New Castle County Police Department, Delaware
End of Watch Friday, September 16, 2011
Reflections for Lieutenant Joseph Lawrence Szczerba
Dear Lord, please watch over the family,loved ones, and friends of this fallen officer. Please comfort them in the difficult times they will have. Rest easy my Brother in Law, your watch on this earth is now over.......
Sgt. John L. Gulledge (Ret.)
Escambia County FL. Sheriffs Office
October 4, 2011
September 29, 2011
Deepest sympathy to Lt. Szczerba's family as well as all of the officers of NCCPD.
Cpl. (Retired) Ed DiSabatino
September 29, 2011
Joe was an amazing person and a very dedicated police officer. He dedicated his life to helping others. He left us too young. Lt. Joe Szczerba you will never be forgotten. God Speed........
Police Disp.Supervisor Marnita Koveleski
New Castle County Police, New Castle Delaware
September 29, 2011
it is always sad to hear of the loss of an LEO. i have the deepest respect for you all living or gone. my sympathies to Lieutenant Szczerba's families both LEO and otherwise
September 28, 2011
On behalf of the County Narcotics Commanders Association of NJ and the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, our deepest sympathies to the Szczerba family and his brother and sister officers for their tragic loss. May you all continue to be there and support his family now and in the future. Rest in peace Lieutenant Szcerba. God Bless
Capt. Robert DiGenova
Hudson County Prosecutor's Office
September 26, 2011
My thoughts and prayers have been and will remain with Lieutenant Szczerba, his wife, and families - both personal and professional. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice.
Gwen Derr
Citizen, New Castle County
September 26, 2011
I guess I can call you my son as the Officers call you their Brother. You see I have a son who is a trooper. I cannot even imagine the sorrow that his wife, mother and family members are feeling . I haven't stopped crying since I heard of this horrible, senseless tragedy. It really is as if a member of my family has pass away. My sincere condolences are extended to the Szczerba Family along with my prayers.
Rest in peace Lieutenant Szczerba
mother of a trooper
September 25, 2011
It always saddens me to hear of the tragic death of a fellow law enforcement officer. Thank you for your dedicated service, may you rest in peace.
September 24, 2011
Raymond Chandler
Rest in Peace my Brother.
Sergeant Randy Roberts
Greenville, Texas Police Department
September 24, 2011
To the Wife of Lt Szczerba: I do not know you. I did not know your husband, nor any member of your extended family. However, I am a proud, native Delawarean and believe in God, though I profess to question many of the tragic events that happen here, and abroad. A lot of people will offer you words of sympathy, encouragement and strength. They will tell you that your husband was a hero. People, those whom he has never met, will honor him. And, I agree with them...but I also know that you, in your own behind the scences way, are a hero too. It takes a strong love, commitment and faith to know that every single second, of every single day, that the person you love, cherish and support is always "on duty". You share him with the world, and this world can be very, very cruel. When an officer takes the oath, you (their partner in life) take a different, but just as meaningful and compelling an oath. For that, I salute you! You make it possible for those that "answer their calling" to do what they love. You are their strength. You are who they want to come home to and when they do come home, you make it possible for them to "respond to the next call." I have only been married for 15.5 years, we are childfree, but like you and your husband have over 10 neices, nephews and godchildren. I worry everyday about my husband while he is at work. He works outside, around lots of traffic, with electric, natural gas lines, manholes, up in his bucket and he works solo. He has lost coworkers and workers in similiar trades. He is my ROCK, and he tells me I am his. When he comes upon a situation at work that could prove hazzardous, he thinks of me. I know in my heart that your husband thought of you, and I believe he would have done anything to save you from this grief. The reality is that he did all he could...he loved you. He believed and trusted in you. He knew you were a strong woman, and he knew you understood his "duty to serve and protect." Thank you for supporting his passion, his calling, and for giving him the strength and love to answer the call. You, and all of the spouses that stand behind their loved ones who answer the call are my heros. Thank you!!! To all of you who answer the call, look behind you, you are never alone, we are here, and we support you!
Wife of a Wonderful Man
Proud Citizen of Delaware
September 24, 2011
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
matthew 5:9
Correctional officer
Berks County Jail
September 24, 2011
The New Castle County Police Department strives to go on as a strong brotherhood. Lt. Joseph Szczerba would want nothing more than for his brothers and sisters to continue on with Pride Integrity and Glory. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and with all his fraternal brothers and sisters. May GOD bestow his blessings and protect those who serve to protect others.
Brotherhood is forever.
Assistant Chief of Operations
Christiana EMS Lancaster County PA
September 23, 2011
Lt. Szczerba will forever be remembered as a Hero in the Delaware Law enforcement communality. As we have lost another great servant to the citizens of the state of Delaware, heaven has gained a great man. Rest in peace brother, your work here is done and you have served with honor and distinction.
Major Timothy Radcliffe
Delaware DOC
September 23, 2011
Grief again over a senseless taking of innocent life. But decent people across the nation feel not only grief but anger. Yes, we are mad--furious--FURIOUS because these murders are done by the bad guys--the ones who should have been taken down. But they go on living their evil lives and an upstanding citizen doing his duty to protect everyone else is the one taken by the evil one's hand. The officer's family will suffer for it the rest of their lives and the nation is a little poorer. But the bad guy will live on at tax payers' expense in happy freedom to arise each day, have a square meal, have medical care and probably a fabulous gym to strengthen the hand that held the knife. Yes, I am FURIOUS.
Elinore Dobson
Eagle Peep from Virginia Wildlife Cener
September 23, 2011
Thank You Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba! Thank you for trying to make NCC a better place for my children to grow up in. May you rest in peace and may god bless your family.
A Newark Mom
September 23, 2011
May God Bless You and Your Family. Our Thoughts and Prayers with the Brothers and Sisters of NCCPD in your time of need.
Sgt. Gray #153
DE Dept of Community Corrections
September 23, 2011
My prayers go out to the family. Joe was a offensive of lineman when I played running back for West Chester University. Joe would always have a smile on his face as he pancaked guys blocking for me. He and other lineman, would open up huge holes so i can just ease my way through.
I will never forget his big smile on his face.
I just found out today that Joe had been killed from another teammate. Its a very sad day for me today.
Joe, rest in peace!
Jason A. Sims
Jason A. Sims
Fellow Teammate West Chester University Football team 1984-1987
September 23, 2011
365 24/7
Today a brave police officer will be laid to rest.
You can bet that no Hollywood stars will show for this.
You can bet that some politician will thump his chest and say kind words about the officer.
But here is a bet that you can always count on. Your local, county and state police agencies will always be out there attempting to stand between you and danger. They are out there with their first responder cousins; the firefighters, the paramedics, the ambulance drivers and the nurses and doctors in the emergency rooms.
They are supported in their efforts by the civilian employees who work behind, beside; and sometimes even in front of these brave people. They are out there when you are eating your meals or when you are asleep at night. When you are watching your favorite TV show, a movie or just relaxing with family or friends. They are out there during hurricanes, floods, blizzards, extreme heat waves and extreme cold conditions. They are out there at Christmas, Fourth of July and the Super Bowl and any other holiday celebrated by the masses! They are out there when you least appreciate it and when you most appreciate it. Some will call the brave fallen officer a hero and I would not disagree but; you don’t always have to do something heroic to be a hero. You can be a hero just by your actions and what you stand for in life. I would offer this final thought; the brave officer served in a company of heroes, who do so, 365 24/7. Bet on it!
Lt. Phil Freccia (Retired)
Wilmington Police Department (Delaware)
September 23, 2011
What a horrible loss to the public safety community.....both locally and nationally. After many years of service, and doing something he has probably done multiple times over the years, his life ended at the hands of a criminal that made the choice to kill him...what happened to respecting people in a position of authority, but more so respecting someone trying to keep the peace and keep others safe. In public safety you pay a price each day with little thanks, and knowing the next run may be another "routine" call, there is no such thing, but we all have the daily grind of life....and the daily grind of our job, but never forget it takes only a second for things to change forever. I feel horrible for the officers at the scene that assisted him in his final moments of earth...the fear he must of had knowing he was gravely injured, and to the officers trying their best to help him, it is very traumatic to have something like this happen, let alone providing care to someone you know and serve with....make sure you talk....make sure you grieve....make sure you cry....but make sure you know that his death may some day save your life. He will have taught you with his careful and take no call as hard as it is to say, his death will save many officers. Ultimately, all police officers need to get home to their family, so they can wake the next day to kiss his child and wife one more time. To the family...there is no higher honor than to be awarded the "medal of honor". His death is extremely difficult for anyone to ever grasp, but for the family I can't imagine the pain. Just know he placed himself second and the community first, and that says everything about his standing as a human....there are only so many people on this earth that put themselves second and community first....and that would be public servants, specifically.....police officers. Time heals a wound but the scar is always there....a reminder of sacrifice.....
Kent County delaware
September 23, 2011
I didn't know Lieutenant Szczerba, thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and coworkers
Sgt. Johnny Etter, Jr.
September 23, 2011
may god be with you officer szcerba and your family. thank you for yor dedicated service. rest in peace sir
court security officer richard e wishin
court of common pleas dover,delaware
September 23, 2011
may god be with you officer szcerba and your family. thank you for yor dedicated service. rest in peace sir
court security officer richard e wishin
court of common pleas dover,delaware
September 23, 2011
This is a tragic incident and an eye opener for those who become complacent. Thank god this POS is in custody. May Sgt. Szczerba rest in peace and god bless his family.
PO Adam Mantei
Albany NY PD
September 23, 2011
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Sergeant Joseph Szczerba and to the entire New Castle County Police Department. Thank you for your dedication, service, and ultimate sacrifice. RIP
Ofc. Eric Chiang
San Francisco Police Department
September 23, 2011