Tempe Police Department, Arizona
End of Watch Sunday, September 20, 1987
Reflections for Lieutenant John Eaton Bradshaw
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Met John shortly after he started with TPD. Later I went on with AZDPS, and got to work with John every now and then. Seemed like when I needed a Back Up on the 360, he was always there. RIP Lt John. Still think of you today.
Trooper Steve Crane, 2175
Friend to John. AHP
January 12, 2022
I am his grand son and I wish I could have met my grandfather.
Ethan Bradshaw
His grandson
October 2, 2020
Well John it's been 33 years now. After reading about all the great memories and love expressed here I can tell I am not the only one who felt close to you. I remember first meeting you and your family in 1975 when we were assigned together and you invited me to your home for dinner during our shift. Your hospitality and caring in the way you trained officers and dealt with citizens was something I never forgot and always tried to practice in my life and career ever since meeting you. I can only hope that I did it half as well as you did.
I worked for you on the day you left us on that Sunday in 1987. Like many here, I too was not able to respond to your final call for service. Something I will always struggle with as well. I can tell you that you would have been very proud of our response, for many days to come. You trained us well.
Like many of us who were honored to participate at your final services I was especially touched by your family once again. Your brother's rendition of The Lord's Prayer still resonates in my life. I pray for all of you.
May your reputation and legacy continue forever my friend. Until we meet again.
Jim Norwood
Sergeant Tempe PD (Ret)
September 20, 2020
Rest in peace always and know that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 20, 2020
Lt. Bradshaw rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2020
I was 26 years old when Lt. Bradshaw was shot. I was rookie officer with less than 18 months experience. They day he was shot was a Sunday and I was working the day shift. I had my first "ride-a-long" which was a high school student interested in becoming an officer.
I was working the southside of Tempe out of the Kiwanis substation where Lt. Bradshaw also worked. The border between north and south was Broadway Rd. In those days there were very strict rules about leaving your assigned area without supervisor approval.
Lt Bradshaw was shot a half mile north of Broadway Rd. After being shot however his vehicle travelled south past Broadway Rd. into the southern area. Being a new officer, I stayed in my assigned area afraid to go outside. Instead, I drove to the Kiwanis substation and called dispatch. This is when I learned Lt. Bradshaw had died. I broke down and cried. My "ride-along" soon after asked to go home. I don't know if he ever became an officer.
I retired from Tempe after 28 years of service. I have never forgotten that day or for not leaving my beat and going to the scene and least holding Lt. Bradshaw's hand.
Lt. Bradshaw was as good as they come. He was the best example of what a police officer should be for a new officer. His two memorable quotes were "Proud to be here happy to Serve" and " Walk softly and carry a big Stick". I didn't know Lt. Bradshaw long, but he left a life long impression on me.
Thank you sir.
Detective Matt Harris Z400
Temmpe Police Department
August 25, 2019
There isn't a week that goes by that I don't remember Lt. Bradshaw. He was always friendly, warm, and had kind and funny words to share when he visited the radio room. An hour prior to his death, he had been up there and we had shared trout our fishing hopes. I admired and respected him so very much because he gave us his respect and trust. This was priceless to me, and I miss him even today.
LT, I was proud to serve under you.
John Hart, former TPD dispatcher
Tempe PD and U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security; retired
December 29, 2016
A few years ago we had the privilege of meeting Lt. Bradshaw's children through a mutual friend. We are about the same age. After a brief discussion we discovered that my Father-in-law was the DPS officer who shot and killed the suspect. It was very sobering. My husband was also an officer and comes from a long line of law enforcement. I've always feared losing him in the line of duty. Even though we didn't know Lt. Bradshaw 29 years ago, I can sense the pain his family has gone through. It's a brotherhood and we all share in the pain and loss. His family will always remember him. I will always remember his family...how well they have processed the whole ordeal. I will always be thankful for the service that Law Enforcement men and women have given to serve and protect us. Thank you Bradshaw family for your ultimate sacrifice. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cecilie Hudson
October 12, 2016
This man was amazing. I remember his laugh, his smile, the way he made me feel welcome and wanted in his home. His voice was beautiful and listening to it in person or on his record was a treat. The last time I saw him was riding his horse at the McClintock football game, keeping us safe. His death had a huge impact on me, in many ways. I loved him, I miss him. I am grateful for his service and sacrifice, and grateful that I had the privilege of knowing him.
Heather Biggs
Family friend
January 2, 2015
I wish i had the chance to meet you i know you were an amazing man andbtryed hard for what you did at least you died beinh a poilce oficer i remember one time we went to the grave yard and hung out by your grave i will never forget that
bridget bradshaw
November 11, 2014
Miss u Lt
Donna. C381
Donna batey
September 23, 2014
Lt John Bradshaw was one of the biggest influences of my police career. As a young Explorer Scout, Lt Bradshaw took our post on a field trip to Los Angles. We rode with LA Sherrifs and LA Police. It was at that point that I knew that the course of my life was set. Lt Bradshaw was a leader and a mentor to me as I transitioned from Explorer Scout to Police Officer. Almost 30 years later I still tell people - Happy to be here and proud to serve!
Thank you Lieutenant -
Alan Dryer
Deputy Chief BNSF Rwy Police
January 17, 2014
John was like a second father to me, and I remember the last time I saw him. It was at a McClintock High School football game the Friday before he died. He always made me feel so welcome and had a smile that would make you feel all warm and happy inside. As fate would have it, he died on my own father's birthday, so each year I have a special opportunity to remember two very important men in my life.
Nicole Ainsworth Millet
Family Friend
September 20, 2013
I was transferred from AZ to MS in May, 1985 and was not there when you left. I was sad and shocked at our loss when notified. Reading others "reflections" have brought back more memories of how you were, and the examples you set for everyone else to live and to serve by. You often let my wife and another reserve officer's wife ride along with you on patrol, and they loved it, and appreciated your kindness. I remember how it was to occasionally ride with you on patrol myself, and how you taught us to get along with the public. You will always be remembered...
Marion (Randy) Bell
Senior Research Scientist (retired)
Lt. (Reserve) 1985
Reserve -Tempe Police Dept. 1973-85
July 10, 2013
I was in downtown Tempe yesterday for the first time in many years and barely recognized the place! I think you'd be proud of how beautiful it is these days.. We met when I was only 14 years old, just starting high school. I joined the Tempe Police Explorers and whether or not you realized it, you became both a mentor and a father figure for me until I went off and joined the army in 1981 as a military police officer. Your constant example during those years of how we should treat others has never been forgotten and continues to serve me well. As I stood in front of you once again, dusting off your memorial plaque with my bandanna, I was truly amazed at how quickly the hurt and sadness came flooding back, blinding me with tears. The sense of loss still overwhelms me after almost 26 years. You rest now within 20 feet of my maternal grampa, another major influence in my life. My son John and his sister Jenni have heard all about the explorer trips we took to California, the adventures, the pranks, the pea-shooters and mace fights. They've also heard you sing "The Cat Came Back" and all the other songs from your album "HELLO GALAHADS!" I can't think of a single bad memory other than coming home from camping to find your face on the front page of all the papers... I like to think you'd be proud of me LT; I've been doing my best to pass on your example of charity and love toward our fellow man and respect for those who put their lives on the line each and every day and respect for the law. You were a shining light for me in a dark world and I, like countless others; am a better person for having known you! God bless and keep you John, until we meet again on the other side. -Crystal
Crystal (McGinnis) Jones
Tempe Police Explorer/US Army MP
May 26, 2013
It was a very difficult day to begin with, I remember the radio call, I working southside at the time, I remember the panic in my heart as we could not figure out what was going on and the ton of rocks that hit as we sat in our patrol cars and heard the news and there was nothing we could do to help except keep responding to radio calls from citizens requesting help from us. I attended church with John in the Tempe Ward and directed traffic at his funeral from that very building. John used to sit and mentor me during the long weekend shifts and keep me grounded. He was an example of Christ in all that he did. Thank you. John 13:15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
S.A.S. Steve Wozniak
Ohio Attorney General's Office
October 24, 2012
Miss you Lt.
September 27, 2012
Uncle John was my favorite person. We had a bond that I've never experienced with anyone else. It seemed as if from even before my actual birth that Uncle John and I were close in a way I simply cannot describe with words.
When he wanted to get my attention, he would sing my name. I can still to this day hear him singing, "Dawn Renee! Dawn Renee!" His death was so sudden, and so tragic. But laying his life down for others was simply who he was.
He was a giver and a lover. His joy was infectious. I miss him so very much, and am looking forward to hugging him tightly in Heaven as I hear him singing my name once again.
I miss you deeply, Uncle John. Can't wait to see you again!
Dawn Renee Weary
niece; his only sister's only daughter
September 23, 2012
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9
Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service
May 18, 2012
I remember when I heard about it. Very sad. I hope he is at peace and that his family is doing well. It is great that he lived a life in a way that he is remembered fondly by people and not forgotten.
Brian Bice
Community member
October 30, 2011
John was one of those special individuals who always had a kind word to say and stood up for what was right. I remember years ago when a sergeant attempted to blame another officer and I for a bad search on the scene of man with a gun call John knowing the actual circumstances took the sergeant aside and told him that he was not going to be allowed to blame us two officers for his (the sergeants) decision to come on scene and conduct a bad search of an apartment.
I think the sergeant was written up for violating policy and the two young officers saw what it really meant to stand up for what was right and just.
Captain Greg Anderson
Former Tempe PD
September 28, 2011
I never got the chance to meet you in this lifetime. But I have heard so many great things about you from my dad. I remember for your birthday last year. My sister had the bright idea of going to your grave and just spending sometime there. We invited Diane who then invited Laura and she brought her oldest daughter with her and also some cake. So we just sat around your grave and had some birthday cake just for you. Laura and Nana told us so many stories of you to us. It's a moment I will never forget. You are deeply missed by your family. And all of us grand kids wish we could have had a chance to meet you.
Emily Bradshaw
September 25, 2011
Make time to reflect and ponder those who left too early,
absent today, because they followed a moral imperative,
driven by the angst of life and love of brother.
Remember what they taught us by their deeds and actions.
Keep in mind their sacrifice given for those unnamed and unknown
and when fate or providence brings them to mind,
Take time to reflect and ponder those who left too early.
G L Haugen
Father of a Tempe Police Officer
September 20, 2011
John…I still remember getting stuck in the river bottom as a rookie working midnights. My Sergeant was off that night and after an hour of trying to get unstuck I had to call for help. You came out and put me at ease telling me “you push I’ll drive”. After 20 minutes we were able to get it unstuck. Thanks for keeping it light hearted and going easy on the rookie. You have not been forgotten.
Detective Ken Haugen, Retired
Tempe P.D.
September 20, 2011
I worked with Lt. Bradshaw at the Tempe Police Department since 1975. John was one of the most down to earth, personable, kind and caring individuals that I have ever had the privilege to know. Every day people would ask him, "How are you doing John?" His response was always, "Happy to be here, proud to serve!" The Tempe PD was lucky to have him, as were the citizens he so faithfully served. He is often talked about, and never forgotten! I know that John is standing tall at the pearly gates, singing merrily while advising St. Peter, "Trust me, he/she is good to go!"
Division Commander
Tempe Police Department
May 14, 2011
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