United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government
End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012
Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson
God bless you and your family. Rest in peace!!!!!!!!
Officer E.Borghesani
San Francisco Police Dept.
January 7, 2012
For nearly two decades I lived in the shadow of Mt. Rainier and played on her slopes and trails. At first as a soldier at Ft. Lewis then later when I worked for WA State Parks. The sight of Mt. Rainier in the distance on a sunny day was always reassuring that God himself touched this place. Now, as a Park Ranger myself, I know the dedication that was in you Margaret to protect the park from the people, the people from the people, and the people from the park. It's not a job, it is a calling. Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. You are a true hero.
Julie Stone, Park Ranger
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Michael J. Kirwan Dam & Reservoir
January 7, 2012
Margaret was a wonderful person and a good cop! She cared for the visitors in the park and gave her life protecting them. She was also a wonderful mom and an incredible wife. Our hearts and prayers go out to Eric and the girls.
Joe Koehler Chaplain/EMT/FF
PCFD #23 / friend
January 7, 2012
Thank you for your dedication and service.
Healing thoughts to your family and friends.
Volunteer in the Park
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
January 7, 2012
While still a kid some 35 years ago a good friend of mine was moving from Texas back to Washington. We both realized we would most likely never see each other again. I traveled to Washington with his family to help them move. While there my friends parents took us to Mount Rainier National Park. This park holds some special memeries for me becouse it was in fact the last time I enjoyed with my friend. It is the dedication of Park Rangers like Margaret Anderson who make these memories enjoyable. To Margaret may you experance the best part of the job as you watch over Gods Heavenly Park. To Margaret's family the service your daughter, wife and mother gave was done from her heart. One takes the Oath of a Park Ranger becouse of their love of the outdoors and their fellow man. My heart goes out to you in your time of loss.
Park Ranger J. Todd Spivey
US Army, Corps of Engineers
January 7, 2012
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt
My condolences to the family and friends of Margaret Anderson. Margaret is a true hero . May we never forget Margaret and the sacrifices she and her family have made. My families thoughts and prayers are with Margaret and her family
Bernie Felix, US Park Ranger (LEO)
National Park Service
January 7, 2012
It's doubtful that the ugliness of the world will ever completely go away; but when some selfless act of courage and valor like Margaret's sacrifice occurs, we are given pause to reflect for a moment that peace and beauty are still possible in our world. As this hero sister ascends, it is left to us to celebrate the life and devotion of this wife, mother and friend; that she never be forgotten.
Park Manager Pat Kline
Mahoning Lake, US Army Corps of Engineers
January 7, 2012
My condolences to the family, may God give them comfort during this difficult time.
Rest in Peace
FSgt James Hoelscher
Village Public Safety Officer/Alaska
January 7, 2012
It could have been any one of us, but this time it was you and it should not have been - you were too young and a mother of two young ones. You were strong and served well...
Former NPS Ranger (LE) George Bacon
January 6, 2012
Margaret's smile can light up a room. Her dedication likely saved the lives of many visitors in the MORA parking lot.
Erik Hendrickson
National Park Service, engineer
January 6, 2012
Perhaps it may be considered somewhat poetic that, the park which Ranger Anderson was committed to protecting, itself dispensed the justice required. Rest in peace Ranger brave and true.
Denis Osowski
Spouse of a National Park LE Ranger
January 6, 2012
My condolences to the the family of Margaret Anderson, the park rangers and the staff of Mt. Ranier National Park. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you heal from this tragedy. Thank you for the valuable service that you provide to our country.
Matt Schweyer
Ohio Dept. of Rehabilitation and Correction
January 6, 2012
The daughter, the wife, the mother she will always be....when you hear a faint song, seemenly floating on the wind, it will be she......she has always dwelled within your hearts, a place she will never leave......she will still cry with you, laugh with you, Love with you.....all you need to do is believe......so when you feel from time to time a soft brush upon your arm, do not be within alarm....for it will be her angel wing softlly brushing by you as she sings her song,....blb
Bonnie L. Bahl
Department of Corrections, WSR/Monroe Wa.
January 6, 2012
My heart has been burdened for this whole tragic story from the moment it broke in the news. For the family, with a huge hole left in in because of her death, for her co-workers, friends and colleagues, who will also need time to process the loss, my heart goes out to you all. I am burdened for the family of the man who shot her as well. It is a sad, sad story all the way around and I hope I don't sound trite in saying that even out of this tragedy, God can and will bring something good from it. How is that even possible we may wonder? Yet, I believe with all that is in me, that God can and will. My prayer is that this will show itself to be true to all those dealing with the loss of Ranger Margaret Anderson.
Robyn Burke
January 6, 2012
My thoughts are with Margaret Anderson's family at this very sad time.
Elizabeth Purkiss, Senior Park Ranger
BC Parks
January 6, 2012
Thanks, Margaret for your devotion to duty and for "fighting the good fight" ! You will never be forgotten. We pray that the Lord will watch over your husband and daughters.
David J. Essex , Chief Park Ranger-ret.
National Park Service , RMNP
January 6, 2012
My condolences for the loss of your loved one. We will keep the family and friends in our prayers.
Sameull Price, Park Ranger
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
January 6, 2012
May Ranger Anderson's family, friends and co-workers look back with smiles, look for peace in the future and always find comfort through your faith and each other.
Beth Davis Cruzen, Park Ranger
US Army, Corps of Engineers
January 6, 2012
His Judgment Day:
The officer stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shinning, Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Officer, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek To my church have you been true?"
The officer squared his shoulder and said, "No, Lord, I guess I aint, Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was rough, And sometimes I've been violent Because the streets are tough.
But I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep.. Though I worked a lot of overtime, when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help Though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept an unmanly tear.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, But if you don't...I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne, where the saints often trod. As the officer waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, Officer. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on heaven's streets, You've done your time in hell"
Author unknown
May God be with everyone
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano PD Plano, TX
January 6, 2012
There is so much that can be said. The only thing that I can assure the family of Ranger Anderson is that you belong to a much larger family than you realize. Condolences from north of the border.
National Park Warden
Parks Canada
January 6, 2012
When God Made Police Officers...
When the Lord was creating police officers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an Angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this human model Lord."..."You look tired and frustrated".."Its only a police officer"..
And the Lord said, "Have you read the spec on this human, police model order?
A police officer has to be able to run miles through alleys in the dark. Scale walls, enter homes the health inspector wouldn't touch, fight with super human-stoned-on-drugs suspects and not wrinkle the uniform."
"A cop has to be able to sit in an undercover car all day on a stakeout, cover a bloody homicide scene that night, work with narcotics suspects, canvass the neighborhood for witnesses and testify in court the next day. after 3 hours sleep."
He has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half-eaten, fast-food meals.
And he has to have six pairs of hands."
The Angel shook her head slowly and said "Six pairs of hands...".." no way."
"Ummm, its not the hands that are causing me problems." Said the Lord, "its the three pairs of eyes a police officer has to have."
"That's quite a model human Lord?", said the Angel. The Lord nodded. "One pair that sees through a bulge in a pocket before he asks, "May I see what's in there, Sir?" "And finds a gun hidden away before he is killed"...
(When he already knows and wishes he'd taken that accounting job when he graduated from college.)
Another pair here in the side of his head for his partner's safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, "You'll be all right ma'am, when he knows it isn't so."
"Lord." said the Angel, touching his sleeve, "Rest and work on this tomorrow.".."its too tough"..
"I can’t.” said the Lord, "I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and it can feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck." The Angel circled the model of the police officer very slowly, looking at the fine details the Lord was including. The model looked strong, smart, even dedicated.
"Can it think?" she asked."..."You bet" said the Lord, "My police officer model can tell you the elements in a hundred crimes; recite Miranda warnings to remain silent;; investigate, search and arrest a gang member on the street in FAR less time that it takes five learned judges to debate the legality of the vehicle stop/search that my new cop will make"..."And it still keeps it's sense of humor."..
"This police officer I'm making also has phenomenal personal control"..." He can deal with crime scenes painted by Hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, not hurt a criminal by using his brains and mouth, comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily News how law enforcement isn't sensitive to the rights of criminal suspects."
Finally, the Angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the model
Police Officer God had made and said,. "There's a leak Lord."she pronounced... "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model, trying too hard."
"That's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear."..
"What's the tear for?" asked the Angel....
The Lord said, "It's for bottled up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to the gold or silver badge the officer wears and for that piece of red, white and blue cloth called the American Flag, a flag for global justice."
"You're a genius Lord", said the Angel. "Even the tears too"...
The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put the tears there." he said, "They just appeared on their own, actually just a few minutes ago".."It must be a premonition of times to come"...? "Even I don't know how to control that"...!
...Author Unknown...
Sgt. Randy Keenan / Ret.
Alameda, CA Police Dept.
January 6, 2012
To Margaret's family and friends my deepest condolences. May she rest in peace and never be forgotten. I pray for her husband and children that they will carry on her legacy their entire lives. She has left you with many gifts and blessings to treasure forever.
"In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that were I am, there you may be also."
John 14:2,3
Chris Kross U.S. Park Ranger
National Park Service, Delaware Water Gap NRA
January 6, 2012
To the Family of Margret Anderson, U.S. Law Enforcement Officer / National Park Service:
May the love of God's healing hand, and the love that Margret has for you, and you for her, sustain you in during this difficult period. May Margret's spirit dwell forever in your heart, and sustain you until you're together again!
U.S. Law Enforcement Officer L. Winston
National Park Service
January 6, 2012
Margaret, please know that you have touched so many of us and that we are all better off having known you. To Eric and family, Margaret was one of the best and brightest. You are in my thoughts.
Chief Ranger, Keith Kelly
National Park Service
January 6, 2012
Rest in Peace Ranger Anderson
My deepest sympathies to family and friends. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Ranger Dave Davis - Ret.
MD Dept. of Natural Resources - Maryland Park Service
January 6, 2012