Cook County Sheriff's Office - Department of Court Services, Illinois
End of Watch Tuesday, November 17, 1992
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Alfred "Butch" Brown, Jr.
Happy birthday, Butch! Your badge was retired today, at long last. You would have been proud of Mama and Dee, they handled it all with their usual poise and grace. You had so much family there, it was wonderful to see them again. Some of the Black Sheep were there, too. Yeah, I cried, as did Mama and Dee, and Lord only knows who else, it was half a missing you cry and half a proud, happy cry. And boy, do I miss you!
August 6, 2007
Butch, after all this time, your badge is finally being retired. There will be a ceremony in the courthouse for you on Monday...your family will be there, as will alot of the Black Sheep, and I know that you, Milt and Larry will be with us in spirit. We've worked so hard and so long to see this happen, I know Mamma, Dee and I will be crying our eyes out. When I was asked what date the ceremony should take place, what better date than August 6th, your 60th birthday. I'd rather not have to go thru this, I'd much rather you be here growing old with us, and looking forward to retirement. It's hard to believe you've been gone almost 15 years. You've never stopped watching my back, and I've never stopped missing you.
Cook County Sheriff's
August 6, 2007
The anniversary of your death is here, and The Black Sheep won't let you be forgotten. Rest in peace, Butch, we've got you covered.
The Black Sheep
November 16, 2006
Fourteen long years...I still have a hard time believing you're gone. Sometimes I half expect you to walk thru the door at work saying "Gotcha!" It's not a joke though, you're never coming back. I had a hard time for a long while, blaming myself for not being there that day. Sometimes I still wonder if there was anything I could have done to save you, even though I know deep inside I couldn't. I miss our talks, your advice and support, your jokes and wisecracks. I miss YOU. Thanks for all you did for me, but most of all, for being my bestest friend.
November 16, 2006
Fallen but NEVER forgotten.
Mother, daughter, sister, and granddau. of LEO's
November 5, 2006
Butch, we buried Tommy Cook today, but you know that. I looked and looked for your grave since Tommy is buried in the same Veteran's section, but couldn't find you...did you do that on purpose, knowing that I'd break even more? You of all people know my strength only goes so far. Please keep an eye on Tommy, and show him how to connect with Pam to let her know he's okay now, and patrolling the streets of Heaven. I miss you and love you.
Cook County Sheriff's
October 3, 2006
Happy birthday, Butch! I sure wish you were here celebrating...I'd keep the Hennessey and Coke flowing for you. You're missed by all of the Black Sheep, but I think most of all by me. You've always been there for me, in life and in death. Keep watching my back...I miss you
August 6, 2006
Butch, it is with great satisfaction that I tell you that your killer violated his parole and is back in prison. I haven't told Mama yet, as I want to get all the details first...I know she'll ask.
I think of you every day...little things bring back a memory, be it good or bad. I'll do something stupid, and I can feel you right there shaking your head at me yet again. The Sheep will get together, and you, Uncle Miltie and Larry are with us too.
I'm not too good with words, but you know what I'm trying to'll always be with me, always watching my back. I miss you, and I love you.
July 19, 2006
Sheriff Brown...I have read all the reflections for you and you seemed like a real nice guy. I lost my brother in the line of duty and the SOB is out of prison by now...Take heed in knowing justice will be carried out in their next life. Keep a watch over your loved ones and fellow officers. Rest in Peace..
Karen Perrucci
Sister of Officer Gary D. Pagano EOW 9/14/1982
June 28, 2006
Rest in peace, Sir! You are not forgotten.
Police Officer
May 29, 2006
Ah, Butch... this has been a long time coming. I apologize for taking so long but I have no doubt that you understand.
You were gone from us 7 or 8 years before I even knew you existed yet you were the catalyst for something that has made a huge difference in my life. You matter so much to someone we both love and because of that person, you matter to me, too. To have instilled such devotion, such loyalty and such respect - not to mention the love - you must have been an amazing person. It is my tremendous loss that I never knew you in this life. How is it possible to miss someone you never met?
I look at your picture often but for the first time, it feels as if you're looking directly at me with the slightest hint of a smile, I believe I even see a bit of approval in those soulful eyes of yours.
This may be the first time you've heard from me here - in front of God and everybody
Rest in peace, my friend. You will always be missed but you will never be forgotten.
May 21, 2006
Butch, I've been thinking about you alot lately, more so than usual....and missing you. Things were so different when I could turn to you for just about anything, you were and still are the bestest. I'd give anything to hear your voice again. I know you still have my back, and always will. Stay with me.
March 8, 2006
R I P Deputy Brown , thank you sir.
Boston PD, Boston MA
January 5, 2006
Al, We did not know each other in life.. that was my loss.. but I have learned so much about you. Pattie will never let you be forgotten, she takes every chance she gets to educate the public, and the younger officers about the memorial and about your sacrifice.
I had her back for 5 years but the powers that be split us up...( you know what I mean )so keep watching her back as you have always done. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!! Rest now my BROTHER... we will stand the watch.
Oh, and if you think of it.. say hello to Tom for me. (Chicago PD- E.O.W. Sept. 1974
Cook County Sheriff's Dept.
September 16, 2005
Butch, the scum who took you away from us was released on parole yesterday ... there wasn't a thing we could do to keep him in prison. Mama called me last week when she got the letter about his release, I felt like I failed her by not being able to do anything. We're all hurting pretty bad, we miss you even after all this time...maybe even more. I won't let you be forgotten!
February 26, 2005
Another year has come and gone, and your killer will be out of prison next month. It isn't fair that he'll be able to walk the streets again, while you're never coming back. Butch, you're always in my mind and in my heart, and I miss you and love you.
January 1, 2005
Merry xmas Al from a friend who knows your black sheep friend
mary cocke
us park police
December 23, 2004
The Black Sheep won't let you be are a part of us, and always will be
The Black Sheep
November 17, 2004
Butch, it's so hard to believe you've been gone for 12 years, it still seems like yesterday. So much has happened, some good, some bad. I know you've never left my side, and that you're still watching my back from up there, but I'd rather have you right here. You're the bestest friend, partner, and "big brother" I've ever had, and I miss your butt.
November 17, 2004
Hero, God Bless you and remember, you will never be forgotten...11/17
Police Officer/Illinois
November 17, 2004
On the anniversary of your death, I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.
A hero never dies....
Rest in peace, hero.
November 17, 2004
Though I never knew you in life, you've become near and dear to me since your death.
Keep watching our friend's back, Butch. She still has work here to do and we need her. Neither of us will ever let your memory fade.
~A Friend of a Friend~
October 5, 2004
Happy Birthday Butch! You would have been 57 today, and at this moment we would all be meeting up together to celebrate. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you, and we still get tears in our eyes when we pass by your memorial flag. Keep watching over us, we need all the help we can get down here.
The Black Sheep
August 6, 2004
It's been eleven years since "Butch" has been gone...we will not let him be forgotten. Rest well, my brother....I miss you, and I love you.
Deputy P J Nagel
Cook County Illinois Sheriff's
November 17, 2003
We will not let you be in peace, my brother
Peace Officers Memorial Foundation of Cook County Illinois
September 1, 2003