Denver Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Friday, May 27, 2011
Reflections for Patrolman David Roberts
Dave had a deep desire to be a policeman from the time he was a child. As his youngest sister, I always had to be the bad guy when we played cops and robbers, because there was never a question of who would play the officer. He never lost that passion, even after he was shot. I know that many people relied on Dave to make them feel comfortable with his injuries, and he did so with humor. I don't know that I would have kept such a good attitude if I had been in his place, and I can easily forgive him for the times he let his stubborness shine through. I loved him and I miss him, and I know that he is touched by all of the wonderful reflections that have been left on this page. Since Dave can't tell you himself, I'll say it for him... thank you.
Donette K. Homra
April 20, 2012
Rest in Peace brother.
Denver Police Department
April 3, 2012
One of the wonderful things about Dave Roberts was even after his disabling shooting; he never lost his heart for being a Denver Police Officer. He continued to interact with as many officers as he could and always had a story or joke to share. Dave faithfully attended every DPD event he could from cadet swearing in ceremonies to retirement parties of fellow officers – and everything in between. Dave would attend PPA Association meetings, new station open houses, holiday parties, and many other gatherings. The PPA included him when it would have been his 25-Year Dinner. Dave was a frequent visitor to out-of-state officers going through rehabilitation at Colorado’s Craig or Spaulding Hospitals. Dave often purchased sweat shirts, sweat pants, or a DPD ball cap from the PPA store to give to officers in rehabilitation stating, he knew they would be cold. This is a glimpse of Dave Roberts after his shooting. This is the work he wanted to do, and continued to do the remainder of his life. There is no doubt that having his name placed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial in D.C. will be the 2nd best honor; right behind the day he was sworn in as a DPD Police Officer. He will be missed.
Shirley Grantham, Past Business Manager
Denver Police Protective Association
February 26, 2012
Over the past several years I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Dave. Everyone should understand that Dave was very supportive of the Denver Police Department and its officers in a positive way. Dave was an invited speaker at various organizations such as the the Footprinter's, who support law enforcement. and various law enforcement employee organizations throughtout the state. I supported Dave in his efforts to tell his story and what is needed to support those officers injured in the line of duty. Dave was a great man and is missed by many. The organizations I belong to did what we could for Dave and we should all remember to do so for our fellow officers injured in the line of duty. Dave was a brave man to his death and well deserved to remembered and honored.
Det. J C Tyus Jr., retired
Denver Police Department
February 26, 2012
Dave Roberts not only loved life he loved being a Denver Police Officer. He had a dry sense of humor that put other people at ease and this helped him deal with his struggles through the years. The City and County of Denver should learn from his situation and reward the dedication of seriously wounded officers more generously in the future.
Sergeant Bob Clair (Ret.)
Denver Police Department
February 24, 2012
I worked with Dave out in District Four as a Patrolman and later as a Detective Dave often helped with search warrants. I was working the day he was shot and was in shock like everyone else. As he recovered I used to call him and stay in touch with him and we went to lunch probably every other month for several years. He was a good cop with a big heart and a great sense of humor. He always wanted to make you laugh whenever you were with him. He loved life!
Captain Brian D. Gallagher
Denver Police Department
February 19, 2012
I will always remember Dave, I was one of two police dispatchers that handled the air traffic when Dave was shot that day. Dave would come up to the radio room and vist with us often and we became friends. He was a compassionate man and a good and caring cop. His sense of humor never left him. May God bless you David.
Technician Manny Hays 73-31
Denver Police Department, Denver Co.
February 18, 2012
Dave - for 25 years you were a great friend. My sons still remember meeting you for the first time. They were five and six. We will never forget you and that wonderful sense of humor.
John Tagert
CSPD - Chief of Police (Ret)
February 17, 2012
Thank you for your service Sir, RIP.
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
February 17, 2012
I worked with Dave in District 3. Dave always volunteered for any assignment and was a very dedicated and determined officer. His murder was a tragady and am very sorry for your loss. I enjoyed working with Dave and was proud to have known him.
Sgt. David Estrada Retireed
Denver Police Dept/Friend and co-worker
February 15, 2012
When I was a young officer in 1974, Dave’s sister, Bonnie, was a neighbor of mine. I remember her introducing me to her little brother, whose dream was to become a Denver Police Officer. I gave Dave some advice on what could help him get on the job, and I guess my advice was good.
I was horrified when he was shot. I was working at Headquarters then, and when Dave was in a coma I would skip lunch to walk to DGH and read the newspaper to him. In all the time I knew him, it was the only time I could get a word in edgewise. I didn’t know if he could hear me, but when he woke from the coma he had plenty to say about the articles I had read him, which by that time I couldn’t remember.
Unlike many victims of brain injury, Dave’s personality never changed. He remained upbeat, a character, and a dedicated Denver cop. It was a privilege to know him.
My condolences to Bonnie and to the rest of Dave’s family.
Dan Rubin, Captain (Ret.)
Denver Police Department
February 15, 2012
I only got to meet Dave after his injury. From his time at the hospital he waa even more obstinate that me! Dave had to fight more than his injury, but the continued day to day giving his life in the line of duty through all the limitations. Dave, you are finally getting the recognition for having given your life in the line of duty. The pain is gone. Be at peace.
Dale Coski, 82-23
DPD, Retired
February 14, 2012
Dave was a great guy and a dedicated police officer. I had many occasions to work with Dave as his commander at off-duty jobs and always appreciated his humor and attention to duty, The morning he was brutally shot in the head by a dangerous felon he had covered over to the scene when no one else answered the call. That was Dave and although there were those that would try to diminish his courage and sacrifice he was a police hero without question. A year or so after the shooting I was able to get him awarded the Medal of Honor which he deserved and I am so glad his name has been added to the fallen heroes for he paid the ultimate price for doing his duty.
Div. Chief Jerry Kennedy (Retired)
Denver Police Department
February 14, 2012
I remember when Dave got out of the Academy. I had been on the job only a couple of years before him. He was an energetic, commited young man with a great sense of humor and a smile on his face. I can also say that even after the shooting he retained all those qualities even in the face of his hurdles. He remained strong and never gave up!
Sgt. Dave Levy, Retired
Denver Police Department
February 14, 2012
I worked with Dave in District three. Every year we ran in the Governor's Cup race together with a bunch of guys from District three. It hurt to see his movement impaired by the shooting. The shooting limited him physically, but his spirit remained unchanged. He always looked at the humor of every situation. I ran into him often while at coffee at Evans and Colo. Miriam Reed took Dave out to dinner regularly there, with her children, and my fondest memories of him are the laughs we shared on those occasions. I will always remember his dedication to his work, and his feisty sense of humor. God Bless You Dave!
Retired Officer George Makolondra
Denver Police Dept
February 14, 2012
I spent many hours working off-duty with Dave at the old Elitch's in north Denver. I marveled at his sense of humor and at his dedication to serving the people of Denver. He was a good, hard-working cop who loved his job.
Mike O'Neill Commander (Ret.)
Denver Police Department
February 14, 2012
I had met Dave a few times before the incident and knew him to be a cops cop. After the incident I saw Dave out in restaurants and stores. He always had a smile on his face and never once did he complain about his situation. He had more courage facing the aftermath of the shooting than anyone I know. I will always remember him.
Mike Fiori Retired Detective
Denve Police Department
February 14, 2012
I knew Dave before and after the incident. He was a credit to the Denver Police Department at all times. He was a hard working street officer who died before his time. May he rest in peace knowing we are all proud of him.
Ron Avila-Retired Technician
Denver Police Metro/Swat
February 14, 2012
I worked around Dave while he was on the Denver Police Department. He was a pleasure to work with, always happy, energetic, and professional. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.
Jim Nash-Retired Officer
Denver Police Department
February 14, 2012
When an officer dies
a part of society dies,
a part of me dies,
a part of all of us dies.
A part of me,
a part of 'my family'
who wore the badge dies.
We know the hurt and
we hear the cries....
Why GOD why?
and he answers
because you serve
and some will die.
Al Nieto, 55010
Retired, DPD technician
Al Nieto , 55010, Technician
Denver Police Dep't
February 14, 2012
I was Dave’s supervisor during his 4 years as a Denver police reserve officer (1975-1979). His sense of humor and dedication to duty was in inspiration to all of us. His desire and determination to become a regular DPD officer was always at the top of his list of things to accomplish.
RIP Dave!
Dave Weinstock 90-48
Operations Officer DPR
February 14, 2012
I was Dave's training officer, he was a real fun loving guy and loved the job. I loved this guy dearly he was such a kick to be around. He use to come ride with me on patrol after he retired and he enjoyed being around the guys. I will always remember him as long as I live. Being a cop meant everything to him.
Terry Rogers Sergeant
Denver Police Department
February 14, 2012
I worked with Dave when he first came to the Denver Police Department, and he was VERY eager to do what was reuired and to learn more. He was a very nice guy, and as far as I know, never changed. I never heard a negative word about Dave.
When something happens like happened to Dave, it makes you wonder why him and not me!
Mike Mullen- Retired Detective
Denver Police Department
February 11, 2012
I worked with Dave when he first came onto the Denver Police Department, and he was VERY eager to learn, and do what was required for the Job.
I never heard anyone say a negative thing abot Dave while he was working, and I know his life after his unfortunate incident was really tough.
God Bless Him!!!
Det. Mike Mullen-Retired
Denver Police Department
February 11, 2012
Dave loved being a cop, and was truly an inspiration to our profession. It was my honor to know and work with him on the Denver Police Department. May Dave rest in peace as he now sits among the angels.
Captain Gary Graham (RET)
Denver Police Department
February 9, 2012