Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012
Reflections for Sergeant Abimael Castro-Berrocales
Rest in peace brother, we have the watch now. God bless your family left behind to weather this storm. Prayers for their safety and well being. Now, we bring to justice the POS(s) that took this hero's life.
Retired Deputy Donnie Meaders
Seminole County (OK) Sheriff's Office
January 2, 2012
I wish to expend my sympathies to the family, friends, and co-workers of Sergeant Abimael Castro-Berrocales. Rest in peace our fallen hero.
Sgt. Scott Barthelmass
Overland (MO) PD/Missouri Law Enforcement Funeral Assistance Team
January 2, 2012
We lost an excellent human being, my heart goes to his family.
Sergeant Iphrain Vega 8-13155
Puerto Rico Police Department
January 2, 2012
Paso a morar a la eternidad un baluarte, bien llamado heroe de mil campañas, luchador incansable ejemplo de la sociedad. No seras olvidado por que un pueblo agradecido no olvida sino que te recordara por siempre ya que como tu no hay muchos que entreguen su vida por su projimo tratando de cambiar en algo aunque sea en algo pequeñito en nuestra tan adolorida sociedad! Descansa en paz guerrero noble de mucha gallardia, nosotros tenemos la guardia ahora "Rest in piece brother in blue We have the watch now".
Trooper Julio Velez
Florida Highway Patrol former PRPD class 185
January 2, 2012
Our prayers are with you and your family. God Bless you.
Chief George D. Casalettto
Keyport Police Department
January 2, 2012
Mis más profundo pesar par las familias Castro-Berrocales. Es una real tragedia que familias tengan que sufrir por causa de aquellos quienes no tienen respeto por el orden público y que han secuestrados nuestra bella Islas Puerto rico. Aunque mis palabras no devolverán a la vida a nuestro compatriota y ex oficial Sargento “Abimael Castro-Berrocales” del orden publico pero si espero en Dios que los responsables sean traídos a justicia por no tener respeto a la vida. “Porque la justicia siempre prevalece”
!Gracias por tu servicio!
Eliseo Rod. "Tio de Oficial Policial PR
Ciudadano PR
January 2, 2012
So sad the first day of 2012 has resulted in two officer deaths so far (Ranger Margaret Anderson National Park Service being the other) may God bless both families in this time of tragedy. We do not understand why this happened, but one day in God's presence we will know. I can say God does understand, for he witnessed his son be brutally killed so we could all be free.
Thank you for your service Sergeant.
January 2, 2012
Thank you for your service and my prayers are with your family
John Latour Retired deputy
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
January 2, 2012
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13
Rest in peace, we will honor you and your family by never forgetting your sacrifice.
Director Bill Chandler
MN Department of Public Safety Homeland Security
January 2, 2012
o the family and friends of Sgt. Abimael Catro-Berrocales, his fellow officers, and most especially to Abimael:
We honor your service to your community as a police officer and you will always be remembered and revered. Rest in Peace.
On behalf of our entire family, I wish to extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Abimael was killed in the line of duty. It is obvious he was well-loved by many and well-respected by his peers as reflected in the loving reflections left for him.
May his loved ones continued to be supported by their law enforcement family and other police survivors. Our family grieves with you and for you. To Abimael's family, you are in my heart's embrace today.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the many years of distinguished service Abimael gave to his community and the citizens of Puerto Rico, and the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on January 1, 2012.
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
January 2, 2012
Thank you for your service and protection, you will always be remembered!
Cicero PD, Illinois
January 2, 2012
RIP, May God watch over your wife and children. Thank you for your service.
Park Ranger Steven L. Reighard Sr.
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources
January 2, 2012
It is not how Sergeant Castro-Berrocales died that made her a hero, it was how she lived that made him a hero. The Officers and Staff of the Fairplay, CO Police Department send our sincerest and heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends of Ranger Castro-Berrocales. May he rest in peace, we'll take the watch from here.
Chief of Police David Gottschalk
Fairplay, CO Police Department
January 2, 2012
Fortaleza a sus familiares y compañeros de trabajo.Dios te de vida eterna , nosotros aquí estaremos orando por ti y tu familia.No te decimos adiós , si no hasta luego. Descansa en PAZ.
Jenny Fernandez Cartagena
Pensionada Policía de Puerto Rico (REGIÓN GUAYAMA)
January 2, 2012
En lo personal, lo conocí y era una buena persona. Lamento mucho la perdida de este gran ser humano y que descanse en paz. Querido Dios, dale fortaleza a toda su familia.
Oficial Elias Rodriguez Ferrer
University of PR. RUM
January 2, 2012
Que en paz descanze y que Dios le de mucha fortaleza
a toda la familia en tu inesperada partida.
Capt.Gerardo Velez Arocho 5-1555
Policia de Puerto Rico-Retirado
January 2, 2012
que descanse en paz , mi hno sgto.Castro, y que Jehova dios siga bendiciendo a tu fam. y que busque fortaleza en el que todo lo puede.
agente Carlos Gonzalez 28359
Robo a bancos, Policia de Puerto Rico
January 2, 2012
Mi condolencia a la familia del sgto. Castro-Berrocales, que descanse en paz,y que Jehova Dios siga protegiendonos de aquello que hacen mal. cada uno de nosotro tenemos que aprender a no rendirnos y cuidarnos el uno al otro.
agente Carlos Gonzalez 28359
Robo a bancos, Policia de Puerto Rico
January 2, 2012
Descanzas en paz, mi hermano.
Special Agent
January 2, 2012
I express my deepest sympathy to the family. RIP sir
Officer A. Sillah
City of Stone Mountain Police Dept. Stone Mountain, GA
January 2, 2012
Muy triste que nuestra isla se encuentre hundida en esta hola de criminalidad. Mi mas sentido pesame para su familia y para los compañeros de la uniformada en PR. Esto es you problema grave nacional y ya es tiempo que la ciudadania, los politicos y la policia se unan para recobrar el control de las calles.
CBPO Velez
January 2, 2012
Me uno a las condolencias expresadas por todos los compañeros aqui. Gracias por ser mi compañero del turno 3-11 en el Mustang. Fue una bendición el poder conocerte tanto en el trabajo como a nivel personal. Fuiste un excelente padre, amigo y hermano. Ruego que el Señor te tome en sus brazos y que le brinde la fortaleza que necesita tu esposa e hijos. Siempre te recordare y recordare los momentos en los que trabajamos juntos en la División Transito Mayagüez. Nos veremos en la eternidad en donde podremos juntos patrullar las avenidas del Reino Celestial.
BPA Sergio A. Fraticelli
Homeland Security - Border Patrol
January 2, 2012
My thoughts are with you, your family and police family.
Brother of Jeremy Chambers
EOW 04-24-2006
Chris Chambers
Saint Louis County Police Dept
January 2, 2012
God Speed, Brother.
P.O. K. Murphy
Union PD,NJ
January 2, 2012
My deepest sympathies to Sergeant Castro-Berrocales' wife, sons and and everyone in the Puerto Rico Police Department
. His brave service will not be forgotten and he died a hero.
Officer Joe Hoyer
Green Bay Police Department
January 2, 2012