Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

There are no fixtures in nature. The universe is fluid and volatile. Hopefully, one day this community that you policed with honor and dignity, Officer Cook, will witness complete peace and unity. It's been a trying time since your sacrifice and some inroads have been made in the way the community has been built up. If we all stay the course and those officers who have been trained as carefully as you were trained carry out their jobs to the same degree of care, honor and loyalty, then the tasks at hand should not be as burdensome. You keep observing from God's heavenly post. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2013

Loveliest of lovely things are they, one earth, that soonest pass away. The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower. You appreciated the simple things in life, Officer Cook, plants, trees, nature and they were your avenues to escape the craziness of your profession. Your get away zone so to speak. All officers need to unwind and escape with their spouses, families or whomever they share common passions with. Your peers appreciated all that you did for them and remember you fondly as that loyal and courageous officer who carried on with reason and faith in His Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fine men as you were, Officer cook, come to us once in a lifetime!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

Go forth, under the open sky and list to nature's teachings, while from all around-earth and her waters and the depths of air- comes a still voice. There are no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral. Exactly, Officer Cook, what your soul has been doing for these last thirty-four years, migrating from place to place. The voice of your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace, cried out to you when God delivered you to him up in His heavenly palace. All the beauty down below can be seen by both of you and those who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to continue, aspiring, inspiring and perspiring. Rest in peace. Since the ground where you lie can not talk back to us, we can talk to you and know that your wonderful soul will listen and give us back powerful advice that we can take to heart, you would never nor did you ever steer anyone wrong. You only helped others and this is the message we should acquire from your life and police career. We all look to reach the pinnacle of our lives in terms of success and achievement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

To him who in love of nature holds communion with her visible forms, she speaks a various language; for his gayer hours she has a voice of gladness and a smile, eloquence of beauty and she glides into his darker musings, with a mild and healing sympathy, that steals away their sharpness, ere he is aware. When you were out in nature taking pictures and hunting, Officer Cook, you probably could behold what a great place that has been created by God and His shear genius. It was your intellect that captured our imaginations for twenty-five years. You were the ever so humble leader that all officers could count on in a pinch. May 16, 1979 was just that day when your absolutely amazing character saved the day and that of your fellow officers and those three civilians. God's eternal camera is being operated just splendidly by you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Your resolve won't be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

Shall I then praise the heavens, the trees, the earth because their beauty and their strength last longer, shall I wish there, or never to had birth, because they're bigger and their bodies stronger? Nay, they shall darken, perish, fade and die and when unmade, so ever shall they lie, but man was made for endless immortality. When we pray each day, Officer Cook, we certainly should thank Our Creator for bringing you into this world to perform a job, a profession that many would or might consider thankless. Your God given talents, your abilities allowed you the opportunity to maintain law and order the proper way and the respect you afforded all citizens will always stand as your legacy for generations to come. Where your physical being rests may be dark, but where you cherished soul travels is always lit for us to gaze at. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

When I behold the heavens as in their prime and then the earth {though old} still clad in green, the stones and trees, insensible to time, nor age nor wrinkle on their front are seen; if winter come and greenness than do fade, a spring returns and they are more youthful made; but man grows old, lies down, remains where once he's laid. You should have still been here with your family, friends and colleagues, Officer Cook and because of one heinous and cowardly act, you were taken up to God's divine street, where you can now continue your watch over us and all officers who wage war against evil daily. You are missed terribly and will not be forgotten ever! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your incite would surely be a welcome sight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

You think they are crusaders, sent from some infernal clime, to pluck the eyes of sentiment and dock the tail of rhyme, to crack the voice of melody and break the legs of time. We know, Officer Cook, that time does not stand still, it keeps marching as the memories of your heroism become more ingrained in our thoughts. And you will never leave our minds, the sacrifice you made on May 16, 1979, always remains as fresh as if it were yesterday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, there is still no rhyme nor reason why this should have happened to you and continues until this day to baffle those who support brave men and women like you, who wage war against wickedness everyday for our freedoms and security. The war of attrition continues and must be met with reason and means.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2013

Pride, arrogance and the lust of conquest are the natural and bitter fruits of military preparation-fruits fatal to national peace and happiness. These are also the poisons which can destroy a community and the peace and unity in which it enjoys. That is why officers, such as yourself, Officer Cook, have a vital role in undying service to make our communities safer and more secure for its residents to prosper. You took pride and were a proud and most humble man to serve in such a distinct position. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2013

Laughter and tears are meant to turn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility; one is a wind-power and the other water-power, that is all. There was plenty of laughter, Officer Cook, as you and Karen shared the good times with friends and colleagues. The tears were a plenty as your comrades, family and friends gathered to say goodbye and to offer you, my neighbor, friend and hero one final salute. Your were a grand person whose gallantry will forever be remembered. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2013

Every true man is a cause, a country and an age; requires infinite spaces and numbers and time fully to accomplish his designs-and posterity seems to follow his steps as a train of clients. A man Caesar is born and for ages we have a Roman Empire. Millions of minds grew and clung to his genius that he is confounded with virtue. Officer Cook, your genius and mind was put to the test and you succeeded in becoming that intellectual officer that your department and Dade County citizens came to know and loved. Your sense of humor imparted much wisdom to your comrades and they can all recall your true persona when it came time to assist them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2013

It takes a great follower to develop into a great leader. Exactly why you became the police officer that people came to know and love, Officer Cook. Concise and precise are part of what makes an officer accountable for their actions both on and off duty. You will always be thought of and revered for your inspiring leadership from your colleagues who remember your bravery and devotion to duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2013

Oh, rank is good and gold is fair and high and low mate ill; but love has never known a law beyond its own sweet will! It is good to move up the ladder. But working constantly toward one common goal is much more desirable. This was the way of your life, Officer Cook. Working up the rung, a step at a time to produce quality results. Those results were very evident by how you were received by all. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. A little luck, but your career came about through hard work and attention to detail. The first half of life consists of the capacity to enjoy without the chance; the last half consists of the chance without capacity. There is always room to grow in your profession as there is in the nursing field that your beloved Karen, pursued. A certain amount of intuition follows a person who endeavors to go through the police academy and your personality, Officer Cook, fit this very persona. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

Love means giving one's self to another person fully, not just physically. Trusting one another. When two people really love each other, this helps them to stay alive and grow. One must really be loved to grow. Love's such a precious and fragile thing that when it comes we have to hold on tightly. And when it comes, we are very lucky because for some it never comes at all. If you have love, you are wealthy in a way that can never be measured. Cherish it. And you both cherished your lives, Officer Cook. I can speak from personal experience, it took me awhile to meet just the right woman and to develop the right chemistry. You had the right stuff as a man who channeled your energies into becoming a great police officer and wonderfully devoted husband, brother, son, uncle and great-uncle, even though you never had the chance to meet your one nephew, Justin and those three great-grandchildren, your great-nieces, Alexis, Skyler and your great-nephew, Legend. You are alive in your family's hearts, Officer Cook and your shining and beautiful soul will help carry them through the good and not so good times. The legacy you left is an inheritance that must and will forever be treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one's own values in the person of another. One gains a profoundly personal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves. It is one's own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns and derives from love. Karen and yourself, Officer Cook, treasured each other and you valued each other's career and were very supportive of one another. Each of your careers indeed allowed your personalities to shine and come out to the forefront. Since you loved each other and each of us possesses special and unique qualities, it cannot say all it means. It has to be built up by learning, sharing and caring. Being able to articulate and bounce ideas off one another. People who have been married over fifty years are still learning, sharing and caring. Life is an experience and beauty to behold and to maintain. It is a methodical process. I know. your family and friends know you are missed very much and still thought of today in the same loving way of you were years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

The sense of the world is short,-long and various the report,- to love and be beloved; men and Gods have not outlearned it; and how often so ever have they turned it, This not to be improved. A person's stay in this world is determined by God and your stay here, Officer Cook was twenty-five shining and exacting years of promise, desire, aspiration and personal inspiration to all mankind and to those officers and friends who you captivated with your loving charm, wit, wisdom and grace, the passion you displayed on the job, never caring about anyone but those citizens you served. Your loving family was fortunate to have your sense of humor and laughter to breakup any dull moments. I don't think your life ever consisted of any dull moments. Right up until your last breath you were always aware of your environment and never one to be afraid to do was what right and to steer clear from wrong. You are to be highly commended for this. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The community has improved and benefited greatly precisely because of your great sacrifice, only and always placing other persons welfare ahead of yours.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

To be loved is to be fortunate, but to be hated is to achieve distinction. The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much. To have love, one must be able to place their arms around someone. Love is more than justice. You were very much loved by your endearing family, friends and colleagues. You and your beloved Karen from what I was told made a great couple, devoted to each other's needs and the professions that you pursued. if time could allow you, Officer Cook, to still be here with all of us, we would be thanking Our Creator beyond all the blessings were have already. Your performance and unselfishness will never be forgotten. Dade County will always stop and pause to reflect on your life, career and what it meant to have a really special individual in their midst. It takes one to know one and your department and those citizens certainly knew the gentleman proudly wearing Badge#1664. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You loved your job and we loved you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

No Caesar he whom we lament, a man without a precedent, sent, it would seem, to do his work and perish, too. One of the people! Born to be their curious epitome; to share, yet rise above their shifting hate and love. There was no dislike in your being, Officer Cook, only pleasantries to last a lifetime. We do lament your passing and certainly take pride in the memory of your life so well lived and fortified by your interest in serving and policing the citizens of Dade County and their interests. Our freedoms are able to carry on because of your aspirations and dreams to make safety your number one priority. And your self-expression, Officer Cook, passed into communication between all parties and thus your career was fulfilled and your life and all the good memories of a wonderful human being can now and forever be revealed to all who want to look back on your stellar achievements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

Oh, slow to smite and swift to spare, gentle, merciful and just! who, in the fear of God, did hear, the sword of power, a nation's trust! You had the county's trust for six years of accomplishment, Officer Cook and the power that is given to all police officers must at all times be used cautiously. You were raised well and taught very well in the academy. Some officers have a misconception that a uniform, a badge and a weapon are a license to do whatever and this is where the mistake lies. You were the kind of special officer that comes around once in a while, probably some others, but your unique style made the citizens you served feel protected. You made people feel good about themselves, my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man to hold against the world and a man to match the mountains and the sea. So as you rest in peace my the light of your very cherished soul illuminate of all the mountains and all the seas, from sea to shining sea. Your boldness and certainly caused no rancor ever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2013

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. You did your job, Officer Cook, under stress and yet all officers have to keep a composure about them if they are going to succeed. We cannot despair and give up hope and faith that everything you represented will go unnoticed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and keep assisting God and your comrades who sacrificed their very souls so we can aspire, inspire and continue to perspire from our toil and effort.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2013

For gentleness, love and trust, prevail over an angry wave and gust; and in the wreck of noble lives, something immortal still survives. What does survive is the love and respect, Officer Cook, you had for your family, friends and fellow comrades. Only we still wish you were here today celebrating your family's milestone events. You'll always be in their hearts and you know when they occur. A person's soul always knows the comings and goings and it will forever light up the darkness that seems to confront our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2013

Take them, O great eternity! Our little life is but a gust that bends the branches of thy tree and trails its blossoms in the dust! The seasons change and time moves on, but you, Officer Cook, will only revolve around us forever. Your stellar life and career will forever change the way police operate in Dade County. Because of your sacrifice, officers now have been fitted with sidepanels, offering them greater protection. Seems small, not so, your giving of yourself to be the loyal and trusted officer we came to know and love is what makes your sacrifice all the more special. The quality individual you were to your department for six solid years of courage and commitment is only the tip of the iceberg. Your loving family will always have the memories of you to share as your legacy and a legacy Dade County citizens can always be thankful and grateful for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2013

Art is long and time is fleeting and our hearts, though stout and brave, still, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to the grave. We all can still hear the muffled sounds of those bagpipes playing Amazing Grace as you were being borne up the steps to St. Mary's Cathedral. The very noises from the helicopters flying above, the sound of taps at your Inspector's Funeral which I know was attended by thousands of police officers from Canada and all across the nation. The civilians who came too, paying proper honor, respect and reverence to you, Officer Cook, for what you stood for in Dade County Law enforcement. Time marches on and we will always remember the special goodness that governed your life and one quite well lived for twenty-five grand and glorious years.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2013

Tell me not, in mournful numbers, life is but an empty dream!- For the soul is dead that slumbers and things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; dust thou art, to dust returns, was not spoken of the soul. Officer Cook, you lived your life by principles and your life was celebrated by your many achievements. Never a bad thing could ever be uttered anyone about you because of what you meant to all and the community you served and loved so dearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and as you served job profession so faithfully, you can always enjoy the rewards of the next world for being so heroic in saving seven lives in one day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2013

Every life is its own excuse for being and to deny or refute the untrue things that are said of you is an error in judgment. All wrong recoils upon the doer and the man who makes wrong statements about others is himself to be pitied, not the man he vilifies. It is better to be lied about than to lie. At last no one can harm us but ourselves. I misstated a fact regarding your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace . I said he is probably telling stories of his Navy days. From the article about yourself, Officer Cook your dad proudly served in the U.S. Coast Guard, fought in World War II and the Korean War. So there have to be many pleasant stories to recount with him. You were brought up along with Nancy, your loving sister with values and honesty and integrity, two traits which are needed in a person's life to be successful. You and your father fought battles for our freedoms and you will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2013

I took one draught of life, I'll tell you what I paid, precisely an existence-the market price, they said. So say all of us. You paid a dear price, the ultimate, Officer Cook, so we could bear witness to your extraordinary feats of courage and valor. You lived for your family, for Karen, and your colleagues who watched you gave your life on that awful day of May 16, 1979. We never know who is vulnerable, because we knew from the start of your character and true spirit in policing Dade County streets. When it rains, it's you, Officer Cook, making sure the grass grows greener and then you warm us all with the bright rays of the sun as it glows larger and larger upon us. Dade citizens knew you and appreciated your true kindness and exemplary manner in which you took to overseeing truth and justice done fittingly the first time out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2013

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