Los Angeles Police Department, California
End of Watch Saturday, March 9, 1963
Reflections for Policeman Ian James Campbell
Officer Campbell, your killer's life sentence has been served in full. Rest well brave Officer.
Dad of a Deputy
August 13, 2012
The person that killed you finally died today. I hope that brings more closure to your family.
Thank you Sir for your bravery, courage and the ultimate sacrifice.
Sgt. T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept. (CA)
August 13, 2012
May your ultimate sacrice NEVER be forgotten!!!!!
RIP sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
karl anglin
August 13, 2012
I was about Nine years old when you were taken from this world...I remember it as though it were yesterday. The actions you and your partner took on that faithful night were the subject of much conjecture, policy change, and even a book and movie. Thankfully, the training within the LAPD and other agencies is now reflective of how, why, and what happened to you and your partner that night. Several years after your passing, I went to work for the LAPD, retiring a couple years back. God bless you, your partner, and your family for what you all endured during and following that night almost Fifty years ago!!!
August 8, 2012
I certainly can not understand why it took almost 50 years to acknowledge and honor you and your partner when other law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty get stretches of freeways named after them in a fraction of that time. Bless you always and your family as well.
Mother of a police officer
Pomona PD
August 8, 2012
This is for Ian's children and grandchildren. Hello my name is Bonnie Burke. I recently moved to LA. I am a retired Deputy Sheriff. I visited Ian's
grave today. I left some flowers and spent some time with him. My Dad
first introduced me to Ian's story many years ago. Ian's story touched my
soul. I promised myself that if I were ever out this way I would visit his grave. Your Dad/Grandpa is not forgotten. I am going to visit his grave regularly now. I am sorry that he was taken away from you.
Bonnie Burke
July 23, 2012
iam so saddened by the sensless and coldblooded murder of officer ian campbell.i was only a child when it happened,but hearing of it through history,it leaves a giant hole in my pure heart,my heart bleeds for him,even more so when i saw his photo on this sight.rest in peace officer campbell,you are in heaven now and nothing can never hurt you again.the one who took your innocent life will never be out to hurt anyone again.you gave your life to protect people.i love you officer campbell rest in heaven.
lynne tellez
May 5, 2012
i had lunch at Ians home a few weeks prior to his murder. my dad was installing a door from the garage to the backyard. this still bothers me to this day.
john miller/retired fire captain
son of old friend
March 14, 2012
Excellent book, and a n excellent movie. Thanks Mr. Wambaugh. Rest in peace Ian Campbell.
End of watch.
Roger K. Martin
March 14, 2012
First Joseph Wambaugh book I ever read...very compelling story. Ian and Karl should never be forgotten!! The other two POS's can rot for all I care!!
Special Agent Rick Wammack (Retired)
March 9, 2012
One of the reasons I joined up. Rest in peace, bro.
Sammy Zavala, retired policeman
March 9, 2012
Ian, Karl and The Onion Field; a sobering reflection that remained at the forefront of my 30 year law enforcement career. Your sacrifice was not in vain. I thank you, my wife thanks you, my sons and six grandchildren thank you. God bless you eternally as you rest safely at peace.
Lt. Daryl L. Poe (retired)
Miami Township Police (Clermont Co. Ohio)
February 4, 2012
Rest in Peace Brother. You are not forgotten! Fidelis ad Mortem.
D/Sgt. R. Galgano
Nassau County PD, NY
January 28, 2012
Rest in Peace, Policeman Campbell. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
January 14, 2012
The lessons learned in your passing have been with me for over 20 years of my career and I have passed them on to those which I have have had the ability to influence. May God bless those who still feel your loss and give them peace. You are remembered, brother.
Sgt. J. Wilson
Blount Co. Tn. S.O.
January 14, 2012
As a you man in High School I read the Book and saw the movie it did two things for me. I wanted to go into Law Enforcement and learn to play the Bagpipes I have done both. My hart goes out to the Family of Officer Campbell I belive he had 2 children that never really knew there Dad.
Senior Officer Specialist P. Pringle
Federal Bureau of Prison
January 13, 2012
Dear Pat, Valerie and Andrea,
I'm glad to see your postings and am glad that you have seen the postings about your father and grandfather. Please, the next time you go to his grave, lay a flower for me? I read the book and when I read about his death, I felt as if I could see what was going on. My heart was going out to him. Please just lay a rose there for me and say the prayer I wish I could pray there? I'm sorry you didn't get to have time with him.
Heidi Dietrich
January 12, 2012
God bless you and your family officer Campbell.
You are one of my heros.
James R. McNamara, Jr.
January 11, 2012
Thanks for your service and Godbless your family. Seems like I have always known about this tragic event but am now finally reading the entire book. Rest In Peace Officer Campbell. God Bless The Thin Blue Line and the LAPD!
LCDR John Hicks
January 8, 2012
I am Ian's eldest daughter and I would like to thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. No one can truly understand the long term affects unless one has experienced it and my heart goes out to all of you who have suffered a similar loss. One can never forget and though the passing of time makes the pain of loss descend into the daily living of life, through the years some little nugget of pain floats up from out of the blue, so be kind to yourselves and seek out answers if needed to give you peace until the next time. Take comfort in knowing our loved one was doing his/her job to the best of their ability and would never have left those of us behind willingly. You are loved.
Valerie Campbell
Daughter of Ian
January 5, 2012
Officer Campbell was killed three years before I was born. I read the story and I still feel for his family and have not forgotten him even though I never knew him. Please know that you are never forgotten, Officer Campbell.
Heidi Dietrich
January 2, 2012
Officer Campbell died the day I was born, March 9, 1963. I became a Deputy Sheriff for the Orange County Sheriff's Dept. in 1991. I first heard about the Onion Field murders in the Academy. Some of our current training came from that fateful day. During my service, I, also, lost a partner and friand, murdered in the line of duty. My heart goes out to the Campbell family. Rest In Peace Brother.
Lori Cleeland-Herian
Deputy Sheriff, Retired
December 14, 2011
Hello Andrea,
My mom has a picture of your dear dad and his own father. We are related because my mom, Kathleen McKinnon, is your dad's second or third cousin but we're trying to figure our the exact relationship. My mom's dad is the connection. He was Leslie McKinnon from New York and Canada. Played Viloin , as did sisters, professionally and the sobs played bagpipes.
I live in Northern Ca and would enjoy being in touch, as relatives. And I have to mention that I just, today, finished reading The Onion Field. Don't know exactly what to say about the book and story other than it was deeply disturbing, frustrating and I almost put it down to not ever finish. But I did finish.
Merry Christmas and I'll leave it up to you if you wish to be in touch.
Gillian Mishalko
December 12, 2011
I am happy to report that the person (can't really call him a man) that ended my grandfathers young life 48 years ago will continue to die in prison. I attended and spoke at the parole hearing on Tuesday, what an emotional day, but I am so glad that I went. I got to hear stories about my grandfather and I got to hear LAPD officers speak of how that night still lingers in the way that rookies are taught today...nearly a half a decade later.
I look forward to many more years learning about my grandfather, may he rest in peace.
Andrea Moniz
Ian's Grand-daughter
October 20, 2011
On a number of occasions my personal safety came into question while on duty, but I have to thank God that I was able to go home at the end of my shift!
This Jackass and his partner in crime want people to feel sorry for them, I do not think so and if it was up to me, both suspects should of been turned over to the family to seek justice!
I am a firm believer of the death penality and too bad our government in Canada does not have the balls to return it back!
Officer Campbell may you rest in peace and God bless you!
Retired - Police Constable
A Canadian Police Service
October 19, 2011