Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Lonnie L. Harper

Metro Nashville Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Saturday, August 10, 1963

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Lonnie L. Harper

Officer Harper,
On today, the 60th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Nashville. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

August 10, 2023

Rest In Peace

Nick mottola

August 10, 2020

Rest in peace knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

August 10, 2020

Rest in peace Officer Harper.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2020

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

February 1, 2020

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