Dwale Police Department {"lat":"37.6229698","lon":"-82.7246414","name":"Chief of Police Hoover Hinton","url":"http:\/\/test.odmp.org\/officer\/19369-chief-of-police-hoover-hinton","eow":"Monday, July 11, 1932","img":"http:\/\/ed486fb3a47f8bd83fc3-2f69aaeddb7b46c0053eff946dbce2fe.r70.cf5.rackcdn.com\/images\/no-photo-125.png","agencyLoc":"Dwale Police Department, KY"} Chief of Police Hoover Hinton Dwale Police Department, KY EOW: Monday, July 11, 1932 Cause: Gunfire Total Line of Duty Deaths: 1 Gunfire 1 By Month July 1 By Gender Male 1 Female 0 Successor Agency Floyd County Sheriff's Office Prestonsburg, KY 12 Fallen Officers 1 Fallen K9