Dickson County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Richard Keith Bellar
What a trip the past almost two years have been. So many things have happened and continue to. I hope the things that are going on now end soon. So many lives are in turmoil at this point in time. I can see it from both sides of the fence now though. I trust that what needs to be done will be done. If anything it will at least bring some closure.
I am not sure how or why I was drawn back to the ODMP today. I think it's the first time I have been on here since your passing. Just reading the reflections have brought back a lot of emotions that took me a while to get rid of. All the things people area saying about you here would probably give you that "warm and fuzzy feeling". It does me and it has nothing to do with me. Just the fact that I know you and know that the things that are being said are true. Recently I was thinking about you and some of the nights we did training at the high school parking lot. There was that one particular scenario where three Hispanics (although none of us looked the part) could not speak English and we all bailed out of the car to approach you... Yeah I was shot because i spoke no English (lol I apparently couldn't speak Spanish either). Little did I know then that you would be as quick a learner as you were and be one of the best FTO's this department has had. I also remember some of the talks we had during my brief stint on days about our children. Jacob was a few months older and you were giving me a heads up on things to come.
Keith you have done so much with this community of ours that it is impossible for me to be able to even begin to explain. I know that you are extremely missed. I now sneak in to my children's rooms every morning and tell them how much I love them and give them hugs and kisses. They may still be too young to know what that means and the majority of the time they sleep right through it but I know that it was done because in this line of work, you never know when we will get that calling and I don't want to pass up that chance to let my children know that.
Before incidents like yours happened, I was one of those type people who thought " that'll never happen here" you never believe that it will until it does. I think a lot of us had a big reality check when it finally did happen here and I'll never take for granted the fact that it could happen again. It's been almost 18 months now and I can still remember everything about 06/07/2011. I remember where I was at when you called in to dispatch, I remember the sense of urgency I felt when you didn't respond, I remember the sense of urgency trying to get to you and the events that unfolded during that short time span.... I guess I am done with my novel although there are several things I could continue on about. Just know that you are extremely missed by everyone. Although most may not talk about it but there are a lot of us that are still hurting and thoughts of you are happening constantly. Us as police officers and Deputies develop a trait to mask those feelings. Its a trait that some dislike and some know nothing about because we are supposed to be made of steel and are supposed to not show or carry any emotions. People think that when we put on these uniforms and a badge that we become heartless bullies who prey on the weak but in all honesty we are nothing but the opposite. We are humans that put our pants on one leg at a time just like any other and we have a job to do..
Keith, I'll see you soon bro. God speed
November 14, 2012
you will be missed
jasmine wall
friend of his neice
November 5, 2012
you and Deputy Kurt Wyman were both taken from us on the same day. I know the pain that your fellow deputies go through when they lose their own, and my heart breaks for them. And for your family. I was Kurt's FTO, and friend, so I especially know how hard it is for Deputies Dearborn and Lovelace. I just want all of the Dickson County Sheriff's Office, and all family, friends and residents, to know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you all. I know that Kurt hugged you instead of shaking your hand when you both met that day. And I know that he is taking good care of you. Rest in peace my brother, and I pray for all your fellow deputies to stay safe and return home each and every night.
Deputy Mark R Chrysler
Oneida County Sheriff's Office, NY
August 9, 2012
Bellar family,
It has been a little over a year since your loss, and our country's loss of a hero. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to you, especially to the son who will never be able to have the personal relationship with his father.
God Bless you all.
Chet Snyder
S/R Commander
Los Angeles County Sheriff Department
July 14, 2012
Dear Bellar Family,
I had the honor of meeting Deputy Bellar's parents at the candlelight vigil in DC this year. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I lost my husband in Dallas in 1983, I wish I could tell you that you will get over it, all I can tell you is that you will have good days and the bad, the good will one day out weigh the bad. Just remember that your son was and still is a hero.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you come upon the one year anniversary approaches.
Laurie Wiginton
Widow of Ronald Baker Dallas PD
May 26, 2012
Your name was on my bib for the LEO 5k in DC. My thoughts go out to your family. Thank you for valiantly serving your community!
May 12, 2012
Hey Kefer,
The gang is preparing for May. We are looking forward to honoring you in Washington DC and making you proud. Once again the," Three Amigos," will be together!!! See you soon...
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
April 21, 2012
Yesterday I was detouring traffic on Hwy 48 S. I was walking a long line of cars. I bent down to talk with the driver in a red pickup truck when I heard a familar voice followed by a familar laugh. I looked inside the vehicle and it was your dad. It is scary how much you two look and sound alike. Even the laugh and smile is identical. It was like looking at a mirror image of you for a minute. It was funny cause your dad was doing the same thing to me. Our parents always confused the two of us as being one another when we were in the uniform. It was a neat moment....You and I always thought it was funny when we went on calls together and people asked if we were brothers.
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
March 24, 2012
Keith - You and I worked togather for a few years on different shifts, but I unfortunatley did not to get to know you really well until after your passing. After that day I began reading your blogs, listening to all that was being said about you, and realized the person you really was. I learned how you loved the lord and your family. I learned how you had it all in the right order, and how you put God first. I had recieved a serious injury at work the week before your incident, and was at a bad place in my life physically, mentally, and spiritually. I thought to myself, "man this guy really had his stuff togather, I want to be like he was." Well Keith, Im not quiet there yet, but I am on my way. Learning about you and the way you lived played a major role in the events that would follow in my life. I have began a personal relationship with the lord, I study my bible every day, and recently my wife and I were saved and baptized. I attend church regularily with my family and am actually in Brandy's sunday school class. Though we all wish you were still here with us, I will say that your passing is part of what brought me to the lord. You were a witness to me, even after your death, and I could never thank you enough. Im sure God has rewarded you well though, and Im confident that one day I will shake your hand and thank you personally.
Jay Humphreys
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
March 2, 2012
Keith I spoke to your wife on the phone the other day to ask if I could ride in the Police Unity Tour in your honor. She was very excited about this request. I know that you will be with all of us who make this ride from New Jersey to D.C. to the memorial. Although I never met you I do have a bond with you as you were my brothers room mate in the Police Academy. I spoke to Chris and told him about this also. He will also be in Washington at the memorial awaiting our arrival along side of your Department and your wife. I am so honored to be doing this as I have learned how much you loved your family your job and the joy to cycle. ( Dickson to Nashville just to eat lunch with your wife.) Thank you for your service. Rest well we will take it from here. Until we meet on Heavens golden streets. "Shut up legs"
Sgt. Jerramie Bowen
Loudon County Sheriff's Office
February 26, 2012
Thank you for your service Sir. My prayers go out to your child as he shall know his father was a HERO.
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
February 24, 2012
Rest in Peace
My heart goes out to the family, friends & fellow officers, Make these officers be safe each year.
Samantha from Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
January 14, 2012
This will be my last reflection for 2011. I ask of you to watch over all of us at the Sheriff's Office for the new year begins tomorrow and with that a new collection of faces will begin to fill this memorial page. I fear this deadly trend of sensless deaths will only grow unless those on the other side of the law start to be held responsible for the crimes they commit.
May God Bless us all until next year see you friend....
Deputy Joseph Lovelace
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
December 31, 2011
Jacob turned, " The Big 01," today!!! You would be so proud of the lil man. He is such a good boy, always so happy and loving. Wish so much you could be here to celebrate with us.
Deputy Joseph Lovelace
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
December 9, 2011
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiance Dennis. Every time I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the officer they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Deputy Bellar. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. (The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. I can also be found on Face Book.) You will be in my thoughts.
From reading the reflections left for Keith, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember TKeith's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Keith's life was about so much more than the way he died. Keith will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Deputy Bellar, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiance Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been eight & a half years and he's still very much missed and forever loved.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
November 29, 2011
Deputy Bellar, even though I never meet you, I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice...keep the streets of Heaven safe...I'll come to back you up as soon as I go 10-7 for good here...
-Sean Wright
Explorer SGT.
Houston County Sheriff's Office
ESGT. Sean Wright
Houston County Sheriff's Ofiice
November 4, 2011
Keith. Unfortunately, I never got to meet you. My name is Aaron, and I'm 19 years old, in my last year as a Police Explorer for the DPD. Last Friday, Sgt. Ken Daron took me to your graveside so I could say my respects. I told you, "Thank you for all you've done. You did well". I've heard a lot of stories about you and none of them were bad. I heard you were a intelligent, very kind, yet passionate man. I wish I would of known you, but I will meet you one day in Heaven. Thank you, Deputy Bellar.
Police Explorer Aaron Liveri
City of Dickson Police Department
October 4, 2011
Sunday 06/05/2011 started off like any other day. We were all in the deputies room and you glided in with your sunglasses on and that little half smile like you knew something we didn't. You said,"hey,"as your voice cracked and strained as it always did. We all joked with you about it. We then went and got or cars washed. You showed me a piece of paper with estimates of a family vacation you and Brandi were planning coming up. You had it down to the very penny. You were very excited about going to the Mountains with your family. We left and patroled the county. I called you up so many times that day. I remember thinking I just hung up with you why am I calling you back but you never said a word about it. I asked you if you wanted to go to our favorite local restuarant for lunch," The Front Porch." You told me ok cause Brandi had plans that day. Soon after you texted me back at 10:49am and told me," the wife stayed home, going home for munchies." You called me soon after to make sure I wasn't upset. We laughed and you went home to have lunch with Brandi. I got stuck up north going from call to call and you texted me at 1:18pm,"its the never ending north." It made me laugh. The shift would end and I would soon learn why God would have me call you so many times that day, Keith.
Monday 06/06/2011 my father calls me and I knew something was wrong. He said I just wanted to see if you were ok. I asked him what was wrong and he said a police officer was just shot in Dickson. I turned on the tv just in time to read Dickson County Deputy Shot before it went to another segment. A fellow Deputy called and the first thing I said was who was it. He said," Bellar,"and I shouted," No!" I will never forget that feeling. I rushed to Vanderbilt were I stayed with so many friends and family waiting and praying for you. I felt so bad for Brandi and little Jacob after learning the doctors gave little hope. Brandi requested that I go in with the family to see you. I was so afraid of what I would see and almost didn't cause I didn't want that image to be the way I remembered you. I went in and started to cry. You had to be placed in a medically induced coma due to your injury. I spoke gently near your ear not knowing if you could actually hear me. I said, " It's Joe, Keith." What happens next I will never forget. As soon as I spoke your face began to move and a tear rolled out your left eye. I knew then you heard me and I told you how good of a friend you were to me. I thank God for allowing Keith to know his family and friends loved him so much at that moment. Tuesday 06/07/2011 you entered heaven's gates. We Miss You..
---Joseph Lovelace
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
October 2, 2011
I can remember each morning we would check the Officer Down Memorial Page and stare in disbelief at whats happening to our law enforcement family. So many senseless, traggic deaths of our brothers and sisters. You were the one who started an Officer Down Memorial Bullitin, for DCSO honoring all those killed in the line of duty. Never in my wildess dreams did I ever imagine seeing your very face on that wall. Every morning when I arrive at work I see your photo with that black ribbon and that familar pain rushes within me. This little town lost one of it's finest deputies that traggic day. I lost my best friend. Who would have thought something like this would ever happen here. I can only express to my fellow brothers and sisters to stay safe and focused cause if it can happen here it can happen anywhere. Always watch each others backs and never be ashamed to tell each other how much you appreciate one another.
God Bless
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
September 25, 2011
You changed everyone's life including mine. I love and miss you.
Dickson County Resident
September 13, 2011
HERO (a man admired for courage,nobility,or exploits).
On Monday, June 6, 2011 you saved a life.
On Tuesday, June 7, 2011 we lost you but not before your selfless act of saving several other strangers with your gift of life.
It has been nearly three months since that unthinkable day and the reality of the whole event is hard to accept. My hat goes off to the community of Dickson County for the respect shown for Keith. Richard Keith Bellar you are the true definition of a HERO.
Dickson County Resident
August 20, 2011
Thank you for your sacrifice and may you rest in peace.
Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney
August 15, 2011
Not a day passes you don't cross my mind. Jacob is growing so fast, Keith. You would be so proud of him. He is a mini you, indeed. I try my best everyday to watch over the loved ones left behind. You were the greatest of friends and we miss you dearly.
Deputy Lovelace
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
August 11, 2011
The National Police Wives Association would like to extend their heartfelt prayers to the family of Deputy Sheriff Keith Bellar and the Dickson County Sheriff's Office during this time. Thank you, Officer Bellar, for your service.
National Police Wives Association
July 10, 2011
FTO Bellar we will still have our cook out and I know you will be there looking down from a better place. I know how much you loved our God Jesus Christ and thank you for sharing the bible with me. I will miss you and and I'm sorry that I was not there that day to be with you and to help you. Rest in peace my brother. We will take it from here.
Deputy Tim Stacey
Dickson County Sheriff's Office.
Deputy Tim Stacey
Dickson County Sheriff's Office
July 9, 2011