Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 1990
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff John W. Greeney, III
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It was a week of remembrance these past days, I was summoned for Jury duty were I live.
After being briefed about the charges, illegal weapons and narcotics possession it took me back to an incident that occurred in February of 1990 when we lost a brave man.
Deputy Sheriff Greeney was someone you knew you could count on out there, you knew that he would lay down his life for his fellow man when you met him.
Whether you were Department uniform personnel or a civilian on the street it mattered not.
He would give his all in service to our Nation and ultimately his own life serving protecting and defending the rights liberties and freedoms of the citizens he nobly served in Broward county Florida.
It was an Honor to work and serve with such men as Jack.
He was as they say in the armed forces squared away.
A military service member once said "Do the right thing and everything else takes care of itself" that's who Jack Greeney was and the way he lived his life and yes we were all better for it...
Rest in peace brother.
Curtis Griffin
Broward Sheriffs office state of Florida
June 1, 2024
Where many war and police heroes and heroines sleep soundly knowing the Lord watches over his guarded shepards. Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Greeney at Arlington National Cemetery. And presidents too!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 5, 2020
Rest In Peace on this your 30 anniversary in heaven
Mark Mottola
February 17, 2020
Deputy Sheriff Greeney,
On today, the 30th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just as a Law Enforcement Officer but for our Country as well when you served with the USAF-especially during the Cold War. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
February 17, 2020
Rest in peace Deputy Greeney.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2019
I was stationed with chief Greeney at Fairchild AFB when he transferred from communications to Security Police. All he talked about was that he was finally able to become a cop like his Dad. I was shocked to find that he was taken from us in this way. RIP and God bless your family.
SMsgt Robert Lee USAF (Ret)
April 9, 2019
Rest in peace Deputy Greeney. A Broward County hero of honor!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2018
As a young airman, I served with CMSgt Jack Greeney for the better part of two years during my time at San Vito Air Station Italy I knew no matter what the problem, I could trust that the Chief would talk me through it and provide. Lesson or two about life. I am truly honored to have worked under his direction and deeply saddened at the loss of such a good man. God bless you Chief
A1C Steven M Belli
7275th SPS SVAS ItAly
May 27, 2017
I was stationed with Chief Greeney in Italy in 1985. He always had a kind word of encouragement as he lead by example. What I remember most was his take charge attitude and his care for his airman...Those qualities have served me well during my career in law enforcement. Thank-You Chief for seeing something in me all those years ago...Rest in Peace knowing that your service to the USAF, the Broward Sheriffs Office, and to your fellow man was not in vain. You Sir lived in and for a purpose...
Kevin O. Williams Lt. MD-DOC (Ret)
Served with Chief Greeney (USAF)
November 26, 2016
The Sheriffs of Florida and their deputies will never forget the sacrifice you and your family made to uphold our laws and protect society.
Your name has been inscribed on the Florida Sheriffs and the National Law Enforcement Memorial and in our hearts. May you forever rest in peace.
A scripture inscribed on the Florida Sheriffs Law Enforcement Memorial:
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called the children
of God." Matthew 5:9
Executive Director Steve Casey
Florida Sheriffs Association
August 20, 2016
"Mad Jack" Greeney,
Jack, I remember our time together at RAF Lakenheath, in the United Kingdom. You once told me that the best place for a law enforcement policeman to be was enroute. You'd say, "If you're enroute, you can't be wrong." What I took that to mean was that once a patrol officer reached the scene, he was immediately in charge. And, the only things that can happen are bad. There are dangers, angry citizens, armed perps, etc., etc. And the list goes on from there.
We had, at Lakenheath, all 550 of us, the most important security and law enforcement jobs in Europe at the time. Our military aircraft strike force was impressive and essential. I always felt, as did many others, that when the balloon went up, the first place they'd come after would be there at Lakenheath.
Understaffed for the potential threat, or so we felt; wishing for more of everything should it start one day; and feeling the pressure all of that put on everyone; was unlike any other base I'd served at. When that subject came up in conversation and others would begin to draw back into themselves over the worry of it, Jack would get this grin on his face. I thought he relished the idea of WWIII, at first. But later, as I served with Jack at the 'Heath, as it was called, I realized it was more than that. He was the thumb in the dike. He would have seen us all through. As the Chief Master Sergeant of the unit, thus the senior-most non-commissioned officer, it was his job to be everywhere, all the time and firing up everyone. And Jack would have done just that. Yes, he was "Mad Jack" to us, our go-to leader, and a dear friend.
LTC John "Jack" Walsh, USAF, Retired
Former Commander, 48th Security Police Squadron, RAF Lakenheath, UK
September 21, 2015
Uncle Jack
Years roll by and many things change. Some things don't. Reading some of these remembrances reminds me of what a great a great man you were. You left marks on this world that will last forever. I'm glad you had friends who reach out after so many years. I still try every day to fill those gigantic foot prints left by both you and Gramps. Who knew so many years later you would both still be giving me guidance and motivation. I'm close to your age now when you were so senselessly murdered. Hits harder knowing how much life you had left to live. I'm so proud to tell people of my Uncle and the life you led. I still carry your handcuffs out on the road with me each day, so a little bit of you is still on patrol. I hope you like that.
Capt. Allan Hubrig
Broward Sheriffs Office
June 18, 2015
Jack I finally got to visit your memorial at the National Law Enforcement Memorial this past week with my 11 year old daughter. I told her about you and I was brought to tears. She hugged me and said it would be ok. I prayed for you and took some time to reflect on my career. Not a single day goes by that I do not think about you and everything you taught me in the two short years we worked together. You famous line, "I can do that." is still a credo I live by today. Please watch over us and know that you will live on forever in the actions of those who knew you.
RIP Brother 2/17/1990 0325 hrs. EOW
Ret. Sgt. Dave Argenti
Broward Sheriff's Office
April 1, 2015
John, was my very good friend and served with me at the Broward Sheriffs Office. We caught a serial Murderer together and on that night we traded days off so he could get an extra day of vacation. I still remember that morning call telling me of this tragic event. RIP good friend The Stone 'Wolfpack Forever.'
Deputy Jeff Livingston
Broward County Sheriffs Office
February 17, 2015
If This is the John I was stationed with at Sheppard AFB and again with on Okinawa my blessings go out to you and your family. Been looking for years for you "Rest in Peace".
Tsg Robert G Warren
Air Force buddy
December 16, 2014
You were John when I knew you. We were pals when we were stationed at Aviano AFB, Italy in the early 60's. You went on to make a career of the USAF. I didn't but we managed to stay in touch. You had a gift for spinning a yarn and sucking people in. My memory of you is of a friend.
A2C Thomas Huffman
March 22, 2014
Jack...I can't believe it's been this long...the last words you spoke to me was in a "Jamaican" were trying to sound Bahamian like me "mon" (from Nassau). And at Broward Police Supply while we "happened" to be there at the same time...I miss you my friend and ask for your intercession there in're still on patrol, buddy, and your retirement benefits can't be beat...It was an honour(that's the British spelling from Nassau days) to have known you in this life and hope to see you when my shift is "10-7"+++
Disabled Deputy Chris T. Sayer, Sr.
January 14, 2014
Hey John,
Your birthday was a couple weeks ago. I couldnt believe that it's been 23 yrs. You were shy your 48th birthday. This year you would have been 71. A whole lifetime has passed. Careers have ended. You're not forgotten.
Catherine Migliano
July 25, 2013
Never forgotten.
Jason M. Blenner EMT
Atlantic Ambulance/ Medics
August 29, 2012
Jack you were a great F.T.O. and after all theses years I still use the lessons you taught me.
Rest in peace!
Deputy Jerry Wood
Osceola County Sheriff's Office
August 4, 2012
We will never forget... May you continue to rest in peace Deputy Greeney. My prayers are with your family today and always.
Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02
Union County SO, Lake Butler, FL
February 17, 2012
Rest in Peace, Deputy Greeney. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
February 5, 2012
I can still hear Jack saying "I can do that", his can do attitude never dimmed and I will never forget the night he arrived as my backup when I was fighting to arrest a burglar/rapist. If it wasn't for Jack, I still don't know how that would have turned out.
Jack, I wish I had been there that night to back you as you had backed me...perhaps things would have turned out differently.
I see a note from Gary Gow and other familiar are not forgotten Jack and never will be.
Bill Finlay
Fellow Deputy
July 25, 2011
I was stationed with CMSgt Jack Greeney for over three years in Southern Italy. He was one of the finest men I've ever known and a good friend. May he rest in peace.
Clifford L. Wolf, MSgt, USAF (retired)
USAF Security Police
July 8, 2011
When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous have a refuge - Proverbs 14:32.
My heart goes out to all who love and miss you on this anniversary.
You are not forgotten.
Constable Amanda Pandolfi #1249
York Regional Police, Ontario Canada1
February 17, 2011
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