Raleigh Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, August 4, 1995
Reflections for Police Officer Denise Jericha Holden
[Special Note About Denise]:
The Significance of the Number Four (4)
Denise was born on the 4th day of the month, died on the 4th day of the month, and was only 4 days away from celebrating her one-year anniversary at the time of her passing.
It seems that the number four (4) was significant for Denise’s walk under the sun. The 4th commandment is this: [Exodus 20:8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [20:9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: [20:10] But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates: [20:11] For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.---c.f.---[Genesis 2:1] Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. [2:2] And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. [2:3] And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. This day was given by the Father to the man/woman who walks under the sun, to provide us with rest for our bodies upon this earth. Jesus teaches---[Mark 2:27] The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: [2:28] Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Jesus is our Sabbath or Rest as we sojourn upon this earth. Jesus was incarnated as Emmanuel, which means God with us, and He bids us---[Matthew 11:28] Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [11:29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. [11:30] For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light. Even more so than appreciating rest upon this earth, is when we take our journey from earth to heaven to appreciate the true meaning of the Rest our Father provides. Some of us will make this journey earlier than others; some will make this journey younger than others, but as Paul teaches---[1Corinthians 15:51] Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, [15:52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. We will all one day shed our flesh bodies just as Denise did, and find that rest that her life was designated by the Father to signify, in that number four (4). And, we should take further comfort in knowing that absent from the flesh body is present with the Lord as partakers of the true Rest. Isaiah teaches---[Isaiah 57:1] The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth [it] to heart: and merciful men [are] taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil [to come]. [57:2] He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, [each one] walking [in] his uprightness. Wherefore let us comfort one another with these words---[Psalms 116:15] Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.
Elect Bible Study Fellowship
September 23, 2004
There are thoughts of you that make me smile
And thoughts that make me cry for a while
Still others bring a utopic delight
While others I hide away from sight.
Then there are thoughts that make me realize
I can no longer gaze into your eyes
And feel that warmth that overtook my soul
That lept to the heavens with my thoughts untold.
I Remember You....
September 22, 2004
In remembrance of you---
The Tears in Cupid's Eyes
The day u chose 2 leave me, it rained constantly outside, In truth I swore the rain 2 be, The tears in Cupid's eyes.
Black Sistah's Connection
September 20, 2004
If God would grant me just one wish
This is all I would want to do
I’d ask to find the stairway to heaven
Just to spend one more night with you.
If I could find where heaven is
I’d rush there and hold you all night long
There will never be another love like ours
A love beyond either right or wrong.
Thank you Officer Holden for even one day of your love
And I still miss you like crazy---
I just cannot believe you are gone away from me
But, I’ll love you one day beyond eternity.
Both Now & Then
September 15, 2004
So young, with your whole life still ahead of you... thank you for your passion, dedication and willingness to make a difference in the line of work you chose as a profession from the heart... some people live many years without any impact on others, but some like you live only a short time, and the differece they make is immense... God bless and comfort the loved ones left to cherish your memory... you are in good hands with the Lord, who holds the whole world in His hands.
September 13, 2004
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, [or fellow officers and citizens]; Jesus said these words, and I also remember the words from a song, which said, “But the good die young”. You did just this in rushing to answer the call of duty, and for this every American and fellow officer from state to state should herald your bravery and implant your memory in their hearts and minds. God continue to bless your family and friends who had the passion of you touching their lives, and ever living memories of you to cherish always. I am sending this remembrance during the anniversary month of the end of your earthly watch, but we know your heavenly watch is eternal in the heavens. Stay on watch for all of us still trying to make heaven our home while still sojourning here on earth.
For every heavenly watch---
There is an earthly one---
Your fellow earthly Watcher...
August 28, 2004
Fellow Watcher
Zadok Watchman For the End Times
August 28, 2004
Denise, this is just another moment when I have found a way to speak to you. I often go home to N.C. and purposely go by Raleigh or Dunn to have a moment in your memory. I have found you to be an inspiration! I only hope that in my life that I can touch another the way you touched me.
St. Aug. c/o '95 CJ
Falcon Pride!
Nick Nixon
Chamblee, Ga. PD
May 29, 2004
Happy Beleated Birthday!!! I did not forget that your birthday is on January 4th, but I am simply leaving this reflection today on January 22nd, 2004. We are not getting older, we're just getting better. Thanks for allowing me your friendship in the short time that you did, but it was better than no time at all. I am a much better person because of you. Thank you for five wonderful years. We had our moments, but in the end we always remained close. Keep patrolling the streets of Heaven, because you are definitely an Angel. See you again someday.
January 22, 2004
Well, Denise you would have turned 33 years old this month if you were still physically here with us. Although your spirit lives on in me it will never be the same as having you here to actually share a conversation with. I am dealing with the fact that you are no longer here better and better every year. I finally went to St. Aug's homecoming in Sept. 03. It was a great gathering and I saw people that I had not seen since that sad day of your funeral, but it was time to go back and face the place where we had so many great memories. Denise, although you are gone you are never far from my heart. Keep looking down on me as I try to survive this world of today. If your family reads this tribute, I hope that they realize that you are still very much missed.
Love Ya!
Devonia L. Nixon
Saint Augustine's College c/o '94
Devonia Nixon
January 22, 2004
i would like to dedicate this reflection to the memory of officer holden, i went to high school with her at cape fear senior from 1987-89; we ran track together and she was a fine student-athelete. she also played softball, basketball and volleyball. in addition, she was in our high school naval r.o.t.c. unit for three years as well. i remember her best as a person with integrity and honor in any endeavor she pursued. she will be greatly missed.
ofc.c graham
metro nashville police dept.
The night Denise left us was a horrible night . I can remember the officers looks and how they seemed that they suddenly felt tired . In all the opinions of the accident that claimed her people should remember one thing - unless you are an officer you may never fully grasp what "officer needs assitance " means when it comes across their radio .Do not judge or ' monday morning quarterback ' this accident.
Just remember that she and every officer are there to protect you and once in awhile give them a smile or a wave or even a THANK YOU . It will be appreciated .
Theresa Liverman
Denise, seems like yesterday when I last saw you, but in reality it has been almost eight years. I just wanted to let you know that Raleigh is not the same without you. You are and forever will be greatly missed! Much love to you!
Devonia Nixon St. Augustine's College Cl