New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies Police, New Jersey
End of Watch Tuesday, December 2, 1975
Reflections for Police Officer Wilson McLaurin
Rest in peace Officer McLaurin.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 13, 2020
Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
December 2, 2020
NJ Human Services Honors the Department’s Police Officers as Part of National Police Week & Peace Officers Memorial Day
Posted on May 17, 2020 InsiderNJ News
NJ Human Services Honors the Department’s Police Officers as Part of National Police Week & Peace Officers Memorial Day
(TRENTON) – New Jersey Human Services is honoring National Police Week this week and Peace Officers Memorial Day today by recognizing the New Jersey State Human Services Police for their efforts to protect some of New Jersey’s most vulnerable residents.
Police Week is celebrated annually to recognize police officers around the country who lost their lives in the line of duty and to recognize officer achievements. Two Human Services Police Officers have lost their lives in the line of duty – Officer Wilson McLaurin, who died in the line of duty in 1975, and Sgt. Lawrence Bannick, who died in the line of duty in 1977.
The New Jersey Human Services Police serve and protect individuals across New Jersey, including children, individuals with disabilities, and others.
Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson highlighted the essential work of the Human Services Police and noted the unique skills required for this critical role.
“New Jersey’s Human Services Police often handle situations and duties that are the true essence of community policing by engaging with individuals and families at times of great vulnerability and providing steady and supportive leadership,” Commissioner Johnson said. “Their work requires specialized skills and talents and training. I thank them and Director Timothy Gallagher for their constant dedication and commitment.”
Retired Police Officer
May 18, 2020
Dear Daddy,
I am so proud to have known you for the short time that I did. December 2nd 1975 was the worst day of my life. I was only 17 years of age when your End of Watch arrived. Decades later it still hurts. Thank you for your service and dedication and for being a wonderful father. You will always be my hero. Please rest in peace and I look forward to seeing you again.
Love always your daughter,
Brenda McLaurin
March 31, 2019
Officer McLaurin, thank you for your service and dedication. I know you left this life doing the job you were meant to do and I know you still watch over your family and friends to this day.
God Bless and may your continued rest remain peaceful, Brother.
Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Department
March 12, 2019
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9
Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service
February 26, 2019