Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Two hands, two feet with trusted and true lips of learning and honor that provided the basis for your entire life and six year career of promise and principles, Officer Cook, heroic and yet meticulous, a man with gallantry and a soul of wisdom so full of humility and dignity that went after peace with all the integrity that could be relied upon. Dade County still has faced many times of torment, turmoil and even terror, you were there present and accounted for to deliver upon your sacred oath, keeping the oars paddling further upstream looking to shield adversity from our midst. Valiant and virtuous, a man of devoutness and fairness, faithful and yearning to always give his excellence to the causes of your aspirations.Your blessed name has been forever etched in your family's heart and at your department for all to witness and to solemnly and fondly remember a life of humbleness given to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2021

Violence has no winners only those who pay the ultimate price losing their lives to protect and to safeguard their areas of assignment. The challenges are tall,the tasks at times are quite difficult and yet through it all you made an impression upon the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, that has been felt and forever will be felt even after forty plus years since you gave your life for security and tranquility. When one man of heart and conviction gives up their most cherished resource and happiness we must be homage to their truth and trust as your dignity and integrity did not die in vain. Virtue is eternal and I'm sure God id rewarding your soul and spirit as two components that conquered adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2021

When everything seems to be in order never once assume it is. For all the training, classroom work and actual practice on the roads, even the most diligent and vigilant of public servants cannot allow as light slip up to hinder the hunts for serenity. You searched and pursued harmony, freedom and unity on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, with morals, scruples and the pride you took in wearing a pristine uniform and badge of passion,heart and character. Your soul and spirit of honesty, integrity and reverent dignity is for eternity being blessed and rewarded by the Lord Himself for a life and career of humility. A strength not everyone has. Police officers have to maintain and possess a certain package of perseverance and endeavor to make in roads toward winning and defeating such an obstinate enemy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2021

When that hour is near zest, zeal, vim and vigor must be ready to summon up their sacred callings. For when evil and wickedness strike all duly honored public servants must be on board and totally prepared to serve their communities as you were, Officer Cook, heroic and dignified, intense and intuitive. Dade County had your eyes, ears, heart and soul of bravery patrolling its streets and avenues where your humble acumen,vision and wisdom were all present and aware. Such an outstanding gentleman of class, character and pure dedication never to be forgotten only saluted with solemn loyalty and one to be revered and cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2021

A degree may indicate you've studied more for something let alone reached the academic pinnacle of your life which in turn may lead to a brighter future. Police work is a blessing and a reward and yet it tests one's physical and mental stamina and toughness when faced with adversity. Your smile alone was sensational, Officer Cook and yet a man composed of heart,respect and character took the time to learn,train and practice his skills before hitting the pavements that are difficult at times to navigate around. With a full head of steam, your wisdom and visions of maturity, honesty and the chains of courage,dignity and integrity were abundantly clear. The goal was to seize evil before it struck society leveling it nastiness against those desiring to live and to thrive in everlasting tranquility. A gentleman to be saluted for valor, virtue and a plethora of diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

There is no substitute for honesty, integrity and dignity. The character of that person demonstrating such remarkable traits is the person who will likely encounter success in their humble endeavors. Here on earth while you out on the streets patrolling Dade County, Officer Cook, your heroism and humble heart were the core ingredients to peace and a sense of stability. Never magical only practical. Your source of brightness and candor has been surely missed though forty-eight years ago it began its journeys, missions and resolve and then blossomed into a haven for which your legacy of everything in character, conviction and commitments to excellence and pride mounted their serious challenges. tasked with treating terror, torment and turmoil with a stern approach, your goodwill and hope now all angelic are supporting those who serve the purpose, those whose passion tries to uplift and enhance the trails of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

A concern is displaying a serious interest in something. You had the public's pulse at heart, Officer Cook and because of this Dade County and its people could never go wrong. But, that day everything went wrong and you gave your sacred life, career,honesty and the total decency of morals, dignity and integrity that all were stellar and outstanding as you defended the lives of both your comrades and the folks whom you served with pride and humility of everything in your heart and soul of heroism now working with the Lord Himself to watch over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A little soul searching can definitely travel a long way down those paths of righteous virtue,valor and vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

No chinks in your armor, Officer Cook. Though to think if they had side panels back then serving out your career and continuing to live a healthy life with Karen would certainly have been indeed a most treasured blessing. The rewards for your fruits of labor serving and preserving life in Dade County where peace and prosperity are not just some puzzle pieces. The hints of your heroism were focused and centered around honor, integrity and dignity stall warts in your critical occupation where sometimes peril lurks around our very noses and corners. Just so much truth,trust and ferocity fueling your exploits in order for us to witness true emancipation and never calamity. Always respected, saluted and paid the highest of homage for carrying a mighty heart and soul into your daily affairs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

To retain and to remember may save a life also to be supportive of your fellow officers is of equal importance. The essence of your solemn life and versatile career, Officer Cook, lied deep down in both your humble heart and blessed soul of virtue, comprehension and a certain understanding. Knowing when your voice of reason, your tones of dignity and integrity would be summoned to take their places front and center to do battle with the likes of adversity and its evil that follows behind. Some place right this moment your spirit is flashing that big old smile, a grin from ear to ear encouraging your parents to keep up the good work in your cherished name and all the principles that made you who you are not just were. Badge#1664 served with practicality, it protected with perseverance undying, unyielding and unselfish, all tireless and engaging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines observing their loved ones humble, humane and caring.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

Your professional peers, Officer Cook, had nothing but excellent words to speak regarding your humble, honored and solemn life and career heroically defending the virtues, safety and the harmony of Dade County. It was not just your venue it was a place where your destinies all took flight. Things were just taking off, six years demonstrating your abilities, wisdom and vision applied to the problems at hand. With a heart and soul now legendary, you began creating waves of welcome relief. The serenity from home to home, door to door could be felt and realized. Uncanny sense and a wealth of maturity supporting your every movement. Each cornerstone and foundation you soundly built has lasted and will stay mounted for generation after generation as mankind salutes your sacred aspirations and noble passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Six years of service, twenty-five years of a well lived but short life was not supposed to end as it did even though you were devout and faithful accepting the Lord's grace and His calling for your spirit to serve an angelic purpose.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

The moon surely illuminates our darkest of nights and your most honored and very heroic soul, Officer Cook, has kept your family and Dade County aglow. Such a travesty your death and for all your acumen, dignity and integrity you'll always be highly regarded, a legacy of fortitude and perpetual motion. Morals, values and the righteous heart and noble soul forever shared that make that difference in how we could continue to live our very lives and to pursue our causes,purposes and passions. They very same that were never squandered by a virtuous and reverent gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Whatever the occasion your reliable versatility and accountability always cherished and completely humble shined proudly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

The winds blow, the rain comes and the voice and humble aura of a man with God given talents permeating his community, they will be felt for eternity. Where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, is where Dade County visits your grave and offers prayers of comfort and solace for your soul, heart and spirit of admiration, virtue and vision. Such understanding and the depths of dignity, honesty and integrity gracing the landscape of your area you called home. No matter the predicament, the dilemma, you figured out how to solve and to resolve conflict before it worsened. That day, Officer Cook, you did all in your power to stop a diabolical and wayward man. Our Master called you home after seeing your journeys and destinies as completed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

A horse gallops. Gallantry rides gently upon a community's roads,streets and various venues. Versatility and virtue are supposed to be durable, capable and able to perform their feats of ferocity at all times. No matter the circumstance honesty, integrity and dignity must step into that ring and acquit themselves nobly and proudly. Your performance in the field that day that you made the ultimate sacrifice and everyday, Officer Cook, was very humane, heroic and always had a certain fortitude for a man with a sterling reputation for success without looking for applause. God has granted your heart,soul and spirit its slumber for doing your part,your responsibility all in God's humble compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and badge#1664 are forever united in the bonds of bravery, boldness and a pronounced maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

The battles and wars over violence and terror are not yet done, as their conclusions just keep interrupting the goodwill, faith and esteem that humanity yearns so much for. Dade County had a most respected officer within its ranks of relevance, resiliency and resolve fighting until your last ounce of breath. Officer Cook, you are forever your family's guardian angel in heaven, a hero with a unique perspective on life and a man whose heart, soul and virtue are being secured for safekeeping in heaven's tranquil shelter's of versatility, sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of commitments to excel and the pride that rides upon the wings of welcome integrity, dignity and honesty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

Officer Cook, your whole life and career as a Dade County public servant was highlighted by everything from being a decent man. A loyal and noble comrade to all who served with you, a consummate spark plug of perseverance who never let negative draw you down nor detour your roles of truth and trust to create a bond of stability and security for mankind. Goodwill, hope and faithfulness all escalated your paths of persistence, humane honor and the desire to possess and to maintain quality of dignity and integrity which helped to accentuate and to enhance your chances of defeating evil. A uniform and badge treasured, blessed and forever admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

Reality is the gut check of rationale and common sense. All your earthly missions, journeys and trails of truth, justice and trustworthiness, Officer Cook, were humbly and heroically blessed and rewarded by Our Creator. The God in heaven watches over us as individuals who rely upon You for our daily salvation and sustenance. You were surely a most devout and loyal public servant, Officer Cook, counted on to protect the inner fibers of Dade County's own dignity, integrity and honor. They were in your cells of courage and in both your soul and heart of heroism, reverence and virtue's versatility. They never lacked wisdom, vision nor imagination. Such a determined young man who would have been so valuable to society today,your family, colleagues, peers and humanity do miss you terribly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

Heinousness is not a hallucination and humility is honesty, dignity and integrity multiplied many times over. Your career, Officer Cook, was sadly ended by violence after six years of devoted and dedicated service to the citizens of Dade County. Many more years of toil, tenacity and virtue would have been wonderful it's what the good Lord had in mind for a gentleman with a stellar character, a good heart and a well meaningful soul of serenity who will forevermore be solemnly and fondly remembered and saluted for both tireless and unselfish heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2021

A drop of humility humbles an already golden heart. Such a loyal and gentle soul, Officer Cook, making a distinct impression forevermore to be revered, admired and greatly cherished in Dade County. A gentleman with sacred journeys, common sense continuing to inspire from above.It was an indignation that took you from your wife,family and peers. The pain and heartache so acute yet you probably are smiling wondering if they are ok! Such a smile yet serious when danger needed to be eliminated from our society. No one who has dignity, charm and integrity will be placed on the dust of a shelf and forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

The hours, seconds and minutes of time never stand pat nor still for every moment the world keeps going onward, forward with destinies and missions sometimes too hard to ponder. You were thoughtful and a positive thinker, Officer Cook, never letting negativity creep into your heart and soul of ingenuity and intuition. It was a blessing indeed and for your heroism and virtue, may God's countenance shine down on your spirit of sound decisions and the semblance of serenity we all shared and desire for our blueprints of life to be realized. You'll forever be recognized for compassion and passion never better. A man with a solid foundation who built tunnels of tenacity to be fondly remembered and saluted for their discretion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

You gently cuddle and cradle a baby. One who serves humanely humbly preserves the very integrity, dignity and character of that particular community of which they share the burdens of honor, faith and hope. All the goodwill granted by Our Maker, Officer Cook and He led your paths of sacred journeys forevermore. Dade County was where your durability, access and accountability shined brightly like never before. Peace and freedom from your tireless heart and soul and from the scopes of unselfish commitments all trusted and all sincerely truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

Practical and prudent, such perseverance and proficiency always cherished and virtuous, never a drop of dissent. Always above the crowd in maturity, it shall remain as a reminder as to why you were so sincere and so valued as a consummate public servant, resourceful and loyal to a tee. Dade County, your department and peers all trusted your truthful acumen,astuteness and awareness, Officer Cook, their hero and your family's too. Integrity that invited a spirit of character, charm and personality in their homes and your humble house where you and Karen entertained as a loving and much respected couple. Humility and heart squarely placed in harm's way to create that vibe of noteworthy patience. A compassion that every man and woman who protects must carry along with their shiny badge of honesty and a uniform of harmony and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

Everything from blessings,punishments and rewards lies in God's giant hands. His compass never goes astray, never is out of kilter, basically it stays forever unbroken. But life,a career and a marriage to a beautiful and a lovely woman in your beloved Karen, Officer Cook, to this very day there can be no rhyme or reason why senseless violence and heinousness was committed against you and your colleagues who were nearly taken by this just pure evil individual. Dade County, your family and comrades all needed your guidance and direction. they looked to you to lead, to motivate and because of morals, mettle and everything in both the fibers and fabrics of humility, a strong heart and soul, sacred journeys, missions of hope and goodwill have all been jettisoned above for eternity where your spirit rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Reverence, conviction, charm and character remain untouched, safeguarded by Our Creator until your family reunites with you and your beloved parents may they too rest in peace. Honor, dignity and integrity remain untarnished and forever special and treasured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

A humble dose of wisdom and the sweetness of refreshing vision validated your trails of maturity which were honorable, trustworthy and truthful right to the very end of your life and career. By the way, Officer Cook, Officer Piloto works in the real estate business and he retired if I'm correct after working 27 years for Dade County and I'm sure he never has stopped thinking of his buddy. You too probably would have retired in 2000. He retired on my sister Michele's 38th birthday. And we buried my mother Bernice, may she and my dad Owen both rest in peace on November 30th what would have been your 50th birthday wow! Dade County had such a man for the job so loyal, honored and esteemed, a man whose dignity and character were worldly respected. So venerable, versatile and valiant. A lovely smile,charm and a heart of gold and warmth all taken too early with more on your radar screen left to accomplish. God needed another heroic angel to patrol the streets of perfection and badge#1664 received the call to join the thin blue line. All backgrounds, races, creeds and humility and heart encircling a world tormented by anger, violence and baseless bloodshed that leaves honest and genuinely hard working folks as victims. This must cease at once. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

As your comrade back then Officer Frank Piloto said if only he were there to hold your hand and to save you from harm. His colleague Officer Bill Cook, was always right on top of circumstances,issues and perilous situations with downright dignity,ingenuity,integrity and the humbleness that your special positions require. Such a commitment to nobility,civility and accountability was all handled by your remarkable virtue, versatility and the validation of boldness creating the never broken band of boldness and conviction that permeated around truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Dade County will never forget its hero,a find gentleman and a superb human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

Simplicity in life is getting up every morning and offering a solemn prayer to Our Lord that He will watch over you as He leads our very lives of passion, sanctity, purpose and humility. With your kind and carefully considerate character, Officer Cook, Dade County could thrive more in tranquility than to worry about evil and any residual affects from its adversarial domination. But than again you were the consummate and caring professional public servant geared to valor, virtue and faithfulness who was relied on to defend our liberties of which you steadfastly maintained. The heavens above are where your integrity, honor and dignity all rest in peace along with your heart and soul my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

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