Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas
End of Watch Tuesday, January 25, 1994
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ricky A. Yates
Cant get you off my mind lately! Miss you like crazy! Hugs
January 25, 2011
I still can't beleive you are not with us today, but I'm comforted to know you are with Dad, Mom and Robert. Too many times I have wished we had spent more time together. As time goes by I also know we'll see each other again and catch up on old times. Luv ya. See ya later.
Dep. Larry Yates
January 25, 2011
That day is coming around again... you are remembered and missed so much... love you till I leave this earth....Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
January 11, 2011
Holidays over..... wish you were here,,, soon....love you ...Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
January 6, 2011
Missing you more than you know! It's been a rough year...Merry Christmas!
December 16, 2010
Thinking about you a lot lately! You have some of the greatest grand kids with such big hearts! All 4 of the older ones have made national honor society, you would be so PROUD of them! Miss you...tell Aunt Peggy Hi!
November 10, 2010
Holidays coming.... things will be better this year.... miss you more than words can say.....love you always....Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
October 28, 2010
Deputy Yates...Thank you for your service to Texas and to our country. What a great husband, father and officer you must have been. May your name be everlasting.
Dept. of Defense, Retired
October 2, 2010
I miss you so much! I really need one of your hugs right now Rick!
July 1, 2010
Happy Father's Day!!!! We miss you and love you so much! next weekend is allstars for the Taylor,Tori,Abby and Caleb! Busy busy week but anyways. Still in our thoughts .........ALWAYS and FOREVER! Hugs and kisses
June 19, 2010
Hey daddy, we miss you so much! Its so stressful right now. You would be so proud of your grandbabies and how well they play ball. All of them pitch, which is amazing and really good at it, they are talking about making Taylor starting pitcher for varsity..shes 13 throwing as fast as the college girls. Anyways i just need a little extra help and bump along from you .. Im worn smack dab out. Keep pushing me,,I need you :)
June 6, 2010
missing you alot lately.....just cant say sorry enough. love you
April 22, 2010
OMG.... 16 yrs. seems like yesterday. Miss you more than ever. Cody just had his 16th birthday and Holy Smokes----HES DRIVING! We miss you and always talk about you to the kids... Trenton asked me the other day how long would it take him to get to Heaven, he wanted you to see him drive his gokart! I couldnt help but laugh and cry all at the same time! Well its late and kiddos are tired, we are gonna head 2 bed.....tell Aunt Peggy we said hello and miss and love her too..
January 25, 2010
Missing you as usual. One of the hardest Christmas' yet! God I hate this for our kids, we have no "tradition" anymore. Shes not handling things well and feels so alone now that Aunt Peggys gone, so talk to her a little extra right now....she really needs it! I am so sorry you were taken from us that morning, I promise if I had it to do over again...I would......man so much different! Love You Always Amy
December 30, 2009
It's almost Christmas again and its just not the same.. Everything feels like its crumbling around me. I dont know how we are gonna make it through all this. Im really scared daddy. Just please make her be okay. Miss you
December 11, 2009
Happy Father's Day!! We love you and miss you! We are so PROUD to be able to call you Daddy.
June 27, 2009
Hey daddy,
Well tomorrow will be 15 years and it only seems to be getting harder. We had a really good Christmas this year. everyone got together like the old days. It was really nice, dont do that as much as we all should. We really miss you. The kids are doing good, its such a shame on what they had to miss out on not getting to know you. Well its getting late and its gonna be a long week, so just know we all love and greatly miss you!
January 24, 2009
Daddy I miss you...
December 14, 2008
It seems as though it was only yesterday that the angels took you home. I have always hoped that the angels were Mom , Dad and Robert. I say good morning to you every morning as I slide my hand over your name on the memorial wall on the building. I hope you feel it. It has been a little stormy lately. All are o.k. Anytime I met up with someone you worked with, They always express how they really liked working with you. You have many friends here.
I just stumbled across this site and thought I would say hi. love,Phillip
Senior Deputy Phillip Yates
Sibling Harris Co. Sheriff's Office
September 25, 2008
Miss you .... Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
September 23, 2008
We made it through another one... this one was the worse.... Quite a a bit of damage to the house this time.... but other than that all made it through with out getting hurt.... A tree got Amanda's and Amy's Expedition and Excursion and then Abby's bedroom.... not too bad ...all fixable.. Getting too old for these storms... miss you .. wish with everything in me you were here... well. good night .. till later... love you ..Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
September 19, 2008
Hello.. sweetheart.... another holiday behind me.. Texas dodge the bullet this time on the hurricane.. three more out there.... just a few lines to touch base and let you know how much I miss you.... days get longer with time... will get off now ... till later .. love you with all my heart.....Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
September 2, 2008
Hello baby... miss you so much wish you were here so bad... it can never be put into words... love you ...Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
August 10, 2008
hey daddy,
I miss u so much!! God I hate it that u arent here. Its rough right now, its almost school and Im dreading it. Abbs is doing ok, I think we have just about got her convinced to go to 1st grade. Anyways its getting late and tropical storm Eduaord is supposed to hit tomorrow have to finish preparing, just wanted to let u know we love you and greatly miss u!!!
August 4, 2008
Hey Sweetheart... just a quick note to let you know you are still in my heart always... miss you ... love you.... Charlotte
Charlotte Yates
June 25, 2008