New York State Police, New York
End of Watch Monday, March 5, 1990
Reflections for Investigator Joseph Thomas Aversa
Joe was a great guy. We talked about running. We had planned on running the NYC Marathon. After Joe’s incident, I never ran it. I think of those chats when he would submit “stuff” to the lab. Joe, Rest in Peace. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten in the NYFD and Northeast Laboratory.
Supervisory Chemist James R Fabre
DEA Northeast Laboratory
August 9, 2024
After all these years the sacrifice Joe made is not and never will be forgotten by the people who served with him in the NYDETF.
Group Supervisor Frank Drew
DEA/ NYDETF/ Group 82
May 5, 2024
34 years my son miss you every day.
Doris Aversa
Joe's Mom
March 5, 2024
Rest in Peace, May God be with you in Heaven as you rejoice with the Lord. You will never be forgotten!
Retired BCI Investigator Wayne Neal
New York State Police
March 5, 2023
I responded to that incident with the NYPD; have never forgotten. RIP
PO Brian McCullagh
March 5, 2022
Celebrated your birthday and your fathers. Miss you both my son Rest in Peace
Doris Aversa
November 28, 2021
Its been a long time, brother, but it seems like yesterday when you joined me on the governors detail.
Always smiling and enjoying life.
God bless you and keep you close my friend!
Bob Bianca NYSP Sgt. retiredd
October 5, 2021
Dear Joey, It's been 37 years since we started the New York State Police Academy and 31 since you have been gone. I see now that we share the same middle name, mine was in honor of my Mom's Father, Thomas J. O'Leary. My middle initial seemed to stand for trouble, because it found me wherever I went, but, doomed to survive, I suppose. I have thought about you and your family often, they were all so very proud of you, and devastated by your loss. Your ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. God Bless You, Brother
Inv. Richard T. DeVito
March 15, 2021
I remember this terrible accident. Fortunately the 2 suspects got what they deserved. Unfortunately New York State doesn't have the death penalty
Senior investigatorDaniel Stephens
Putnam County sheriff's Department
March 5, 2021
Rest In Peace Brother.
Sr Inv John Kerwick
March 5, 2021
I don’t have a clue why I thought of Joe at this time of night (2:00 am). For some reason he just entered my head.
Joe and I were friends in High School 48 years ago. We graduated in 1976 and through the years I can remember me as someone who honestly spooked me at first. You see I came to the Port Jarvis NY High School from Montague NJ. When we entered 9th grade we went to the NY school. The first time I saw Joe he was walking down the hall with a friend of mine and when I said hi to her he kinda gave me a look of,,, move on,,,bud.
Not long later she told me that was Joe’s protection mode kicking in. He had been a friend of hers for a very long time and lived right up the road from her. It was not long at all before Joe and I were friends and I could then see that in him.
He was passionate about people, about things that could possibly hurt people, but at the same time he loved life and wasn’t always serious.
When Joe was murdered I was living in California so I did not hear of what happened for a few years. The way I found out was by the same girl that Joe gave me the eye about. When I learned of this I could not believe it, could not believe he was gone. I had hoped to see him at our 20 yr reunion.
I will always remember you Joe, whenever I get the yearbook out I always look at your comments and still can’t believe you are gone.
Although I didn’t follow your endeavors after high school, from what I have been told and have read, you were the same ‘kid’ I remember in high school and someone I am VERY PROUD to be able to say he was my friend.
RIP Joe,, look me up when I join you soon. Always your friend.
David S Sperry Jr. HS friend
DOD -Pentagon
January 9, 2021
Always on my mind. I was the lead detective in this case when I worked at the 9th precinct in lower Manhattan. I will never forget you and your brother officers who were involved in this case. Rest in peace.
Israel Pagan
9th precinct NYCPD (retired)
November 16, 2020
Rest in peace Investigator Aversa.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 20, 2020
30 years in March was the anniversary of your death. I miss you every day my dear son.
Doris Aversa
June 26, 2020
Tomorrow, March 5, 2020 will be 30 years since your passing. We all miss you. Rest in peace.
Richard Fezza
March 4, 2020
Thank you for your service. RIP, Never to be forgotten.
First Sergeant Thomas Webb, Retired, NYSP
January 4, 2020
Rest In Peace Brother in Blue. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.
Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA
March 5, 2018
Joey was my cousin ~ his only brother Vincent's daughter Nicole was born within days (3) of his death ~ my Mom and my aunts went to the trial every day ~ the New York City police were kind enough to pick them up (even in New Jersey) and bring them!!! I still can't believe it has been over 25 years since Joey's passing!!! R.I.P. Joey!!
January 29, 2018
Joseph was my "Senior Man / Field Training Officer" in the Spring of 1989 at SP Wurtsboro in Sullivan County, New York following my graduation of the State Police Academy. I have long since retired after 21 years of service with the NYSP and there does not go by too many days when the thought of Joey does not cross my mind. The sights, sounds, and smells of those first days (and especially those nights) "on the road" are etched into my memory. Joe was tough as nails yet compassionate. He was sure to climb the ranks - he had the mindset, intelligence, and passion to do it. I think of his family often - especially his mom and dad and wife and what they must feel each day. I share your story often Joe with students I teach at SUNY Orange so that stories of true hero crime fighters will not be forgotten. RIP my Brother. TimZ
Investigator Tim Zeszutek (Retired)
New York State Police
July 24, 2017
RIP Troop.
Lt. Steve Soha
Phoenix AZ Police Dept / AZ Dept of Public Safety
April 2, 2017
Rest in peace my brother.
Lieutenant Ray Flores (Ret.)
March 5, 2017
I came across your story in 2009, and I was inspired to take a job in law enforcement. I did not follow in your footsteps and become a NYS Trooper but I am happy that I was able to join a prestigious department. I know I won't be half the cop you were but I know that I will strive everyday to get to a position in which I can always bring forward your story.
PO Alban
January 31, 2017
On the 25th Anniversary of the death of my son I say a prayer
that he watch over all members of Law Enforcement. I miss
his smiling face every day.
Doris Aversa
April 15, 2015
I was a Probationary Trooper when I worked with Joe at SP Wurtsboro and I remember how passionate he was about the job and life. He was always a great example for everyone and I was very sad to hear of his passing and the tragic way he died. He was truly one of the good guys. Rest in Peace Joe.
Eric G Pfahler
Former NY State Trooper
March 5, 2013
I was in school a few years behind Joe. Vinnie was closer to my age. The Aversa's were fine people. I thought Joe was such a nice guy. I am glad his wife has his shield number. We remember Joe in Port Jervis.
Friend from HS
June 6, 2012