Stockton Police Department, California
End of Watch Friday, January 22, 1993
Reflections for Officer Arthur Paul Parga
Having just found this site I wanted to add my reflections. I worked with Art at Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office in both patrol and Investigations. Art was an outstanding Deputy who had a great talent for solving crimes. I was proud of him, and knew he would be a great police officer where ever he worked. He was also an outstanding athlete where we shared some great fun playing softball. I loved this man like a brother, and think of him often.
Deputy David Alcorn
Santa Cruz Sheriff
March 13, 2006
I had known Art since he had joined the Sheriffs Department in Santa Cruz Co. Art worked with my uncles and dad at office and became very close to our family. He was major roll in my decision to go into law enforcement...he was such a great roll model! I was deeply saddened when I heard about his death. Art, I just wanted to thank you for everything you taught was easier turning to you than my uncles or dad! Art you were not only a great officer, but also a great are deeply missed by all of us.
Officer Joe Flores
Santa Cruz Co Sheriffs Office
March 5, 2006
Although we were not well acquainted, one does not need to be close friends to recognize excellence in the Officers with whom one worked.
In testimony to his excellence and the deep impression he left on both friends and acquaintances alike, I can honestly say that Art's death left a empty space in our department that could never be filled. Sadly, SPD lost several officers in a very short time and clearly, none were more highly regarded than Art Parga. My prayers are with his family; he will never be forgotten
Telecommunicator (retired) Cyndi Hawk
Stockton P.D.
April 27, 2005
I have never met you sir, but for some reason decided to check the ODMP page for Officers that have been taken from my home town. I was greatly saddened to read the cause of your death as a fellow SWAT Officer and to know that you served my home town, a town in which I grew up in. I know that it has been some time since your death, but even after more than ten years you are not forgotten for the sacrfices you made, nor will you ever be forgotten.
Officer Robertson
Temple Police Department
February 9, 2005
Never met you, but I met your brother. We both lost family that year and attended COPS in 94. I am sure he misses you like I miss Dee.
Agent Clark Lund
UItah Highway Patrol
June 14, 2004
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Tonight, January 22, 2004 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Officer Arthur Paul Parga who died in the line of duty on this date eleven years ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Officer Parga's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
January 22, 2004
I was the Captain in charge of Field Services when Art was killed. It was especially tragic in that Art was a lateral transfer from Santa Cruz County and had moved to the valley for affordable housing for his young family. He quickly adapted to his newly-adopted department and the department likewise realized quickly how bright and capable Art was. He quickly became at FTO and then FTO coordinator. This is where I worked closely with Art and enjoyed the chance to see his great outlook, attitude and capabilities. He was excited at becoming a member of SWAT and did a great job there also. Art's life came tragically to a close upon entry into a house where the Regional narcotics task force had obtained a warrant. As Art entered a bedroom to clear it he was confronted by the resident who immediately fired at Art from a .357 mag. revolver. At the same time Art fired back in what was later determined to be the round that killed the assailant. The other backup officer who fired did not hit the suspect. I still miss the infectious smile and positive attitude that Art regularly displayed. On that day we lost a great officer, great family man and great human being. Art, you will not be forgotten.
Captain Ralph Womack
Stockton Police Department
Officer "Art" Parga was a hero to me and to our
department. He was a great teacher and mentor.
Officer Tina Zakhary
Stockton Police Department