Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho
End of Watch Monday, January 5, 1981
Reflections for Game Warden Wilson Conley Elms
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That animals of the caliber of Dallas can be released from prison at all is sad testimoney of the low regard in which those who serve are held. May all those still on the front lines take heart in the supposrt of those who know your hardships and trials.
Weldon Gillispie
Family Of Conely Elms
July 31, 2007
Warden Elms;
Your passing was not in vain. The footprints you left upon our souls bare testemony to your kindness and dedication. I was a young man in SE Idaho when you fell in the line of duty. But your story, your life and your dedication left an indelible sense of purpose and duty upon us and today I strive to live up to the standards of professionalism you demonstrated, in every contact I make with every citizen. Though your physical body has been laid to rest, your legacy lives among us each day.
An Idaho Ranger
Park Ranger, Enforcement
September 6, 2006
The death of you and your partner gives cause for reflection on the duties of our profession. I will carry thoughts of your final situation with me as I perform the duties of my job. Men like your killer will get theirs in the end. It is a shame that he must disrupt the lives of so many to satisfy his selfish ambitions and cowardly actions. It is almost unconceivable that members of society will try to create a folk hero out of such a criminal.
Alberta Fish and Wildlife
July 15, 2006
I love Idaho but the legal system, in particular the jurys, disgust me. When I saw your cowardly killer released after so short a sentence for killing you, your partner and then escaping, I was sick. We also lost one of ours, Billy Degan, who was killed by another coward that an Idaho jury released. I can only hope that they receive justice in the next world.
Walt Setzer, Deputy (ret)
US Marshals Service
July 10, 2006
Rest in peace brother.
January 7, 2006
It's a shame that your killer was released. Laws NEED to change.
Rest in peace
January 5, 2006
I am saddened and angered that the murderer of this hero was released. What a tragic decision! However, God's vengeance is greater than man's. My prayers are with the family of this G.W. Elms family and his heroic partner. God bless you.
R. Dean Pesnell,
Officer/Chaplain Birmignham Police Dept.
Off. R. Dean Pesnell
Birmingham, AL Police Dept.
July 20, 2005
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Cor. 12:10
Chaplain John Elms
Chaplain John Elms
Metro Police Chaplaincy/Oregon COPS
June 20, 2005
I just read today, February 7, 2005, in the Boston Globe that your killer was released yesterday. It says, "he just wants to go live his life." Unreal, he kills two officers (execution-style) and now he gets to live a life!! Nice system you have in Idaho. How sad!!!
February 7, 2005
GW Elms,
There aren't words to thank you enough for your service and sacrifice.
To your family and friends,
I read news today that Wilson's murderer was paroled - for good behavior, of all things. I am so sorry. Life can be so unfair. I am praying that you can be at peace in the face of such tragedy.
Former LEO Wife
Central Ohio
February 6, 2005
I just watched the A&E story about your death. It is a shame that you had to die like you did, but I have comfort knowing that you were doing what you loved.
Thank you for watching over us!
Officer Adams
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