Baton Rouge Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Monday, August 1, 1977
Reflections for Police Officer Linda A. Lawrence
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We lost another officer on Wednesday, and I thought of you and wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten or filed away in some dusty file. Rest in peace.
Lt. Stephen Jackson
Baton Rouge PD
August 16, 2005
A Million Times
A million times we've needed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could've saved you,
You would have never died.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
No one else could ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
Part of us went with you,
The day God took you home.
March 4, 2005
This tragedy is recreated on the "Ultimate Survivers" video. Because of her sacrifice, so many others have a better understanding of how such events can happen; we are better prepared to continue "our" work. We, as law enforcement officers, are fortunate to be surrounded by heros.
Tommy Carswell, Sergeant
Auburn, AL Police Dept
January 23, 2005
Officer Lawrence, your service to the profession was done with honor and pride. Rest in peace now, for it is our duty to complete what you started.
Lt. Stephen A. Joy
Prince George's County Police Department, MD
November 12, 2004
I am just reading your memorial today (Oct 14,2004). It is still as real and heartbreaking as I know it was when it first happened so many years ago.Thank you for your service. Rest in Peace Officer Lawrence.
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
(Author Unknown)
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun
Mother of a Police Officer
October 14, 2004
Linda, I rolled on your call that fatal day as I was working with the EBR Sheriff's Office at that time. Little did I know upon arrival that it was you. Growing up with you in Bogalusa and seeing you as you sang in the choir where we both attended church still occupies my mind.
As The Evening sun is setting and your path no more you trod,
May your name in Gold be written in the Autograph of God
Shelby L. Lott, Jr. Correctional Mentor
NC Department of Correction
September 30, 2004
God Bless You Officer Lawrence. Your brothers and sisters in law enforcement honor you, and the lessons your case provided have doubtless save many others. Rest in Peace.
Sgt. Bill Richardson
Anchorage, Alaska PD
September 7, 2004
May we never forget this brave Warriors sacrifice. May Her Family, Fellow Officers, And Friends have found Peace on this 27th anniversary. Rest in Peace Sister in Blue...
Officer Debra McFall Ross
East Buffalo Twp Police Dept
July 31, 2004
Dearest Linda,
I still remember the morning that you were murdered. I was working that morning and still remember all of the officers responding to the call. The tears, the deep anger, and loss of something that can never be replaced. You were a wonderful person and you will never be forgotten. I hope that the video they made on your death will prevent the same thing for happening ever again. As you are in heaven, please look after Vickie Wax who came home on May 22, 2004. May the Lord give you eternal rest.
Lt. Stephen Jackson
Baton Rouge Police Dept
June 2, 2004
I attended an officer survival class where they discussed Officer Lawrence. Everything she did was by the book (body armor wasn't 'in vogue' in '77). The suspect, on PCP, overpowered the officers. Linda Lawrence put up the good fight. She will always be my hero.
Linda, as you now know, Jesus Loves You. So do we!
Ret Officer RB Wade
Richmond, VA Police
August 31, 2003
I just read a detailed account of Linda's murder. Absolutely chilling-like something out of a horror movie. The subject was high on PCP and survived, among other wounds, a point-blank shot to the top of his head, and only went down when a shot broke his pelvis. Linda wasn't wearing body armor. Every one of us on the street should read about her sacrifice." It definitely had an impact on me. Godspeed Linda.
Officer M. B.
May your death never be thought in vain.
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