Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
End of Watch Friday, December 24, 2021
Reflections for Agent José Ferrer-Pabón
Agent Ferrer-Pabón ,
Thank you for your sacrifice for our nation. May you be with the Lord and may he be with your family.
Det. Russ Cain
Pittsburgh PD
December 26, 2021
On behalf of the Ohio Attorneys General Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, our thoughts and prayers are with the immediate family of Agent José Ferrer-Pabón and the extended law enforcement family of the Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico.
End of Watch Friday, December 24, 2021
Rest in Peace brother and watch over us. We will protect and serve from here on in your honor.
I fight not for glory or fame, for they are momentary. I fight for those who can't. I fight for Justice. I fight for the oppressed and the down trodden. And if I should lose my life for these just causes, then I have no regrets, For I serve to protect the innocent. It matters not where or when, for evil knows no boundaries. Be it fire, flood, or the threat of tyranny, I will not flee. Justice is my weapon. Faith is my shield. Hope is my armor. Cry not at my passing, for it was my Honor to fight for you. Shed not tears of sorrow, But tears of joy, for now, I stand with God.
By Jon F. Hooper
"Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation
December 26, 2021
A police officer should be remembered not by how he died but how he lived! A great man has gone to secure a safe path for the rest of us to follow. Thank you to you, your family and the Puerto Rico Police Department. Our country is a little less safe without you. Rest in Peace Brother!
Chief (Ret) Steven Marshall
Georges Mills, NH
December 25, 2021
Rest In Peace, Agent Ferrer-Pabon. Praying for your loved ones.
Officer C Curione (Retired)
Rochester Police Department, NY
December 25, 2021
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." Matthew 5: 9. Prayers to his family, fellow officers and friends! RIP and thank you for your service.
Former Correctional Officer W. Reed
Iowa Departament of Correction
December 25, 2021
Rest In Peace…
Retired Detective
Syracuse Police Dept, NY
December 25, 2021
God rest his soul.
Sgt. Robert A. Henne
Jersey City PD/Retired
December 25, 2021
Faithful Unto Death | Eternal Rest | Salute
S. I. Drake - Lt/IPD | IMPD (Ret)
December 25, 2021
Rest in Peace my brother.
Captain Bernard Flint
Department of Defense Police Division
December 25, 2021
God Bless You, Your Family, & Friends.
Thank you for your unselfish service to protect your community.
James P. Waggle, Jr.
US Army Veteran (SFC)
December 25, 2021
Rest in peace Officer Pabón. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Former reserve Deputy ( OCSO) FL Eddie A
Osceola county Sheriff's office
December 24, 2021
Rest In Peace Brother.
Det. Andreoli
December 24, 2021
Rest in Peace Agent José Ferrer-Pabón! Thank you for your service with the Puerto Rico Police Department, in Puerto Rico. We are all thankful to you for your service, your devotion and your sacrifices, and also to your family and friends for their sacrifices. Our hearts break for your family during this terrible tragedy, and we want them to know that you will never be forgotten! Our thoughts and Prayers go out to the rest of your family and to all of your sisters and brothers in Blue that protect us. God bless you all!! (Matthew5:9)
Kelly & Eddie King
December 24, 2021
Rest in Peace Agent Ferrer-Pabon. Thank you for your service. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and the Puerto Rico Police Department.
Cpl. Gary Hughes (Retired)
Passaic County Sheriff's Office New Jersey
December 24, 2021
We work together. He was a great partner, very helpful and professional with his work. He had been a police officer for 10 years. Here we are all in Shock. He had his wife and 2 minor children. God have it in the glory of him
Agte. Wilfredo Feliciano
Stolen Vehicle Division
December 24, 2021
We work together. He was a great partner, very helpful and professional with his work. He had been a police officer for 10 years. Here we are all in Shock. He had his wife and 2 minor children. God have it in the glory of him
Agte. Wilfredo Feliciano
Stolen Vehicle Division
December 24, 2021
Rest in peace Brother Jose, you are a true American Hero and will never be forgotten for your service and courage.
Son of G. Truman Wortham EOW07/15/73
Assistant Chief Carl Wortham (retired)
Sand Springs OK PD, Tulsa Police Department
December 24, 2021
Palabras del Agte.#JorgeRamos
A caído un verdadero héroe
Todo aquel que tenga la bendición de pasar estas fiestas con su familia, aproveche el momento para darle un cálido abrazo y dejarle saber a esa persona cuan importante es para usted en su vida y cuanto lo ama. Aproveche el momento ya que lo tiene presente. Sea hermano, hijo, padre, madre o esposo, no deje pasar esa oportunidad pues la vida es tan frágil. Basta con ver la triste noticia de un padre de familia que anoche salió a trabajar, sirviéndole a un país que juró proteger y es lamentable saber que no podrá llegar a su hogar a ver a sus hijos abrir sus regalos. Es lamentable que allá realizado el mayor sacrificio por un país donde se valora más un héroe de cómics que a uno verdadero que deja sola su familia en las noche para proteger las ajenas. Esto lo digo por que estos héroes de cómics les hemo inmortalizado en revistas y películas. Sin embargo, y lo digo sin menosprecio pero van a pasar varios meces y ya no hablaran del compañero que sacrificó su vida en la madrugada del 24 de diciembre del 2021, como ha pasado con los anteriores compañeros. Los que asistieron a la panadería y Landy, les quito la vida. El compañero Pabon, que perdió la vida al su patrulla volcarse. El compañero Benjamin De Los Santos, que un delincuente sin escrúpulos le quito la vida en Ponce. La propia hermana de Benjamin, también compañera que perdió la vida mientras unos vandidos se enfrentaban a tiros. El compañero Herazmo, al cual solo le faltaba unos pocos días para su tan merecido retiro (aunque con una pensión de indigencia) y culminó pagando con su vida al morir con las botas puestas (lema de los policías) Entre muchos más compañeros que les ha tocado hacer el mayor sacrificio al dar su vida en el cumplimiento del deber. Espero me disculpen por no hacer mención de ellos.
Y claro la familia del compañero Ferrer y de cada uno de los compañeros que han partido tienen y tendrán un dolor indescriptible por la pérdida de esos seres queridos al igual que la familia de la Policia de Puerto Rico se estremece cada vez que un verdadero héroe cae. A la familia, amigos y compañeros más cercanos de El Sgto. José Ferrer Pabon 8-36091 en nombre de todos los hermanos de sangre azul ... Nuestro más sentido pésame.
Words from Agte. # JorgeRamos
A true hero has fallen
Anyone who is blessed to spend these holidays with his family, take the moment to give him a warm hug and let that person know how important he is to you in his life and how much you love him. Seize the moment as you keep it in mind. Be a brother, son, father, mother or husband, do not miss this opportunity because life is so fragile. It is enough to see the sad news of a father of a family who went to work last night, serving a country that he swore to protect and it is regrettable to know that he will not be able to come home to see his children open their gifts. It is unfortunate that the greatest sacrifice was made for a country where a comic book hero is valued more than a true one who leaves his family alone at night to protect others. I say this because we have immortalized these comic book heroes in magazines and movies. However, and I say it without contempt but several months will pass and they will no longer speak of the partner who sacrificed his life at dawn on December 24, 2021, as has happened with the previous colleagues. Those who attended the bakery and Landy, took their lives. Comrade Pabon, who lost his life when his patrol overturned. Comrade Benjamin De Los Santos, who an unscrupulous criminal took his life in Ponce. Benjamin's own sister, also a companion who lost her life while some vandalism fought. Comrade Herazmo, who only lacked a few days for his much-deserved retirement (although with a homeless pension) and ended up paying with his life when he died with his boots on (motto of the policemen). Touched make the greatest sacrifice by laying down his life in the line of duty. I hope you'll excuse me for not mentioning them.
And of course the family of comrade Ferrer and of each of the comrades who have left have and will have indescribable pain for the loss of those loved ones just like the family of the Puerto Rico Police shudders every time a true hero falls. . To the family, friends and closest colleagues of Sgt. José Ferrer Pabon 8-36091 on behalf of all the blue-blooded brothers ... Our condolences.
Agent Jorge Ramos
Policia de Puerto Rico
December 24, 2021
Thank you for your service.
Dmytro Goloborodko
December 24, 2021
Rest in Peace my Brother in Arms
Anrae G Godley-Cooper
U.S. Army Military Police
December 24, 2021
Rest in eternal Peace, good and faithful public servant.
God has already reserved a special place for our peacemakers.
Please continue your careful and diligent watch over us.
When Law Enforcement perishes, a proud and caring nation mourns.
Thank you for your heroic sacrifice!
Thank you for your selfless service!
Thank you for your guardian protection!
Our prayers to the family and department.
Charles F. Holloway, Jr.
Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association
Elizabethtown Police Department
December 24, 2021
R.I.P Agent José Ferrer-Pabón
Brian Molyneaux
citizen Toronto Canada
December 24, 2021
Psalm 15
God bless.
Rest in peace brother.
Sgt. Paul Schanno
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections MCF-Stillwater
December 24, 2021
Rest in Peace Agent José Ferrar pabon
RIP Francisco Cruz
December 24, 2021
Lord God, You are the Light, the Love, and the Life, the ultimate example has been shown to us through the work and ministry of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, in daily life, You raise civil servants who also lay down their lives for the protection of others. We magnify You, Lord God, for continuing to show us what it looks like to serve and suffer in a redemptive manner. Help us to put into practice the example of these fallen law enforcement officers in our own lives, so that their sacrifice may not be in vain. In Christ Jesus, Your Son, I pray. Amen.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his [her] life for his [her] friends.” [John 15:13 ESV]
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]
“And he [Jesus] said to him [her], “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” [Luke 23:43 ESV]
Chaplain Steven Robert Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
Ordained / Licensed / Certified Independent Outreach Christian Clergy
Merrimack, NH 03054
Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department
December 24, 2021