Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Arizona
End of Watch Thursday, June 30, 1988
Reflections for Deputy Vernon P. Marconnet
I miss my uncle Vern often. That day changed me forever. He was so good to this shy goofy kid. He taught me the joy of hard work with guys you love and the value of rubbing down a well fed cow daily…Tbone is still the best cow I’ve eaten in my entire life.
Bruce’s son
September 10, 2024
Rest in peace Deputy Marconnet.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 27, 2022
Follow up. The parole board has denied the killer’s parole again. He stays in prison.
Detective Sergeant Ryan Neville
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
January 25, 2021
On a zoom call right now listening to your murderer beg for clemency while blaming this monstrous act on “listening to his father” when he said to shoot you. Everything he is saying is to minimize his culpability. Ironic he now begs for the mercy he never gave you. He is talking about all the DOC Programs he has taken advantage of, in his words “I feel that I haven’t done enough” I suspect there was allot you would have enjoyed taking advantage of had he not cut your life short.
Detective Sergeant Ryan Neville
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
January 25, 2021
I attended your funeral service and was impressed by the “Missing Man Formation” by pilots from Luke AFB , done because you were an AF veteran, as am I. RIP Brother.
Ret. Det. Robert McCarty
Former MCSO Reserve Det and Williams PD Det.
December 18, 2020
Thank you for your service grandpa I do wish I had gotten to know you but unfortunately you were called back home. I hope you are resting in peace sir.
Benjamin Tigue
September 11, 2020
I stumbled across this site today and read the comments and reflections. I was overcome with emotions and tears while reading the posts about my father. What struck me the hardest was the guilt Kevin Mayo and others felt. It’s important for me to tell you that this was not your fault. What happened was caused by a murderous family with no regard for human life. I pray that you find peace and for what it’s worth know that you are forgiven.
Debbie Bulkley
Family Member
July 22, 2020
Thank you for your service and please know that sacrifice will never be forgotten. Rest in peace always.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
June 30, 2020
Mentor, friend and all around chops-buster. I think of you often and have a rubbing of your name from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC.
It's National Police Week 2019, so I'm speaking your name often this week, as:
"Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?" - Terry Pratchett
TCOII Joe Dumas
May 14, 2019
I'm very sorry for flagging you down in the evening of June 30th 1988. I should have just passed you by and you probably would be here today.I still live with the guilt and shame from that notorious day. I will be joining you real soon if I cannot get any help. My mistake has been not telling any of the many Doctors I had seen after the incedent. I see your face in nightmares every night.I hope you are at least resting in peace. God please help me...
Kevin Mayo
A concerned citizen that should have let it go.
January 9, 2019
Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you for your service, and May we always conduct ourselves in a manner which is respectful to your memory.
Sgt Nick P
January 7, 2019
I was assigned to the Narcotics Bureau when I was called to search for the killers. I along with many others that night were present when they were taken into custody. Several months later, I was re-assigned to Homicide and worked on the tail end of the investigation. I knew Vern from my days as a Detention Officer/Deputy Sheriff and on the court system. I have never forgotten that night or the man since. RIP
Former Deputy Sheriff Eric Siweck #730
MCSO former Deputy Sheriff #730
June 13, 2018
I cannot tell you the guilt I carried for being home with pneumonia that shift. I ALWAYS WORKED THE WEST SIDE CHANNEL, because you all had a special place in my heart! That’s all I can say at the moment, because almost THIRTY YEARS later I am grief struck! You were an asset to humankind! Not just as a phenomenal Officer, but as a human being. I will always miss you.
Shannon Laberee (Battaglia)
Former MCSO Dispatcher #3151
Shannon Laberee (Battaglia) #3151
MCSO former dispatcher
March 15, 2018
Nearly 30 years later and Phoenix Regional Police Academy recruits still run the “Memorial Run” to the Marconnet cross right before we graduate. We honor your sacrifice and carry your memory with us.
Officer H Tonn
Gilbert Police Department
December 30, 2017
Found the murder case of Officer Marconnet in my law schools case database. I am not using it to convict another individual who killed. RIP.
Danny de Julio
February 26, 2017
I think of you from time to time and remember how kind you were to me when I was a young pretrial services officer. We had some great laughs. I remember how close you were to retirement and how senseless was your death. I am a few months away from retirement myself and I realize how fortunate I am. Thank you for shaping my career.
DCUSPO Lori Wantland
Former co-worker
November 28, 2016
When I was a recruit attending Phoenix Regional Police Academy in 1994-1995, just prior to graduating, we did the "Marconnet Run" in remembrance of Deputy Marconnet. Rest in Peace, Sir.
Officer F.R. Marino
Phoenix Police Department
July 30, 2016
Proud to send my No Parole letter. Rest in peace brother, you have not been forgotten.
Snr. Ptlmn Donnie Meaders (Retired)
Wewoka, OK Police Department
July 30, 2016
I was a reserve officer in the early 80’s. Sgt Daugherty assigned me to ride with you my first shift. Man did you ever give me a hard time. Kept telling me you wanted nothing to do with a play cop. I gave back just as hard. By end of shift you made agreement with me that if I would put the time an effort in you would make something out of me. Months later after me working daily with you on patrol, everyone on the shift was calling us brothers. I went on to be a Yavapai County Deputy. I still often reflect back on some of the wild times, you meant allot to me. You have been in my thoughts many times. Sure miss you companionship.
Now a civilian
was a Reserve Deputy trained by Vern
May 11, 2016
It was always an honor to work with all MCSO Deputies of many during my tenure with ( Three MCSO Sheriffs ) as a west side Deputy Sheriff.
Deputy Vern Marconnet, and I had a unique and professional Law Enforcement Connection in the days.
Vern was always at his very best when things appeared to be at their worse. Sleep well my friend' God Bless you, and all the ones you love. You'll never be forgotten!
Deputy Sheriff 464
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office
February 22, 2016
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
SO 488
February 6, 2016
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
July 4, 2015
I was an MCSO Deputy (District one- #657) and met Vern at an annual shooting qualification in 1984. Funny, but I remember the introduction and him kidding me about my carrying a S&W 629 and being so slight of build. I shot a perfect score. Vern busted my chops up until we left the range, but ended it with a congratulations on my perfect score. I never spoke to him again, since he worked a different district. I went to Phoenix PD later that year.
On June 30, 1988, my partner and I were working the housing projects at 7ave/Southern (LULACS), when the call came out to assist an MCSO Deputy on the canal bank. We arrived directly behind an MCSO District 2 LT., and we discovered Vern. I recognized him and it took the wind out of me. I have never forgotten any of it.
I was just informed of a parole hearing for one of the Herreras today. I only wish I were there. None of the Herrera clan deserve a break. They are cold blooded murderers. I'll leave their forgiveness to the Lord.
Vern, is remembered by every recruit who runs by the spot where Vern was murdered. Vern's memory is honored and his sacrifice is remembered.
Vern, I wish I knew you better than the chance meeting and introduction in 1984. Regardless, I will never forget your sacrifice. RIP.
Officer Steve Konegni #4406 (Retired)
Phoenix PD retired / former MCSO #657
March 18, 2015
Sean Pearce, Deputy Sheriff
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
March 18, 2015
I was his partner that day...out of 7 beats it was only he and I covering D-2 Avondale. He took south and I north. I offered him to take north because he could go home and have lunch with Maryanne...he declined and as we walked out of the district he turned and said "go find a tree to hide under...until something bad happens they won't give a shit about staffing us".....those were the last words I heard from him...and they've haunted me ever since. A few hours later I heard his call for help and was first on scene. The first of several friends I buried over my career.
Sgt Craig Thatcher (RET)
March 18, 2015