Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Heaven is where finality meets its Maker. Where angels heroic and perfect rest soundly with God at their side. He has you, Officer Cook, heroically tucked by His arms for safekeeping where no more harm will ever advance your direction. Honor, bravery, durability, dignity and pure desire carried integrity through Dade County's pavements searching the missing ingredients of ingenuity, intuition and intellect that make all the difference in the world. You lived twenty-five years of fruition and humility from a heart and soul sounder than a drum. The beat goes on and with it may we pray wickedness and wanton terror is totally eliminated from the landscape of our very culture. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
One right move accentuates a positive thrust within the borders of mankind. But, one wrong turn and disaster can ruin a perfectly good day. One hot and sunny day, May 16,1979 and there you were, Officer Cook, answering a domestic call voluntarily and giving your life for Dade County folks to enjoy the fruits of their toil and sweat. Your integrity, dignity and diligence fortified a whole area where peace and quiet is not always so easy to come by. Your family, colleagues and friends my neighbor, friend and hero look back upon your reliable character, trustworthiness and sincerity from a heart of amazing feats and humble fearlessness. Scruples, mettle and values really do matter nothing can bring you back nor that handsome face witha brilliant smile. Heaven holds your spirit close to its vest where you rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
A word to the wise is sufficient. A notice to those evildoers is like shooting bullets at Superman. They never seem to have an affect. You made an impact upon civilization and your beloved community of Dade County, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was honesty, directed at violence and dignity, integrity and character launched toward any advances of terror. You did your part very well and are to be commended, saluted and humbly bestowed as an angel which you were forty-two years ago when Our Master called your virtue, vigilance and versatility home to His nest to patrol His golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility endears itself to one's heart of gold and your soul of vision and wisdom enhanced our very lives of happiness, hope and purpose.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
The clock strikes midnight that does not mean all is safe and serene. The jobs forever twist in the winds where wickedness looks to strike its blows of callousness. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook and such a sacred gentleman most proud and humbly passionate of his work protecting us from adversity. Evil and violence spin their webs of cowardness while an honest young man strove for a semblance of tranquility and unity for all society. We'll be indebted to your tireless heart, trusted soul and spirit of boldness for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
Donate your earthly time to worthwhile causes for we never know when those missions and journeys will be deemed as finished by Our Creator. Since God Himself guides our fates and destinies we must make honesty, dignity and integrity count as much as character, conviction and solemn commitment which you always gave to Dade County, Officer Cook, their hero and your beloved family's. Cherished and admired for wisdom, fortitude, the virtue and strong heart and soul that founded newer cornerstones to be for a safer future. You keep watching as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's angel humane and humble, dedicated and determined to find truth and trust in the streetsof your community where you remain esteemed and revered.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
Today is Veteran's Day. A day to honor our heroes of honor, humility and reverence who served our country such as your dad, Charles, may he and your mother Julia rest in peace along with you Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly, your service, dignity and integrity always possessed the essential bases of bravery, character and commitments to pride and excellence never letting the citizens of Dade County be without peace and prosperity all virtue and all now angelically blessed above by Our Lord. Your earthly journeys, missions of hope and heart, soul and goodwill will be saluted and paid their due homage for everyday we humanely honor your sacrifice which enhanced and uplifted humanity's charm and gratefulness, your smile has certainly been missed by your loved ones as they carry on with your heroic legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2021
The heavenly court hears everything, it sees everything and its deliberations are founded in fairness, truth and the trust of Our Creator's compassion and mercy. Your heart, soul and reverence, Officer Cook, was honorable, heroic and very efficient. Dignity so devoted.Loyalty and integrity like blankets that kept the coolness and calmness during tense times. You never be overlooked after all you lived a life of exemplary behavior, you brought pride to your parents as a good son would do. Your mother's letter to me spoke humbly of your heroism and praised your onuses and reliabilities. The consistant work of a loving angel gone way too early. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
It is not good to be just average you must excel beyond the expectations and demands that your department and the community places upon your expert shoulders of truth and trust, character, commitment to excellence and the virtues of honesty, integrity and dignity which brought a semblance of harmony delivered by you, Officer Cook. A hero whose life and heart was the embodiment of true patience, true perseverance and founded by unwavering endeavor. God knows and He has uplifted the humble spirit of badge#1664. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and its residents had at least their share of tranquility while you diligently patrolled its corridors.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
The class is the cream of courage that rises to the top. In your profession, Officer Cook, you can rise to the top, stay where you are unless they need your essential efforts elsewhere. My thinking is for a humane, sincere and sweet gentleman you probably would have moved up the ranks. I know you wanted to join thecrime scene unit taking pictures and doing other important tasks because you realized the continued perils working Dade County streets. Loyalty and resourcefulness were your passions and now as a heroic angel may God bless your soul of humility and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
If you aspire to ideals, values and morals then you cannot become petrified. No one is fearless we all have anxieties one way or another. You were consummate, Officer Cook, composed, comported and amazing in your quests for truth and justice. A valued and trusted public servant who underscored the tones of tenacity, was loyal and well rounded and fundamentally sound, your honesty, integrity and dignity were the living and breathing examples of your candid personality. Never forgotten and forevermore saluted and paid homage for their sanctity, visibility and virtual accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
Forty some years ago your career began to take shape, Officer Cook. The wars were starting, the battles still brewing and violence was and is the monster that still menaces Dade County where you patrolled, served and protected us with every vital ounceof honor, heart and humbleness. To relieve the pressures, the unrest and the tensions of terror took every part of dignity, integrity and versatility from your unassuming and tireless character and trusting heart of gold. It's always going to be sad that God did not allow you to live and to see a healthy retirement with Karen. They all have remembered you as she remarried about 12 years ago. You keep looking down on your family from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
You respect mankind they will give their reverence back to you. At least we hope they will. Your heroic heart, soul and honored spirit, Officer Cook, shall always remain legendary here in Dade County and throughout the entire police world. A young man genuinely conceived in humility,dignity and integrity laying his life of serenity, character, trust and truth down to conquer evil and violence. Your humane journeys and earthly missions of virtue, faith and the substances of goodwill will forever be saluted and remembered fondly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2021
You reap with your sow. You can redeem your pride after you have completed your sacred tasks, duties and responsibilities which help to maintain the decorum for society to function justly. Dade County was your venue, vehicle and where integrity, honor and respected dignity all followed the straight paths of justice, truth and trustworthiness. You were a constant man of unwavering movement, Officer Cook, who never let anything come before you while immersed in your job. Danger and peril release some awful sounds, your intellect, intuitive goodwill and hope all allowed you to possess the right tools of tenacity to combat adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
Blessings and rewards are for the righteous who serve and protect the Lord's earthly creatures. Human beings taking responsibility one step further down the lines of aspiration, inspiration, yearning and intensely motivative training. Planning to wage a fierce war against wickedness, you made certain, Officer Cook, that your community of Dade County would be enhanced, uplifted and enriched by your unending and unrelenting mannerisms of proper conduct professional and precise. The battles continue and as all heroes and heroines, angels of dignity, integrity and honesty must do they look down from above. Badge#1664 won't be forgotten nor forsaken. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character so clear and wise. Conviction true and trustworthy. Commitment all excellently validated. Virtue so humble.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
Pride and humbleness are humanity's elixirs in attempting to fix our very world. A sacred venue full of happiness, peace, health and prosperity for those honest, dignified and most passionate about living life to the fullest extent. Your career and life, Officer Cook, had definition, it had desire meshing with morals, values and ideals that mankind can only dream of. Dade County was a source of constant bombardment and your earthly vehicles of decency, desire and integrity faithfully transported your heart and soul always diligent to where serenity may breathe a little. Always treasured and fondly saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
Dedication walked humbly down the trails of trust and truth no doubt whatsoever. Dade County was loyally served and protected by you, Officer Cook, a loving gentleman with a caring and sincere heart and soul fit for the occasion. You sought peace and went after evil which tries its utmost to stop our very lives and dreams of purposeful reason. Heroism, honesty and humility are the very springboards to any accomplishment and with your tireless dignity, integrity and sure vigilance, versatility and virtue were never lost in translation. You walk your holy beat in heaven forever looking down on your loved ones who are very proud of you yet they miss your smile and engaging personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
There is no need for dictation for surely Our Creator had steered your life and blessed and heroic career, Officer Cook, patrolling the streets and pathways of Dade County. Where ordinary people would dare not go your youthful pursuits of tranquility and freedom for mankind will be fondly honored. Time marches onward and your heart, soul and sacred spirit of accountability and durability continue being rewarded, enriched and uplifted by God's humble hands and compassionate heart. Perfection is in eternity. Dignity, integrity and humility all mean you were a valued member of society, your department and a family member relied upon to keep your reverent loved ones together during your own crises. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and ingenuity all were above the realms of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency underscored.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
Remarkable, amazing and marvelous, it's your earthly fortitude and humble life, Officer Cook, that made a distinct difference for all citizens living in and around Dade County. A man whose legend, heroism and humble honor rise humanely each day. You gave something that some would not begin to comprehend. Dignity, respectful character and integrity in every zone and vein of commitments to unwavering and undying integrity bookended by heart, soul and a brave spirit now all angelic as you circle above your family, colleagues and friends. You are to be solemnly remembered and saluted for virtue, acumen and versatility all sacred onuses performed to the letter of the law. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2021
Destiny, fate and God Himself watching over his fearless crew of consideration, caring and concern. Dade County and its people, Officer Cook, were your duties and passions so precise and duly diligent. a man born with manners, etiquette and politeness with a sure smile of peace and liberty soaring over your patrol car as you took your burdens and capabilities to heart. God has kept blessing and rewarding your angelic spirit my neighbor, friend and hero as it captured humanity's imagination. What a Godsend and such an incredible human being. Civility and virtue bouncing off the windows of your mature versatility. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
Loose lips could certainly sink the ships of humility, valor and virtue. One must have pride yet be ever so mindful of his or her sacred obligations. You never let doubt, hesitation or fear interrupt your daily patrols around Dade County, Officer Cook. Such unwavering heroism and humbleness shall forever be cherished. Our tranquility and harmony came about because you cared and you placed harm in your direction to shield the public from harm. You were a consummate gentleman of professionalism such a powerful tool that must be utilized with the skills, gifts and talents of vision, acumen and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
God spares no expense in trying to guide His worldly forces who watch over and preserve His domain. The community here in Dade County that you called home. A place, Officer Cook, where your most undying efforts have always been revered as humble, honored and most notably dignified. You were a young man still growing into your humane position and it's just a real tragedy that a nasty and wicked man robbed you of your life and career where your stellar character and concerned heart and soul built those bridges and cornerstones to a sounder tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
A life to be remembered, celebrated and solemnly saluted for unassuming bravery, heroism and the accountability of a loyal soldier. That you forever will be, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was certainly surrounded by an arsenal of your tireless heart and unselfish soul now a part of your eternal spirit hovering over your family, comrades and friends. Serenity with a smile that touched the warmness of mankind's humility. Such a strong volume of commitment to excellence and the pride in recognizing a life well lived and a profession well achieved. If only God had allowed you to live out your days to see retirement and all the changes that have occurred since your sacrifice. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
A life to be remembered, celebrated and solemnly saluted for unassuming bravery, heroism and the accountability of a loyal soldier. That you forever will be, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was certainly surrounded by an arsenal of your tireless heart and unselfish soul now a part of your eternal spirit hovering over your family, comrades and friends. Serenity with a smile that touched the warmness of mankind's humility. Such a strong volume of commitment to excellence and the pride in recognizing a life well lived and a profession well achieved. If only God had allowed you to live out your days to see retirement and all the changes that have occurred since your sacrifice. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
Callousness and cruelty are hard to conquer at times. Police officials have their hands full of adversity trying to stifle evil and when the going gets tough the rugged, resourceful and resolute get set for a battle on their hands. You delivered upon your sacred and solemn words of virtue, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, heroically making the citizens of Dade County safer in the process. You plan and train, God turns His energy, heart of mercy and compassion into humility, heart and character revealed. We salute you, Officer Cook, for your instrumental intellect, intuition and ingenuity all the beacons of hope, goodwill and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2021
We search for meaning. We scan for liberty. We plan and try to deliberate what is deemed right and continue laboring for some semblance of fairness and justice for all humanity. The battles rage on and you, Officer Cook, forever are a hero of sincerity, honesty and the total fields of ferocity, integrity and dignity embracing society. For having a heart and soul of valor may God bless your name and reward your angelic smile for coming to rescue us and your colleagues not just on May 16,1979 , but everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2021