Fond du Lac Police Department, Wisconsin
End of Watch Sunday, March 20, 2011
Reflections for Police Officer Craig Allen Birkholz
Our entire unit sends our deepest sympathy and prayers to the family of Offcier Craig and to the entire Fond du Lac PD. Your bravery and service to this Country will always be remembered. RIP brother Craig, you will be missed.
Commander Griffin / MSP DOPS
OIG Special Ops / Airport Security Div
March 22, 2011
Thank you for your service Officer Birkholz. May your family find comfort in knowing that the prayers of everyone in Law Enforcement are with them right now.
Deputy Sheriff Andrew S. Thoms
Pierce County (WI) Sheriff's Department
March 22, 2011
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Michael Payne
Racine P.D. (retired)
March 22, 2011
Another brother has fallen. We will continue to fight the good fight and carry on. Rest easy Blue Angel, we will take the watch from here.
March 22, 2011
As fellow Kenosha native, soldier, high school classmate, and law enforcment officer; you will always be remembered as a wonderful person. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and may you rest in peace.
Police Officer
Ft. McCoy Police Dept.
March 22, 2011
Rest in peace my Brother.
Deputy S. Yates
Covington County Sheriff Dept. (Ms)
March 22, 2011
On behalf of myself and all members of the Village of Plover Police Dept, we extend our thoughts and prayers to Off. Birkholz, his family, and all members of the Fond du lac area law enforcement family.
We thank our WARRIOR Birkholz for his service to his Country by serving in the Armed Forces, as well as his service to the City of Fond du lac.
This WARRIOR paid the ultimate sacrafice and for that we as a Country, State and local community honor him and ask God to Bless his family during these difficult times.
Captain Gary Widder
Plover Police Dept.
March 22, 2011
With our love and sympathy.....
My Wife and I are from Mayville, WI and we are currently stationed at Fort Lewis WA.......Any man Brave enough to serve our counrty and then move home to serve our community deserves our respect and admiration......Wishing the family the best during this trying time.....So sorry that something so horrible had to happen to such a great his wife, I wish we could be there to shake your hand for being along side someone such as him. Thank you for not only standing by him, but for your service as a spouse as well.....
with all our love.....
Spc. Anthony T. Greene
U.S. Army 1-14 Cav.
and Mrs. Crystal Greene
Spc. Anthony T. Greene
U.S. Army.....
March 22, 2011
RIP Your sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten.
Deputy Randall
Iron County Sheriff Dept
March 22, 2011
Words cannot express the sorrow and grief that is felt for Ofc. Birkholz and his family across this entire nation. To lose his life in the line of duty at so young an age is a tragedy beyond belief. Just the day before we lost one of our own here in Cathedral City and to look on this page the very next day and see that we had lost yet another young officer was heartbreaking. I know the pain we are all feeling here and I am so sorry that across the nation you, his family and friends, are having to go through the exact same thing. May God be with us all in these difficult times.
Grief Stricken in Ca
March 22, 2011
My thoughts and prayers go out to the department and the family of Officer Birkholz. As I went through the same thing as a young wife, I feel for her more than words can say...God Bless
Mary Robertson, Wife of Fallen PoliceOff
Milwaukee PD 9/7/94
March 22, 2011
May you rest in peace my brother.
Racine PD
March 22, 2011
There are no words or actions that can ease your pain at this moment...but please, know that you, your family, and the department, are in our thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed Officer Birkholz!
"Heroes never die- Honor never grows old"
March 22, 2011
Our thoughts and prayers are with the officers family and department
Chief Michael A Henning
Nortonville Kansas Police Department
March 22, 2011
I knew Craig as a little guy when we played on the pee wee packers and watched him grow both in height and his spirit. I ran into him when he was on leave from one of his tour of duties and was amazed on whom he became. I am proud to have known him! Craig has served his country and community, he will be forever remembered as someone whom lived not died.
Travis Muldowney
Life long family friend
March 22, 2011
Thank you for your service.
Adrian Murphy
March 22, 2011
His Judgment Day:
The officer stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shinning, Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Officer, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek To my church have you been true?"
The officer squared his shoulder and said, "No, Lord, I guess I aint, Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was rough, And sometimes I've been violent Because the streets are tough.
But I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep.. Though I worked a lot of overtime, when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help Though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept an unmanly tear.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, But if you don't...I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne, where the saints often trod. As the officer waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, Officer. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on heaven's streets, You've done your time in hell"
Author unknown
May God be with everyone
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano PD Plano, TX
March 22, 2011
Rest in peace Officer Birkholz. May your family find peace and strength through Gods love in knowing that you are now in a better place. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Deputy Sheriff T.B. Dorsey
Pitt County (NC) Sheriffs Office
March 22, 2011
Prayers to Officer Birkholz's family and friends, as well to the entire Fond du Lac Police Department. RIP.
March 22, 2011
Mother of phoenix police officer
March 22, 2011
God Speed Craig. You made the ultimate sacrifice and you will not be forgotten. My heart goes out to your family, friends, and co-workers.
Korey Jacob
March 22, 2011
Craig- You were and great friend and amazing Soldier and Police officer. You will be greatly missed. It was a Honor to be able to serve with you. I leave you with this poem because i believe it fits.
I am the Infantry, follow me.
not a foot soldier, we're much more you see.
We'll take the fight to the enemy.
I am the Infantry, the first of the three.
I am the Cavalry, follow me.
A modern horse soldier in an APC.
Charging straight forward to the enemy.
I am the Cav, most daring of the three.
I am the Armor, follow me.
The arm of decision I'll always be.
When the going gets rough, call on me.
I am the Armor, the best of the three.
Armor, Cav, and Infantry
rush headlong into the melee.
Braking the lines like an angry sea
deep into enemy territory.
Approaching a crossroads, what do we see?
The area secured by two lonely MPs
Directing us forward, how can this be?
How long have they been waiting for me?
What a crazy person an MP must be.
He has no firepower or armor like me.
And I thought everyone followed the three
Armor, Cav, and Infantry.
I am the MP, don't follow me.
You don't want to be where I will be.
Guarding the crossroads, waiting for the three.
Just my partner, a sixteen, a sixty and me.
With the objective taken, wait and see.
No one will remember the lonely MP
Who held this ground so they could run free,
But that's my job, supporting the three.
Written by SGT Allan Perkins, 1982 (an MP)
SSG Mathis
U.S. Army Military Police
March 22, 2011
My thoughts are with you, your family and police family.
Brother of Jeremy Chambers
EOW 04-24-2006
Chris Chambers
Saint Louis Co Police Dept
March 22, 2011
On behalf of the 6,133 members of the American Association of State Troopers (AAST), we extend our sincere condolences to Officer Birkholz’s family as well as the members of the Fond du Lac Police Department. AAST members throughout the United States know first hand what all of you are going through right now. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Ken Howes, Executive Director
American Association of State Troopers
March 22, 2011
R.I.P. Brother, you have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Melrose Park PD
March 22, 2011