Reno Police Department, Nevada
End of Watch Saturday, November 8, 1947
Reflections for Detective Captain LeRoy Joseph Geach
Thank you for your service and rest in peace always knowing that your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
November 8, 2020
Rest in peace Detective Captain Geach.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 9, 2019
I have laid down my life in service to all of you.
I have been a part of the fabric that has held the line between your safety and your victimization. I have given my life so that others may live in peace. I have lived my life as a dedicated member of the greatest profession. There is no greater honor.
As I now become a part of the rich history of law enforcement, please remember me always for I have left behind those who loved and depended upon me.
My partners and my agency, please remember my family, their loss, and don’t let time soften your compassion for them.
You guard the gate now and I will continue my watch from above.
Doug Gist, Captain (ret) Washoe SO
Silver State National Peace Officers Museum
May 9, 2013
Captain Geach, Bless you and the Reno Police Department. To all officers in the Reno Police Dept., thank you for everything you do for fallen officers. We know if there is a fallen officer in Northern California that the Reno Police Dept. will be there to pay respect to their brother or sister, to their family, and their agency.
Captain Geach's memory is still honored and revered in this 62nd anniverary year of his tragic death. What a devastating blow it must have been to lose two officers in the same incident.
Phyllis Loya
mother of Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05, Pittsburg PD
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
March 17, 2009
RIP.You will never be forgotten by the ones who love you and knew you.
January 4, 2009
You are remembered today and thank you Sir for your service
November 2, 2007
Grandfather...while you died before your time and before I was a twinkle in your Son's eyes, I pray for you often that you are guarding the gates of heaven after making the ultimate sacrifice. You are missed by all that knew your gracious way and those that looked to you for leadership. God bless you and keep our family safe in heaven.
Joseph L Geach III
October 11, 2006
How wonderful to read that your family
remembers you and your service to the citizens of Reno. You are to be honored and remembered as a hero.
Police Mom
March 13, 2006
Great Grandfather-
Although I never knew you, I think of you often. I am so proud that the City of Reno has allowed me access to your life. I look forward to sharing this memorial with my children. You will always be remembered. Thank you.
Leah Geach
US Federal Government
September 4, 2005
Capt. Geach,
You have not been forgotten. Our department was a stronger place because of your time there and your ultimate sacrifice.
God Bless.
Police Officer Ralph Willits
Reno Police Department