago today my Daddy left this world . I was one year old the day he was taken from us. I can not tell you how much reading these memories of the man my dad was has helped me today. Daddy.... we miss you every day and we know that we will see you again.
Kristy Rippstein Ferguson
December 22, 2019
RIP. Never forgotten.
Deputy Sheriff Los Angeles
County Sheriff
December 22, 2019
Rest in peace and olav hashalom Officer Rippstein.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2019
I met Gary and another Torrance Officer in 1962 when we attended the LA Sheriff’s Academy together. I believe the other officer was Dutch and ended up a motor officer, who was involved in a tragic accident. Each day, for 4 weeks (it was a 4 week academy followed months later by the final 12 weeks), they picked me up in a Torrance Radio car and took me home in Gardena, and we developed a great relationship. Here it is 57 years later and I still recall what a nice, clean, kind, honest and hard working man he was. Today, I was reflecting on my past and I recalled Gary and just had to see if I could find anything on the Internet about him. I am so thankful to have found this wonderful memorial page along with the kind, thoughtful comments about him. Needless to say, he left a lasting impression on me. And yes, I soon learned that he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
After the 4 week academy we lost track of each other, and I didn’t hear about him until the news of his tragic death. I just couldn’t believe someone so kind and decent would end up being shot in such a situation. My heart ached for him and his family then as well as now.
And like at least one other officer who commented here, I also joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints 18 years later and am still an active member. I am grateful to Gary for the outstanding example he set for me.
Captian Bud Wenke
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
July 22, 2019
I met Gary and another Torrance Officer in 1962 when we attended the LA Sheriff’s Academy together. I believe the other officer was Dutch and ended up a motor officer, who was involved in a tragic accident. Each day, for 4 weeks (it was a 4 week academy followed months later by the final 12 weeks), they picked me up in a Torrance Radio car and took me home in Gardena, and we developed a great relationship. Here it is 57 years later and I still recall what a nice, clean, kind, honest and hard working man he was. Today, I was reflecting on my past and I recalled Gary and just had to see if I could find anything on the Internet about him. I am so thankful to have found this wonderful memorial page along with the kind, thoughtful comments about him. Needless to say, he left a lasting impression on me. And yes, I soon learned that he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
After the 4 week academy we lost track of each other, and I didn’t hear about him until the news of his tragic death. I just couldn’t believe someone so kind and decent would end up being shot in such a situation. My heart ached for him and his family then as well as now.
And like at least one other officer who commented here, I also joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints 18 years later and am still an active member. I am grateful to Gary for the outstanding example he set for me.
Captain Bud Wenke
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
July 20, 2019
My family lived next door on Knode Street to officer Gary. We had just immigrated from England. We were a pretty big family. 5 kids and finally 10. He was our American hero. Big and strong. Took my older brothers out hiking. I remember as a kid hopping the fence after a ball. Officer Gary wasnt home. His german shepard was. I retreated to the top of his swingset. I was pretty scared. For an hour or so. Its a long time ago. Pops brought us to San Diego. I remember the day we heard about his death. My dad was really sad. I hope to see officer Gary again in heaven when my time comes. He was truly the best.p
David Allen
April 29, 2019
Officer Rippstein,
On today, the 50th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Torrance. And to your Family and loved ones ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
December 22, 2018
Rest in peace Officer Rippstein.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2018
Rest In Peace Brother. You are honored and remembered on the 49th anniversary of your EOW. Thank you and your family for your service and sacrifice.
Officer Mike Robinson, (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA
December 22, 2017
I was remembering when I was a little girl (in 1968, I would have been 8 years old, so my memory is hazy) it was right before Christmas, and my dad, brother, and I were walking down to a bakery and ran into Gary Rippstein and his son. They were coming back from a Christmas tree lot and carrying their Christmas tree. We knew them from church and I remember they all were very nice people. A short time later, my parents told us that Mr. Rippstein had been killed at work. That was the first time I had ever experienced death and so I took note. A few months later, Mrs. Rippstein stood up at church and told everyone she and the kids were fine. It seems to me, she was holding a small child on her hip. The congregation was very upset. They moved shortly thereafter and we never saw them again. Every Christmas, I think of him. I hope after all these years, the family is doing well.
Dianna Ruddell, no rank.
December 9, 2017
Today (New Years Eve), I began my day by spending some time at the Torrance Police Department Memorial.
(May They All, Rest-In-Peace….)
Semper Fi,
“Major Pain”
Michael B. Parlor
January 1, 2017
I am an Officer in Chandler, Arizona and had the pleasure of meeeting Gary's brother Dale today, who told me Gary's story. My condolences to Gary's family, especially his children, who were left without knowing their father. May GOD forever bless and cmfort you.
Officer R. Emary
Chandler, Arizona PD
June 14, 2016
I never knew him as I was not yet working at the Torrance Police Department. But every year at the Memorial we take time to honor his memory. I thank him for his sacrafice and dedication.
Kathy Diaz police dispatcher
Torrance Police Deparment now retired 1978-2010
April 17, 2012
Rest in Peace, Officer Rippstein. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
January 23, 2012
Your heroism and service is honored today, the
43rd anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.
I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
December 22, 2011
I was only two when my father was killed. It means alot to me and my kids to have the opportunity to go and reflect on the life Gary lived. And I would like to thank the Torrence Police Department for the memorial that takes place every year in May.
Teri Rippstein Christensen
May 8, 2011
Gary was already a member when I joined the department in 1965. He was our department chaplain. He was a member of the LDS church, and took a 2 year sabbatical from police work to go on a mission for his church. Uncommon for police officer, I never heard Gary curse, and I never heard him say derogatory comments about others. Though quiet in nature, he never shirked his duty or attempted to avoid danger. When Gary looked into the room in which the suspect was found, he faced a man holding two .45 cal semi-automatic pistols. In an effort to notify his partner, Bob Homes, one of my academy buddies, of the situation, Gary said "You're not going to shoot me with that are you?" and the suspect said "Yes" and fired upon Gary. His death was a great loss to the department and the community, so say nothing of his family. I still think of you ofter and miss you. I've been an LDS member for over 20 years now, and knowing you was a big part of the reason I joined. Save a place for me at the big roll call in the sky. Brad
Sgt, Brad Parsons
Torrance Police Department
November 15, 2008
On the 39th anniversary of Officer Rippstein's death, we honored his service in our patrol briefing by reading his entry from ODMP. Each day, we honor one fallen officer on the anniversary of their death so as to keep them in our thoughts, and also to remind us of the dangers inherent in our job. Officer Rippstein is not forgotten.
Agent Zach Perron
Palo Alto (CA) Police Department
December 22, 2007
You are remembered today and thank you Sir for your service
manchester, NH
December 20, 2007
Rest in God's loving embrace for eternity, hero. You will never be forgotten.
Wisconsin L.E.O.
June 29, 2007
We still miss you, Gary. What a great friend you were.
Candy Parton
May 22, 2007
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