Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
End of Watch Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Reflections for Agent Victor Manuel Soto-Velez
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. My condolences to your family, friends and coworkers of the Puerto Rico Police Department. May you rest in peace.
Ptlm. William F. Shields
federal Reserve Police/Philadelphia - Retired/Haverford Police
June 29, 2012
RIP Brother
Deputy Anita Price
Bexar County Sheriff's Office, San Antonio, Texas
June 29, 2012
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and coworkers during this difficult time. Your service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Thomas Kelly, Senior Federal Air Mrshal
June 29, 2012
God's peace and speed Agent Soto-Velez. Thank you for your brave, dedicated service. RIP Brother.
P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago PD
June 29, 2012
My heart goes goes out to his daughter and his ex-wife, my cousine and aunt. I hold them so dear. I wish i was there with them to help them along. Uncle V. you're in such a better place right now.
Specialist E-4
U.S. Army
June 29, 2012
To fellow comrades ,friends and family of Agent Victor Manuel Soto-Velez there will be a void no one else can fill ..we live in a world with unexplainable circumstances that touches us all to the very core ... we are to cast our cares on the Lord ..which is a day by day process may you feel the power of God spirit “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”
“Casting all your care upon Him,
for He cares for you.”1 Peter 5:7...Father In The Name Of Jesus You Are Our All And All Even In The Mist Of Heart Ship .. Your Strength Is Made Perfect In Our Weakness ...Cover Each And Everyone With Heavy Hearts On Today And Give Them A Desire To Seek Your Word In A Brand New Way ,Reveal A Clearer Understanding By Your Grace And Mercy Through Your Blood ,In Jesus Name ..amen ..
Someone who cares
June 29, 2012
God Bless you Officer Soto-Velez. May the good Lord above cradle you in His arms, and may you Rest in Peace my brother in blue. I offer my prayers and sympathies to each and every one of your family members, friends, and co-workers. Rest easy Sir.
Chris Walley
Former Jail Officer/Deputy Wayne Co. Mississippi Sheriffs Department
June 29, 2012
Thak you for your service and my prayers are with your family and love ones
Retired Deputy John Latour
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
June 29, 2012
May God bless the family and fellow Officers with peace and courage. May justice be swift and complete.
RIP Officer Soto-Velez.
Chaplain Bill Roscoe
Canyon Co. Sheriffs Office, Idaho
June 29, 2012
Rest in peace my brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and the Puerto Rico Police Department.
James J. Scanlon (Retired C.P.D.)
North American SWAT Training Assoc.
June 29, 2012
May you Rest in Peace Sir.......................................
Officer Thomas Wiederhold, Retired
Fort Worth Police Dept. Tx.
June 29, 2012
R.I.P. BROTHER Soto-Velez!!!
Nebraska Police Officer
June 29, 2012
Godspeed brother, Rest in Peace .
Sgt David Palacios
Grandview P.D. (WA)
June 29, 2012
How very tragic. May God bless those he has left behind and swift justice be experienced by the perpetrators of such violence. Thank you for your service and commitment to serving and protecting those in your community
June 28, 2012
Que descanse en paz nuestro compañero Agte.Víctor Soto Dios necesitaba más ángeles azules Dtb ;(
Agte Ileana Ortiz
Policía de PR Centro de mando
June 28, 2012
"Hoy mas que nunca brillare mi placa y mis escudos. Mi uniforme irradiara luz y esperanza. Mis botas nublaran la vista de quienes bajen su mirada rindiendo homenaje a los caidos. Hoy mas que nunca sentire orgullo propio y ajeno, llevare hidalguia, coraje y respeto por cada uno de los que se fueron, por cada huerfano de sangre azul, por cada viuda(o) desamparada(o). Hoy mas que nunca sere fiel a mi compromiso y no dejare que el miedo y las consecuencias ganadas por mi oposicion a lo que esta mal me empañen y me alejen de mi camino. Mi cabeza sera inclinada solo ante ti Señor, Dios Todopoderoso, pues a quien tiene la verdad como escudo no habra lanza que lo penetre. Y cuando el ruido de las salvas cese estare alli, de pie, en alto, rodeado por los mios, los que conmigo luchan, viven y mueren, los verdaderos heroes, los que no se quitan, los "Niños de Sangre Azul"
Sgt. Luis A. Perez Aponte
June 28, 2012
R.I.P. Brother.
Det. Randy Evans
Kansas City Missouri Police Department
Son of Patrolman Robert Wayne Evans
E.O.W 10/14/1971
June 28, 2012
Aunque no nos conocimos, Yo quisiera ofrecerle mi mas sentido pesame. Ojala pude haberte conocido. Estoy cierto de que fuistes un buenisimo hombre quien quien se afanaria para ayudar a un projimo. Me entristece tanto la manera que te fuistes. Es mi esperanza y oracion que tanto los responsables para tu muerte tan injusto y innecesitado sean debidamente castigados, como su familia mis mas profundos oraciones. Se que si nosotros nos conocieramos uno y otro, sin lugar a dudas hubieramos sido buenismos amigos.
Josh Holcomb
Josh Holcomb
June 28, 2012
Agent Manuel Soto-Velez rest in peace you are now a member
of an elite group The Thin Blue Line of Heroes. There is no greater sacrifice that one can give for his fellow man. To the Family I salute your lost loved one, and pray for you during the days to come. Victor will be in the company of heroes forevermore.
The Thin Blue Line of the Fallen are Standing at attention in their class “A“ uniforms, badges of Law Enforcement. All of whom have previously paid the ultimate price. Today, like many others,
they welcome gleaming and shoes like glass, They are your brothers and sisters you to this hallowed place. As you march
down the Thin Blue Line of the Fallen, all eyes are focused on you as if to say it will be ok you’re with your eternal partners. A salute follows and a tear can be seen on so many faces. Welcome, you served well. Now come join the ranks, another member of The Thin Blue Line has come home.
Your brother in Law Enforcement
Dr. Stan Phillips Retired
Retired, Walnut Grove Police Department, Walnut Grove. Mississippi
June 28, 2012
My prayers to his family. A brother is now with God. As a Ex- Puerto Rico Police Dept and now Baltimore City Police Dept, I can say thank you my brother for your service and REST IN PEACE. GOD BLESS YOU.
Police Officer Vicente A. Class Corchado
1996-2006 Puerto Rico Police, 2006- Present Baltimoe City Police
June 28, 2012
On behalf of Session 52 of the Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy in Schenectady, NY, we thank you for your service. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your department.
Session 52
June 28, 2012
Thank you for your service brother, Rest in peace.
Corporal Matthew Gagné
Sanford Police Dept. (Maine)
June 28, 2012
Those targeted are the ones who are great police officer's. We got it from here bro!!
June 28, 2012
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest in peace.
June 28, 2012
My thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and co-workers of Agent Victor Soto-Velez. Another Hero taken too soon. R.I.P Sir!
Wm Jean-Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Trafic Unit
June 28, 2012