Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Meant to say, Officer Cook, your excellent character, heart and soul of humility and pride was your power source of consistency throughout your humanely blessed life and career of acumen, alacrity and vision. Dade County and your loved ones have treasured your memories and will forever miss you and your handsome face and bright smile. They were blessed with all the honesty, savvy and sacred dignity and integrity that powered your batteries of bravery and boldness. Badge#1664 was respectful, mindful and extremely tenacious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel floating above as you eternally walk your perfect beat.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2024
Revere one who is resourceful, resilient and well rounded in principles, honesty, dignity and integrity. You excellent and outstanding character, commitment and all trustworthy convictions, Officer Cook, helped to spare and protect the citizens of Dade County from evil. You'll not be forgotten and will be saluted proudly for maintaining valor, virtue and wisdom beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2024
While searching for truth, trust and its directional definitions that include dignity, integrity and honest character one must fortify mankind and humanity with the branches of bravery, commitment and intelligent convictions all of which you most solemnly possessed throughout your life and professional career, Officer Cook, serving the residents of Dade County. A much cherished community where you lived and thrived. Your life sadly ended because of violence and evil perpetrated by a sadistic man bent on taking lives of individuals who are angels here on earth and in heaven where they gave their loyalty and esteem for us to pursue peace and safe trails for everyone. You'll not be forgotten, Officer Cook and will surely be saluted for sacred wisdom, virtue and the validity of vision and ingenuity, it's intuition's gifts from Our Maker. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family bless their hearts has carried you and your heroic legacy in their everyday happiness, health and prosperity. Heaven has a servant who excelled in everything you set out to become.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2024
You took pride in all that you achieved in doing, Officer Cook. There was your life and career of distinction serving the good folks of Dade County in branching out to create well being, stability and peace among humanity which has greatly missed you along with your beloved and esteemed family. Let honor, dignity, integrity and true character be etched among the many heroic men and women of the past who brought a new lease on life. Journeys, missions and faithfully discharged goodwill all seeking their blessed and humanely loyal opportunities to provide protection for us all. We salute your diligence, virtue and vigilance as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2024
Virtue that balanced vision, value and versatility all while humbly and heroically serving the citizens of Dade County where you lived, Officer Cook. The distinction of dignity, integrity and humility of honor made you the much beloved and respected public servant in your department who gave his life of character, commitment and trustworthy convictions to provide the shelters of serenity and safety for mankind. We salute your loyalty, esteem as your family treasures your memory and the legend of a truly genuine soul one with an unwavering, yet compassionate heart that patrols heaven as one of God's many angels of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One thing regarding sanctity it is to be utilized with the utmost care and reverence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2024
Grace, gratitude and grit along with heroic gumption carried you, Officer Cook, throughout your career and life of dignity, honor and humble integrity as you served the people of Dade County providing peace and blessed stability. Always so loyal and engaging, you enriched and enhanced mankind's landscape to be revered and saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, truth and trust were your awareness, acumen and accentuations in your days and years of wisdom, vision and sacred virtue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2024
It was Officer DiGenova's birthday Sunday and we have spoken many times of that terribly tragic when you, Officer Cook, sacrificed your heart, soul and integral dignity in order for Dade County's folks to live peacefully healthy and safer lives of humbly blessed distinction. A kind and gentle soul who rests in heaven with his parents and other loyal and cherished colleagues who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Character and commitment are the tenacities of both trust and true vigilance. Again rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 was complete with courtesies, values and reverence to always be shared with others who don the uniform and badge proudly, humbly and most bravely.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2024
A public servant who is heroically supreme and superior is quite declarative. You, Officer Cook, were born with a heart and soul of both destiny and passion but being compassionate also allowed you to patrol Dade County with unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting character, conviction and commitment to see that its citizens were afforded safety, security and serenity to live their lives. Your family, friends and comrades will never forget the angel who served, preserved and saved their lives that tragic day. I spoke on Sunday to Officer Keith DiGenova, your heroic friend, colleague and partner he shared some bad news as your comrade and friend, Officer Robert Edgerton passed away a month ago. All very sad as the two of you are angels looking down on your true and trustworthy families as they travel down trails of perseverance and pursuits of enriching lives. You enhanced mankind with faithful devoted and most diligent professionalism to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2024
Blessed, bold and heroic. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was the epitome of honor, integrity and dignity all combing the roads and streets for peace and safe harbors for all Dade County to respect and solemnly revere a great young man who sacrificed his heart, soul and humbleness to make freedom and convictions a living reality. You had uplifting and convincing character and charm that was robbed from your family, colleagues and the entire world at too young of an age. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We won't forget your supreme talents all now angelic as you patrol the gates above.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2024
Grace and gallantry combined with heroic heart, soul and humility all blessed and talented that went into your performances, Officer Cook, protecting Dade County as only a man of character, integrity and dignity must act always. Class, decency all creating the paths and trails of truth and trust from an unselfish man of charm, diligence and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2024
A sincere, sweet young man dedicated to protecting and proudly serving his beloved Dade County giving his heroically blessed heart and soul to uplift safety, dignity and integrity for all its people. Your family, Officer Cook, will forever remember your handsome and smiling face one filled with joy, character, charm and personality. The commitments all loyal and esteemed shall be so honored and poignantly saluted for their accomplishments and virtue. May Our Lord shine His grace upon your spirit as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of true trust and allegiance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2024
The standards and letters of the laws must be followed and honesty, integrity and dignified character must accompany all law enforcement personnel on their patrols for freedom, safety and the pursuits of happiness. Your intensity and intuitive nature, Officer Cook, was all humbly blessed and serenely loyal to your community of Dade County and all your fellow officers who teamed with a true and trustworthy hero of heart, soul and unwavering dedication. An unselfish gentleman of determination, devotion and faithful diligence that had vigilance and virtue supporting its pillars of sanctity and missions of hope and goodwill that won't ever be forgotten. Saluted for clarity and esteem and always adored and loved by your family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2024
Sincerity is reality and heroism is humbly blessed honesty, integrity and dignity. The letters of life and a sound professional career, Officer Cook, you steadfastly maintained with character, loyalty and by protecting Dade County with esteem, truth and trustworthiness that has been and will forevermore be solemnly saluted for its sacred virtue, wisdom and vision from a gentleman of faith, devotion and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2024
A multitude of fortitude will only increase a humble and honored hero's success and you achieved, Officer Cook, because of integrity, character and dignity which created the bonds of safety and civility for all Dade County. You will be saluted for sacred journeys all blessed with God's tender loving compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth, trust took you well down the roads of resolve and resiliency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2024
Truth, trust and tenacity follow honesty, dignity and integrity down the trails of justice served in a proper manner. You secured Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your might and outstanding character and sterling commitment. Our pursuits in life are safe and serene because of your career and life scripted in wisdom, virtue and vision. We salute you forever and never will forget your faithfulness, desire and humane dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of conviction, ingenuity and fortitude.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 29, 2024
Alert and aware, acumen and bravery beyond the expected performances you gave everyday, Officer Cook, acquitting yourself with relentless and unselfish dedication, determination and honorable devotion to all Dade County. A man and whose heroic exploits shall remain saluted and forevermore paid homage. Integrity, character and the truths behind your trails of trust and dignity that must be followed by every loyal and esteemed servant who wears a badge of heart and humility as you wore for six years of faithful and energetic service to mankind and your family who have missed you very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2024
The mountains and hills are tough to navigate at times but with extra effort, diligence and thoughtful resiliency the jobs can be accomplished. You, Officer Cook, surely succeeded in your life and career though sadly and callously cut short because of one really evil human being. Dade County and its citizens were safely protected by your decency, integrity and the character of a most dignified and honorable public servant who chased after our serenity, liberty and freedoms for which we pursued our very happiness. The challenges remain daunting let us pray the commitment, trust and truth of those who now serve matches the efficiency you gave day in and day out. Wisdom and vision beyond your youth from a loyal, esteemed and dedicated ambassador for mankind which misses your charismatic smile, heart and unselfish compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism that floats as an angel forever preserved by God's perfect compassion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 27, 2024
A man of meaningful heroic mettle and honesty so treasured and valued who always was loyal, humble and most respected by his peers and supervisors. You surely were a brave and one dignified warrior, Officer Cook, who imbued the kind of class, decency and dignity that supported your pillars of goodwill, hope and faith. Having integrity, character and truly trustworthy commitment standing between you and all the dangers you faced surely made you the gentleman you will forever be and saluted for being wise and virtuous beyond your youth. At 25 you were still young and destined to reach higher for accomplishment of which you succeeded mightily on all your missions and journeys sacred and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly devoted and forever missed by your beloved family they look up at the skies above and see their beautiful angel, "Uncle Bo" shining his heart and soul upon their pursuits of happiness and well being blessed by your legendary heroic spirit.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 26, 2024
The whole world misses you terribly, Officer Cook. You were their hero, your family's brave an and humble warrior, Dade County's public servant of undying, unselfish and unwavering dignity, integrity and the strongest of both character and commitment clearly trusted and transparent. Our very pursuits in life we pray they are peaceful and legit were created by your sense of pride and accountability all dependability of a notable legend of heroism authentic and real every day you gave virtue, wisdom and vision a faithfully uplifting name in Our Lord's name and compassionately watchful eyes as now as His heroic angel may your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What constitutes goodness, goodwill and journeys of destiny you certainly reached yours though tragically you left this world too soon because of violence and heinous evil while performing your supremely humane and loyal duties towards mankind and your treasured community where you'll be saluted for eternity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2024
A gentleman who breath of boldness, heart of heroism and soul of humane dignity, integrity and character touched the serenity and liberty of all Dade County. You truly were a man, Officer Cook, on a mission of faithful devotion motivated to perform God's will and who was able to tap into your resources of wisdom, vision and to reach the means of defining a loyal angel who now walks your sacred beat above assisted by Our Maker who guards your spirit with His merciful compassion. Always remembered and saluted for valid truth, trust and pathways of unselfish persistence and unrelenting talents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You will never be forgotten by your adoring family and treasured friends and humble comrades.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2024
No poems. Just straight facts about you, Officer Cook, honest, dignified and a hero constructed with the beams of character, true trust integrity that protected Dade County with an unwavering and most loyal, esteemed and cherished heart and soul to be forever saluted for values of versatility and vehicles of wisdom, humility and blessings that saved people from violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2024
The places its sacred trust in the sacred and solemn oaths undertaken by all law enforcement personnel. Therefore, safety, security must all be accompanied by one's heroic heart of integrity, dignity, character and loyal commitment as you so faithfully and humbly demonstrated, Officer Cook, for six years of esteemed, dedicated and devoted service to protect the inner core of your beloved Dade County community where you remain treasured, beloved and serenely adored by your family, friends and colleagues of the past. Those who have succeeded have high expectations hoisted upon their shoulders of wisdom, vision and versatility entrusted with carrying out their duties of peril to the fullest and with a standard level of highly integrated values, morals, scruples and principles. Never forgotten and you'll always be saluted for bravery following your trails and treks wherever they were essential to curtail and corral violence, corruption and heinous evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. an honorable gentleman with a most serious heart and soul of compassion and conviction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2024
A staunch and stellar man of class, decency, dignity, desire and integrity but most of all honorable character followed you, Officer Cook, all of your life and public service career throughout Dade County's streets serving as your vehicle of virtue, versatility and humbly blessed and sacred vision such wisdom and ingenuity that can never be forgotten as we salute you for heroic endeavor that created the environments and elements of peace, stability and the loyalty of a friendly gentleman gifted, talented and always unselfish in your daily patrols and watch over us. Now as a heroic angel may Our Lord keep you under His wings as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and truth are trust combined to succeed mightily and you fought tooth and nail for us and mankind which along with your family has missed your handsome and engaging smile.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 20, 2024
The gold standard was set by your unending and unselfish heroic perseverance, proficiency and high productivity, Officer Cook, in maintaining calm and safety for all Dade County and mankind which will never forget the spirit by which your heart and soul followed you on your esteemed and loyal patrols. Our Maker has you safely sheltered under His compassionate wings where your humbly blessed honor, dignity, integrity and character walk that perfect beat above. Truth and trust, commitment and conviction all cherished forevermore as is your legacy of desire, determination and dedication, such fortitude that your earthly journeys possessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 19, 2024
The heart and heroic soul of yours, Officer Cook, was most humbly blessed and instrumental in reigning in terror and evil here in Dade County. Your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and your fellow comrades, Officer DiGenova and Edgerton were most appreciative for your dignified and loyal assistance for without integrity and virtue where else could they rely upon? You'll forever be remembered and sacredly saluted for carrying out your earthly missions of goodwill, resolve and wisdom with unwavering and unselfish compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 18, 2024