Houston Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Wednesday, June 27, 1990
Reflections for Police Officer James Bruce Irby
Ofc Irby. I was 15 years old in Houston and had the life goal of becoming an HPD officer at the time of your end of watch. I remember the ABC 13 news cast that day and it stuck with me till this day. I ended up becoming a firefighter in Pflugerville, and ran into your son who was a police officer. I remember looking at his name badge and saying “ I remember as a kid there was an officer in Houston…..”. His response “that was my dad”. I will never forget that moment. It was so surreal. I feel that I finally met you. RIP
R McGrew
Pflugerville Fire Dept
January 3, 2025
James, I remember calling you the morning you got shot to let you know that your motorcycle boots were ready to be picked up from the Palace Boot Shop. I had just finished putting the last coat of polish on them. I later served over 65 years in the Navy and 13 years as a deputy sheriff in part due to the role model you were. Thank you for taking the oath to serve and protect. It is an oath that I will live the rest of my life trying to uphold. I could not be there to watch your 6 that day, but will have it from here to eternity.
Sgt. N. Clartk
East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, Friend
October 6, 2023
I didn’t know James and I have never been to the US but as a former police officer in the UK, my heart goes out to his family for all that they have suffered since 1990.
Thinking of you and hope you that you can look to the future, now that you have received some justice. May James Rest In Peace.
David Lane
Former officer Dover, England
July 30, 2023
May your soul rest in peace forever Sir.
March 31, 2023
R.i.p James Irby
June 29, 2022
So long ago but still as fresh and hurtful as yesterday.
June 27, 2022
A justiça foi feita !! Descanse em paz . Rest in peace
May 3, 2022
Rest Easy Brother, that P.O.S. got his "today".
Deputy Sheriff. Ron Buchholz
Retired Santa Fe County Sheriff NM.(EX LASD).
April 25, 2022
I attended Jim's line of duty service as a young Texas cop. Justice was way too long in coming...but thank God for Texas!
Praying for his family -- blue and natural.
Lt. M.C. Williams (Ret.)
State of Colorado
April 23, 2022
I am happy to say the long living scum who took your life that fateful day, has been eliminated from our planet. It is disgusting how these killers 'find God' after the fact. When in fact, had they found God in their free life, their victims would still be alive and so would they. God Bless you officer Irby and your family.
Police Officer
Buffalo (NY) Police Department
April 22, 2022
We always will remember you. What a beautiful mark you made on this world. You are our hero. Thank you for all you did. I wish your dear family the very very best.
From a very grateful citizen of Houston.
Lay person
Lay person
April 22, 2022
Officer Irby’s murderer was eliminated from the human gene pool at 639PM Central Time at the Huntsville Texas Walls Unit. His daughter and her fiancé were in attendance.
RIP Bro…We Got The Watch.
SGT (Ret) Mike Thiac
Houston Police Department
April 21, 2022
Well Jim we never met but I was talking to John Putnam at supper tonight. Turns out the two of you played football together a hundred years ago in high school. Also turns out you and I grew up a few miles apart in southeast Houston. I was on duty with the Webster Police Department the day a gutless hood rat named Carl Wayne Buntion ambushed you. I took up a collection for your family and drove it to the Hard Rock Cafe in Houston where radio station 93Q and DJ MOBY did a live remote. I helped escort your funeral. Now 32 years 1 hour and forty eight minutes later Carl Wayne Buntion was executed. My only regret is I feel that HPD should have taken your police bike out of the display at the Academy and positioned it directly outside the Walls unit and made Buntion look at it on his way to the death chamber. RIP brother. This double shot of Jack Daniel’s I’m drinking is for you.
Deputy Constable Patrick Larkin
Galveston County Precinct 1
April 21, 2022
Your murderer was put to death today with a great show of support for your memory and your family. The coward murderer still couldn’t admit to the truth. No matter, your support remains stronger than ever before.
Bill J.
April 21, 2022
Uncle Jim was one of my late fathers best friends. Tonight Uncle Jim can Rest In Peace and his family and friends and brothers in blue can breathe. Almost 32 years, let’s see what this guy has to say or if he even say anything at all.
Family Friend
April 21, 2022
Jimmy Irby, I want to say that you have been on my mind for years since that sad day in downtown Houston in 1990. I remember us at the many rodeos we attended and your horse R2D2, roping and enjoying life together. TPORA was our way to meet all over the Great State of Texas, representing our profession and enjoying the fellowship of many. I spoke to Larry J. this morning and he was preparing to leave for Huntsville to attend the execution of the career criminal who took your life and has lived longer than he should have. I became a solo motor jock in Plano in 1991 and thought of you a lot and remembered how much you loved riding motors for HPD. I was proud to have been a jock for 17 years after your death and to live your legacy as a motor jock. I will never forget the great times we had at the rodeos with you, Larry, Wendell, and MAD. I want to say today, you and yours will get the closure they deserve and have deserved a long time ago. Rest in peace my brother in blue, and you would be proud that I have been in this great profession for 46 years and counting. Cathy and I talk about you often regarding all the police rodeos we shared. See you on the other side and we can all share our memories, laugh together and enjoy eternity.
Constable Sammy Knapp
Collin County Constable Pct. 3
April 21, 2022
So glad to hear the date is approaching for the execution of this heinous criminal. As a father and fellow law enforcement officer I cannot fathom how your family has dealt with this for so long, but then I remember that Blue Blood runs deep. I hope now you are able to rest on peace. We’ll hold the line from here.
Special Agent C.
April 15, 2022
Hey Dad ,
Well it’s finally here the “man” and I use that term loosely who took you from us is finally going to be put to death on the 21st of this month , almost 32 years later … justice … if you can call it that, I would have much rather have had you these last 32 years but I am glad it’s going to finally be over. I am not angry anymore and I am choosing not to be sad. After the 21st I am going to close the chapter on all this hurt and loss and just finally just let go. I will never let your memory die your grandson’s carry on your name and my son will grow up knowing his grandfather was a hero. I wish you were here. I wish that you could meet the man that I am hopefully soon going to marry , he is amazing and has taught me so much. No one will ever replace you no one ever could. I hope you know how very important you have been to me in my life even though I never got to know you. I have tried to live my life to honor you and honor our family. There are so many families just like ours who have lost fathers , sons , and husbands in the line of duty and I hope and pray they know that they are not alone because you are watching over them just like you watch over me. Thank you for being my guiding light and the angel on my shoulder.
I love you
Cally Irby
April 9, 2022
La sangre del héroes nunca deja de correr por las venas de los que siempre los tenemos presente
Mayor Oscar Gallardo
Policia Federal Argentina
January 25, 2022
I remember Jimmy from Jones High School. He was such a great guy. God bless his family.
Lynn Wilborn
January 5, 2022
Jimmy pops into my head more than several times a year and I reflect. My wife and I knew him from Jones High school. Graduated in 72'. I guess that's 49 years. I was not on the football team with him but we did play street football on the football field and had a flippin ball just being kids. Carefree, running wide open, laughing and playing like there was no tomorrow. Jimmy was kind, had a good heart, never a show off, and a good reputation around school.
No explanations for family. My wife and I have issues with some of our kids. Maybe they are jealous because we got to eat lead paint off of our cribs, rode without seat belts or in the back of pickup trucks.
We keep our loved ones alive by remembering them and Jimmy has not faded. God Bless.
November 25, 2021
God bless you
I knew yur husband
He was a mptorcyle escort for my mom funeral i appreciate his duty
Im n galveston now wth friends wth GPD
Sad to say i knew carl buntion
I nver thot he wud do wht he did
Im sorry to say this but yu hv my sympathy even years later
Carl Brewster Jr
October 16, 2021
Well my Love, I'm not sure why I feel compelled to write this down today, guess it was the news. I haven't made it to see you in quite awhile. I've had 8 surgeries and 7 bouts of pneumonia in less than 3 yrs. I wish God would just get on with it. Turns out I'm tougher than even you knew. My Mom died a couple yrs. ago, but you know that, she's with you. I'm sure you and Mom and MAD and Scott are keeping things raucous. I had Dad and Cally both here through the horror of this last year. Even after 31yrs. you're never far from my thoughts and always in my heart. Your badge and picture are still by my bed. I hear our Grandsons have grown to 5 in number. They're all such beautiful little boys. Last I heard Cody, Meghan and Cally are fine. I know you keep watch over them. I was very grateful when Cody left that blue line behind. Though I don't know myself, it turns out I wasn't such a good Mom after all. Nobody talks to me these days. I hope you and Mom pray for me. I have 3 more surgeries to go in the next few months. With each new stress to my body I wonder how more I can take. I was looking at old pictures of us and remembering our excitement and thrill at starting our family. The most extraordinary moments of my life we're watching you hold each of our children for the first time. It was a lot! It was trying and frightening to have a marriage and babies so fast. Didn't help that I was a spoiled brat. You must be very proud of them both now. They're smart, kind and loving. They've overcome so much. I'm sorry for whatever ways I disappointed them. I have tried hard but single parenthood, only parenting comes with many bumps and bruises. It comforts me to see so much of you in them. Please my Love keep close to us and pray for us as we move on to the next phases of our lives. I truly would do it all again just to have had you and your love. Rest in peace, Darlin'. M.
Maura Irby
October 7, 2021
It's been nearly 31 years and the evil creature that took the life of Officer Irby is STILL sitting on death row. Thank you Officer Irby for your time of serving the citizens of Houston.
April 23, 2021
I remember Officer Irby from when I worked for the motorcycle detail. He was such a wonderful person and so very proud of his family. I remember him getting me, my Mom and my kids into the Houston Livestock Rodeo (huge, but not as huge as now ). He always seemed to look forward to working with those kids. He was loved by so many. The streets were lined with people waving as the procession passed. We will never forget you. God bless your family, fellow officers and friends. RIP always loved and never forgotten.
Brenda Harris - Secretary
Solo Motorcyle
February 1, 2021