Dixie County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Thursday, January 14, 2010
Reflections for Captain Chad Allen Reed, Sr.
Chad, i didn't know life without you because you loved Holly since I was three. It has taken me over a year to write you because I wanted to believe what happened was a joke, but obviously it's not. I'm going into my senior year of college, and my last year of softball and i promise I would give anything in the world to have you for my little league coach again. I miss you so much its unbelievable. I miss you cheering me on and believing in me.
You would be so proud of C.J and Caden. They are growing up and becoming the best gentlemen! I wish I could be there for them more than I am!!! I would do anything in the world for them!!! Holly has been the strongest person (I'm sure you already knew that) ever! God couldn't have given me the best example.. I look up to her everyday!!!
I'm majoring in psychology and criminal justice because I want to be a police officer like you.
I honestly can not tell you how I wish I could rub your "bad" shoulder again. I would give anything to hear you say, "Come on Jessie!!!!! You can do it fuzzy wuzzy."
You were the best brother anyone could ever ask for!!!!
People say time heals, but it really doesn't. You just have to find a "new" normal.
Love and miss you more than words can describe!
Fuzzy Wuzzy :)
Love, fuzzy wuzzy
Jessica Chewning
August 7, 2011
It was trully an honor to get to work beside you, hand in hand and to get to know such a well respected person. Dixie took a tremendous loss on that day. Your family will always be in my prayers.
Investigator Burt Miller
Levy County Sheriff's Office
August 6, 2011
Mr. Chad I miss you so much. I miss you teaching the D.A.R.E program and seeing you at the local football games you will always be my role model and the person I look up too.
I love you Mr. Chad and can't wait to see you again.
Taylor Whitfield
July 24, 2011
I just wanted to say, Thanks for serving.and to your family,we know he will never be forgottin.
William W.Driggers
June 24, 2011
I hope you know how much I respect you. I hope you know that everyday I go to work wondering why you are not here.
I wonder why it happend, I sadly wish, I could have been there to help you, and be there with you.
I held up at the state memorial in Tallahassee, up unitl I stood at the steps to call your name, a wave of emotion come over me...I think I got the words out, but I don't really remember what I said after I said your name...It was an honor serving as a family escort at the memoral. Chad, as I prepare to travel to Washington to the national memorial to honor your memory, I cannot help but wonder?....What do we do now? I pray that you have found peace, I pray for your family, wife, and children. I still cannot grasp why I am still hurting, and why the loss of you has affected me so deeply.
I am mad, I am angry,I am hurt, and yet so very proud I knew you.
Do I feel guilty because we could have been closer over the years, why do I feel guilty?...I want the twilight of my career to be as good or even better than the rookie years, I want to be a good example for the new guys, and wish I could be more of a person that others looked up to...End the end, I miss You, my friend! 54-6 NEVER FORGET.
Sgt. C.P. Hart
Dixie County Sheriff's Office
May 9, 2011
Hey Chad,
I finally got the courage to write you a message on here... It feels like so long ago I got the call to meet with you, the Sheriff and Dean Miller for my job interview... I was so excited that day. And here I am today, have been working for nearly two years now and I'm only 21. Even though I never got too spend that much time with you, I felt like I was close to you. I was so excited to start working with you. As you know, I didn't grow up with a father, or even someone to be a father figure, but I respected you as if you were my father. I'll never get the talk we had in your office when you told me you were proud too see me becoming an established young man, and that you knew I would become a good deputy. On 01-14-2010, you were taken from this world, and now you rest with our Father in heaven. I hadn't even started school yet, I was so upset to know you wouldn't be able to see me graduate. I wanted to make you proud. I remember how you told me how to talk on the radio, and I think about it every time I key up, and that you are in your car or office listening, so I always try to speak clearly and quickly. I miss seeing you in church... You even sat in your pue in a tactical fashion. You were great role model. You were so smart and knew EVERYTHING ....I'm at a loss for words, cause I know I won't get a response back.... Chad, on 01-26-2011, I was involved in a shooting. Loren, DK and I were at a residence, the suspect charged DK with a shovel, and I shot the suspect. Till this day it still hasn't set in... But I know, that you and God were with me that day, I wouldnt have had the strength to do it otherwise. I thought about you, and putting yourself in harms way. And I felt worse... You are a Hero to me, and always will be. But that day, some called me a Hero, and Chad, I do not feel like a Hero. I can never compare to the ultimate sacrifice you made for us. Ever. I miss you, and feel lost without having you here to guide me along the path of success in this career. All I want to do is learn, and be the best that I can be. It's an everyday battle, and I feel unappreciated at times. I just wish you were here to lead the way. I miss you Chad.
Dep. William D. Cravey 5429
Deputy William D. Cravey
Dixie County Sheriff's Office
March 23, 2011
Your classmates of the FBINA Session 238 gathered yesterday on March 1st at the Academy in Quantico to honor your life. We had a great turnout from across the entire Country to pay respect to you. We met your amazing family, Mom, Dad, Holly and your two beautiful boys...who continue to demonstrate incredible courage and strength during this extremely difficult time. Your Sheriff and Major also joined us at the ceremony and continue to show great support for your loved ones.
Chad you are dearly missed and were taken to early from this world, but the amount of people you had a positive impact on during your thirty three years is amazing and a true inspiration.
We know you are looking down upon us and watching over all of your friends and family...because that is what you have always done, taken care of all of those around you.
Rest in peace my friend, we will try to fill your shoes to the best of our ability and will always be here as your family. Your service will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.
Lt. Laura O'Sullivan
New Castle County Police Department, Delaware
March 2, 2011
Thanks for your dedication and Service to Dixie County
Resident of Old Town Robert
Citizen Robert Booth
January 28, 2011
chad was a very good man i do thinkof him often the loss his famliy goes through on a daily basis i met him for the first time in my familys time of loss he stayed very involved with our needs as well as the investigation for that he earned my respect he will be missed may god continue to give his wife and children the strength it takes every single day to lose a family member to illness or accident is hard murder is just something ive yet to come to terms with myself its been 11 yrs since i met chad reed may god bless the reed family take care
april burnett
January 25, 2011
Taking a moment to honor Capt. Reed. His service & his ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Mother, daughter, sister & granddau. of LEOs
January 18, 2011
To Cpt. Chad Reed, his family and his fellow officers with the Dixie County Sheriff's Office:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Cpt. Reed’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Cpt. Reed and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff
January 14, 2011
Time does not heal the pain in the hearts of those left behind, but may you know we will never forget your HERO... God bless you today on your first EOW.
Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02
Union County SO, Lake Butler, FL
January 14, 2011
Just a note to let you know you and your family are in Still in the hearts and prayers
Dominick Blasko
Crawford Police NY
January 13, 2011
Chad I think of you everyday. I think of all the times I was around you when you were growing up. I think about the car wreck you and I were in back in 1988, and wonder how we came out of it alive. I think about 1993-94 When we went to work for DCEMS,... the times we played, the times we argued, the fires, the wrecks, the dive team calls,emergency runs, and other things we went through...I think about the man you matured into, the Friend and Supervisor, you became at the Sheriff's Office...The Karate Tournaments, the times at O'Charlie's or the Vision's you had for the Sheriff's Office. Your desire to establish a Special Operations Team...I also think about the man and the leader, You were and should have become...The FBI academy...The Future of Dixie County Law Enforcement, all cut short on 01-14-2010...It's been a hard year for everyone...I wish Chad, you and I could have stayed as close through the middle years, as we were during our earlier years .Though I am thankful we worked together, served together, and grew up together
(you grew up, while I grew older) and re-established, a friendship, and mutual respect during the last few years.
Chad, your death has affected me far more than I ever thought it would, and more so than even the loss of some of my family. In the End, all I can say is Chad...I miss you, admire who you were, and what you were becomming...I Will Honor your Memory, and You Will not be Forgotten...NEVER FORGET...54-6
Sgt. C.P. Hart
Dixie County Sheriff's Office-Patrol
January 10, 2011
Hey Babe,
We made it through the holidays and CJ officially turned the big #10. As I watched him blow out his candles all I could think about was the moment he was born and the look of awe and love in your eyes. You were a wonderful daddy! Those moments that are special are tough when I know you would have loved to have been here. When CJ made his interception I cried, when he made his touchdown I cried, and on his birthday I cried. Wishing heaven wasn't so far away...as Caden says..."can't we just talk with daddy on the computer or go visit for a day?" They both miss you terribly and that is the hardest part of all of this...seeing it in their eyes and knowing what they are thinking. CJ wanted you to see his touchdown and interception so bad and so did his coaches...they were unable to speak to me for a few minutes because their heart was broken for CJ even though they were excited...they knew you would have been so excited. Those are the moments that are the toughest, but we are making it...you always told me tough times would come, but we are gonna be okay! (Right?)
We continue to miss you moment by moment, day by day...no matter where life takes me...you will always be a part of it.
Craig and Debra have taken CJ to hunt this weekend like we had planned to do last year. Don't know if they will kill anything, but I'm sure Craig will not have any trouble getting CJ to talk. (haha) Caden spent the night at the camp with Big Daddy and thinks he is as big as the other boys. We are waiting for a closing date on a house close to mama and daddy. You would be so proud of the great deal I am getting. You taught me how to manage my money and budget...so I am excited about the new house, but wish you were here with us to enjoy it.
Your headstone is almost complete and will be visible as people drive on your highway...the "Chad Allen Reed, Sr. Memorial Highway". Wishing you were here to give me a hug and provide me with the security I felt when you were here. Missing you daily...but trying to be strong for the boys.
With all my love,
Holly Reed
Wife of Capt. Chad Reed
January 8, 2011
I just wanted to stop by and spend a little time with you. I have been thinking about you alot lately, and I miss you very much. I know January 14, 2011 is right around the corner and I wish the calendar would just skip that day. So much has happened since last year. Holly and the boys are doing good, and it brings me such joy to know that God is seeing them through this. Holly is a GREAT lady, and I have come to love her like a sister. We are all doing the Relay for Life together in April, so that should be alot of fun.
Well in about 15 more days the Captain Chad Reed Memorial Wells will be built, and thousands of children & adults will receive clean drinking all because of you. Thousands of people will continue to live all because of YOU! You were such a remarkable person, and your legacy will continue to live on in all of us who were blessed to know you.
I made a promise to you, and with the help of GOD and hundreds of people that promise came true. My second promise was to watch out for Holly and the boys, and I promise if they ever need me I will be here. Chad, your life has made me a better person!
R.I.P my friend!!!
54-6 "We will never forget"
Denise Butler
Denise Butler
January 5, 2011
Hey Chad,
This is your first Christmas in Heaven and our first Christmas without you in 17 years. We stayed at Mema and Big Daddy's. I decided it would be too difficult to do Christmas morning at home without you. The boys did great today. I carried on the tradition of "Santa's letter" which they were proud to know Santa knew about their Daddy.
As I watched them opening presents this morning, all I could think about was the Christmas morning you proposed...what a wonderful day we had and many wonderful years since. I wouldn't trade those memories. The boys talked this morning about you acting like a monkey last year when they got the trampoline. Of course, we all laughed and did our best not to break down and cry. I had my moment today that I could have screamed why...but only God knows why and we are suppose to trust Him. I know the grieving process takes a long time and my head has accepted that you are not coming back, but my heart still waits for you to walk back through the door and say..."hey baby...I'm home". I know I will never hear those words again, I just wish...
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. Monday was December 20th...does that date bring back memories??? The boys and I went shopping to keep me from going crazy. We should have been celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary, instead I took you flowers to the cemetery. I will never forget our 6th wedding anniversary when you sent 6 dozen roses to my office! The girls were speechless and all I could do was smile...However, even with my sadness...you and God sent me an anniversary present. The bank accepted our offer on the house and the boys and I will be moving into our new house in January. Thanks for the anniversary present.
Also...I haven't figured out who you have here doing your shopping, but the present under the tree was very unexpected and I almost lost it when opening it. The boys had a wonderful Christmas and are now tucked in bed sleeping. I am wishing you and I were snuggled on the couch like we used to after a long Christmas day...instead I am writing a note to you. Just wishing you could answer...
January 14th is coming soon and some days it seems as if it has been years and some days it seems like yesterday that I talked with you for the last time. No matter how much time passes, there will never be a day that we don't think of you and know how much you loved us and how much we love and miss you.
I truly hope that God will send me someone to help raise our boys. They need a Godly man and so do I. I don't think I am quite ready yet...but I know in God's time...it will happen. You could be hand picking me someone from up above...just send me a sign and let me know. There would never be a question if you were here, but as the days continue to pass by without you...I thought they would get easier, but the more time passes, the lonelier I get. I have lost my best friend, my husband, and my heart...know that I will always love you.
With all my love,
P.S. You would be amazed at the number of people that ask me what 1437 means...
Holly Reed
December 25, 2010
~ Memory is not so brilliant as hope, but it is more beautiful, and a thousand times more true. ~ Merry Christmas Chad...God Bless! ~You are Missed! 54-6 Never Forget~
Sgt. C.P. Hart
Dixie County Sheriff's Office
December 13, 2010
It's been nearly a year since you were taken from our law enforcement family. I felt I needed to come pay my respects to you and your family. I still remember that day driving to work and seeing an FDLE car running code 3 northbound on US 19. I knew exactly what that meant, but never thought it was someone I knew. Then I got the call from Chad Keen telling me it was you.
I work in Alachua County now. I have been tearing up the dopers working interdiction. Had some good times working up there in Dixie on the interdiction details. I remember backing you up on a few stops. Then I kept in contact with you while I was overseas.
Well, I must go Chad. I hope all is well with you. To your family, stay strong! Make him proud!
Deputy Brandon Roberts
Alachua County Sheriff's Office
November 27, 2010
Your birthday came as normal on 9/24 and we celebrated, but we didn't get a cake from dairy queen (your favorite) - instead we took flowers to the cemetary and the boys and I spent some time just talking about you. They are growing up so quick. You would be so proud of them. Denise updated your website today and many people wished you a happy 1st birthday in heaven. I just wish you were still here with us. You would laugh if you could see me now...you have turned me into a people watcher. That was your job and now I find myself watching people, but for different reasons. I find myself becoming sad as I watch people continue to live their lives as if nothing has changed. Our life changed forever on January 14 and as much as I know it will never be the same, I still wish you would just walk back in the door and things could go back to normal.
The ache is still there and at times I can hardly breathe, but then I think of you and what you would want me to do...so I gather myself together and smile thinking of you. Please know that you will always be in my heart - no matter how much time passes - you were my soul mate, my best friend, my husband and my all. I talk and visit with your parents regularly and they are doing okay. Your mom has taken it pretty hard...but you were her baby and I can understand that. I will continue to make sure they are okay - but, you knew that, huh...
I have met many people since January that have paid tribute to you and the life you led. You would be so proud of all of the awards and accolades, but more than that - you would be proud of how the boys are handling themselves. They are true gentlemen and they look and act like you, which is a little scary and funny.
CJ is playing football this year and is the starting quarterback for his team. I had to go stand at the fence the first game because I got so upset that you were not here to see him play. He of course go more of my athletic abilities than yours...but he has the heart and determination to make it. Caden is one of the waterboys and he proudly runs on the field to take his brother water. He grins so big, just like you as he runs on and off the field.
You would be amazed at the tatoos that have been designed in your honor...especially since you had none. Danielle, Jessica, Pamela, Claude and Scott G. all have tatoos in your honor and there are more to come from what I've been told. I know this is a long entry, but I have so much to say and since I can't talk with you anymore, being able to leave a note helps.
I attended the COPS Spouses Re-treat a couple of weeks ago and it was an amazing time because I was able to speak with women who knew exactly how I felt and understood the loss. We went to court last week and once more I faced the scumbag that murdered you. Know that I will not rest until I know that justice is served. The FBINAA is preparing to honor you at Quantico and place you on the "Wall of Honor". I find it ironic that you specifically took me there last year and had me take pictures...now we will be attending a ceremony where they will place you on that wall. You will be glad to know that your FBINA Instructors have incorporated your character, integrity, and determination into their classes. You have made such an impact while here on earth, that most people didn't understand until you died. I have always stood by your side proudly as you served others...even at 2 or 3 am - you were always ready to serve. Service above all!
Please keep watch over us and know that there is not a day when I wake up that I do not think of you or a night when I lay down that I do not think of you. You are always with me and I feel your presence. I know God has given us a guardian angel - please stay close - we need you by our side.
With all my love...your wife...
54-6 "Our Hero - Forever In Our Hearts"
October 6, 2010
Rest in peace Brother Chad, you are a true Hero and will never be forgotten for your service anc courage.
Assistant Chief Carl Wortham
Sand Springs OK PD
August 10, 2010
God bless you and your family, Chad. I remember one time when you were my paramedic when I was taken to the hospital. The ambulance stopped and you switched out with a female paramedic so I would feel more comfortable. Later, you had another run and you came by in the ER to see how I was doing. I also worked with you for a short while when I was at DCSO. When I got the news that you were gone, I thought to myself that it was so very sad that there are so many other people that never experienced your kindness. You are a true hero to so many people. You were a true hero before you were taken away. Thank you for being the kind of man you were. The world could use so many more like you. Rest in peace, Chad.
Rachel Hill, Sergeant
July 4, 2010
The Dail family of Ocala, Florida sends our deepest condolences to you and sincerest love. We are praying for you and grieving with you. May the LORD carry you and protect and provide for you. Trust Him, rest in Him.
The Dail family, Ocala, FL
in-laws Ofc. Tony Zeppetella eow:6/13/03
July 2, 2010
As you probably already know...two more officers were killed this week. I hope you have help welcomed them to heaven (nah - I know you did!). When the news came on and made the announcement it was like getting the news all over again for you. It is tough, trying to get back to normal or what should be normal, but we are making it. CJ & Caden are doing great. CJ did outstanding on his FCAT just as you told him he would do and Caden is now reading. I miss the times when we could spell something out without them knowing what we were talking about - well those days are over in more ways than one now.
I took CJ to UF football camp like we promised him and he did awesome. Caden has lost both of his front bottom teeth. These are the times that are difficult because you should be here with us.
I made a career change to spend more time with the boys - we are all enjoying it - just wish you were with us more than words can describe! Danielle and I will be heading to Tampa tomorrow to attend the funerals. I feel it is something I should do. I know it is something you would do or should I say you have done so many times in the past.
It has almost been six months, but at times it feels like yesterday and then other times it feels like an eternity since I have been able to talk with you or for you to hold me. It's the quiet time at night that really gets to me, but I learned so much from you in all of our years together and that was to hold my head up and keep going - no matter what. The DCSO family has been very supportive and check on us routinely.
The entire community has mourned your loss and we will never forget the sacrifice you made on January 14, 2010. You always told me this day would come, but I told you - you were crazy. If I would have only listened, but you prepared our family as much as you could with God's guidance. Thanks to Dave's plan I am able to only work part-time right now and give more time to the boys, but I should tell you - I believe your trip to the FBI National Academy was divine intervention from God. He knew what was going to happen and this made me have to do things that I hadn't had to do during our marriage for 3 months while you were gone. God gave us this time so that we could at least call you on the phone or do the video conferencing that we so enjoyed. I will never forget the look on Caden's face when he thought he sent you that Hershey's kiss through the computer screen (you were being funny, but he thought it was for real).
We continue to miss you moment by moment, but are pulling up our boot straps and carrying your legacy on. Missing you more today than yesterday! Psalm 27 - I still read it often!!
Your loving wife,
Holly - 1437 -
54-6 "Our Hero - Forever in our Hearts"
E.O.W. 1-14-2010
Holly Reed
Widow of Capt. Chad Reed
July 1, 2010
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Every time I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the officer they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Captain Reed, especially to his wife. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. (The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. I can also be found on Face Book.) You will be in my thoughts.
From reading the reflections left for Chad, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Chad's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Chad's life was about so much more than the way he died. Chad will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Captain Reed, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been seven years and a half years but he's still very much missed and forever loved.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
June 26, 2010